Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are You Fantasizing or Dreaming? with Megan Valentine
Ever wondered how dreams, faith, and transformation can intertwine to form an inspiring journey? Meet Megan Valentine, a remarkable dreamer and mentor who embarked on a journey of transformation 26 years ago.
She committed herself to a 30-day life change that saw her form a deep connection with God, gain clarity in her leadership, and kickstart her journey to becoming a dreamer. Join us, as we unravel the power of dreaming, the importance of clarity, and how the fear of stepping out of one's comfort zone can hinder progress.
As we navigate through Megan's inspiring journey, we dive into the significance of dreaming and looking ahead. We explore how dreaming is like a muscle that strengthens with use.
Megan also shares her experience of starting over in her mid-thirties, a risk that shaped her life in remarkable ways. She provides insights into what she calls 'Blank Canvas Dreaming', where she and her husband Dan dared to reimagine their lives from scratch. How often do we dare to dream big, depart from routine, and step out of our comfort zones?
Megan also introduces us to her 'Dream Chasing Guide', an innovative resource designed to connect individuals with their future selves. We discuss her book No Place Like Known which encapsulates her journey of surrendering to God's plan and becoming fully aware of herself.
Join us on this transformational journey where we explore the potency of dreams and the power of surrendering to a divine plan.
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, i'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, i'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hi, friend, leanne Goff, here, the transformational coach, and just super excited to be with you again today. As you know, i love helping people experience transformation in all areas of their life in their spirit, soul, body, finances, in their mindset. I love to see transformation in cities and nations. I just love transformation. It just wrecks my life so much more than just a touch or a change. We are after transformation in every area of our life. That's what really impacts others' lives.
Speaker 1:So I have an incredible, incredible guest with me today. I interviewed her husband recently and we had a great time. Dan Valentine, and then his beautiful bride, is with me today. The better part of him, and I tell you, for Ray and I, dan and Megan have been such an impactful part of our lives this last couple of years, especially as mentors in our coaching business, and they have just made us better. People caused us to think bigger, dream bigger and just show up better. So, megan, it's really great to have you here today. Thank you for joining me.
Speaker 2:Allie, and it's great to be with you, excited to hang out.
Speaker 1:Well, megan and I were talking before we jumped on this. In fact, ray and I were just with Megan and Dan In Utah last week. We had an incredible time just leaning hearts together in our company and just being with higher level leaders and thinkers, and just again just makes me so much better. So Megan and I were talking before we got on to the podcast here. And, megan, there's going to be a lot of people out there. They're all over the world And this is an incredible, incredible opportunity to present what we're doing for the Kingdom of God everywhere.
Speaker 1:And so one of the things I love about you, megan, is that you are a, not just a, dreamer, you are a huge I mean I don't think there's any word you use extravagant, you know, like incredible, whatever But you are such an amazing, amazing dreamer and you help people dream all the time. You have resources, you actually do events about dreaming, and so could you just take myself and our listeners today just on a little journey. Did you come out of the womb? like I asked somebody recently, do you come out of the womb dreaming? Did you just wake up one morning? you were dreaming. I mean, what brought you like to in my world. You're the queen of dreaming and you're the queen of helping others dream. So how did you come out about to be such a phenomenal dreamer and help other people dream so big? Okay?
Speaker 2:Well, i'll start by saying no, i did not come out of the womb this way at all. I'm a Midwest girl from a middle class family. I always had enough and just a little bit extra, but I didn't really like want for all the things. But in my you know, in my time I about 16 is when I gave my life to the Lord and I knew that he could turn my pain into purpose. I had hit rock bottom at a really young age and said, okay, i have really tried to do this my way and it's not working out. And I lost a loved one who was really close to me and that was kind of my trigger moment, one of those before after moments in my life, and I just said you know what, god, i will give you 30 days. I wasn't quite sure about how you know the big picture of the whole life thing, so I was like how, about 30 days? We'll see how it goes.
Speaker 1:He created everything in six days, so 30 days wasn't probably too hard, right.
