Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
From Whiner to Winner: Doug Wood's Transformational Journey to Success
What happens when you refuse to be a victim of your circumstances? When you reject the status quo, embrace personal responsibility and dare to be bold?
Join me, your transformational coach Leanne Goff, as I revisit an amazing chat with the inspiring Doug Wood who did just that. Doug takes us on his journey from bankruptcy to becoming a winner in all areas of life.
Doug's life-altering transformation didn't stop with his financial situation, he also took control of his physical health and used it as a means to give back. His encouraging story is a testament to the power of personal responsibility and the domino effect it has on other areas of life.
We also dive into the importance of operating in our unique abilities and how this impacts our capacity to offer our best selves to the world. Doug’s journey illustrates how stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to personal growth and transformation. We talk about the importance of being unapologetic in sharing our stories, no matter how controversial they might be.
Hear Doug's thought-provoking insights on breaking generational patterns and money beliefs, and how being genuine in sharing your story can lead to success. Doug's inspiring transformation story is a call to action, urging us all to identify areas in our lives that need boldness and take personal responsibility.
Tune in and be inspired to take control of your own narrative!
Learn more about Doug at www.ChurchBoytoMillionaire.com.
PLUS, check out the first chapter of the audiobook for Leanne's book Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings HERE! And if you're ready to grab the full audiobook, get it HERE!
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Well, hello, friend Leanne Goff. Here, the transformational coach, and it's so good, so good to be back with you again. I just love helping people be transformed in all areas of their life for me, especially the spirit, soul, body and finances, because at one time I was really lacking in all of those areas. But thankfully, god put incredible, incredible people in my life over the years and now I get to pay forward and pass on to what has happened in my life in so many areas of transformation. So great to be back with you. And I have a very special guest with me here today and it is my friend, doug Wood.
Speaker 1:Through our mutual coaching business, we were introduced to Doug and Tia. We heard him first time, doug, really three years. Next month in Phoenix at the summit right, we went to our first, one of our first events and heard you and Tia speak the first time. I actually interviewed Tia just recently. She's the fear kicker. You want to go back? You didn't hear her podcast and her interview. Go back and listen to that. But we heard Doug and Tia speak three years ago next month and we were just so impacted. And then actually last year in Utah, we connected even more and then things just went from there. So, doug, it is so great to have you here with us today and you are actually. Where are you coming from?
Speaker 2:Well, hey, there, I'm here in Scottsdale, arizona, and I've been looking forward to this. We finally made this happen, so we're gonna have a great time.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we got to spend a week with you and Tia in Utah last week and that was absolutely wonderful, and so we've been trying to fit this in here and there. So thank you for joining us. I know our listeners are going to be incredibly, incredibly blessed by what you're going to share. So, as I was thinking about what I would interview Doug Wood on and I'll give you a little bit of his, well, he'll probably give you his resources and links and stuff towards the end. But when I was thinking about Doug, I read Doug's book Church Board a Millionaire.
Speaker 1:Two years ago, this past June, while I was ministering in Cuba for a week and I would be in ministry, I'd be meeting with our ministry teams. There are churches I help oversee 350 churches in Cuba in a network been going 18 years now. Over 55 times I've been there and I brought, I ordered, doug's book Church Board a Millionaire and in between meetings and ministry time I sat on the beaches in Verde del Cuba and I read his book and that week and I was so, so blown away. So, friend, you want to get his book Church Board a Millionaire? We'll have him talk more about that, but there was a part in it that I was reading, and Doug used to own a furniture store business years ago, and and his story.
Speaker 1:I'm going to let him tell the story, but what this podcast's title is Winer to Winner and how he was just basically bankrupt. And I don't mean just bankrupt in finance. You're bankrupt in all areas of your life, doug, and today you are a winner. You and your Antia and your, your, your girls and your son your winners, and you're impacting so many people's lives. So, doug, would you take us on that journey over the last several years of going from a winer to a winner?
