Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Equipping the Body of Christ as Priests and Kings with Special Guest Ché Ahn
What if you could tap into the wisdom of a 50-year long spiritual journey and learn about the incredible transformation happening in Cuba, all in one conversation?
Join me as I sit down with my spiritual father, Ché Ahn, to discuss his powerful testimony, marketplace ministry, and the one billion soul harvest that is coming. We'll explore the importance of equipping God's sons and daughters for marketplace ministry (acting as both priest and king) and how this impacts the world.
We'll also discuss the incredible work God is doing in Cuba—a country close to Papa Ché's heart. You don't want to miss the valuable insights he shares on his journey through 93 nations and counting!
Finally, we'll touch on topics like immigrant ministry, financial stewardship, weight loss, and renewed health. Be inspired by the testimony of this amazing guest, and come away with a new understanding of how God's sons and daughters can change the world when they understand the importance of being both a priest and a king.
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, i'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, i'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hey friend, leanne Goff here, the transformational coach here, and I'm super excited to spend some time with you this afternoon or the morning, or on the other side of the world during the middle of the night, whenever you're going to listen to this or watch this.
Speaker 1:I have an incredible, incredible special guest with me today. He's a spiritual father to me. A lot of you know Leif is a spiritual father to me, but God brought about two years ago another spiritual father in my life and I have a Korean spiritual father, south Korean spiritual father and a Norwegian spiritual father. So most of my spiritual sons and daughters are from another nation, mainly a Hispanic nation. So we're just one big kingdom family here and I'm just so excited for him to join me today And I want to introduce Papa Cheh, as we, so many of us, call him. Papa Cheh, he is a spiritual father to a lot of people and a lot of nations and I'm just super excited to have him with me today. So, hey, papa Cheh, how are you doing today?
Speaker 2:You're really well, leanne. Thanks for having me on your podcast.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's a tremendous honor to have you here. You have spoken to my life and you've impacted my life so much, especially over the last two or three years, and it's an honor to have you with me.
Speaker 2:No, I'm excited about we're living the most exciting time, I believe, in church history. I think the prophets and the apostles of the New Testament wish there were in our time period. That's how strong that I feel about the season we're in.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, absolutely. So one of the things I want to talk about today is first, just tell everybody I mean probably everybody out there knows you and who's going to watch or listen to this but tell everybody who you are, What are you, how are you representing the kingdom of God?
Speaker 2:Well, you know, i'm a child of God. I just celebrated my 50th spiritual birthday on May 25th, and so in 1973 I gave my heart to Jesus Christ right in the midst of the Jesus movement, and I was brought up as a pastor's kid, but I really didn't know. Jesus got involved with the drug hippie culture A joke, i may have been the first Korean hippie in North America because I didn't run into any other Korean hippie, but I had long hair. It was drugs, sex and rock and roll, just selling drugs to support my habit. And you know three years of that. And yet God was gracious, heard my mom's prayers, my dad's prayers.
Speaker 2:I had a powerful encounter with the Lord two weeks before I really gave my life over to him and stopped doing the drugs, which was on May 25th. But two weeks before I just was searching for God. I was into Zen, buddhism, i was dropping acid, alastase on these spiritual journeys, and one night I just said God, reveal yourself to me. I don't even know if you exist. And he revealed himself to me in the person of Jesus Christ, and the spirit of God came upon me. I didn't know what was going on. Of course at that time I had no language for it, but I knew it was Jesus. I just knew by revelation it was Jesus and shocked me because I didn't really believe what my parents believed and all along they were telling me the truth. So, anyway, but I didn't give up the drugs until two weeks later.
Speaker 2:I was at a deep purple concert back in 73, they were the number one band from England. Right in the middle of the concert the Holy Spirit spoke to me and it was like the inner audible voice. It wasn't audible, but he said if you really want to follow me, you have to throw away your drugs. Do this concert and follow me. And I did and I fought through. 15,000 people jumped into the Baltimore Civic Center and when I walked down I was instantly delivered from drug addiction, never been back and by God's grace, it's just been the most abundant 50 years of life.
