Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Unlocking the Power of Spiritual Parents and Kingdom Family Dynamics with Josue Santiago
Have you ever felt like a lone ranger, pushing yourself beyond your limits without the support and guidance of a spiritual family?
In this powerful conversation with my spiritual son, Josue Santiago, we explore the transformative impact of stepping into a kingdom family dynamic and the crucial role of spiritual parents in our lives.
Together, we dive into my new book, Missionary and Millionaire, Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings, and discuss Josue's journey over the past 18 years as my spiritual son. We delve into the moments that shaped his life, such as taking a year off from relationships to focus on spiritual growth, and how this kingdom family has provided access to resources, inheritance, and alignment. We also reveal the importance of allowing God to guide you to your spiritual parents, sharing our heartwarming experiences with Papa Leif.
Join us as we uncover the power of family dynamics in the kingdom and the connection of hearts when aligning with an assignment, highlighting the insights and lessons found in Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings.
Through our conversation, you'll discover the significance of being in alignment with your spiritual family to fulfill your destiny and transform cultures.
Get your copy of Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings HERE!
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You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, i'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, i'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hey, well, good afternoon son, good afternoon mom. How are you doing? I'm pretty good, good, good. Well, hey, obviously you know who I am. My name is Leanne Goff, i am the transformational coach, and I've got a special guest here with me today, and this is my spiritual son of probably about 18 or so years, josue Santiago. And hey, son.
Speaker 2:Well, good to be here with you, mom. I love your book and I'm excited to be able to just to share.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. So actually you know a lot of you have heard about my new book, missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings. Yeah, the title is really catchy, but it's really the subtitle. That is the main point of this book. The book Transforming Cultures, communities, spheres of Influence, nations, cities, people's Lives as Kings and Priests, not just as priests. So Josue actually did an endorsement on the book And one of the things he says in endorsement is that he's watched my story, he's lived a lot of the stories in this book over the years. So say a little bit about that first.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well, i well, like you said, business side was probably I don't know 13, I don't know 17.
Speaker 1:17. 17.
Speaker 2:I've been with you and I met multiple of the stories over there. I was not part just not part of hearing it back. I was just revisiting in my memory how, how God had brought you and us as a family from one point to the other point. That's why one of the things I said is get ready to be offended, because the word of God will offend your mind And if it doesn't offend you, it won't change you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely. And so I've had, like I would say, probably 95% of the feedback I've had on this has been people who are like Oh my gosh, do you have me thinking about a lot of amazing stuff or impacting or amazing or whatever. I've had a couple of people like how can you be a missionary and a millionaire? And some people think she went from a missionary to a millionaire. No, a missionary and millionaire, i'm a priest and a king and impacting culture. So, anyway, host way has been a spiritual son now for, oh my gosh, probably 17 to 18 years And we've traveled a lot of journeys together. I was telling I'm actually at their church here in Ohio this weekend, the church I pastored for five and a half years here in Newark Ohio And then about four years ago, pass the baton on to him and he's done an amazing job. He's really the pastor. I'm not. I'm not. It was just an assignment for the from the kingdom for me and he actually is the pastor. But was just telling the family here this morning in a leadership time we had, and just watching what God's doing and and you know what he's, what he has been able to do, and so one of the things I wanted to talk to you about today, son, is you know the whole dynamic of like.
Speaker 1:When I started going to Cuba 18 and a half years ago, every going every four to six weeks, guys, for like two or three years I was going every four to six weeks because Cubans at that time they didn't know how to dream. They were told what to do, when to do it, how to do it and who they could do it with, didn't know how to dream, and so I went in there to say, hey, let's have a conference. Well, we can't do that here, you know. And we did, and it took about two to three years of going back and, okay, let's do another conference and let's do this to the point where they were able to go Hey, mom, i go visiting mom. We did our own conference and we paid for it and we brought people in and this I'm like, yeah, great job, that's really what spiritual mothers and fathers do. They raise up again, our ceiling is their floor and you raise those spiritual sons and daughters up and then they take it from there.
