Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
From Executive Pastor to Entrepreneur with Dan Valentine
Happy 4th of July Everyone!
Are you ready to get inspired by an incredible journey of faith and entrepreneurship?
This week, I'm taking it back to an amazing interview I did with Dan Valentine, my cherished friend and mentor.
From his time as an executive pastor to his transformation into an entrepreneur, he offers a wealth of insight into the fusion of spirituality and entrepreneurship.
Highlighting a defining moment from his junior high years, Dan reveals how a profound spiritual experience sparked his calling towards ministry. He opens up about his struggles, personal growth, and how his role as a pastor became a stepping stone to leadership in the marketplace.
Our conversation is a testament to the concept that prosperity can indeed enrich our capacity to serve others. Together, we explore how earning money and making an impact aren't mutually exclusive - they can go hand in hand.
This conversation fits so perfectly with my book, Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings and Dan is a living testament to exactly this idea!
This episode is a treasure chest of wisdom for those looking to blend faith and entrepreneurship. Tune in and brace yourself for a transformational journey like no other!
Plus, you can now listen to my new book Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and King on Audible. Get it HERE!
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, i'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, i'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hey friend, leanne Goff, here, the transformational coach. Welcome to today's podcast.
Speaker 1:I'm so much about watching people and helping people and experiencing with people a transformation in all areas of their life Their spirit, their soul, their body, their finances and their mindsets just in all areas because we go through transformation and we level up as leaders, as pastors, as just moms, dads, whatever. We're just much better people to society and everybody around us. Anyway, thank you for joining us here today. I have an incredible, incredible, amazing, special friend here, a mentor.
Speaker 1:Dan and his wife, megan, are actually part of Ray and my mentorship team. I can't tell you how thankful Ray and I are that God brought Dan and Megan into our lives, probably about two and a half three years ago, but they have made such an impact on our lives and continue to every single day. In fact, my husband and I, ray, were just with Dan and Megan in Utah last week for an event and it was just stupendous. We love these people, we honor them and you're going to want to hear Dan's story today. I know. just tune in, listen, because it's going to be amazing. So, dan, welcome to Leanne God, the Transformation Coach. It's so good to have you with me today.
Speaker 2:Thank you, leanne. Great to be here Now. I got to figure out how to live up to that introduction. I was just going to say I love this podcast. Nobody's doing anything like this. The topics that you're tackling, the people that you're interviewing absolutely amazing and I'm hooked. So thank you for having me on. It's a huge honor.
Speaker 1:Oh well, it's a blessing to me And when I was laying out, i do some of my own. It's just me like I did a. What was released yesterday was are you thriving or surviving, especially coming out of COVID and all this other stuff? everything we've been through And the blessings, the things that you get out of wilderness experience is some of those I do on my own.
Speaker 1:But, I love having people come on and dialogue with them, partners come on and dialogue with them, because that's just as impactful. So, anyway, friends, dan was an executive pastor I don't know 19, 15, 20 years ago, something like that. And Dan now has gone from executive pastor to an entrepreneur. That doesn't mean he doesn't still pastor Okay, he pastors every day. I'm part of him. What he pastors, ray and I are part of that, that community that he still pastors, but in a different way. And so, dan, i would love for you to share with our listeners today How did you go, take us on the journey of how you went from an executive pastor to an entrepreneur? and it's going to kind of wreck some people's mindsets. We know it's going to rattle some religious boxes and stuff, but you know what? There's people out there that want to know, that want to do that, and they want to know how you did it and how that worked for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you know, honestly, this journey kind of wrecked my mindset a little bit. To be able to, it's been quite the journey, so hopefully I'll be able to share some of that today. You know, as I was thinking about it, you know we talked a little beforehand and this idea of executive pastor to entrepreneur, i think honestly, as I think about it, i've always been an entrepreneur and we all know those entrepreneurs in ministry right Do doing, you know, taking chances, taking risks, putting in the hard work, doing things that are creative and out of the box. So I think the idea of being an entrepreneur is already in all of our churches, in all kinds of ministries. I think it was more so the idea of moving from getting my paycheck from a church versus getting it from what some people would consider a secular air quotes type of a job, if you can call it that, or business. So I think I've always been that entrepreneur. I never.