Speaker 2:That has just been amazing. And so not that we don't go through hard times, but in the midst of this he has promised us righteousness, peace and joy. The Holy Spirit. This is in Romans 14, 17. So, yeah, so that's a little bit about myself, and of course I'm a pastor now and I'm leading a network of churches. We're in 70 nations and I'm so honored to serve people like you and it's amazing. We have amazing apostles and prophets that are really advancing the kingdom of God around the world And we're just a network that God raised up, i think, for the one billion soul harvest that's going to come in, and so we're getting ready for that, as we're going to these nations like Cuba and I was just in Peru and Guatemala before that in the last three months three nations like that has just been pretty amazing the times that we're living in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, i was just honored to be commissioned by him Harvest International Ministry just a few weeks ago in Pasadena, and commissioned as a marketplace apostle, and that was such an honor for me and what that's doing in my life is tremendous. So, speaking of Cuba, we just got back from Cuba a week ago, yesterday, and so your first trip to Cuba, what it was? the 93rd nation you've been to.
Speaker 2:Right. But let me just say, before we move on, that you were not just commissioned on the marketplace mountain, but also the church mountain, because you are an apostle overseeing hundreds of churches in Cuba, and so I don't want to just cut your accomplishments short, because God has raised you up in a very significant way, and that's what I'm seeing his sons and daughters emphasizing daughters the Deboros, the esters are coming forth like never before during this time of the great harvest. So thank you for being obedient to the great commission and the great commandment loving Jesus all these years, and so when I called you and you were in Cuba, this like a year ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah, last July.
Speaker 2:I expressed to you my honest feeling. I said I would love to go to Cuba with you, and so you remember that I'm so glad that you invited me to come to Cuba because it was life changing, and I'm so glad, in the fullness of time, god allowed me to go.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so tell us we were there about seven or eight days. Tell us, what did you experience. I've been 63 times over the last 18 and a half years. That's my 63rd trip. Your first trip. What did you experience? How did it impact you?
Speaker 2:Well, when you had the team introduction meeting, even before we went out, you said two words to remember It's Cuba. And that helped me so much because things of course, i've been in a lot of developing nations, i've been in some of the most impoverished nations, and so when you think of like even Nepal and Kathmandu, and here's a country that's not only poor but there was no Christians in 1950. And now the revival is breaking out in Nepal and places like that, that you begin to realize that thank you, lord, that we live in a very special nation that you have so blessed And, i believe, to whom much is given, much is required, and rightly so. And so US is still the number one mission sending and mission giving nation globally, and they're number one in so many areas. But going to Cuba and seeing the poverty there, and so I had the mixed impression, feelings of seeing the poverty and yet thrill to see the explosive growth of the church, and so I come away with the truth that his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, is not going to stop, it will continue to advance, and it's happening in nations, poor nations like Cuba.
Speaker 2:And it brings me to the scripture of Luke 4, 18. And the reason I'm highlighting this because my good friend Mike Bickle said Luke 4 18 is a scripture for this year of 2023. And it says the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has an order me to preach the gospel to the poor. And that literally means poor people, not just poor in spirit, of course, everyone who's not saved is poor in spirit. But he's talking about those who are financially, physically impoverished. And just, you know, i'm so glad you told us to bring sundry items and clothes and all that.
Speaker 2:So I brought two big bags of stuff just to leave, including the luggage with the people there, and I sort of regretted it. I didn't do more. There was one family that was just eating one meal a day in the church and just eating potatoes, and we're talking about weeks of that, and I just said, oh, lord, god, we need to. When one member suffers, we all suffer. And so I'm so glad that we, as Americans who came to visit, we're able to bring some goods and money, finances and just sundry items, like I brought. I brought profan, because she told me that just one had those one dollar, you know, in Cuba, and I just said this is outrageous. And so, anyway, i'm glad that we're able to make a difference, but my heart was absolutely captured and I want to go back. And I wasn't just talking. You know people say are you just saying that to be polite? I was actually asking about how much a property is worth there.
Speaker 1:Well, i love it. I love it, yeah, and the people are amazing And the King of God is definitely advancing in the nation of Cuba. It's Cuba's time And I really believe there is a whole new shift coming in the nation And I'm thankful that I get to be a little part of it and watch what God is doing in Cuba. I've been not as many nations as you have been a 34, but Cuba is the number one on my heart. So one of the things is that what we're doing in across America, and one of my assignments across America and other nations and specifically Cuba, is equipping the body of Christ, god's sons and daughters, as priests and kings And functioning, you know, in my world, not just a priest and with the heart of a priest, but with the mind of a king, and be able to.
