Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Living From Our True Identities as Sons and Daughters of God with Special Guest Patricia King
Join us for an inspiring conversation with the remarkable Patricia King, who recently joined me on a life-changing vision trip to Cuba.
We were both deeply moved by the beauty of the land, the warmth of the people, and the incredible favor of the Lord on this nation. In this episode, Patricia shares her insights on our trip, the awe-inspiring ocean baptisms, and the divine encounters we experienced along the way.
Together, we delve into the powerful concept of Kingdom Family and Identity in God, which the Cuban culture so beautifully exemplifies.
Patricia opens up about her own transformative encounter with God's love that shifted her from being a woman of God to a little girl with a big Dad. This childlike faith and daughtership have been pivotal in shaping her ministry over the years, and we discuss the significance of embracing our identity as God's children.
Lastly, we explore the immense impact of understanding sonship and daughtership, God's love for His children, and the importance of utilizing our gifts to transform cultures as priests and kings.
Get ready to be uplifted and inspired to embrace your true identity in God and step into your purpose with faith and boldness!
Learn more about Patricia King at www.patriciakingministries.com!
Thanks for joining us today!
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Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, i'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Well, hey friend, leanne Goff, here with you today, the transformational coach actually your transformational coach I'm super excited to be here with you Got a great, great, great guest speaker here with me today. I'm so honored to have her.
Speaker 1:But, first and foremost, just want to remind you I just released a new book and it is Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings. The title really isn't the main message of this book. It's the subtitle Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings, and I want you to go to Amazoncom and get it. I promise you it will impact you. It will get your thinking flipped right side up. I have a guy that just reached out to me the other day and he read it in two days. He's like, oh my gosh, you've got me thinking so much in the right direction now. So, anyway, i'm honored. Incredible stories and testimonies in this. It is the forward by Cheyenne, the preface by my spiritual father, leigh Petland, and so many other incredible, incredible testimonies and stories in here. So, anyway, right there, amazoncom. So all right, guys, if you know me, you know that I love functioning, i love living, i love my assignment as a spiritual daughter. That's not a pastor and an evangelist and apostle and all this other stuff is even a wife or mother. That's not who I am. That's what I do. I'm a daughter that pastors. I'm a daughter that prophesies. I'm a daughter that goes to the nations. I'm a daughter that coaches others to health and optimal wealth and health, and so we're going to run with that today. That's kind of got to be the theme.
Speaker 1:But first and foremost, i want to introduce my special guest today, patricia King. I did. I knew of Patricia for many, many, many years, but I did not know her. And recently, about three weeks ago, she went on a I call them vision trips. I don't do mission trips, vision trips. How do we see nations from God's perspective? How do we see communities? How do we see people from God's perspective? So she went on a vision trip with myself and Cheyenne and about 20 other people to Cuba three weeks ago And we got to know each other very well. In fact, we're kind of like twin sisters now. So anyway, patricia, it's so great to have you with me today. Thank you for jumping on here with me. It's, i'm just honored.
Speaker 2:Oh, leanne, it's so good to be with you, and I just want to put a plug in for your book too, because when I arrived in Cuba, you had a gift for me And it was that that book, and I started reading it right away And it's just so precious, and so I just want to affirm that. And also, it's just been such a joy to get to meet you. We belong to a same network And so I met you briefly there And then, of course, at Cuba, and just to see you in action and all that you do for people, for nations, and your faith level and everything that comes from your relationship with God. It's so precious, so absolute honor to be on this with you.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you so much. And so, talking about that, we had an incredible time in Cuba. This was actually my 63rd trip in almost 19 years. My heart is so full with Cuba. I love the people. I'm really right now trying to navigate getting back there in the next month or so to meet with some key leaders there. But, patricia, would you share with those viewers, the listeners today, what you experienced in Cuba Is your first time in Cuba. I know you've been to a lot of nations, but first time in Cuba. What did you experience on that trip?