Speaker 1:So, son, talk to us about how you stepping into, because you were evangelists, you were a pastor man, you were fire, you know, but you still didn't quite have the understanding of knowing who you are and whose you are to be able to do what you have been doing over the last 17, 18 years, and especially here in the states and in other countries. But in that place of stepping into a kingdom family underneath myself and my spiritual father, lathen, and what it's been like to function within a kingdom family, but also as a spiritual son, son of God, but a spiritual son underneath myself, what is, what has that done for your life? What does that look like?
Speaker 2:Yeah, well it's. It's a little bit for people. They don't have the language and they don't have, they have never experienced a culture. For them is a kind of weird, like family, mom and dad and son and things like that. But I'm what I can say is, before I had the family dynamic, i was my myself, i was just the long ranger tire forcing myself, pushing myself beyond my limits And and when I found the family dynamic you can tap to, to inheritance, you can tap to alignment that you have, you have access to, to people's anointing.
Speaker 2:I remember one time Papa Lathen came to to our church in Cuba and I was my. I think it was my first trip to America And I believe that the family, we're not just looking at that. What can I get from you Exactly? We're not just that, that's not a hook. I mean honoring our spiritual moms and dad, things like that. It's automatically will open the doors of reward and favor. So I remember that day Papa Lathen was in the church and and I I went and said, father, i need $1,500 to go to the to the States And I don't have it, i'm not going to ask to anybody. And God said I hug your spiritual father, grandfather. So I went and when he got to the church I hug him and the inside said father, i pull every single drop of anointing of abundance that he has and Automatically, three hours after that, somebody came and gave me fifteen hundred dollars And that was my first fifteen hundred dollars that I came to America.
Speaker 2:But I can, i. What I can say is, before I had the family dynamic, before I had the revelation that you shared in the book I, there is a The enemy kid has more access to you, has more access because you have not covered by a family, you're not covered by a environmental. And I've realized, like in my office, when we get to our office And I'm just my office to Before before I had a how to soar there a huge sword. That means power, go conquer. And years ago Papa Life came and Papa Jack gave him this, this staff. That means a family dynamic. He gave it to you and you gave it to me. You know what I did I took my sword, my What, i, what typify my anointing and I put out the staff of the family dynamic.
Speaker 2:Right now I have access to your anointing, access to Papa Laves, and it's it's. It's a kind of dynamic that If you don't experience, there's no way that I can explain it to you, there's no way that you can say, oh, i get it. No, you have to Truly become, be part so you can, you can start seeing. That's what taste and see, and I don't know if I'm out of the topic, but I'm just saying that why you? what isn't those book is ours, her story, but part of my story too, exactly because of transform, transforming my mindset, my life, to the kingdom dynamic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's so good and even bringing that point out that you know I talk a lot about life in this book, a lot. Even I was was just with Che on Three weeks ago out in Pasadena and he told me we're sitting there having lunch. He said you really honor life a lot in your book And I said, yeah, i guess I wouldn't be worried, sad if it wasn't for God and for Leith Hetlin in my life, you know, and I really like when this whole Gee whiz, how long has it been? like 16 years ago when, because I knew you before, i met Leif and so I remember when you know He, he started coming to my life and mine and race like you're like who's this man?
Speaker 2:You know that I was not happy He took I felt he took my mom. She was coming every four weeks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, every four to six weeks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my mom, He's like what are you doing?
Speaker 1:Why aren't you coming? I'm like, hey, listen, there's a God's put someone in my life that's really helped me go to a new level. I didn't understand what that level would look like, but a new God. God told me I put life in your life And I was kind of pushing against it, like why do I need this man in my life? as a spiritual father, i got you God and I put him in your life like okay, and so he was really struggling with this whole dynamic of like who's this man? life had like money, like you know, and then, of course, it didn't take long. He, you know, owned up to it and like he's so glad he did.
Speaker 1:But I I talk a lot about him in this book and I give honor to him because He came into my life as a spiritual father 16 years ago and he lifted the lid off of my thinking, my orphan mentality, my you know, my lack of thinking of poverty and lack of, you know, this lack mentality. Instead of thinking abundance, thinking like seeing heaven from heaven to earth, you know, going into like oh, i can see, god, what you see, instead of like, oh god, i wish I could see what you see, you know, praying from heaven to earth and not earth to heaven, and living from heaven to earth Instead of trying to live from earth to heaven. And lay came in and flipped all of that and you were byproduct of that. You got to, you got the. As the oil went, ran down the road, you were like going after that oil. And so I do.