Speaker 2:Most definitely. Well, I, as you even say that name, church Board, a Millionaire. I know what some of you are thinking like oh, what a, what a taboo name for a book. But you know you got to. You got to get through the cover to actually see the meat in the heart, because behind every cover of everybody's story we're all just real people.
Speaker 2:I believe I'm an average person that always had above average desires to do great things for the kingdom, but I can't necessarily say, leigh Ann, that I was ever doing the right thing or operating really my unique ability or my purpose. So, yeah, I take you back to 2008. And I don't furniture stores been in the family business for a long time and I always viewed myself as a, as a person that you know. Maybe I was never going to be in full-time ministry or on staff at a church, but I would always contribute in another way or another area, and a lot of times through finance, because I watched my father be just such a blessing. Not only he was, he was on the roll of more like a board member at Deacon in our church, but he, through his business, he was always giving. I watched my dad give, sometimes trailers away, or even cars or suits to high school graduates. And I was like man, that's what I want to be when I grew up I want to be a giver.
Speaker 2:And so I got into the same business that my father was in, but it was a different season of life. It was in a different, it was in a different time and I found myself really frustrated. And, of course, the business had changed, the industry had changed, and I found myself going through the motions of life. Going through the motions of business, people still seeing me as maybe a big dog quote unquote in my church but I couldn't give like I had wanted to give and I found myself making a lot of excuses, and some of those were just trying to keep the business afloat. Forget trying to be a biggest giver. I wanted to just keep the business afloat and be a better dad and be a better husband, but I wasn't doing anything well.
Speaker 2:Through those times I fell into some different addictions that were really just plagued me. I felt like I was just losing it all and I'd limp myself into church on Sunday morning and try to put on what I call the fake smile. Looked like everything was going well and hey, brother, good to see you. Oh, bless, bless, and everyone's saying the right things, but I wasn't feeling the right things and I wasn't operating at my best, leanne, and I literally just had a moment. Of course, you can read about it in the book and what you talk about, which is my red carpet experience, where I believe everybody needs to have to where they just say you know what?
Speaker 2:What am I doing here? Am I ready to start taking personal responsibility for my life? And at that moment I'll never forget Leanne. I was on the back rug of my carpet at my furniture store and I was, at the time, $250,000 in debt. I didn't know I'd just met with a bankruptcy attorney and I found out I couldn't file for bankruptcy because I had a lease on this building that literally would follow me till the day I died. So it was like I couldn't get out of the mess that I was in and I had been praying for things and I had even anointed my furniture store with oil. And I'm like God, I know you wanna bless this, I know this is your store and I'd given it to him, but I really, for the first time, when I said I quit and yes, you're right, I quit being a whiner, but what I also was quitting on was I was quitting on Doug's plan and I said, god, from here forward, this is 100% your plan.
Speaker 2:If you need to take my identity away from me, see, I don't have a college degree, but I do have an identity. We've all been given identity outside of Christ that the world has put on it. Some of us have plaques behind our desk that says you got a degree from XY and Z college. Others, someone has maybe even prophesied and told you you're gonna be XY and Z at this in life, and for me it was. I was always gonna be in the furniture business. For the first time, leanne, I quit. I just quit on my plan and I said, god, I'm done with this identity of what the world or even I thought I was gonna do. I wanna do what you want me to do. And that was 12 years ago. And I tell you what my life has been more blessed. I've been operating at my absolute best ever since.
Speaker 1:Wow, it sounds a lot like yours was a red carpet experience. I had an experience and a lot of people have heard it through my podcast and my books and my experience was in October 2003 in Toronto, canada. I don't remember what the carpet color was, but God basically arrested me on the carpet at a service for two and a half three hours and just wrecked me. But it was the February before that in my living room, doug. I fell on the carpet in my living room because I was suicidal. I was on anti-depressants, this woman of God traveling all over the world, this and that, but I was literally bankrupt and I just lay down on the floor and I think this is kind of what you did and I said, god, I give it up. I did. I said I don't care about titles, I don't care about credentials, I don't care about who knows me, who doesn't know me. Something's not right and we got to get this straight. And from that moment, February 2003,. And then October 2003,. That's when my pastor then said I stole the birthright in this conference that God totally really directed my life.