Speaker 1:Not everybody's called a marketplace ministry, but a lot of us are All right And it's full The word is full of those that were a marketplace ministry. Can you in fact you just speak in marketplace ministry You endorse my new book right there, missionary Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings, and, friend, you can get that book on Amazon. Go there and you can get it there. But Che actually did the fort on that book. So, papa Che, talk to us a little bit about you, know your heart and you know the truth of us functioning in marketplace ministry and how. That's one of the ways God, in this time, the days we're living in, is using marketplace ministries to impact the world for the Kingdom of God.
Speaker 2:Well, first of all, we're all ministers, and that's one of the things that I think we have to return to the New Testament church culture and mentality, because later on in church history, primarily in the second and third century, the separation of clergy and laity took place, and this is again with the Platonic thinking from Plato, a Greek philosopher, 350 years before Jesus is born. But he taught dualism And somehow the church incorporated that into their thinking And so they started to separate ministers that are called into vocational ministry from the people. But the reality is that everyone's a minister, everyone's a priest, everyone is a king. Now some people have more of an influential position in the marketplace, in the government or education or business, and they would be more of a king. But they're both kings and priests, and that's in Revelation 1-6, revelation 5-10. And I like the way 1 Peter 2-9 says you are a royal priesthood, and so royalty king, a priesthood priest, and so we're all ministers, and so people like you and me, leanne. Ephesians 4-11 says God has given to the church some apostles not everyone, but some are apostles, some are prophets, some are evangelists, some are pastors, teachers to equip or align the saints for the ministry, and so everyone is a saint that loves Jesus Christ. And so it says there, right there in Ephesians 4-11 and 12, that the saints are to do the ministry. Our job is to equip them and empower them. And so the truth is, only in America, only 1% of the church is in vocational full-time ministry. And people would say, okay, what's your profession? Okay, i'm a pastor, clergy, whatever sinning them you want to give. But it's ridiculous to think that 1% is going to evangelize the world, transform and disciple nations. It exhausts me just to think if that's on you and me as a 1%er. And the reality is you and I are not just in the church mountain, we're also in the marketplace. But the truth is majority of even pastors are in the marketplace because they can't. Their churches are too small for them to receive a salary. If they have less than 80 people it's very difficult to survive in America on that salary. So most pastors are bivocational like.
Speaker 2:My dad was a pastor of a Baptist church, small Baptist church, a Korean Baptist. There were hardly any Koreans when he came. This was in the 60s when he passed it. And then he was a dental technician, very successful dental technician, and he had his laboratory, called on dental laboratory And so, but he had to work because to survive as a immigrant in the United States And I just let you know, i was not born in Korea, i was. I came when I was five years old, so I'm an immigrant that became a US citizen.
Speaker 2:But I have to say this is the best nation in the world because, regardless of how progressive left California where I live now is getting, when socialism and communism is creeping into our nation I travel around the world I still come back and said you know what a amazing nation. Here I'm pastoring a predominantly white church as a Korean America, and only in America, and so I don't believe in the systemic racism that's in our nation. Yes, there has been racism because of the fall in nature of man, but to say that everyone's a racist, that's white is just, is just. I think it's evil, i think it's just fake news And it's not really honoring especially believers who love Jesus and hate racism They have compiled. The left has put all these labels on believers like you and me And they call me a racist even though I'm Korean. It's amazing just because I'm conservative And so.