Speaker 2:Well, and you and I both know what what can happen with your habits in 30 days, right? So I actually literally said for 30 days I'm all in, and I changed the way that I live, the people that I surrounded myself with, the music that I listened to, you know, picking up the Bible every single day, just talking to God every day, positioning myself to hear from him. And that was 26 years ago, as of October 13th, and so it's been quite a journey. But in that evolution, i found myself continuing to raise my hand and say God, send me, god, use me, god, i'm available for your work. And in doing that, he continued to open my eyes to new opportunities, new doors to walk through. And then I found myself always knowing that there was more, there was more out there, like an unsatisfied satisfaction, right, like I could be content with where God had me, but also know okay, god, where are you sending me next? What's next? And so in this study of leadership, right, i really began to understand how important clarity was and the fact that, as leaders, as people of God, just in general, like we don't wander our way into great places, you know, we have to get clear with where we want to go and what we want to do.
Speaker 2:And of course, you know and this is where it gets interesting as I talk with a lot of really spiritual people, they kind of just sit. A lot of people may say you know what? I believe that God's ordering my steps and I'll just find myself where I need to be. And I trust that God is ordering my steps. But I also see that it's as I acknowledge him, it's as I'm walking, it's as I'm saying, yes, it's as I'm looking that I find myself where I'm supposed to be. And so, yeah, and I think my passion is not just helping people dream, but get so clear on that dream and then be able to lead from the future and act in the now so they can go back and actually make those dreams happen. I don't want anybody to live in fantasy world, but I actually believe that, like the desires of your heart, god placed them there, and so why not get clear on what those are and look for the ways that God is providing for you to create those?
Speaker 1:Yeah, that is so good. You know, megan, i've traveled to 34 nations Now. I've taken hundreds of teams all over the world, 34 nations, and I'll have people go. You know well, i'm praying whether I'm supposed to take a missions trip or go to the nations or whatever I'm like. You know what He said go into all the world, the gospel.
Speaker 1:And unless he tells you no, you're supposed to be going, you know, even if it's across the street. But you know, in my world I'm like he has to tell me not to go because it's a commandment to go and stuff. I know right, and so you know, take a, two or three minutes and talk about how you dig into, not just like you say, that fantasy. You don't want somebody just to fantasize, but you actually want to pinpoint those dreams. How do you do that with somebody?
Speaker 2:You know, it really depends on the person. Some people are freer and easier to like, think of, kind of like. Wouldn't it be cool if kind of concepts, right? But a lot of people that I meet, especially as they've journeyed through life, like they would probably raise their hand and agree that their dreamer is a little bit broken. Right, They set out to dream. I mean, I look at my kids, my 16 year old girl, my 11 year old son. You know they are, oh, I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna be that, And they are free to dream right, Because they haven't quite yet experienced the pain of disappointment or unmet expectations or the things that life can throw at you, or maybe even the fact that they thought they were capable and got let down and now they just have low self-worth, Whatever it is. These are the things that I encounter when I talk with people about dreaming. There's all of these, you know, different limiting beliefs or experiences that rise to the surface. So we kind of have to talk about that a little bit.
Speaker 2:But I really find we have to get out of continuing looking back. So many people spend their present looking back. I wish I could change that I wish I would have done that. I regret that I did that And there's just no way to live right And so, centering our eyes, fixing our eyes on the future and straight ahead and beginning to really just help them, even like that question Well, wouldn't it be cool if what? And you know I find a lot of people do have a hard time. But I start with different areas. You know what are some experiences you wanna create with your kids? Where would you love to go with your spouse? What kind of ministry or charity or nonprofit would you give to if you had a blank check Like what kind of difference do you wanna make? And just taking the time to ask questions and then sitting and listening to somebody and being willing to sit in the quiet because it's not, most people don't spend time doing this but giving them freedom and safety. To kind of just start, I say dreaming is like a muscle.
Speaker 1:A lot of us if you stop working out.
Speaker 2:Okay, you go to work out, it doesn't feel right, you don't feel good, It feels sore. It's easier to stop. You're like, oh, hold up, wait a minute. But if you keep working that muscle out, it becomes more natural and you're able to like, step into that And dreaming is the same way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's good, that's good. So we have a mutual, really good friend, corey Baker, and a couple of years ago he wrote a book called Chasing Better okay. So I was reading that book and I don't really remember a lot of it, though it was amazing. But one thing that stands out to me of the whole book is he talks about, you know, when our kids are in school. You know, and they wanna go for ballet. And you're like, yeah, you're gonna be those beautiful ballerina. Or they wanna go for the captain of football team. Oh, yes, she'll be that, you know. And whatever pianist or what, yeah, you're gonna be amazing this and that.