Speaker 1:Now, doug, I know that I was leading a school two years ago of leadership up in Iowa at a church up there. I was actually living between Nashville and Iowa and one of the books the third book that the students in the school it's a year school had to read was Church Ward, a Millionaire. Because I didn't want to just teach them to read how to be filled with the Holy Spirit and how to I don't know whatever have a great marriage, and those are all great books. But I also wanted people to learn how they could win in business, how they could win that they didn't have to be, they could prosper and not just be poppers, but they could really be successful in life.
Speaker 1:Because so many I work with so many pastors and ministers that don't believe that you could preach and prosper. You can't be an evangelist and an entrepreneur, you can't be a missionary and a millionaire. Someone's talking to me right now about writing a book like that. And so when the some of the students, when they got your book and when they did their book reports, they looked at your book cover you sitting in this amazing chair in this cool suit and they thought, great, what does this do? You're gonna try to sell me. But once they got into your book, they were blown away by your story. So catches up what turned the corner for you from going from that red carpet experience to be where you are today and you guys are. You are incredible blessers, so you definitely have fulfilled that dream of what you saw your dad do and wanting to do.
Speaker 2:Well, I had to take a real look within and I believe every person needs to be operating in their unique ability, which is often their God given purpose. And for me at the time I was not. And I say I stumbled into what I do now because I always just wanted to help people. Someone asked me a long time ago. They said, doug, what are you doing when you are most fulfilled? And that was back when I owned a furniture store and every single Saturday morning I would host a sales meeting for 30 minutes and I would encourage and I would motivate my staff. That was my one time, once a week to quote-unquote, have my small group with my staff and I would speak life and I'd breathe life into them. And they said, well, wouldn't you love to do that? All the time I'm like, yes, but I have a store to run, I have a company to run. Clearly I'm not that successful with running it, but I I realized then I love to encourage and add value to people's life.
Speaker 2:And now I talk about in the book because you know the book doesn't actually have a lot to do with money A little bit of a play on words, because I had to. I had to start recognizing Immediately that it's money is a good thing. Money is neutral. The hundred dollar bill that someone might have in their wallet right now there's not a bad hundred dollar bill. The people that do things with it could make it. Could could do bad things with it that cause harm. But the hundred dollar bills that are in my pocket I use it to do good. I mean it's been tied down, it goes to mission programs. I mean it adds a ton of value to people's lives.
Speaker 2:So I had to break up with a past that was that I saw Money as bad. Or people told me you know, doug, be careful. You know money's the root of all evil and like. And I actually had to go and see where they're getting this quote from. And when I Read the quote I went and found it in the Bible, leanne. It says the love of Money. And so I'm like man, people are people are putting a play on words and told me not to chase money. And then I'm thinking, man, I go to church every Sunday and they give me 14 ways to give. I'm like, could it be that bad? And so I had to kind of have a little bit of a throwdown with myself and with the past, in the way I was brought up, to say you know what money can be a good thing, and so then I just figured out a way to make more of it so I could give more away.
Speaker 2:And you know, through that I was able to take my health to the next level. And I believe when you get your physical man right, your spiritual man rises up, or your spiritual woman, whatever that might be for you. So I had to start start. The number one thing after I said I quit is like I can't control a lot right now. My finances are falling apart, my, my employees are my, even my relationships around me. I was not in healthy relationships. Me and my wife were having a lot of challenges, I said. But I said what is one thing that I can control, and that was me and my physical, what was going in and out of my body.