Speaker 2:but anyway, going back to the ministry part is that we got to restore the truth that everyone's a minister for those who are listening or watching. You have to realize you have been called, everyone is called. Now you say what kind of ministry was, as a preacher, to pray, you know. I mean, my house would be a house of prayer for all nation and Mark 11 or 17 priests. A high priest carried the names of the 12 tribes on his shoulder, on his breast, and the purpose of that was to intercede for the people. And we're all called to pray. And so you know. You say, well, i may not be a great evangelist, i'm not a public speaker, but you can definitely pray, and so that's your ministry, a major part of your ministry. But we're also to proclaim the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Speaker 2:The Great Commission is not the great suggestion. We're under a mandate from Jesus Christ And the early church. Regardless of their personality type, those who were shy they were so full of love for Jesus Christ they just couldn't help but just go out into the highways and byways and reach their friends and neighbors and their oil costs and invite them to come to their house and eat with them. They were sure the gospel, and we got to return to that simplicity of Christianity And I'm seeing that. I'm seeing that in Cuba. The one thing I fear for Cuba that I don't want the religious spirit from the United States to ruin what's happening right now, because you're just seeing revival and just a springtime freshness of these believers who are just so hungry for God, and so that's why I'm so glad that you're there to teach them the Word of God and we got to equip them and not get back into American Christianity, but New Testament Christianity and return to the New Testament Bible.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's excellent, very good, And I know that there's too many. Well, one of the scriptures my book is based on is in Deuteronomy 818, that God has given us the ability to cultivate wealth. Now, talking about getting rich, that's a whole other story. But cultivate wealth And I think at least I'm around a lot of pastors and ministers because basically of our business, we have a lot of pastors and ministers come into our business that not only do our help program but they want to become a coach in our organization and working with them sometimes.
Speaker 1:Of this mindset of like no, well, you're not supposed to, money is evil and this and that I'm like, no, the love of money, it's like I like money. I'm not in love with money, but I like money because what I can do with it for the kingdom of God. And so, working sometimes with pastors and ministers, and that mindset that's one of my mission assignments is to like no, let's get this turned right side up, we're going to help. That's what the book's about getting your mindset right side up so that you can know that God gave you the ability He created. He gave us the ability. Money is neutral, like it's not evil in itself. It's what we do with it, that can make it evil or be amazingly, amazingly advantageable. I don't know if that's a word, but use it for the kingdom of God.
Speaker 2:So the truth is that God, in His sovereignty, has chosen finances to advance His kingdom from the very beginning. He said to Abraham in Genesis, chapter 12, who's the father of faith is I'm going to bless you, so all the families of the earth will be blessed through you, and a lot of times we think it's just spiritual I'll bless you, bless you, my son, my daughter, whatever Abraham would do. No, it's not talking about that. The next chapter begins in Genesis 13, verse one, that Abraham was extremely wealthy in gold, silver and cattle Commodities. Today, if you had gold, silver and livestock, you'd be very wealthy here in America or in Cuba or anywhere. The point is is that God wanted him to be a blessing to the nations, and that's why I said America is the number one mission sending, mission, giving nation, because God has prospered America financially, and so every promise concerning the revival and transformation of society is in context of finances. For example, isaiah 61 through 5, a rise, shine for your lightest climate. The glory of the Lord is risen upon you. And then it says nations will come to your light, kings to the brightness of your dawning. But verse 5, it says they will bring the wealth of the nations. Why is that being emphasized And later on verse 11, it says your gates will be opened day and night as men bring you the wealth. Because it takes money to bring relief to the poor in Cuba, to build a church building there, to establish a school, to take care of orphans and widows, and so right now it's one of the ways that we can go into a nation is by practical acts of love bringing food, resources, clothes, things like that. That all has to do with money. So thank God for people that understand this truth and they're not shying away from it.
Speaker 2:John Wesley, who was probably one of the greatest revivals, 1738 in England and the impact of course America, through George Woodfield and all these believers, became Methodists. In fact, methodists the denomination became the largest in the world at one time. Now is so woke and people are leaving the Methodist denomination droves. But John Wesley said make as much as you can, give as much as you can and save as much as you can. And that's great wisdom to this day that as much as you can.
Speaker 2:So my wife and I, we've been on this journey since 2004. And what happened 2004? Well, we made a commitment to give 40% of everything in 2004 because our mentor, peter Wagner, endorsed at that time. Peter passed away in 2016, but he was given away 40%. And then in 2008, during the recession, it's of those who challenged us to give away 51%. He's another tremendous apostle, good friends with Peter, and we're all part of the same apostolic team that was under Peter, and so he shared that with the group.