Speaker 2:Yeah, thank you. So it was my very first time in Cuba And it's been on my radar for a bit because it just kept coming back to my heart And I thought, you know, i think I need to get to Cuba. And then, all of a sudden, the invitation came and I thought, well, this is God's timing. And when I arrived there, leanne, it was like I thought this is like paradise, this is. This is what God's redemptive gift for this nation is is to create heaven on earth here and a place to be able to manifest his glory and his goodness. It's just so beautiful in the natural And, of course, the people are phenomenal, but what I see is the Lord's favor on the nation, on his people there. He is about to do great things.
Speaker 2:I was so impacted with hope and, of course, the love of the people They're. They're just so precious, so humble, so on fire, so hungry for more of God. So it was an absolute honor. We went around to a number of different places and different venues and saw people interact with God in various ways some in meetings and some just in casual areas and just enjoyed every moment of it. And I guess one of the highlights, too, was seeing people baptized in the ocean, and Katie Sue said, good friend of mine and yours, now We went out one day in one of those old cars and got to minister to our driver and had just a great time connecting with the openness of people's hearts to God. And so, yeah, there's so much that I came away from, and it is a nation that God has his eye on it right now And the great things are going to happen for Cuba.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I know that you. You know we were there like 24 hours and Papa Che was like I have been to a lot of nations, he had recently been to two other Hispanic nations or Latin nations and talking about the kingdom and talking about the seven mountains And he was like we've been trying to work with these leaders and sometimes they have a hard time embracing it and understanding it. He said I'm in Cuba 24 hours and already these people have kingdom, they've got family, they understand the seven mountains. What did you experience in regard to that?
Speaker 2:Well, i just want to say a lot of that is because you've been there And you know we are actually taught in Matthew 28 to disciple nations, and that's what you've done. And so it is true, when we arrived, the kingdom language was already established. It was, you know, people that actually understood what it was to really know God and his authority and to be able to to just impact different realms of society. And, of course, for those of that that are not aware of what those seven mountains of influence might be in society, we refer to them as the religious mountain that we need to invade. Of course, and make sure, you know, everyone hears the gospel and we have the family, we have education, we have government, we have business, media, arts and entertainment, which are all areas that we need to take responsibility for, to bring light into the darkness.
Speaker 2:Jesus said to pray in this way your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So the Cuban believers, especially the leaders, they already had such a grasp on that And I think that's what surprised Papa J so much. Is that saying wow, usually I just have to go in and really plow the ground, but here the grounds already plowed, and they were very not only aware of it, because one thing to have understanding was another thing to do it, and they were actually doing it. They are impacting realms of society and preparing their people to do so, as well, yeah, and so that's what happened.
Speaker 1:I actually heard Lance Woell now for my first time, about 17 years ago in a conference, speak on the Seven Mountains And I was like what is this? I've been in the church and I've been a believer for many years, but I'd never heard that concept. And I went out to the table after he spoke and bought all the materials I could find on that that he had at his table. And I went in about 15 or 16 years ago I got it. We both know Leigh Petley, my spiritual father, very good friend of yours, and Leigh says all the time it's one thing for you to get something and it'll change you. But when you can get something, it'll change you. But when it gets you, it'll transform you. And so I just ate for like a year, all this understanding of the seven spheres, of seven mountains.
Speaker 1:Then I went into Cuba and I started teaching our leaders there, probably 15, 16 years ago. And the Cubans are the type like they don't, like, well, let's have a committee meet and see if this is really God or what. We'll pray about this. And I'm not saying they don't pray and they don't, but you know, they are just so hungry. They're like Oh well, you said to do this, so we just need to do this. And and I had to be very careful because they do almost anything I tell them to do So I want to make sure that when I bring them, it's the pureness of the kingdom, that it really really is kingdom truth, and so they just run with it. And then even bringing the dynamic of family in like a kingdom family, like they're we've got such an incredible family there that you know spiritual mom just shows up now and they're doing it all And I just sit in a rock and chair, have a cup of coffee and just watch the ocean, and they do it.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, and that's one of the things I another thing I really want to commend you for, leanne, is that it is very evident that you have built that family concept And it's like once you have that and it's so relational and you relate to each other with kingdom values, with kingdom authority over us, of course, but in a family environment it is so awesome. And one of the testimonies that really touched my heart and I actually came out of Cuba carrying a greater emphasis, like we kind of always have that family emphasis, but there's something about being with you in Cuba that just really solidified or highlighted or maybe gave a further definition, and especially when I heard one of the testimonies of one of your spiritual children who had gone into an area that was not, you know, really friendly towards the concept of church And but God had called them to plant there for him. And he went around and just said you know, i'm not inviting you to church, i'm inviting you to family. And everyone came All of a sudden. There's no resistance, it's like everyone comes, and that really touched my heart.