Speaker 1:I, i honor him, i talk about and that's what spiritual fathers and mothers do. And I Remember he, i, was going through a really, really hard Time a few years ago. My mind was just being bombarded because of a situation that took place, and I remember on the phone talking with him and he says, right now I'm praying over you. And he said, satan, you have to come through me to get to my daughter, you have to come through me to get to my daughter. And man, that shifted a lot and I knew, oh, i'm really in alignment with the spiritual father here.
Speaker 1:And so, you know, being a part of a kingdom family, like the kingdom of God, is a family. It's father, son and holy spirit. It's, you know not, you know the, the boss, and you know the CEO and the. You do what I tell you to do and whatever, but really it's a kingdom family and it's father, son and holy spirit and, like Lee says, all the time The father honors the son, the son honors the spirit, the spirit honors the father. And it really is and it's in our family. Yeah, we honor, you know, i don't. I mean this young man is like massively anointed. He's incredible, pate 30, you play 31, 32 instruments. You know I can barely play anything on my phone.
Speaker 2:Okay, a game or whatever you want.
Speaker 1:You're a drummer, yes, i'm a drummer, but yeah, it's another story. But he's, you know, but I'm not jealous, that man, I wish I could sing like him, or Lee Worshett like him, or play an instrument or preach like him, or you know I mean, and so in those things that he taps, in, that I have and so we honor you know I'm not you know my spiritual father Lave. You know he prays for people and he's got these big eyes. He's the ambassador of love and people like, look, he looks in their eyes and they're like, oh, you know what? my eyes? they're big, but they're not that big, you know.
Speaker 1:So, okay, so saying all of that, you know now, as you're being a part in alignment, alignment for the assignment, okay, being in that alignment is like I was telling everybody this morning when your back's out, it's, there's something that's not right and it's painful and it's discomforting and you gotta move slow and all this other stuff. It slows you down. When your back is out of alignment, okay. Same thing with the kingdom. When we're not in alignment with the kingdom of God, we're not in alignment with his family, then it'll slow us down for the assignment that God's put on our life. You know from the kingdom here on earth. So how is being in alignment, knowing your identity? what have you seen transform in your life over the last 17?
Speaker 2:years. Well, that's a lot. That's a lot, i mean, i would say. First is the family dynamic has this ability to, and people think that this is a relationship that we always laugh and things like that. There's a lot of things that have to happen here for the relationship to be like this.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of pow, pow you have pow, pow is one you I said this morning. he's got a lot of spankings over the years and I did too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is a lot of tough conversations and love conversations that I prefer the family dynamic of someone that I know that I'm about to fall into a trap or something like that and can pull me out of that. So I will say I would have been, i would not been. I am where I am right now because of family dynamic. I have accomplished what I have accomplished in my life right now. Because of that, i remember many times in my life trying to find revelations about something and just a phone call will fix my life. Just say, being in alignment with you, with Papa Lave and Ray and Papa Jack, and being that dynamic. I. I have a lot of testimonies to share with you all, but just one specifically.
Speaker 2:One time And maybe this is too open, but I was in relationships in my life and this is something that I always share to the youth in our church I was growing up in the spirit, very anointed, but didn't have stability in my relationships Until mom came and said, no, you're not annoying, you're not allowed, but I don't want you to have a relationship. And this time, since time frame, she sees something in me that I can't see. I could be anointed, I can have my own relationship. But if you don't have moms and dads in your life, they will save you from a lot of mistakes you're about to make. And because of that I was able to have a time that I could heal my soul And I was able to say no the time you said I'm taking more time because I'm not ready yet. And that's why I met my wife And that's why I'm the beautiful family I have, because of mom. And if without moms and dads and spiritual cover in our life, we would not be able to accomplish our mission, and I've learned that years ago with you that the design of heaven is not for one man or one woman to go and do things by itself.