Speaker 2:And soon I went back to our hotel because the meeting was in Colorado Springs, and I just said to her I said you know, i think we need to go from 40 to 51%. Turned around, said 51%, That's nothing. I want to give away 90%. And I said to her honey, i'm not there yet, but she's so inspired me, you know, and now we're at 71%, to this day, the end. And we just love to give, you know, and so it becomes a joy. Before it was more like, okay, we got to be obedient to scripture, and then, you know, you have a little bit more passion about it, but now it's actually a joy to give And we're so excited to give And so so, as much as we can give, we're giving right now.
Speaker 2:but here's the major thing God keeps on blessing us. I mean, i don't know where it comes from, but it just. You know my books I have 15 books myself and the royalties come in And every investment we've touched, even with this recession and inflation that we're experiencing, has been blessed. We bought property in 2000 and eight years ago Lord prophetically led us. We didn't know we were in the great recession and prices were at all time low. I'm not an economist, i don't study this. This is all just prophetically being led And we started to buy homes for our children And all of them appreciated And literally on paper I'm worth millions. So I'm a millionaire apostle, not a missionary, but so I can say I'm also a millionaire because of the goodness of God And of course, everything belongs to God. I don't even own a single house. It's really the Lord's house And we're just the one. We have that kind of attitude and everything that says the earth is Lord's and the phone is there of it says in Psalm 24, verse one you're free to give away God's stuff and his stuff and to advance the kingdom And so that he wants to bless your listeners with finances.
Speaker 2:It's really interesting because we're talking about Platonic thinking. That's where the spirit of poverty came in, was through Platonic, the Plato's philosophy, because the Jewish people had no problems prospering. But it could be through the Greek influence that Plato taught the material world is evil And only spiritual things are good. And it sounded almost Christian. A lot of Christians bought into it And so you have the whole monastic movement where Christians denied even sex because they said material, physical stuff is evil. They made a vow of chastity and celibacy. Now you know, if you feel God's called you to be single, that's one thing. But the Bible says be fruitful, multiply. There's no biblical basis for you to be a single monk or priest or not. But to this day people make that kind of vow.
Speaker 2:The second vow they made was a vow of poverty, because, again, material stuff is evil. And of course they justified it with scripture like do not love the world nor the things of the world. And that's true. We're not to love stuff. Again, the love of money is root of evil. It's just a tool to. I wouldn't mind buying a nice van or jeep to give to Cuba. You know they need that in some of the roads The terrain is so terrible And the road on the country is not developed, but it's a tool to advance the kingdom And so.
Speaker 2:But the tonic thinking said okay, we've got to make a vow of poverty, and all of a sudden, poverty was equated with spirituality The poorer you are, the more spiritual you are, which is absolutely nonsense. That has nothing to do with material. Well, you could be very rich and be spiritually impoverished, or you could be very poor and be spiritually impoverished. You could be very wealthy and be humble and Christlike, and so it has nothing to do with how much you have, but really who has you, and Jesus is Lord. And so I think this has to be taught in the body of Christ, because we've been influenced by this religious spirit that has kept the church down.
Speaker 2:And then, of course, there's been people have taken it to the extreme. You know some of the extreme people that you know just having stuff as a sign of God's blessing. It's not as, yes, god's blessed you, but you don't have to boast or be arrogant or proud about it Again, if you're using it for his purposes, yes, he wants you to. It's really interesting because in Isaiah 61 says that you will be called the priests of the Lord And we're talking about priests And when you're called, you will eat the wealth of the nations. In other words, it says you're going to enjoy, not just giving it away, but you're going to enjoy it. God wants you to be blessed, he wants you to enjoy it, but he doesn't want you to become materialistic. He doesn't want you to have mammon Again. The spirit of mammon is really the root of all evil the love of money.
Speaker 2:So we just have to walk this out, you know, by the word of God and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and I really believe that we can steward our lives well in this short period that we are alive here on earth, because he's coming back and he's going to create a new heaven, new earth, and all of us are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ. That's the second Corinthians five. 10 says we're going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ And we're going to be rewarded based on what we have done. And so I want him to say well done, good and faithful servant. Your faithful over five towns, say I gave you, or two towns. I don't want to be the one that buries my talent financially or with gifts or whatever. I want to steward everything in life well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know that whole, you know blessing to be able to cultivate wealth. Well, he also gave us the ability to take in food to be nourished and strengthened. But we abuse that and we take that to extreme and see where that gets us. And no, but we don't throw food out. You know.