Speaker 2:And so I started by taking my health to the next level. It's number one thing I did. But I didn't realize that was opening up a whole new opportunity for me to turn around and and and Operating the anointing and then the blessing of giving back through an area that had been such a place of pain of mine, I was able to make it my place of reign and give it to other people, and so now, yeah, I mean Long window in between 12 years, but the point is I decided to take the my place of struggle and, and, and Then figured out a way to get paid for it by helping other people through my same struggles. And now, every single day, I get to encourage people, add life to people, speak and breathe life into people. Every single day and, yes, get paid for it. I make no apologies about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely Okay. So I love talking about transformation. I've been a part of seeing Cuba transformed over the last 18 years. Be a part of that a church in Ohio that I still leave Pastor I'll be up there next week the community there and people's lives. But you know, we get to help people every day in a transformation and their health and it's not just the body, it's in the mind and so many other. So what happened to you? Walk us through what that transformation in your health looked like.
Speaker 2:Well, I first of all had to reach out for help. Most people try to do things on their own and I had done a lot of things on my own and clearly I wasn't successful. And then you know when you're serious about Taking an area that's important to you. I mean, I had had lots of pastors in my life and I had had a business coach at one time in my life. But what other areas are super important to me? Well, my marriage. I want to be a better father and I had never once hired a health coach, and so I actually hired someone. I didn't have to really pay them that much, but hey, they were good at what they did and that's a tip.
Speaker 2:By the way, lee and I hope most listeners are paying attention to this find an area that you desire more in and find the professional in that area. Too many people are taking Advice from one person that's trying to monopolize and act like they're a professional in 17 different areas. No, you find the person. You find the marriage you want to trade places with and you hire them as a marriage coach. You find somebody that's you know, a successful financially you out. You start picking their brain apart. So get around professionals who are successful in the areas, not amateurs who are trying to show up. As you know, you know really the jack of all things and who knows if they're a master of any of them.
Speaker 2:So that was one of the first things I did was I got some help, I got some accountability. And the next thing I did was you know what? I can't do this by myself. I need to. I see the power of community and I had to start bringing people into my community so we could, so we could transform our health and our lives.
Speaker 2:You know, together and not try to do things alone, because because you know, for a lot of times, addictions, struggles we tend to do those alone. We think we got to get all right before we go asking for help or or talk about our testimony after we're through it. I think one of the best things that we can do, especially in 2021, when we're in a world of, you know, authenticity is one of the highest forms of currency today is because Authenticity is rare, but when you can open up and say you know what? I'm not perfect here, but I'm trying to get better. People are me too, yeah, yeah, and and that's relatable, leanne, and so I just chose to start being authentic about my struggles and I didn't realize it would be like a vacuum of people coming to me. It's been crazy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know we. You know you start your health journey quite a few years ago and I started mine July 2017 and I know that I needed a health coach. I could not have done where what I've done over the last four years if I would not have had that health coach. And you know, doug, you and Tia and Ray and I were sitting in a group full of you know high-level leaders last week in Utah and we talked about the one most unhealthiest thing in America today probably in the world, obviously and that's emotional mismanagement that that's causing more Sickness and disease and turmoil and people's lives than anything.
Speaker 1:Of course, we know what we're putting in the hole in the front of our face is really Bringing havoc on most of our our bodies. It was on mine. I tell you what I just didn't realize it that this vehicle of mine, I was responsible for it and, if you know, I've got an incredible nice car sitting out in the driveway and if I put low-grade fuel in that, I will begin to have problems because of the creator of that vehicle Intended to have high-grade fuel to give me the performance supposed to give. So we're putting such bad stuff in our in our mouths, but also that emotional mismanagement that generally leads to the bad stuff we're putting in our mouths. Let's talk about that.