Speaker 1:But once they graduate, you know high school or college, and it's like, well, i think I wanna be, you know, a lawyer. Are you kidding? You don't like to read, you know. Or I'm gonna be, you know, an astronaut. It's like, well, good luck with that. And we begin to just man, press down. I don't think we mean it purposely, but it's probably because we stopped dreaming And so we press those dreams down. What do you see, even in the church? I mean the church should be the ones that dream. The church should be dreaming more than anybody, but sometimes they lack dreaming more than anybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah, people just get into their routines, they get into their rhythms. Have you ever been in a season of life where you're like, how did I get in this hamster wheel? And is this? it Is this, like you know, is this where I stay? Like God just called me here and now, this is it.
Speaker 2:And I meet so many people who feel stuck, stuck in the career path, stuck in a marriage, stuck in a city. You know that they don't love, and I guess I just love to help people. See, listen, like you have this one life that I'm probably I'm just really passionate about that. You have one life to live. And if you wanna be five things when you grow up, be it Like I don't know what I'm gonna be yet when I grow up. Right, there's all the things.
Speaker 2:Like I changed my career path at 35 and started over, moved across the country. Everything was new And it was a huge pattern disruption And it was not easy, but it was the most incredible risk that I took and I'm so glad that I did it. And so I just I try to help people see, like what I call like a blank canvas exercise. So I'm like, hey, let's just cause right now most people. When you ask them to dream, they show up with this like mental whiteboard that is already three quarters the way full and think they have to make this next dream work within what they've got. And you don't. You, literally, if you could.
Speaker 2:And this was something that Dan and I did when we he finally got healthy. Not only was he physically healthy, but he finally had the mental freedom and clarity where I could say hey, babe, if we started over tomorrow, where would you want to live? What would you want to do, like how? how would you want to spend your time? Who would you want to spend it with? How would you want to spend your money? and like, freeing people up to blank canvas their life and go, hey, let's pretend you didn't invest all that money in a degree You don't use. Let's prevent You know, pretend you don't, you're not stuck here. And so I really think it's helping people get out of the box that they put themselves in and be able to To be open, because I sometimes don't even think we ask God like, show me the way, show me what, because we just think, oh, this is where I am, when he could be calling us to do something brand new.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay so Few years ago, you you said it you and Dan made a huge use, took a huge risk, changed everything about your lives and moved across country. He shared a little bit about that, but I want you to share your side of that story because I remember, um, hearing you speak a couple of years ago and talking about you'd be in Walmart and you were buying groceries and You didn't even know, as as pastors, as ministers, if you had enough money to pay for the groceries. And now you help other people buy groceries. So tell us about what happened there, yeah.
Speaker 2:There was a few times that I left the full shopping cart, you know, and I kind of humbly, you know, humiliated walked out um tears streaming down and called my husband, said babe, there, i don't have a card that works like I had to leave the groceries. And You know I wouldn't take back those moments because they're the foundation of what we have now and The gratitude that I have in the way that I can connect with people in different seasons of their lives. But I will say, did I think that was like where we should stay? No, and as we continued to Walk in our calling and walk in our gifts and all these things, it led us to this path where Dan could make a choice. It wasn't really like it. The path lit up with God's spotlight and he spoke audibly. It wasn't. It just was like Dan knew that he needed to take back his health and it wasn't. We didn't have the money for it, we didn't know if it would work, we didn't know, you know, all of it was just a risk. But within two weeks I could see my husband And, like getting the light back in his eyes, finding hope again. His voice tone changed, the way that he could look me in the eye, changed the way that he was showing up instead of needing to nap when he got home from work, like he was engaging with the kids. He was preparing his own food, because at that time I wasn't even healthy and I was just trying to keep the kids alive and feeding them pizza and doing you know. But, um, his pursuit of that radically shifted things. But it was just crazy because within a few months then we found out his dad was diagnosed with cancer. We did a trip to phoenix and my version from you know, my side of things was that we went, we went to pack up and leave and head home And he began to say crazy things.
Speaker 2:He was like why don't we just stay a couple more days? Why don't we just push our flights back? and I was like, uh, we don't really have money to buy five new plane tickets. Like what are you talking about? And he was like no, we should just. And I and I it was like I looked You know, it's almost like he was having a little bit of like a panic attack and I said you don't want to go home, you don't want to go back to that life. And that's when I said why don't we sit down and talk about the life that we want to live? We only get one and I think sometimes One spouse may be afraid that another spouse won't support them.