Speaker 2:You know, when I was in junior high school and this is kind of where it all began and many people have the same, the same story I had a camp, of course, a summer camp. There was sawdust on the floor and these old wooden benches. It was up in the mountains of Colorado. We had traveled there from Arizona and I felt, i'm telling you, i knew that, i knew that, i knew that, i knew that I was called in the ministry, i just knew it. I mean, i remember blubbering at the altar and, of course, when there's sawdust, that just creates a massive mess. And I remember, you know, the service was over and it was movie time right in the main area and all the kids went into this main area And here I was a seventh grader and I walked the other direction and went out to this creek that was next to the campground And I remember I just stared up at the stars that God created. And like I can remember this moment, like it was yesterday, and I remember I'm not going to sing it for you, okay, because it would not be pretty But I remember singing this song, which is one of the worship songs that we had been singing that week, and it was something along the lines of I'll say yes, lord, yes to your will and to your way.
Speaker 2:I'll say yes, lord, yes, i'll trust you and obey. And I was singing it over. I'm getting goosebumps telling this. I'm, oh, i'm staring up, and so I knew there was never a question that was called in the ministry or not. But I didn't realize is, i think, everybody's called in the ministry. So to me that meant at that time as a seventh grader who didn't quite have it all figured out, i still don't That meant you're going to work, you're going to be a missionary, or you're going to work for a church, or you're going to be a pastor or you're going to be an evangelist. I didn't know which one of those it was, but I said, god, whatever you say, i'm going to do. And that commitment that I made, i think, was the key to this whole thing.
Speaker 2:I've I've done entrepreneurial type of ministry for for 20 plus years. From the time I was 18 years old, i'd, i'd travel and and, when nobody else was doing it, speaking in public schools right, not being able to say the name of Jesus but preaching the gospel, you know, bringing the spirit in there and and encouraging kids and junior highs and high schools and and created all kinds of different ministries and worked in youth and and and did all kinds of crazy things in the youth world before everybody was doing all the crazy things and having massive youth groups. I've kind of always been this entrepreneurial take a risk, let's do something big for God, as big as we can. Let's leave it all on the field kind of person, which is how we run our business now, as you know, as you do. And so 20 plus years working first of all on the youth world and and the evangelistic world and then moving up into the adult world, i never had a desire to be a lead pastor. I saw what they had to put up with and who they had to deal with and all, and I said I will be the second in command, i will serve, i will, but you take you, you get all the credit and you take all the blame. So I just love always. You know, i was always called to be an armor bearer and I loved being that, that person there that would hold the shield and then take some of the arrows so they didn't have to hit the pastors that I worked with and do all the stuff that they didn't want to do and stuff that I had had talents and ability to do. And so I did that. You know, most of my ministry life really enjoyed it Most of the time, and what's weird is here's kind of how it.
Speaker 2:How things shifted for me is I got that. Can I say that? I got fat. I got 85 pounds overweight and it's not like it happened overnight, but in a span of about 10 years I put on about 85 pounds and I'd always been full of energy, full of life and a dreamer. And you know, i woke up one day and and none of that was there And I was too tired to jump on the trampoline with my kids and I was, and I just wanted to sit in front of the TV and I couldn't wait to get home from church and for the day to be done. It just wasn't me.
Speaker 2:And so this whole shift happened to in me. It started with my physical health and what I realized is, once I started to tackle that aspect of my health, it affected every single area of my life. And so, as I and it was real, it was kind of a crazy story how it all came about as I started to lose weight and I started to become a better dad and a better husband and I started to dream again, i started to actually pray again and say God, what do you want me to do during the season? It had been a lot of years since I'd asked that, and I started asking that again God, what do you want me to do? And I started helping other people in their, in their area of health, which which our business is in the area of health transformation, as is yours. And I remember what happened is because, still at this time, a I knew I was called into ministry and, b I knew that being in ministry meant working at a church. Okay, so that's still my mindset at that time, and yet I'm feeling this tug to to do this other thing that I'm really enjoying helping other people get the kind of life transformation that I was getting.