Speaker 2:well, i'm going to confess I was not shorting my body or my food intake.
Speaker 1:Okay, As we get ready to wrap this up, Bob Jay, tell us about how our health program transformed your health and your body.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, i mean I feel like I've been born again. Again I've lost 50 pounds. It's amazing My blood pressure The reason why I started this, by the way, was because my blood pressure was at a alarming high And I was afraid to even go to the doctor. I'm afraid that if she would take it. So I avoided going to the doctors for even a checkup for like two years because I have a test at home. I bought this Pritzvitzka as a Japanese, you know heart monitor And I would take my blood pressure and was just, i know, because my brother's a surgeon, my sister's went to medical school, she married a doctor there, so my brother lost and Sue's parents are both doctors, so I'm surrounded by doctors And so I just know the rate of my heart blood pressure was off the charts and they would admit me to the hospital and probably have me stayed for like a week until they lowered the blood pressure.
Speaker 2:But when you told me about up to veya and I you know I hope it's okay for you to mention this the program that you turned me on to two years ago when you were on my TV show, and but I was interested in Cuba so I didn't really pay attention. But then I fainted in New York last year just on this ministry trip and I knew it was a wake up call, that, okay, it's blood pressure, my health is, i'm obese. I was the heaviest I've ever been. I was 220 pounds and it was just for my five foot nine frame. It was just really I was carrying a lot of weight. And so the next week it was like June I was in Hawaii and I was with Darren, claudia Yamada, and I've known them since they were going to Fuller Seminar And in fact Claudia was my assistant when I was pastoring the previous church a bunch of live church And there were members of that church And it's a long story I share in my book how I left the church and for three years I had tenorated and then I started herms rock in 94. But anyway, the thing was I was shocked at how much weight they had lost And they told me about Octavia And I said, oh yeah, i remember, you know, leanne told me about this, but it just went over my head. But now I'm interested because I had the fading experience in New York and high blood pressure, and so they told me all about it And I said, well, you know what, i'm leaving for Korea And I, you know I'm not going to start this thing, you know. And then just go to Korea, because Korea is known for their hospitality, food, the pastor coming in to our network Work of churches, and I said I'll start. So I started in July.
Speaker 2:When I got back And even though there were other travel commitments, by God's grace I was able to stick to the program. You have great coaches and I didn't have the accountability of you and Claudie and my life, i don't know. I think that's one of the brilliant thing about this program is that we teach accountability in the church. But here's a company you know, a Fortune 100 internationally, you know, that is incorporating accountability coaching in And that just gave me the tools that would give me YouTube videos and just teachings that just keep me inspired.
Speaker 2:And so, by God's grace, i hit my weight total right at Christmas time And I've been on maintenance since January And, by God's grace, has been now five months. I've kept my weight off. I did go up five pounds, but they said it'd be normal. You know the rebound of five pounds, but you know, but still, i mean if you had told me I was going to be 175, for, you know, at a maintenance rate, six months or, you know, even a year ago, i would just say that would be so amazing, that would be wonderful, but now it's a reality. So, but the most important thing, my blood pressure is normal.
Speaker 2:I went to the doctor and she freaked out. She hadn't seen me in a couple of years. She said, by the way, she's a Muslim from Iran. So I went and I share the gospel with her because, you know, it's amazing how this even opens the door to share, because your life is your message. If you have a testimony of what God has done by His grace, you know, then I did give him all the glory. So, but it was great having the program, the tool And, by the way, i tried everything.
Speaker 2:I was on Atkins, keto, paleo, i've tried all these diets and they just don't work. But having this reprogramming and to really get your mind renewed, that's what really took place. Healthy habits, they caught, and so and I believe that, i really believe that's what it means And Romans 12, verse two, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. The real transformation happens right here. Yeah, that was the best thing that happened to me and it just helped me to apply principles. So just eating healthy, that I'm applying even to today. You know I mean I, i'm just eating clean and lean Stomped. You know my diet today for lunch was chicken and I've been eating a lot more fish chicken. I can't remember the last time I had beef, which is my favorite. I'm a steak guy but I really cut back because I want to, not because I have to. So it's been wonderful.