Speaker 2:You know he'd be. It'd be like me leaving my family because all my family was there. I loved my job and being able to be the youth pastor and I built this amazing team and I loved doing ministry with them and I loved investing in youth, but My marriage and my kids were the most important thing. And so being able to support him in that moment and be able to say Let's, let's dream, let's think about what we want, let's weigh it out. And after we were able to do that blank canvas kind of our life and what we wanted to create, we realized We didn't want to wait to move to arizona till our kids graduated. We wanted to get near his dad, we wanted to create a life where we could be with our kids more and do things a little differently. And so We went home and we resigned and it was a little scary and a little crazy, but we both we knew it was right.
Speaker 1:Wow, and so I also remember hearing in fact, you are the creator of the dream napkin and It's it's like a real dream napkin here with all kind of stuff. We use them at our events, you know, coaching events and stuff with our coaches to dream. But you guys sat in a restaurant at some time and you just pulled out one of the napkins at the restaurants And you guys began to dream at that point like you'd never dreamed before. Tell us about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i will say this. It evolved over time. So what I've come to find is that people who feel like they're in a survival mode Have a really hard time dreaming, because if they don't know how they're going to pay the bill, if they don't know if their Groceries are going to get paid for when they hit the checkout, it's really hard for them to think big right. So having a vehicle for us to be able to bring income in to get us out of the red was pivotal, because our first dream napkin was like Pay off the state of Florida medical debt. Like in the four and a half years that we planted a church there, dan had ruptured as Achilles, i had a gallbladder surgery and we had two kids out of pocket And I thought we were gonna pay the state of Florida forever, right and and so making enough money to settle with them and have that off the list and have some of our mortgage stuff off the list and These monthly payments to loans, like it was hard to dream until we could do that, but we knew, hey, we, we have a vehicle now that we can bring in some income. So our first couple dream napkins they were the survival thing, right, and then it got a place to start. It is, and the more that you get away from that, the more that you start to physically cross things off the list, you start to have this belief built within you of what else could I do, what can't I do? Okay, wow, right. And so then we began to dream about taking trips with our kids or, you know, being able to partner with certain ministries that right now We were giving like $20 a month to. But we were like, what if we could help them Build an orphanage? What if we could help them build a hope center? Like I had gone and done ministry in Thailand and did some amazing work. And those people captured my hearts And I was like I want to partner with them to do big things. And so you begin to think about that right, or give your loved ones support or care that they need, or You know just all the things. And what? what's amazing is you continue to take that journey.
Speaker 2:I now say we're in a season of our life This is like Six, seven years later where I do legacy dreaming, because I have everything and more than I need right now. And is there? is there still more people I want to partner with, yes, but I'm now into creating, like legacy dreams. Where I am, i have built.
Speaker 2:We built our trust, our living trust in our will and we have set aside, if something were to happen to us, everything in segments, what our kids need, all the things for their first house, for their weddings, for the trips They want to take, the experiences they want to make. And we have a foundation that we've started, that it goes, and we want the Kids to be able to be part of that in one day, to travel and see all the different ministries that we're able to support around the world. And now I'm dreaming for my grandkids like, yes, i pray, i live long and I'm around to see them, but you know what, whether or not I do, they are going to know, when they get that money towards their Their first big trip or their first project or business that they want to start, that I was thinking about them Long before they ever showed up. I was dreaming about them, i was working for them and I want to leave a legacy with my dreaming so that they pay it forward to.
Speaker 1:Yeah, i love that and you know I started going to Cuba 18 years ago last month. I've been there over 55 times. Haven't been there in the last almost two years. I hope to go back next month soon so it opens back up again. But I went into a nation that in almost 60 years had was told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, who they could do it with. If I stayed at someone's home and they didn't have permission from the government, they will find a thousand dollars. People make $15 a month And so I went every four to six weeks for the first two years and me going in there never thought I would ever Have the part in Cuba for the King, new God that I've been, i've been so blessed and and I'm gonna be a part of.