Speaker 2:Well, that's everything, and and I know that if you've studied, like Maslow's, high as our hierarchy, you know he talks a lot about survival, and Most of us spend most of our lives in survival needs Getting making sure we have food, water, clothing, shelter, or should I say, learning how to manage debt. And so we're busy, being busy, we're emotionally on edge, but what happens is, when you start getting some of these areas in order, and also when you're emotionally mismanaged or living in just enough, you're always saying I need prayer, I need prayer, I need prayer. Nothing wrong with that. I do too, by the way, so please do not mistake in what I'm saying Exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:I'm just simply stating that often we're asking for prayer in areas that we are currently not becoming conscious and we are emotionally mismanaging our own wellbeing. But when you start to come into alignment back into alignment with our Creator and fueling ourself properly and getting some of these needs met, areas of our life that we have buried for often five or 10 or 15 years, start to bubble back up and you're like whoa, where's that coming from? Well, when you're running on empty or should I say on hot for so many years of your life, you start to get some of these key areas in order. You start to quickly realize, like man, where's that coming from? And I think that is a gift to us.
Speaker 2:Leanne, I have found that that has been. My biggest gift to me is being able to go back, deal with some things that I haven't exactly had reconciliation with from my past, to where I can live a happy and whole and healthy life, not perfect, but recognizing areas that have been extremely out of balance, and I've justified them with what I call it. There's a chapter in my book called the God Card, which is basically you justify everything through prayer and God. Well, god must not want me to be healthy. I mean like seriously, like you know, sometimes we just say God said no or you know. Well, that's an easy way of saying no is blaming on God, because who can argue with that? But you're able to actually, you know, really start taking personal responsibility and saying, no, I'm gonna live my best life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's so interesting. As a pastor, you know, I think, all the time of the people that come down to the altar after the service or in between you know before or after worship or whatever and it's like I just got diagnosed pre-diabetic or this or that my cholesterol is too high. Would you pray for me? And it's like, well, I can pray for you, but what are you gonna change? That's gonna keep you not a pre-diabetic or keep you at low cholesterol. And we don't. But most people are so unaware really, when I became a health coach four years ago, I did a study on the preservatives in our food. I was freaked out. I'm like, oh my gosh, if preservatives are preserving a can of beans in my pantry for a year, what's it keeping in here? What is it preserving and keeping inside this body? That is literally destroying our bodies. And I love you know when we talk about you know just really making healthy choices. I'm just real quick.
Speaker 1:A story of one of the guys at our church in Ohio. Everybody in their brother. He's in a wheelchair, 15 years, has a certain disease, but in a slept in a recliner, never slept next to his wife in a bed for 15 years. And God spoke to me, probably about six years ago, and he said I'm going to heal him, very involved in the church. I'm going to heal him but it both be because a man laid his hands on him and there are a lot of people that prayed for the, for this guy that I can make mention names and most people on this podcast would know them. And he says but I'm going to heal him and it's not going to be a man, and I'm like okay. And so I went and I told him on a Sunday morning on the church during ministry time, and God said he's going to do this. I had never heard of our health program before at that time. And then, law of the whole, it stepped in my life a little over four years ago. It impacted and transformed my life and my husband's life and so many others now. And then he came to me and he said I want to do what you're doing. And so my husband. I coached him for a year. He dropped 110 pounds and 15 years out of his wheelchair walking. Now there was another medication that also helped him in the particular disease. He has 15 years, 15 years and this guy now sleeps in the bed next to his wife. You know he doesn't have to sleep in a climb anymore, he's out of a wheelchair. I mean, this is what I love seeing Is where people's lives are literally transformed, and not for just a few months and then they put the weight back on or whatever, but that they can learn how to stay in that state of healthiness.
Speaker 1:So one more question I want to ask you. We were talking about money earlier and we know money is neutral. It really is neutral. It's just a neutral thing. Whether it's $100 bill or a $1 bill, it's all really neutral. It's what we do with it and how we value it. So we could take a $100 bill and it can be used to pay for drugs or buy drugs. It can be used to pay for an abortion, but it can be used also to send someone on a mission trip to another nation. That's going to impact those people. It could be used to help our church back in Ohio pay their parking lot a few years ago, I mean.