Speaker 2:And so I was doing it on the side, right, i looked at it a lot like, like you know, there's pastors that that are worship leaders, that that sing and they pastor churches and then they also have have worship CDs, and they are pastors that are authors. Right, we know some of our favorite pastors are authors and they have books and they and that's their calling to make a difference in a different avenue, in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. And so that's how I approached this side business. It was my side ministry. It was the thing that I did when I was done with my things at my responsibilities at church, then I would rush home or wherever I was at to be able to work on this thing that I really, really loved. And I remember, megan, my wife looked at me once and she said you really love this, don't you? You see, she saw the light come back on in my eyes for the first time in over a decade. And so I still didn't know. This was always going to be a side ministry. I loved it, i was pouring my heart and soul into it, but I'm supposed to work at a church. That's what I was called to do in junior high school.
Speaker 2:Anyway, long story short or shorter, during this season, which the whole season was about 11 months, about five months into the season, my dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. We lived in Illinois, northern Illinois. He lived in Phoenix, arizona, and we flew out to see him. We didn't know how long we had left with him. We didn't know. You know, we prayed for healing, we believed for healing. We just didn't know what was going to happen.
Speaker 2:And when we were out here which is where I live now in Phoenix, my wife and I both, we were sitting outside on my dad's patio and we both looked at each other and you know, she goes what And I go what. And we both knew something at that moment. We knew we were supposed to be here in Phoenix to be around my dad, and so we sat on the process of, okay, well, what do we do? Because we work at churches. Well, if we're going to move to Phoenix, we have to find a job at a church in Phoenix, right? And I had a bunch of great connections and I started putting out feelers And our number one pastor I was talking to actually the church we attend now, a massive church out here said Hey, listen, we'd really love to look at this. You know, having you join us, if you could make your perfect portfolio, what would it be? And I was stuck because I didn't want to do anything that was on my portfolio.
Speaker 1:I didn't know what. I just wanted to help people get healthy.
Speaker 2:I wanted to do this other thing that I was doing. It was like, whoa, no, i don't want to go do all these things. Well, so at that time, so we had six months left till we were leaving. This is five months into the season, so for two or three months of that I'm praying God. What church am I supposed to work at? God, leave me to the right church, leave me to the right ministry, because I know you called me in the ministry.
Speaker 2:What happened is about halfway, about three months before we were supposed to leave, some things happened. Our side business, the finances, reached a level where we didn't really have to have a job at a church. So we realized we could do whatever we wanted. And we started out with well, maybe we'll go volunteer at a church, maybe we'll go go volunteer down at a soup kitchen or an inner city ministry, or, and it was like everything was opened up. And so then I changed my prayer just a tiny bit And my prayer changed. My wife and I's prayers changed to instead of God, what church do you want us to work at?
Speaker 2:We took ourselves out of this box. We prayed the prayer that we should have been asking from the very beginning, that really we should have been asking our whole lives. Which is God? What do you want me to do? Where do you want me to go? And when we started praying that prayer, it was clear as day God's voice not an audible voice, but I knew it was God's voice, saying this health thing you're doing this side ministry, this side business, that is your calling, that is where I want you. So once I heard that, it was very easy to say okay, god, and God may call me to work at a church someday, he may call me to be a missionary, whatever, if God says it, because my prayers to this day are God, keep me in your perfect will. What do you want me to do? So kind of a long story, but that's how we got to this point, from kind of an entrepreneurial executive pastor that had lost his entrepreneurial drive and dream and to a true entrepreneur, an entrepreneurial pastor out in the biggest mission field that there is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, wow, dan, that is so incredible And we kind of put people in a box and it was like you were in your mind, you were in a box. It's like, okay, i'm called as an entrepreneur, but I have to stay within the box of the four walls of a church And that's where I have to do that. And I think so many times that for me in my world, i'm thinking, wow, why have we not completed the Great Commission? Excuse me, why have we not completed the Great Commission? I think there's many reasons for that, sorry folks, and one is is because we're looking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I'd offer you some water, but I'm in a different state.