Speaker 1:Yeah Well, you look amazing. We're so super proud of you. I was watching a video of you a couple of days ago and I was like, oh my gosh, he looks so different 50 pounds more into what it looks like today. and you look, you look awesome. So, before I ask you to pray a blessing over our listeners and our viewers and whatever God leads you to do, if you're interested in the help program, then just go to my Instagram page or my Facebook page in the bio and you can find a wellness survey there. Reach out to me, whatever that looks like. And then how can people get in touch with you? How can they get through your books? You know, just say a little bit about that. Then I want you to pray a blessing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's just simple. You can go to wwwharvestorg. C-h-e-a-h-norg and you could also go to harvestsrockchurch And so, anyway, it's really simple to find the Harvest Rock Church. Jesus is a rock and we're contending for the harvest And, of course, harvestsimorg, for our apostolic network that you're a part of And not just a part, but you're a part of the apostolic team of just some of the top apostles and prophets in our nation. I'm so privileged that they're part of HIM, so they can find me.
Speaker 2:But I do want to pray a blessing. I want to pray that every person will be activated as a minister. They would realize that they're calling and that in order for us to fulfill the Great Commission and bring about transformation of the nations, discipling the nations The Bible says in Matthew 28 and 20. And what we need is every man, woman and even children who may be watching this, to really be activated into ministry. If you love the Lord, you're called, and that's part of the blessing of salvation is that not only are you saved, but he calls you to be his son, his daughter, but also you're the army Ephesians, chapter six. And there's no such thing as a conscientious subjector. It's not a physical battle, but it's a spiritual battle You're called to where, like Ezekiel 37, the dry bones. Can these dry bones live again? And Lord, only you know, but he's a prophesied. There came a great army. There's a picture of the church coming forth in the last days, and so I'll follow.
Speaker 2:I pray right now, for those are watching and listening, that you would prophesy to the dead bones, that those who've been just dead and just going through business as usual, christianity, which really, lord, is the most exciting adventure that we could have to be a follower of Jesus Christ, that we can transform nations that will be for all of eternity.
Speaker 2:And, lord, that we can be the ecclesia, your children, your bride, your sons and daughters, but also your army to advance your kingdom. So I pray for this activation to take place. I pray for clarity of vision, because your word says without vision your people perish, and so I pray Proverbs 29, that the vision of will come into people's hearts and that they will disciple nations by discipling their world around them. Help them to find great apostolic centers, churches that preach the gospel, welcome, welcome to your spirit and really tries to be like the New Testament church that loves you, that equips the saints and that were committed to world missions, and Lord, i pray, lord God, that you would also align them for the work of ministry, until we come to the unity of faith, to a mature man, to the fullness of the stature of Christ. We ask these things in Jesus, mighty name. Amen and amen.
Speaker 1:Amen Amen.
Speaker 2:Wow, this has been such a joy.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much. I hope that those who watch this and listen to this podcast are going to be majorly blessed, and it's just been such an honor and friend. Thank you for joining us today. Anytime, oh yeah, anytime. Thank you for joining us today, friend. You know I'm Leigh-Anne Goff, the Transmation Coach, your Transmation Coach, and it's been an honor having Papa Che on with us here today, spiritual father of the faith, spiritual father to me. So, papa Che, thank you so much and we'll have you on again another time.
Speaker 2:Thank you. I want to talk about your ester oil product because your face puts smell, wrinkle, freeze, unbelievable It's really the same age, yeah.
Speaker 1:It's royal oil and it's amazing.
Speaker 2:My wife used to do it every day. Yeah, she knows.
Speaker 1:Michelle got it from me. She was with you a few weeks ago, campos, and she's like what's the stuff you're using? And she got it and she's texted me going oh my gosh, this is amazing and stuff. So, yes, i developed a royal oil about, oh, several years ago. it's a beauty oil and men use it as well, like Papa Che, but it's a beauty oil and it's just actually amazing. It's built on, established, basically created on ester seven pure oils that are in there and amazing, amazing oils. So, anyway, well, thank you, papa Che, for joining us and appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. I have a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings at Amazon or at liangoffministriesorg.