Speaker 1:So that whole thing of being you're right, especially as believers, pastors and ministers, we have such a twist on the factor of money and how we just feel like in my world it's like, you know Jesus, mary and Joseph had money. They just didn't have any room in the inn. You know there just was no, there was nothing in the hotel. So she's like on this, donkey, get me off of this thing and get this kid out of me, and so. But we have such a twisted thinking. I think for the most part I can say as a pastor that we've kind of developed that the money is the root of all evil. Talk to us. You've learned so much over the years of going from lack to abundance. Can you talk to us about that too?
Speaker 2:Yeah well, my fellow listeners, I would just say everybody has a money story. Some of ours is better than others, or some people are farther along on their money story, but we all have a story, we all have a relationship of. I mean, I guarantee, if you're listening to this right now, you were raised different than I was. Your parents' parenting style is different than mine, or was different than mine, and maybe even the way we raise our kids. Now, I don't believe one's right and one's wrong. It's just what it is. It was our experience and what happens is we often do one of two things we parent today out of opposite of the way we were parented or we duplicate many of the experiences that we were given. Well, that's exactly the same thing with our money story.
Speaker 2:I just recognized when my dad told me when he got me into the furniture business. He said, Doug, I just want to let you know, furniture business is amazing. Well, actually, he said, if it wasn't for the furniture and the employees and the customers, it's an amazing business to be in. I'm like wait a minute, dad, isn't that Not everybody's like? Well, yeah, okay. So he said, Doug, you're gonna have lots of seasons of really, really great blessing and you're gonna have a lot of seasons of really, really great challenges, and especially financially. So I just want to prepare you. It's gonna be tough and you're gonna have seasons. That it's just gonna be. You're gonna have a lot of debt and then the debt's gonna go away because it'll be in the positive. Well, the mistake I made was I believed my father.
Speaker 1:That was his money story. Wow, wow.
Speaker 2:I accepted his money challenges as my money challenges and so when bad things started to happen, I didn't say nope, I didn't start making adjustments. I'm like, oh, my dad prepared me for this and I believe my dad was doing the best he could with what he knew how. But I also realized that my grandfather introduced my father to seasons of debt. So I had to go back two generations just the ones that were still living just say, where did this being okay with debt, where the word debt is normal over the wood family, become quote unquote new normal? So, just like the norm in 2020, I'm going to create my new normal Like, okay, debt is not a part of the wood family in the future. I do not accept that. I break all ties to that and I start literally, even if a financially healthy family didn't come to me, it's going to come from me. And I believe everybody listening to this, you've got to sort of tracing this stuff back and saying where did I start making agreements with that? Where did I? Where did I see that is becoming true? And I'll close with this story and because I believe it's, it's very powerful and here's, if you ever, you know, we all have to have those couple of God week moments that you know how real God is in this world.
Speaker 2:I was at this conference called Breakthrough Conference. It was a big church called the city Bible. Years ago it was about 2006, 2007. It's two years before I closed my furniture store. That's what I do remember. And it was a weekend, it was encouragement, it was passion, and T and I knew that the end of the weekend we were going to give something financially as a seed into the future, into the kingdom. And we didn't have anything to give. We had a little bit because we had just refied our house. And that whole weekend went by and we waited until the last night and I looked at her and I said, man T, I said I really feel like we're supposed to be stretched here and I gave 12,. I said we should give $1,200 to God.
Speaker 2:That night and she had written something on a piece of paper and she wrote 12,000. And I literally my heart go because we didn't have it. It was everything we had literally to get through that next month for the furniture store and us, because things were really, really lean and I didn't know if we were going to make it. Well, needless to say, later, that night we wrote a check for $12,000. And I was just praying that they didn't cash it or it got lost, because I gave it out of an obedient heart. But I don't know if this is going to last.