Speaker 2:In fact I feel like crying right now thinking about it, because people know, they know innately, everyone knows that they're going to be part of a family right And because God created that in us, he created us in the very beginning to be family. And so, you know, when you see that applied in a way that people can really grasp it and they come together and build their whole faith based on this relationship his family, of course, with God being father, and then of course we're his children, and then we're brothers and sisters with one another, and it just so is so beautiful, and especially the Cuban culture is very family oriented anyway. So it just is so beautiful And you can definitely see it there in the nation just flourishing that whole concept of kingdom family.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that church. You're talking about that spiritual son and daughter. Once they launched that church a year ago, february, and, like you said, they went out inviting people not to church but we're starting a family which like to join us And within like three months they had to tell the people that were coming won't invite any more people we can't fit on. We've got a really good home when you're telling people not to invite people to church?
Speaker 1:okay, exactly, and they have just. In fact, we go back this September and we will be doing the dedication of that new church and just like, incredible, incredible, incredible. And so, talking about family, because you know, in the beginning it was Father, son, holy Spirit. It was a family from the very, very beginning, and that's where I really feel like this is all about. It's not about an institution we do meet in buildings and you know houses or whatever but it's really about the spiritual dynamics of a family. And so I know that.
Speaker 1:You know, it was in in 2003 in Toronto, when I had this encounter with God's love, a baptismal love, and I went from being a woman of God to a little girl with a big dad. That's what God said. You've been a woman of integrity and a woman of virtue and a woman of honor. You've been a woman of God, but I don't want a woman of God anymore, i want a little girl. There's a big dad, and so that's who I am today. I'm just a little girl, the big dad.
Speaker 1:And, by the way, kids have a lot more fun than adults do. Okay, generally they do, and so that's how I live my life. Anybody that knows me, they know I live my life as a beloved daughter, not as a woman of God or a pastor, an evangelist or an apostle or missionary, whatever, but as God's little girl. So you know, patricia, you're so well known, you know you're a prophet, you're an apostle, you know you impact so many people's lives. I mean, like I can't even believe how many lives you impact for the kingdom. But how do you do that from the identity of God's beloved daughter? What does that look like to you?
Speaker 2:Yeah, thank you. So I just so relate to your story because when I got born again in 1976, that's how God introduced himself to me I was such a mess. I didn't have anything going for me as far as I wrecked my life, i hurt other people, i mean, i was just a mess and I didn't know how to fix it. And when the Lord came into my life, you know, i actually said to him. I said you know, like I've got nothing to offer you. I'm just, i'm just a big mess.
Speaker 2:But those people up the street tonight at the Bible study, they said that you came in, you forgave them their sin and you gave them a brand new life. And I'd really like it if you could do that for me. And I wasn't sure if he was going to or not, because I thought maybe he just has a limit as to how bad a person can be before he comes in, right. But he didn't hesitate And that night, leon, he just came in. it was like liquid love. That's how I've described it. from that moment I described it as liquid love And of course, leif, i hear him calling it liquid love. And I heard you and I thought, yeah, i know exactly what you mean. because it's like this, this warm love that just fills everything, that consumes you, it baptizes you, And so I just fell in love with God that day. I fell in love with, with everything, even the doorknobs, right.
Speaker 2:It was just like whoa, everything is beautiful. And then it was about three, three nights after I was born again, i got bombarded by a demonic attack in my bedroom And and I could hear these bangings, like like real severe bangings, inside my closet And I actually got afraid. The atmosphere was just, you know, it just felt unsafe And I got afraid and I held my covers up and I cried out to God as oh Jesus, jesus. And then he took me into an encounter, and it was an encounter with Father God. And in this encounter, father manifest himself to me as this beautiful, beautiful, loving Father.