Speaker 1:I've got some right here, though I just got to take a break to drink it here. But you know, is God like Jesus went into the marketplace and got all his disciples. He did not go to the church mountain to get his disciples. Why, back then, it was because they had such religious mindsets that there's no way he could have gone to the Pharisees and the Sadducees and transformed the world. They were pushing against him already so much. Well, i don't know that much has changed in over 2,000 years. You know that I really believe God. He's happened to go to the marketplace to get most of the people to bring a kingdom transformation, because the church is in this box.
Speaker 1:Like you cannot, you know, like I say all the time, you can't preach and prosper. You can't be an evangelist and entrepreneur. You can't be a missionary and a millionaire And, as we were talking about earlier, like you know, to go for some people that rattles their cages, to go from executive pastor to an entrepreneur, well, that's sacrilegious. Why would you do that? You know money is the root of all evil And it's like no, the love of money is the root of all evil, you know, and money speaks. I know that money. I travel all over the world, 34 nations. I know when you step in somewhere and you have a sphere of influence and your character. But also in finances, you've got an ear that you don't have when you come in with rags on okay, and not as a real rags, and so you know for us to be able to go in there and shift people's mindsets and be able to go yes, you can do this, and that I know.
Speaker 1:When, because of the health transformational business that you guys are in, almost three years ago, our elders came to me and said pastor, you have a new. I was pastoring up in Ohio In fact, i'll be there next week ministering and meeting with all the leaders And our pastor came and said pastor, you have a new church. You have a new church And what this business has afforded us to have. There are people walking through the doors of our business that will not walk through the doors of a church. They just won't, and so, but there's this block, like God's only gonna use people that are in the church, and that's so wrong. So can you speak to that?
Speaker 2:Yeah. So, if I can make a bold statement, i believe three things. Well, i believe a lot of things, but three things about this One there are a lot of people out in the business world because they're not asking the question God, what do you want me to do? Where do you want me to be? They're in their business box When they should be leading churches and leading ministries. They have a many talent, they have the resources. That's the first thing I believe. Second thing I believe this is the bold statement that a lot of people might not agree with. There are people like me. I think I stayed about five years too long in the church because I wasn't asking that question And I'll tell you, i was miserable. One of the reasons I got fat I turned to food to sedate myself. I mean, i was not a great dad.
Speaker 2:I was not, you know but, i, did all the stuff a pastor does, right. There are people that are in the church right now pastoring, getting their paycheck from a church that should be doing something else if they would just ask God something in the business world that God has called them to do and uniquely equipped them to do. Third thing, i believe, is there are people in the church or let me put it this way, there are people that should do both, like the pastors who write books, the pastors who create worship CDs, the pastors who do conferences, the pastors who travel and speak because God's called them to this, the pastors that lead missions organizations right, and I know you have been a huge part of missions that still are. There's pastors that they just listen. I'm called the pastor of this church, but I'm also called to lead this missionary organization around the world, and they do great things. It doesn't have to be books, cds or, i guess, mp3 these days. Missionary organizations, why not businesses? The marketplace is a church. The marketplace is where the people are.
Speaker 2:And I'll say this, leanne, since you brought up money, you are a brave soul on this podcast, bringing up money. I don't love money, but I sure love what money allows me to do. Yeah, i love it a whole lot When good people make good money. They do great things And I truly believe that one of the reasons God has blessed us so richly with the ability to make money and I'll say it, lots and lots of money One of the reasons is because he knows what we do with it And we learned in this business, as you have and this goes for any business when you can make a lot of money.
Speaker 2:First of all, you don't make money unless you have an impact on somebody. You solve a problem in their life and our business happens to impact people massively. So we don't pursue sales, we don't pursue income, we don't pursue money. We pursue how can we make a difference in someone's life in the area of health, mental, financial, spiritual, physical. That's our business, that's your business. But here's what happens. So we pursue impact and in the business world, the income follows that. The income is directly related to the level of impact you have, which I love, because I was born to have impact, my wife was born to have impact, our whole team was born to have impact. So we get to get up every day going. Who do we get to impact today? Who do we get to help, and the more we do that, the more money comes in. It's crazy, it's like this is unbelievable. But what we discovered is this we get to double dip on impact, because we impact on the front end, the income follows, but then we get to use that income to impact other people.