Speaker 2:And that night I go forward and we have someone pray for us and we gave the check and this guy takes me through. I don't even know who he is to this day, but he takes us through this series and he lays his hands on us and he began to prophesy over us and to say all these things about us in our future. That made sense. He said one thing that night made absolutely no sense and at the time I got to remind you I was 275 pounds, I was a big, big boy. And he says he starts laying on his hands on me. He goes you will no longer go to the refrigerator for comfort. He says, in fact, you will have a ministry that helps release and empower people to take back control of their health and their weight. So of course, that night goes by and I'm like Tia, that was a powerful prophecy, right. We got that on recording, right? Yeah, yeah, I'm like the only weird part he talked about someday we'll have a ministry that helps people with their health.
Speaker 2:Well, that night, the act of obedience of us putting $12,000 in that offering plate was not $12,000, that you know. You want to look tomorrow and say, wow God, where's all the debt going Like? Is the blessing finally coming? No, it took two more years before we started stepping into our blessing. Because you know what we had to still be faithful with what we were given before we could continue asking or get more. And I say that night because we, literally we laid it all on the line. I'm like God, the debt's yours, whatever. We're all in for 12 grand. But you know what we weren't all in. But I do know for a fact that night is when the debt load and I believe the debt curse, if you like to say was broken over the wood family because we did a bold act of obedience and God didn't uncover and lead us into our next ministry for two and a half more years. So powerful stuff, leanne, when we just start identifying habit loops and patterns of where things happened in our family.
Speaker 1:I love it, I love it, I love it and I can look back on my family and see a lot of generational stuff. You know that I had to take authority over and break it, that it would not pass on to my kids, my grandkids, et cetera, et cetera. And so, doug, as we get ready to, you know, close up here a couple of things is I want people to know where they can connect with you, where they can get your book, church Boy the Millionaire, you know. Just first tell us how can people connect with you and get that book.
Speaker 2:Well, follow me over on Instagram at therealduggwood is the best one. My website is churchboydenmillionairecom, but I tell you I'm going to challenge everybody. I believe there's people listening right now that have stories that need to be told. I question sharing my story. I question naming my book Church Boy the Millionaire. I had many family members say Doug, you're going to make people mad. That's a taboo title and I'm like you know, I've got to get this story out. What I found out, leanne? Because I went bold, I went unapologetic and I told the real story. My book sold over 15,000 copies in its first six months.
Speaker 2:And it's also unaudible too, so a lot of people have downloaded it, because I actually am the one you know. That's great. Serenading it if you will.
Speaker 2:I've heard it, it's very good yeah, but I'm like man, I'm going to be me and so I'm going to challenge you guys. Be you. The world, the social media right now, there's a lot of filters, there's a lot of fake. Be you, share your story. The world needs real people to stand up and take dominion and authority over your troops and to share with the world right now. But, yeah, you can. The book is, you know, it's a hardback a lot of pictures and color to it, a lot of great quotes, so it's more of a coffee table style book, but you can get it on Amazon Prime and, of course, churchboydmillionairecom, and I love to connect with you on Instagram. I tell you what I'm very active on the, on the gram, and would love to see and connect with anybody that's wanting to take their, their, their life, really to the next level, because I'm about helping people win.
Speaker 1:And you have your own podcast as well. Tell us about that.
Speaker 2:I do, it's called Doug. Unplugged right here on iTunes and he gets unplugged.
Speaker 1:Trust me.
Speaker 2:I tell you what. Don't. Don't listen to that If you don't want the real raw, unplugged, topical conversations of life, growth, leadership, passion. It is for helping parents, families, marriages we just talk about Jesus sex, money basically everything you were told not to talk about as a kid we discuss it.
Speaker 1:Especially in church, especially in church. Don't talk about sex in church, though God thought it up in his own mind and created his own heart, don't talk about it in church.