Speaker 2:He had long white, glistening hair, his sapphire blue eyes, his face shone with love. He had this white garment on And he was like. He was like a body, but it was like made of light. And in this, in this encounter, i was a little girl, maybe four or five year old girl, and adorable. I was clean. I had a clean dress on my, you know, hair was done, cute, i mean, it was just adorable. And I could tell that he knew I was adorable, right?
Speaker 2:And he was throwing me up in the air and catching me and laughing with this great big laugh that just filled the universe sort of thing, and I could tell that he just delighted in me. He loved being with me, he loved playing with me, he loved adoring me. And then after a while he just put me down at his feet and he had this long way rope and he gave me a ball to play with And so I was playing with the ball and the ball started rolling away And I was chasing after it on my hands and knees And then all of a sudden I saw in front of me these two little legs and I looked up and there was a little boy and he looked about the same age as I was, maybe five years old, and he looked really mean. He was dirty, he was mean And he had two stick sticking out of his head in this encounter And I knew he was the devil in my spirit. I knew this is the devil, but he looked just about the same age as me but he looked really mean and overpowering And he was yelling at me And he was trying to get me to do things that I didn't want to do And I said I can do that. I was afraid of him And and then he said, oh, yes, you can. He went to get aggressive And I said to him I'm going to tell my daddy on you. And then all of a sudden he he looked up and terror struck him And he ran away in the other direction. And then I turned around to run back to my father, but he was right there And he picked me up and he held me And then he put me down and took my hand And he called me Patsy, which is what my father is, my natural father used to call me, and he said Patsy, if you will walk with me and stay close to me, you'll never need to fear him again. But what happened to me, leanne, in that moment, was daughtership filled me And it wasn't like the mature kind of daughtership you think of. It was like that little girl, that little five-year-old girl. Something was imparted to me in that encounter And I have to say that the way I approach life with God now is like a five-year-old, and over the years, because I've been in ministry for what over?
Speaker 2:officially in ministry, like, as far as you know, leaving my career and stepping into pulpit ministry for over 42 years now And the whole time, you know, people from time to time have tried to put sophistication on me or whatever, or get me to, you know, maybe become more intellectual or intellectual or whatever, and I just keep going back to. But I'm a five-year-old, i approach life with this little childlike expectation of how big my daddy is. Now, that's not to say I don't take adult responsibilities and, of course, stewardship in the Lord And, of course, learn, learn in his presence and study to show myself approved. I'm not disqualifying any of that right, we need that But it's as a five-year-old position in my heart, this little girl with a big dad, as you mentioned earlier, and it's so beautiful so that when we do step out to serve people in ministry that's what ministry means to serve that we do so first of all as a daughter or a son and not as a pastor or a prophet or an apostle, even though those are areas that we serve in those offices and it's wonderful to serve the purposes of God and to serve His people. But we're first of all sons and daughters before we're anything else. And so, no matter how hard you serve as a prophet, apostle, whatever God's called you to be, a business person, whatever. It's not going to make you a son and daughter, but being a son and daughter will make you the best business person, the best government leader, the best preacher, you know. Because it's out of that sonship, out of that daughtership, and so it's meant a lot to me.
Speaker 2:And one scripture, leanne, that really blesses my heart, that I've meditated on for years. It said behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we should be called children of God, and such we are. And it just like, wow, the God of the universe, and he made me his daughter, not when I was deserving of it or behaving well to be a daughter, he just made me a daughter by his own power and blood. You know like and I'm not even adopted, because the word adopted in the scripture doesn't mean the same as like adopting a child that isn't in your bloodline we're actually born again. So we are actually born, we have a DNA inside of us because we're born by his spirit. We are, we are conceived by his spirit. But that word adopted means being adopted into the very image and likeness of him, as we're growing and developing in him, and the spirit of God transforms us to be like him because we're his children, because we have his DNA and because it can just bloom and blossom through us.
Speaker 2:But it just touches me so much that this great God, who is perfect in all of his ways, who has never compromised, who is all powerful, all wisdom, all mighty, all of that is that he chose you and he chose me to be his daughters. He chose those who are watching to be his sons and his daughters And he says behold, what manner of love is this? What? what manner of love is this? It is the highest level of love, the most perfect love, the most uncomprehensible love that you could ever encounter, and this love has made us daughters and sons, says such we are, and that is the highest privilege and should never be taken lightly. I mean to think that we're daughters.