Speaker 2:God is the God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob. It is a generational God. He works by father, sons and sons and sons. You see, jacob said he's the God of Abraham And even Joseph said the God of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob will deliver us. So he moves through generation. That's how he takes us to the promised land. So if you're not in alignment with a family dynamic, you may be getting too close to the promised land, but you will never. You will not going to get there with the energy with the blessing And I don't see myself out of this alignment. I don't see myself fulfilling my destiny out of the alignment.
Speaker 2:And just a couple one more thing. Last night, when you left home, we were gathering my family and things like that, and I was just telling my wife can you imagine our life without Mama Leanne? We wouldn't be here, we would have been. We probably were been in Florida or Jacksonville trying to go back to Cuba, but we are here in Ohio. Because of her We have, we are blessing a generation. My daughters were born here. They are growing up because of you. So I just want to take a second. I'm very thankful for your life. Oh, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you. And I do remember, just to go back, and I remember that specifically, it was in March 2006. I'm pretty sure somewhere around 2006. And I mean, all the girls called him like he was anointed. He's cute, he's like wow, you know, and all these girls were pursuing him And I just felt like the spirit of God dropped in my, in my heart, telling him he's not to have a relationship for one year, not for one year. And I remember him, he didn't. And he came in a tight and like yeah, with us, but really with the kingdom of God, for his assignment, his destiny here on earth. And I remember we were sitting in a pizza place in Cuba. It was a year later and I told him I said, son, your year's up. He says no, mom, god's not finished yet. He's not finished. And so I know for me it's been very valuable.
Speaker 1:Yes, he's had some spankings over the last. You know, 17, 18 years. I also have spankings from my spiritual father over. But I'm thankful We, you know it says in the Bible that who the Lord loves, he disciplines. Okay, and I know I have two children And they've had their, their seasons there. They're in their 40s now but they've had their biological children. They've had their seasons of discipline, okay, but thankfully they grew in that and it kept them on the street in the narrow Excuse me And as, as sons and daughters, we have those seasons too, but I'm thankful that my spiritual father loved me enough to go uh-uh, you're not doing it. He never told me what to do.
Speaker 1:There was a time when you were getting ready to make a decision before he came to the states And um, and it wasn't sin was not sin. I just want to clarify that. But it was going to be a huge risk. That I knew in age wisdom and some dynamics that was not going to be a good risk. Okay, this was not the type of risk that I'd say oh yeah, it's a kingdom risk, go for it. And I had to get on a phone with him. He was in Cuba, said son, don't do this, don't do this, this is not a wise decision. And he didn't. And I think today you're thankful, yeah.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, yeah. And that's why I mean I said to people, and especially people my age or younger than me, that we feel that because we have an energy and we may have a talent in your life, you feel that you're the last drop of hope in the world, you're the last drop of water in the desert. But if you don't have, if you don't come into alignment, that's why, if you have an opportunity right now, go read this book. It'll. It'll change your mentality. It's, it will be the whole. You're going to feel your back. I mean, get into adjustment your whole entire life. And as soon as you start reading this book because it will bring you you from loneliness to family, from from only one soldier fighting against an army to a family dynamic. And you know that I am uncovered, I'm protected by a family. Somebody said what? what denomination is your church? We don't, we are non-denominational, we don't have any denomination. But they said so you're not covering by anybody. No, that doesn't mean that I'm not covered by anybody.
Speaker 2:I'm covered by a dynamic not a boss, not a, not someone that has control in my life, but a spiritual family that is beyond that. You don't control me. I don't try to control my spiritual sons and daughters. It's a. It's a healthy dynamic of of building each other up to fulfill our destinies.
Speaker 1:Exactly And the way you really know that you're in alignment as a kingdom family. It's this morning someone was filming him and I for something else And they just said, hey, they got it. It's like, okay, get in this room, we got to film you for this thing. And they pulled it up and they started doing. I'm like what are we doing here? You know what, but you know what. They went action and we're like we did everything else And like you know a couple minutes and they're like man, you guys are good at that. We're like, well, this is alignment And we've done this for years. Same thing with you could do it with daddy, i can do it with Leif. It's like you know we can, we can pass the baton, he and I can preach together, and it's like there's not hiccups. I mean we just flow together because we're in alignment for the assignment of the kingdom of God.