Speaker 2:Well, think about that, Leigh Ann. Why do we have so much challenges today in our world around two to three key subjects sex and money? We were told not to talk about them. We weren't modeled them in a healthy way. So, of course, fast forward 20, 30, 40, 50 years later, I believe we're paying the price for not talking about some subjects in a healthy way. But you know what? We listening to this right now. We can shift that, we can change that and I believe, if this podcast is at value to you, we have a duty to support. First of all, subscribe to this. And also, we got to go down to those three little dots. We got to share this. We got to share this link, send it, text it to somebody. Instagram story, Anna, I mean, tag us in it. I mean we got to get the message out of truth, my fellow, my fellow Christ followers, like we got to take it to the next level. So let's be bold and get these messages out.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, absolutely. I love it, doug. And about five years ago at the church in Ohio, when I was pastoring, I told all the youth go home and tell your parents, next Wednesday night, pastor Leigh Ann's meeting at the park. We're going to do volleyball and everything, but she's going to talk to us about sex. So tell them, do I go or not? And we did, we did, we all came. You know, of course we kept it all above the line and everything. But I'm like we got to talk about this stuff because too many people are getting in trouble, especially the youth today. I mean just, they're going down the wrong because we don't talk about it. I mean it's just, it's crazy.
Speaker 2:But that was probably your most attended youth night ever too.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there were a few parents that came too. So, anyway, but, doug, before we end here and close, you know there's been ones that have been listening to this podcast and they're like I need a breakthrough. I need to break through my marriage, I need to break through my finance, my finances, I need to break through my health, I need to break through in mindset or whatever. Would you, before we close, would you please pray for the listener out there that's like I need. I need to break through, and Doug and Tia actually have. I've been to their place in Arizona, break through acres and they bring literally thousands of people there every year to bring it be a breakthrough in their life, and so would you. Would you pray for the listeners for that breakthrough in their lives?
Speaker 2:Gosh, I would love to, but before I do, leigh Ann, the one thing I just want to say for those of you before we pray, is look and identify an area of life that it's time to make a bold move. It's time to take personal responsibility in an area that you can control. There's many areas of our lives right now that we cannot control, and I get that, but there are some things within us that is going to require boldness. It's going to require being uncomfortable, it's going to require, maybe, some hard conversations that are long overdue.
Speaker 2:So I want to challenge you to identify where that might be in your life and don't be afraid to do and have the necessary conversations or take those bold actions. God, we give this time to you. I know the people who are driving right now, some people are even working out right now, and I just pray right now Lord, you've got them, not that you just got them where they're supposed to be, but, father, you're activating something new in them while listening here that it's time to take a courageous step. It's time to look and trace down the family blood bloodline and say where did health start or stop? Where did finances healthy or unhealthy finances start or stop?
Speaker 2:And, god, I ask right now those listeners it starts with them today there would be an activation of something new in this next season that they would take personal responsibility and begin to activate and go to that next level. Go to that next level of maybe not their plan anymore, but your plan. Maybe they haven't had that red carpet experience, but maybe they need to have a new experience of there's a new season ahead and I challenge them that they would just step out in boldness in this next season. God, I thank you in advance for the blessings. I thank you in advance for the people listening to this right now that something new, a new season is ahead and is being activated. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Speaker 1:Amen, amen. Doug, thank you so much. This has been a wonderful time. I've been looking forward to it and I was not disappointed at all. So, friend, thank you for joining us today. Go look up the real Doug Wood on Instagram. Go to churchboardamillionairecom, look for his stuff. You will be more than blessed and we just thank you for joining, if you like. Doug said if you were blessed by this podcast, please share it with a friend, family member, someone out there, co-worker, and then subscribe to this podcast, the Transformation Coach, leigh-anne Goff. So, doug, thank you again. This has been amazing and I will be seeing you very soon. Are you going to Cancun?
Speaker 2:No, but I will see you shortly after that.
Speaker 1:Yes, you will. Okay, sir. Thank you. Have a great day, doug. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, gods sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings at Amazon or at leigh-anne-goff-ministriesorg.