Speaker 2:Leanne of God Almighty. It's like wow really. You know, the most outstanding, the most, the most beautiful being in the entire universe, the most powerful being in the entire universe is my daddy. I remember as a young girl in school I would love it when my father would come and do the show and tell class with me, And because he was a salesman of steel and he would have all these special kind of seals and that he would get up and do the special presentation. I would sit there and think that's my daddy, right? Well, just think of our daddy, our daddy, god, how great he is. That's our daddy. We get to boast of him to the whole world, and that's what we did in Cuba.
Speaker 1:We boasted of our daddy, yeah, you know, at the end of the day, patricia, they can take away all my titles, i really don't care, but nobody can take my position or my identity as God's little girl. I mean, i just it flipped everything for me in October 2003, spoke to me you're my little girl, you don't need to be anything else. And so that's how, every day, i get up And I you know, and if it's a bad day or it seems like the world's crushing in on me or something like that, i'm like dad, you got my back. I know, you got my right there, i don't have to worry about it. It seems like it's like all is breaking out right now, but you got my back And you know, there's so many times I've been in another nation, i'm sure of your experiences and somebody will come up with their business card and go hi, i'm a apostle, so-and-so, and they're giving me their card, you know male or female, and I just want to pull out a card and go I'm just Leanne, little girl, big daddy.
Speaker 2:You know you should get. You should get a business card with that on it because we're about our father's business. That's what Jesus said. He didn't say I'm. I'm about the corporation's business. He said I'm about my daddy's business.
Speaker 1:Yes, i think I will. You got me going there, girl, i think I'm I'm going to go there. That's so cool. So, you know, just knowing that I mean it's so refreshing because for many years I worked as a woman of God. I got, you know, i'm a woman of God. You got to do this and do that and do this and do that. It's exhausting, like it is so exhausting and it's sitting up there for me.
Speaker 1:And so, patricia, for those that are watching right now, if they're like well, i know God. Yeah, i mean, you know, i knew God is the father, our father, but I didn't know him as my dad, you know and I love. You know, when Jesus was baptized, yes, he got water baptism, He got the spirit baptism with the dove. But there was another baptism as late, so well coined to a baptism of love. This is my beloved son, not my beloved Messiah, savior, miracle worker, carpenter, you know, whatever, no, this is my beloved son, well pleased with. And that set the stage. Because then it says, the spirit leads him into the wilderness, to, to tempt him, and but the very first thing, at the end of 40 days, when he says that Jesus became hungry, the very first thing Satan comes to him is if you are the son of God the son, not the Savior, the miracle worker you know you are the son And I can only imagine Jesus and his weakness.
Speaker 1:It says he's hungry, he's by himself.
Speaker 1:I mean it's in the desert, it's cold at night, it's hot during the day. I mean all these dynamics going on in his life And what he says to Satan, and I believe it was not to do a Bible study with Satan, it was just like to remind himself like Hey, wait a minute, satan. Man is not lived by bread alone, but every word that comes out of my dad's mouth, out of the mouth of God, the last thing I heard him say I'm his beloved son, so out of here, and I tell you what that's that gives me such reassurance when the enemy is our, that pigeon is just whispering in my ear that I can say, uh-uh, no, i'm God's little girl, he's my dad, he's well pleased with me. Maybe I didn't do everything right today or yesterday, but you know what? He's my dad and he's got my back.
Speaker 1:So for those that are listening right now and say well, i know God is the father, you know our father. I don't know him as my dad. Or I've been a Christian, or I'm a been a minister for years, but they don't know where to start and knowing God is their dad. What would you?
Speaker 2:say I'd say you know.
Speaker 2:Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. And the truth is is that you are a child of God. You don't have to strive to try to be a child of God, you don't have to behave in order to to confirm yourself as a child of God, you just have to be. And I just want to speak over you a freedom to be. And you know, david said in the Psalms he said when your father and mother forsake you, the Lord will take you up And some of you.