Speaker 2:And I don't say this to brag. My wife and I support more ministries and missionaries today, my wife and I personally, then our entire mega church, and I know because I saw the numbers. I ran the missions department, the giving department. My wife and I are able to support because we asked God where do you want me more? And not that it's a comparison thing, but to give you an idea of what's possible. And so my encouragement to anybody listening is just ask God what does he want you to do? And if you hear him speaking, get yourself out of that box. And you know what? If you have the ability to impact people and go make truckloads and truckloads of money, you will fall in love with what you're able to do with it. It's the best life ever.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it is Dan, And I tell you, pastors get paid to serve the people as a pastor. Worship leaders get paid to serve the worship, the community or the congregation as a worship leader, The children's ministers, whatever they all get. But if we people will have a problem like why do you get paid to help people get healthy?
Speaker 1:Whatever it's like well, we and in our world we know this. We show up to serve them. We really are serving them. Just like a pastor serves the congregation, our worship leader serves the congregation, our children's ministers or our youth minister they are getting compensated to serve in those areas. And you know, jesus said I want you to be healthy in spirit. I want you to be healthy in spirit, soul and body. And we talk about the spirit of the soul, especially as ministers, so much, but we're not talking about the body. And more and more pastors and ministers are coming into our organization, our health coaching community, and they are blown away by the results they are receiving in their health. And then they just like we already care about people Like I got to help other people.
Speaker 1:That was me, i'm like, when I saw my mentors four years ago July 2017, sitting in a coffee shop in Ankeny, iowa, and I knew them for many years and they had melted away.
Speaker 1:They were thriving, they glowed, they weren't surviving some diet And I looked across the table and said I don't know what you're doing, but I want to look like you. And then I said and I don't know how much money you make to help people, look like you, but I want to. I want to do it because I want to help people look like you and I want to look like you, and so it was my whole motive. You know my story. I was coaching for months and had no idea what I was doing, but I was getting very well blessed for helping people get healthy and to be the best and they desire to be, and just so many benefactors to us. Helping coach people to, not a diet for a few months of lost weight and to gain it back, but a complete and radical transformation. And isn't that, as ministers, what we want? people's life is for them to be radically transformed.
Speaker 2:That's it. The crazy thing, leanne, is so many of us and people in the church believers have a problem making money to help people. Like you said, that was a huge concept I had when I started this And I remember I went to my mentor and said, hey, listen, i feel compelled to pay this forward. This has changed my life and I have to like I couldn't not do it. I have to help people, but my problem is I don't want to get paid for it. I don't think that's right. I'm just here to serve the people. And I remember my mentor looked at me and he said, huh, he was so good at asking questions. If you're a leader out there, ask great questions, help people, come up with their own answers. And he was amazing at that. And he said, huh, he goes.
Speaker 2:How long have you been in ministry again, working for a church? I said, oh, about 20, 25 years. And he goes oh, and what do you do? And I told him you know I preach sometimes and your accounts people, yeah, and you pray, oh, yeah, i pray for people. I do weddings, you know I'll officiate. You know weddings or funerals, or if someone needs me, i'll go to their house, or you know all these things. And he goes oh, that's really helping people, isn't it? I was like yeah, yeah, that's what I was called to do. And he goes don't you get paid for that? And I went silent. He had busted that concept with a couple of perfectly placed questions. There's nothing wrong with getting paid to help people, whether it be in ministry or out of ministry.
Speaker 1:You know it's interesting because when I took the church a little over seven years ago in Ohio, moved from Atlanta to Ohio, i remember big church, 55,000 square feet in house, basketball court, i mean the whole, because most people think a woman, oh, you got this little storefront at your meeting at someone's house. You know, no, there was like massive. They ran 710 at one. I mean it was like a lot of stuff going on And I was a third pastor in 53 years Okay, the previous pastor 32 years. And I remember when I first got to the church, you know elders and people were coming to me and saying, hey, our park and lot was just devastated. I mean, it's like 23 years old It was. It was a wreck. And they're oh, we're going to pray. A millionaire comes in and paves our parking lot. You know this. And that I said, no, we're not going to pray for that At first. The millionaires won't come near this place because they'll smell orphan and like you've got a hook, so they're not going to come. And that's one reason most millionaires won't walk into church today, because most of us have hooks, we have ulterior motives And we're just not pure in heart with this stuff. We don't know how to handle money. We do not know how to handle finances.