Speaker 1:And so for the first probably two years, all the teams I took in there, all we did was create dreaming. We primed the pump for dreaming because all these people had stopped dreaming. It was a whole nation that had gone, dormant and dreaming, and so we had to go in there and just begin to prime that pump. Now I can show up and like hey, they call me mom there. Hey, mom, look what we're doing. We had a conference we paid for, we did all this other stuff, and there's no greater joy than to be able to help People begin to dream, facilitate those dreams, and then to watch them actually begin to, to become to fruition, and and then just stand back and watch, watch. Wow, i got that one dreaming. Now Let me work with the next one or another one or whatever. So I mean, you are doing a lot of different events. You have a lot of different resources that help Facilitate people dreaming. You have your own website, etc. Etc. Tell us about that too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, i think I just I don't know about you land, but when you find yourself having the same conversation Like hundreds of times over, you're like maybe I should create something to help these people, because it's a common thing. And what I found is, a lot of times we can't, we struggle dreaming because we refuse to pause in Life, like we just don't take time to set aside moments for us, to get in the quiet, to even, you know, get a download or to take out some paper and be willing to just write what comes to our mind. And So I found that that's, that's one of the main things, and so I created a resource called the dream chasing guide and, honestly, you could probably finish the whole thing in a few hours, but that's not the goal. The goal is actually to take a few times a week and spend five to ten minutes, as you know, answering a question or two. And if I continue to go through it again and again, i'm amazed at how, how much clearer I get and how much more I come up with, because if you don't know what kind of future you want to create, you're gonna just wander into whatever is there. You know, and I Also want to say, this resource will help you connect with your desired future self, because we can say, oh yeah, i want to do that, i want to have that. But it's really important to understand that the person who's going to create that is The person you're gonna become.
Speaker 2:And so when you can get really clear on, you know who are you ten years from now? Who are you five years from now? Like, what are you known for? when people are talking about you, what do they say? What are the adjectives that come up? What are your kids have to say about you? Right, what work have you done? that you know leaves a legacy. You know where do you spend your money, how do you spend your time. Now, what's interesting is the more that you can continue to connect and get clear on that desired future self and then step back into today. Right, because we don't want, we don't want to just fantasize. But if I can identify the habits that my desired future self has and that she walks in every single day, and even if I just take one little thing and I come back to the Present and I begin to implement it, i become so much closer to becoming her right, it happens a lot quicker and It's really helped me, like that desired future self has become a great mentor in my life, and so those resources kind of help you get clear on that.
Speaker 2:The dream chasing guy There's a dream chasing course, my book, which talks a lot about my journey and Being willing to kind of take a look at where you're at and is it where you want to be and is it where you want to stay and and if not, like are you willing to take the risk and the leap to blank canvas your life and maybe go for it, and some practical ways on how to do that. My book is called No Place Like Known, so you can go there. It's Megan Valentine dot co and Kind of connect with me there. And then I also have that amazing Group of brave women We're called. We are team brave, we gather online, we gather for zooms, impa, we just this is a season where we all know we are better together and so I love, i am passionate about gathering women and Having them empower each other.
Speaker 1:I love that. I love that. So it's Megan Valentine dot co. go there, look up a resources. And you know, megan, we, you guys, were hosting in a van a couple years ago in Phoenix and I was there and there was a particular Speaker you had and they talked about your future self. And your future self is your best mentor You bet coach, your best one to coach you to dream bigger and better. And I came, it did hit me and I came home And I actually made a standee of me.
Speaker 1:It's right here in my office I'm looking at in the corner, a standing of me. It freaks out the cows, cleaners and anybody comes in there like oh no, and that, that for where I've grown because you know, i did this, this, like this, this evaluation, and it was like several different areas and I scored. You know, look, my age is enough. It's not because I'm real smart, it's just like I've learned a lot in 65 young years. But I it's like about 10 different areas and I scored like in the 90s on all of them. But on dreamy it was like in the 70s. And I'm like what? because I feel like I dream, i help people dream. I'm like what in the world is like Why is it so low? and God told me, says because you can dream for others, but you don't know how to dream for yourself. Man, that hit me so hard. And so the future Lee and golf, stands in my corner in my office. Every time I walk in, she's, she's coaching me to dream bigger, to be better, to think bigger. I mean just to just be a greater leader. And And I think that's such a powerful statement for us to be able to look at our future self And go okay, where do I want to be in a year, five years, ten years? because we just kind of are living life.