Speaker 2:The reason why it's been hard for you to relate with Father God as your personal father is because maybe you had a father who abandoned you or who abused you or who was just absent emotionally or, you know, didn't care about you, didn't provide for you. So you had, in the natural, a lack of real loving fathers. My assistant, marcelle Louise, when she was only a child. I think she was eight years old when her daddy passed. He passed of cancer And so she loved her daddy. She was so close to her daddy And then she, she lost him. It was a great loss for her, but then the Lord said I'm your daddy. And right away. The Lord became her daddy all through her whole life And she's had this anchor for her soul, no matter what's happened, she knew that she had a daddy who loved her and he was a dad daddy in heaven, father God. And so that's who you have, no matter. No matter what your past has been. Don't define yourself according to what you didn't have as a child, if you didn't have a good father or you had the loss of a father, the absence of a father, but define yourself by the truth. And the truth, says God, says you are my child, you are my child, in whom I am well pleased. And you know God, the Father. He was so pleased with his son, but he wasn't pleased with his son because he was perfect. He was pleased with his son because he was his son. Amen, simple as that.
Speaker 2:I remember when I gave birth to my first child, this beautiful little baby boy, and I was holding him in my arms for the first time and I wept and wept and wept because I never felt such love. And you know he hadn't done anything to warrant my love. He hadn't behaved in any way yet right, good, bad or ugly But my love for him was so strong. I never felt anything like it And it was simply because he was my son.
Speaker 2:And I want to say is that God's love for you is so strong for you, not because you're perfect, not because you do everything right, not because you're gifted, not because you're called. It's just because you're his son, you're his daughter, you're his child and he adores you. His heart is so full of love for you You have no idea, but he invites you to explore that love and to get to know it. So I would say, leanne, the greatest thing is to first of all believe it. It says in Hebrews 11.6 that without faith it is impossible to please him. For he who comes to God must first believe that he is, believe that he is Father, believe that he is Daddy Right. He who comes to God must first believe that he is and that he's a rewarder of those who seek him, and so believe that he's crazy in love with you.
Speaker 2:Believe that in the entrance of the Holy Spirit when you invited Jesus to come into your heart. And if you're watching this and you haven't done that yet, you might say but I'm a churchgoer, i've gone to church my whole life, while going to church doesn't make you a son or daughter of God, and going to McDonald's doesn't make you a hamburger Right. It's like it's the receiving of the Lord into your life, his DNA, that's what gives birth to you as a son or daughter. And you can just call on the same thing and say Jesus, i want you to come into my heart, forgive me of all my sin, you know, bring me into life, eternal life, and then he won't hesitate, he, a miracle will take place and you will become his very own child. That's an impregnation that takes place by the Spirit alone, and no one else can make you a son or daughter, and especially not your works, your good works, your bad works, nothing, only only that miracle of rebirth.
Speaker 2:And so believe that, believe that the Father loves you, believe that he is crazy in love with you, that he thinks of you all the time. David had a revelation of this and he says as numerous as the sands of the seer, how numerous his thoughts are to you. Well, who's counted the sands of the seer? There are two, numerous to count, and that's God's heart towards you. And so drink in that revelation, believe it, don't push it away. Believe it. Don't say but, but, but no, just you know, throw away the buds and just listen to what he says. The truth of what he says, and that is he is so happy to receive you as his son, as his daughter.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, that's so good friend, if you're watching or listening to this man, just take in the truth of what Patricia just shared. You know it says in Hebrews that he's Abba, father, daddy, god, he's your dad, he's our dad. And just to know that. You know. It says be still and know him. Ray and I were just disciplinary young couple, new, new to Christ. They probably entered the doors of a church, maybe during a funeral or a wedding. They were 28 years old and they just they came to God as their dad. That's how they came to experience him as their dad, you know, and as a result. So then you know, a week later, what do we do from here? I'm like, do you have a Bible? No, i said, okay, i'm binding you a Bible. And I sent him a Bible. They were in Wisconsin and we were down here And then, like a week later, like, oh, it's on our nightstand. What do we do now? I said, okay, pick it up, read, start in the book of John and then in the book of Psalms. and I told him what to do read at least a chapter today. But the key was, before you read it, just ask God, god, would you show us you as our dad, as our father. And I tell you what.