Speaker 2:Totally, totally. And when you come to alignment, alignment doesn't mean that we have that, we like each other or we sometimes alignment. It takes time. You take time to come into alignment, get time to get to know each other gets. If you haven't had any time, if you haven't had that tension between you and your spiritual father, that I don't see the the completion of the alignment, because sometimes you have to, you have to honor beyond what you think is right and obey your spiritual moms and dad And you're going to realize at the end that they have the best for you. So I think that for me that's been in alignment with you and Papa Leif and things like that, that sometimes you were doing something in America and I was doing it in Q and we can't talk about it.
Speaker 2:You will come in there and said I have a new words and, mom, we already have it And it's. it's like it doesn't have to, like you wanted to ask me to do a son this morning that. I already had it. Yeah, before she even said it, i had it. And it's like I know what you want, i know who you are, i know you like your water, your coffee, this way, because it takes time to get to know each other, and it's in the spirit Yeah, i don't know how to explain it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it is. I know it was on the way here traveling on Thursday and you know I was thinking, oh, we're really I wonder if Josue can do this song and this and that. And then I got here and my time we finished that night, took me to the hotel. I was tired and I'm like, oh, i forgot to ask Josue about that song. And the next morning I mentioned he goes oh yeah, we practiced it last night, We're doing it. I mean it's like whoa. So let me ask you. I mean, in a few minutes we got left here. So you know, if there's not, if I know there's people that will see this go. I don't have a spiritual mom, i don't have a spiritual dad. How do I find my spiritual mom and dad? What do you tell someone like that?
Speaker 2:Well, i would say don't make a mistake of going out of hunting. Hunting for someone to, because there are a lot of people that will have, that will have good intentions, but I've not a lot of people that will have a hook, that want to try to get who you are. I will say this is a weird feeling. You don't you pray, you ask God to give you the alignment And I feel my spiritual father is the one who wants the best for me, who doesn't want to be his kingdom in my life, but it's someone that will come and say I'm going to build you up, but it is someone that is, it is or he is in a position that you want to be. It is someone that said you have accomplished something in your life that I that is, that is in alignment with my calling, with my assignment, with my life, and I love the family dynamic, those that I cannot fit in someone else someplace else, because I have found my pack, my place, my tribe. So my advice to you is do not go outside hunting, don't just go after the first one you think has. It is not about talent, it is not about how good she or he looks, it's about, it's about a tidying your heart. This is going to sound so weird, but if you watch Avatar, the movie, and you know that there is a link that must happen with the guy and the horse and the animal that they have to put the that another ponytail and connected And as soon as you do that they become one, there is a. There is a connection that that that animal cannot be right by anybody else, because you connect to your brain, your heart, your spirit that they even know who you, what you want, where you want to go, and you didn't even want to tell it.
Speaker 2:And I would say this is sound weird. I don't, that's not witchcraft or anything like that, but I say it'll get to the point that God will show, you, will reveal to you. You're gonna feel. In your heart and your spirit You're gonna feel. First, you're gonna feel peace And second, you're gonna see that when you ask, when somebody comes asking you, they even want to be your spiritual son and daughter. You're gonna feel. First, you're gonna feel peace And that person will have to come in the spirit of humbleness. Like I said, you never asked me to be your spiritual son, you never forced me to call you mom. It came natural. It didn't have to be forced. It was years of us coming. When I saw Papa Laif, and the first time you mentioned Papa Laif, for me it was natural to go ahead and say Papa Laif, daddy Laif, because you start building relationship and after that the language will come with a relationship. So don't go hunting. God will show it to you, he will bring the right person.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's gotta be the heart first, before it's the word, before it's the mouth, the tongue, the word. It's the heart first and that's the neck coming into alignment. And I have a lot of other spiritual sons and daughters and within just the whole dynamic of that and just taking in being in that alignment for the assignment and the connecting of the hearts. And so I agree with him Don't go out there and try to force something, man. You can ruin a relationship that way. You can ruin a relationship trying to like oh, you're supposed to be my, just go in and honor that person. You know, i never thought about having a spiritual father or mother. God was my dad. I mean, it's like he's of a father, daddy, god, he's my dad. And then when God put Laif in my life and then says I want him to father you, and I'm like oh, why You're? like I got you and he but you know Laif was able to come in as a man in the flesh and take and touch things in my heart and my life. That was very painful at times. Very painful because I didn't know my spiritual, my biological father and all of a sudden here's a man in the flesh to be my father and I'm like, oh, this is weird, you know, but I tell you I wouldn't change for anything. I mean, it's like it was one of the most incredible things that ever happened in my life outside of my husband, my son, god, but my husband, 48 and a half years, my kids, my grandkids, you know, laif coming to my life was just like I can't even begin to imagine my life today without Laif Hetlin in my life. I would not be where I'm at today, like you say about this here. And so, just making sure that you don't go in and try to force something, and again, like he said, it's not about the language, it's about the heart. You connect with heart, you lean heart. I, the way you know this I studied my spiritual father.