Speaker 1:Thankfully I have a spiritual father. Even before I got into, you know, transnational health coaching, that really flipped the script on way of my, my head 16 years ago. So when I came into this I'm like, oh yeah, jesus, you know, his parents had, you know, the money for the hotel room. There just wasn't any room, you know. So it's like, well, go to a cave, you know, do it. And you know they were gambling for Jesus's garment the Roman soldiers before he died at the foot of the cross. So he probably had some pretty nice stuff he was wearing. Okay, cause they're gambling. For it is streets ago, pearly gates, and we just I, you know just what we have taught the church. That is just such a wrong mentality. So, you know, i'm just thankful today that you know again. You know, probably about four years ago we paid $160,000 as a church to pay that parking lot And it was a more of a witness to community that we had to go in there and I had to shift some mindsets. I mean, it was like, oh my gosh, poverty lack mentality big time, and now they are thriving, impacting the community.
Speaker 1:I read this is about you, not about me, but I read a quote a couple of days ago are you influencing your community? Are you building your city? I'm like Whoa, that is powerful. How many churches? Oh, like we just want to reach our community. No, why don't you go build your community? Why don't you go build your city? And that's some of the stuff I'll be sharing with our leaders next Saturday night when I'm there. So you know, in final closing here, dan, i don't want to keep you much longer. This has been absolutely amazing. But if there was one or two other things that you would say to our listeners out there, to really set themselves up, to have the openness, the mindset, to allow God to, yes, 100%, just say God, what do you want me to do? And then be obedient to that. You know you got to be obedient to it and take him at his word, trusting in what he tells you to do. But if there was one or two things that you would leave our listeners with, what would that be?
Speaker 2:So um, oh my gosh, and I hope you do a podcast at some point on this idea of scarcity versus abundance- We have to come back and do it. Let's just I mean, we don't have time today, but right, imagine our churches filled. You talk about that parking lot. Can you imagine our churches filled with people with a spirit of abundance instead of a spirit of scarcity? what we could do for our cities.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Can you imagine how we could build? I mean, it's, it's, oh my gosh. Okay. So the one thing that I would leave you with is this First of all, don't be afraid to ask that question. I'm so glad that I did. God, what do you want me to do? And I just happen to believe that there's this place, when we're in right, where God wants us to be. You know, you've heard it called being in the zone, right And God's perfect will, whatever you want to call it And you know, if you're there, you can feel if you're there or not. So, wherever you are, if there's something that just doesn't feel quite right, like something's missing, get yourself out of that box and ask that question God, what do you want me to do? And I have to share this one quick story, leigh Ann, because this just happened.
Speaker 2:I just heard about this right before this podcast, and I often get people that don't quite understand. And I used to do the same thing when I was in the church and somebody would leave the church and then they go do a business. They're like they left ministry, they're out of the ministry, and you know what a judgemental. I had no idea, but let me explain this to anybody out there that might be thinking that and you're like why would you leave the church? Oh, it's for more money. No, it's not. It is a lot more money, but that's not the reason. I didn't know that we would ever make a lot of money doing this. I didn't know we could ever help a lot of other people make a lot of money, a lot of good people that are impacting cities and countries all over this world About, and I have the texts that show this and I'll share them at some point in April, april 16.
Speaker 2:I picked up the phone and I called a friend of mine because he was on my heart, about 150 pounds overweight, nicest guy in the world, believer on our Christian Schools Board, associate pastor, part time business, and he just wasn't healthy. And I really believe God woke me up and said call him and I won't share his name and you'll understand why in a second. Call him up and tell him you're here to serve him, that you can help him. What an awkward conversation, right. Call somebody up and say listen, i love you.
Speaker 2:And I remember I got on the phone. I said this is awkward. I don't know how to say this. You need to do something. You need to do something or you're not gonna be around. And this is what I told him. I said his daughter was just had just graduated high school and he actually and got married. He actually officiated her wedding and she was pregnant, so he had his first grand kid on the way. And I remember I told him on the phone more goosebumps right now And I said if you are not going to do this And I said I don't care if you do our program, and I even said I'll pay for it You have to pay me a dime.