Speaker 1:Today, a couple years later, they're thriving for God. They're in Colorado, they're in a great church. I mean, they just like, and it just started with us introducing God to them as their dad. That was really the bottom line. Of course, jesus came in, save your Holy Spirit, power the whole thing, but as their dad. So you know, guys, if you're like, okay, how do I, how do I do this? You know it says be still and know me. That's what God says. So I just encourage you, like I encourage this couple. In fact, their book, their story is in my book here, because there's a lot of people walking through the doors of our business coaching business that will not walk through the doors of the church, and that couple was one. They know their stories in here I got their permission to share it And but just get still with God, just get still with him and say God, i know you as God, i believe in you, but would you show me yourself as my dad?
Speaker 1:Like I want to know you as my dad, because all of us desire to be fathered. If you're like me, i never knew my dad, i never had a relationship with him. And so, in 2003, as this woman of God, god became my dad And I'm like this is so cool man, i got the best dad in the world. Okay. So, patricia, let's do this before we close here. Thank you so much for joining me, but would you be willing to just pray over everyone and release a blessing of sonship?
Speaker 2:Absolutely, that's what it needs you to do, yeah, i would be honored. And if I could just take a moment, if it's okay, things coming to my heart right now that I think the Father wants to impart, and that's his favor. He wants you to be aware of his favor. So think about this If, if your physical father in the natural was the head of a multi-billion dollar corporation, guess what? As his child, you get preference. You can go knock on his door anytime and he'll stop things to meet with you. And let's say that there was a position in the company that you would really like to move into, you know what he would do. He would make a way for you to move into it. If you need a training, he would get you the training. If you needed a good mentor, he'd get you a mentor. He would get you whatever you needed to be able to come into the place of your desire.
Speaker 2:It's called Father's Favor And I just feel like God wants to release that over you, a revelation of how favored you are because you're his son or because you're his daughter.
Speaker 2:You are favored And he wants you to meditate on that and receive it, because there's going to be ridiculous doors of favor open for you just because you're his child And he has power over the whole universe, which means it can every door can open up for you. He favors you, so just receive that. But, father, i just pray right now for everyone who is watching, lord God, that you would deepen the revelation of your love for them as Father and who they are, as your children, your beloved children, in whom you are well. Please let it sink so deep. Let it enter them today in a new way, even if they've had this revelation before Lord God. Let it empower them in a new way and let them know the power of the favor of who you are in their life as Daddy, and that they can walk in that favor all their lives and see lives turn to you because of your oiling on their life, your blessing on their life. In Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 1:Wow, amen and amen. Oh my gosh, that was so good. I'm like, can we just start this all over again? It's so good And, friend, i hope you were blessed and encouraged today. I know I was. I just I feel God's spirit in this love just all over this And I encourage you. You know, if you're getting something out of this, if it spoke to you, share it with a friend, share it with a family member, share it with your pastor, whatever. Just share it with others, because we really, really, really have a heart for me And, i know, for Patricia, to help those step into who they truly are called to be, as God's sons and daughters, and then do what they were called.
Speaker 1:In fact, i wrote a devotional about years ago. It's a 30-day devotional, called a journey to your identity so you can fulfill your destiny, and so that's what this is all about is knowing who we are and who's we are, so we can do what we actually are called for his kingdom, as representatives on this planet. So, patricia, thank you so, so, so much for sharing, and I know that many, many are going to be impacted by what you shared today. You're just beautiful. I just you know, patricia and I got to spend an evening together at dinner for about two hours when we were in Cuba, and I tell you what you know, guys, i didn't say, patricia, i don't want to know about your prophetic gift, i don't want to know about this one, i just want to know you And thank you for honoring me, and just that time together was one of the highlights of the trip while I was in Cuba. I have about 100 highlights, but that was one of the top ones while we were there. So thank you so much And, friend, thank you for joining us. We'll see you next week.
Speaker 1:Leigh-anne Goff, the Transmation Coach, but I am your Transmation Coach in spirit, soul, body and finances. God bless you. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that He has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings at Amazon or at leighangoffministriesorg.