Speaker 1:I, when he began to father me, i'm like I'm going to study this guy. I watched how he handled finances. I watched how he would get stabbed in the back and how he would be willing to sit down and watch somebody's feet. That stabbed him in the back two days before that. You know how he? he would have to be like somewhere getting ready to minister and got some bad news about something, and but he, he got up and did his assignment. You know, i just studied my spiritual father And, as a result, i began to adopt that into my own life so that I knew how to stay focused on the kingdom and what my assignment was, even if there were storms going on in my life.
Speaker 2:Beautiful. Wow, yeah, and it's. It's like that. I've seen in you watch. I am surprised how, how my daughters follow me. It's so simple, like that. It's like relationship with your daughters is the same thing, relationship right here, because I, my daughter, just watched daddy and they, they just reply what I do. They sometimes, sometimes they don't, they don't say what I, what I say, they do what I do, and that's why I have to become an example for them And it's like that You, even you, you're going to be surprised at some time in the phrases, the way we walk, the way we. I've seen myself sometimes doing this And I go back and that's Marmelina, or or, or doing, or doing this, putting my hands like that, that's populate And I've seen myself in the nations doing same, that like, and it's like.
Speaker 2:I don't. it's not intentional. You want to copy them, but it's just the assignment. I don't know the alignment, I don't know.
Speaker 1:It's the spiritual DNA. It really is a spiritual DNA that takes place And and so the family of God. And, of course, it's two years ago, last month, that our, my spiritual grandfather, his spiritual great grandfather, papa Jack Taylor, got his upgrade to heaven And he was a spiritual grandfather over the house here, the church. This is where I'm at in Newark Ohio, where I'm a swipastor right now, and just to we all miss Papa Jack. Oh my gosh, i give honor to the kings and priests in my life and the acknowledgments in the front of this book, and Papa Jack was one of those. And so he really, he really set the pattern, papa Jack Taylor, in this whole family, dynamic, family reality, kingdom, family reality.
Speaker 1:And I remember I could hear his voice in my head And when Leif was asking Papa Jack years ago, he goes Papa, What does the kingdom look like? And Papa Jack's responding to late, going son. I don't know, but it'll only be done through a family. Oh my gosh, i can hear him saying that right now in my head. And just honor this man. I can't wait to be in heaven with you. I'm not any rush to get there because I got a assignment here, but I can't wait to. So, by the way, you can go to amazoncom and you can get my book on there And I just encourage you to share. Seriously, i've had people say they sat down in two, three, four days and read the whole thing. They couldn't, and there's a lot of people I could have used to write this book. I know people personally that could have written this book, but some reason he used me. But do a review on Amazon for me too. So any last words, son, Yeah well, go back my mom's book.
Speaker 2:I love you guys and please follow mom and she's gonna impact your life just the way that she did with me and her entire church and family in Cuba.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and if you ever wanna go to Cuba with us, go to leagangothmeditiesorg, and there's a lot of other stuff there. Follow my YouTube channel, my podcast that's on there too. So, anyway, thank you for joining me today. And Leigh-Anne Gough, the transformational coach, and, really honestly, just a little girl with a big dad. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as Priests and Kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings at Amazon or at leighangoughministriesorg.