Speaker 1:A lot of people just like they go to work, get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep, to get up, to go, and it's just this, this cycle that just keeps going on, and then we lose our way. And then we find ourselves six years, sixty five, seventy years old and go well, what was life all about? You know? so I love that of being able to, you know, have the resources that you have to help people. I never had the resources. I, you know I help people dream, you know, but I never had the resources in hand. I just kind of got with them and gotten a dirt with them and just helped them dream. You know, it risks my life a lot of times to do it, so I really, really appreciate that and we got a couple of minutes here and again. Thank you for so much for coming on. I know this is gonna help a lot of people.
Speaker 1:But would you take it before we do sign off, would you be willing just to just to release, you know? I don't know if it's a spirit of dreaming or just for people to have the ability And I love what you said of just kind of be still in no ham, that's. That's a great place for start to dream and just be still, because God, you know, thought us up in his mind, created us in his heart, he dreamt us, you know, and then, and then here we are, and so if we could just learn how to be like that, to dream for ourselves And then dream for our family and our friends and our neighbors, and then it just spreads out to our community in the world. So would you be willing just to pray for those out there that are like man? I wish I could dream like Megan. I wish I could be like that. I wish I could think for my future self and what I would look like. Would you be willing to pray for them? Yeah, totally All right let's do it.
Speaker 2:Father, i just come before you and I thank you for every single person that has found their way to this message today, and I just ask God that you would draw them close to you.
Speaker 2:Yeah and I know often it's our choice, god, because James 4a says if we draw near to you, then you will draw near to us. So I pray, first and foremost, that whatever may be hindering us from drawing near to you, god, that we would just recognize it and Envolve it and not let it get in the way that we would draw near to you, and that we would be willing to quiet ourselves, god, to surrender To you and to get rid of the noise, and I pray that you would help us to release. I just I sense that there's just always some people That need to release the past. We can't go back and we can change failure. It's truly just information. It is, it is not our identity, and so I pray that we would be able to surrender what has happened, what has gone on, what has been spoken over us.
Speaker 2:We break that off, god, because we choose to listen to what you have to say about us.
Speaker 2:You created us as his sons and his daughters, and I know that you desire that we would walk, and in a fulfilled and abundant life that the enemy tries to come in, so steal, kill and destroy.
Speaker 2:But you have come to give us life, and life to the full.
Speaker 2:And if we are Sensing right now, god, that where we are is not where we want to stay, i pray that we would not numb that or ignore it or avoid it, but that we would maybe just bring it before you and say, god, reveal, reveal why we are feeling the way We're feeling, and help us to lean in and to ask the hard questions and then to be open and And just Willing God to see what your next steps and your future and the steps that you are ordering for us would be. Will it require us to lean on you? Yes, can we do it on our own? No, but might it be the best decision We've ever made? Absolutely. So I just pray that you would help us all to make decisions, to lean into you, to release us from our past, to release Us from the things that have been spoken over us and to get clarity on that desired future self, because we believe that you place these desires within our hearts. God, in your name, we pray amen.
Speaker 1:Amen, okay and real quick. So no place like no, what an intriguing title you get it begat Valentine. Ceo, tell us real quick about that book.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, no place like known has been my journey right Like I came to know God at at 16 I really began to journey to know others In a whole new way. But it really was when I took these huge leaps of faith to leave all the things that were kind of holding up my identity And I set the microphone down and I set the title of pastor down and I set down Everybody's approval and I really got to know my true self, that I stepped into a whole new realm of power. And so there is no place like known, but to become known fully to yourself In the way that God sees you and what he's created you to do. There's nothing like it. So I definitely would say check it out. And I have an audible too. So if you want to just do coffee with me, and you can, and you just want to listen, that's how I talk at the on the audible version of the book. It's just like you're getting to hang out with me, a coffee and and we can have a good time.
Speaker 1:I love it. I love it. Well. Thank you Megan so much. And, friend, if you have been blessed by this podcast today, please, please, share with a friend, a family member, coworker, you know, subscribe to the podcast, pay it forward and You know. Anyway, megan, thanks for being with us today. This has been awesome and I know a lot of people have been impacted and touched by it. So, all right, friends, thank you so much for joining today.
Speaker 1:Leigh Ann got the transformational coach. Until next time, go out and transform the world. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary a Millionaire transforming cultures as priests and kings? I Wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priests and king and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary a Millionaire transforming cultures as priests and kings at Amazon or at Leigh Ann goth ministriesorg.