Speaker 2:This is listen. This is about you being able to be a grandpa and be able to be around for a while. And I said here's the deal If you're not gonna do this, listen, i do care. I'm not gonna say I don't care, but because I care about you. Then, when we get off the phone, i want you to pick up your phone and I want you to call your daughter And I want you to just tell her, just so she's aware and she can get things in order, that you are not gonna be around to be her child's grandfather. Make that call, because that's and I know that sounds melodramatic, but I really felt like I was supposed to say, that He hemmed and hawed a little bit, kind of tried to do some stuff, but never got really serious about it.
Speaker 2:Last night he died of a heart attack in his bed. I went back and looked through our texts and his daughter texted me right after I made that call And he said my dad told me what you said And thank you, cause I want him to be around for to be a grandpa. And she texted me and said thank you, but he never did anything with it. And you wanna know why I'm doing what I'm doing? It's cause there are millions of people like that out there that need a solution and they're being taken advantage of but by bad marketing, diet, pills, all this crap out there And they need people like you, leanne and Ray, and this, excuse me They need us, they need us. So that's why I do it. And when you feel something that deeply, then you will let go of your box, you will leave it to the side and you won't care what anybody thinks And you'll go out there to make a difference, just because God called you to.
Speaker 1:What a way to end that. Dan, golly My heart, just like when you said that I know pastors and ministers that over the last three or same things, they have left this planet before their time They have. I'll close with this. And I was on my way to Pakistan in May of 2017. I was pushing aside 14. I was used to an eight. I was stopped popping tums every night before bed Like it was candy joint pain medication. I knew my identity inside as a beloved daughter, but I did not like the way I felt, the way I looked in the mirror. My clothes fit And so I'm in actually Dubai, on my way to Pakistan and minister for a week, and God spoke to me and said get ahold of your health, you won't finish well.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna sign on your life. But I said this I will not diet Diets never work for friends and family. It won't work for me. But I did not know what to do until the next month, june 2017, and I started seeing my friends in Iowa melting away on Facebook and looking really good while they were doing it, and I'm so thankful today that God first spoke to me, gave me a warning to get healthy And then, secondly, he brought a results-driven program into Ray and My Life that literally transformed our health. And now, thousands upon thousands, upon thousands. I'm so glad, dan, i think every day because of my yes there's, because, if you're a yes, there's like thousands and thousands, i mean like multiple tens of thousands that have gotten healthy because of your megans, you know, yes. So, my gosh, wow, what a powerful, you know story. Sad, sad, powerful story. And so, ferrin, if you've been listening to this, i hope, if you didn't take anything, anything away from this, that you took that very last two or three minutes that Dan was sharing.
Speaker 1:If you're in a place where you are struggling with your health you know, whatever that looks like, if you're struggling and you're not the best you that you desire to be, then some way, some way, find somebody that can help you. Get a coach, get a health coach. You know I believe in marriage coaches and life coaches, and we have financial coaches. I mean we get a coach for every area of our life, like you know we should be, but get a coach that's gonna help you not lose weight for six months a year to put it back, but that's literally gonna transform your health, and it's gotta start in your head too. Okay, it's not just about your stomach, our biggest problems in our head. That's gonna transform your health so that you can be around for your kids, for your grandkids, for your assignment, for the kingdom of God, whatever that looks like in your world.
Speaker 1:So, dan, i can't thank you enough. This has been absolutely phenomenal and amazing. My life is so much richer for it. Thank you for joining me today on Leigh Ann Goff, the Transformational Coach and friend. You know, if this is blessed, you please share this podcast with a family member or a friend or a coworker and then subscribe to Leigh Ann Goff, the Transformational Coach, and even review us, you know. But, dan, thank you again, really appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Thank you, leigh Ann honor.
Speaker 1:All right, sir, thanks again. We will try and schedule the time to come back and talk about abundance and scarcity mindset. I know we don't have time today, but we will do that. So all right, sir, thank you, bless you, and we'll be talking soon. ["missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings"]. I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as Priests and Kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings at Amazon or at liangoffministriesorg.