Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Kicking Fear in the Face: Thea Wood's Guide to Unleashing Potential
Imagine being tormented by fears, feeling trapped by them, and working to find the strength to kick them to the curb.
That's the inspiring transition that our guest, Thea Wood, achieved!
Raised in a Christian home, Thea found herself wrestling with fear at a very young age, a struggle that followed her well into her adulthood. But she didn't let fear win. Thea now stands tall as a 'fear kicker', a woman unafraid to break personal limitations and embrace her God-given calling. Her tale is a beacon of hope and is bound to inspire those who desire to break free from their fears and unlock their full potential.
In this episode, Thea and I also shine a light on the significance of partnering with our future selves. Fear is often a byproduct of our upbringing, but it's absolutely crucial to rise above it and move towards a successful future.
We converse about the power of prayer, the influence of the people we surround ourselves with, and the importance of being present. Be prepared to gain insights on overcoming fear, embracing your potential, and initiating your very own fear-kicking journey.
Ready yourself for an empowering conversation that could very well be the nudge you need to kick fear out of your life for good!
PLUS, check out the first chapter of the audiobook for Leanne's book Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings HERE! And if you're ready to grab the full audiobook, get it HERE!
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your Transformational Coach. Every week I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hey friend, leanne Goff here, the Transformational Coach and I sure have missed you over the last week and I'm glad to be back with you. I just love helping people be the best in their spirit, soul, body and finances in all areas of their life.
Speaker 1:Again, you've heard me talk about you know you can get a little touch or a change by sticking your finger or not your finger, but a paperclip and a light.
Speaker 1:You know, socket an outlet, or you can climb a utility pole, wrap your arms around the transformer at the top of that and you will be transformed. And that's what happened to me in October 2003, and in a place in Toronto, canada, I was literally transformed, didn't talk the same anymore, think the same anymore, walk the same anymore. I didn't live life the same anymore and it radically, god's love, transformed my life. So anyway, I am really excited to be back with you again and I have an incredible special guest with me today. We both work for the same coaching organization and that's how Ray and I met her an amazing husband, doug and I will have Doug on in a couple of weeks, but we are here today with Tia Wood and I'm so thankful that we stepped into their life. They stepped into ours, because they are two of the most incredible, beautiful people that Ray and I have ever met. So, tia, it's so great to have you with us here today.
Speaker 2:Oh, I'm so honored and was so excited. I know we've been working to get this on the calendar for a couple months and just pleased and honored to always be able to equip the body of Christ, to equip people to see that breakthrough as possible, and so honored to be here with you today.
Speaker 1:Well, I've been looking forward to this and you seriously, are one of the most beautiful people, people, the most beautiful persons, people I know. Okay.
Speaker 2:I love it.
Speaker 1:And I just like my heart to so connects with you and just you know I'm branded as a transformational coach. You know we wear a lot of hats, a lot of titles and everything. Of course, first and foremost, we're the Artors of God, beloved daughters of our dad. He's my dad, he's your dad and that's my favorite title little girl, the big dad. That's one of the things I'm known for. But we wear different. You know I, one of my hats is the transformational coach.
Speaker 1:One of your mini hats that you carry is a fear kicker. And when I first heard about you guys it'll actually be three years next month and Phoenix at summit and I heard and I saw you guys speak I was just again very wild and enthralled with you and Doug. So I started learning about you as a fear kicker. And actually you have your own website and I'll give that out towards the end, so nobody runs and goes and starts looking it up and this is what you are going to say. And but you know, what I want to know is you know from you, tia, and that our audience would know today were you always a fear kicker? I don't imagine you were, unless you were just really extra special, okay, and you just came out of the womb that way. But you know we're always a fear kicker. But you know more than that. When did you become a fear kicker and what does that look like to be a fear kicker? So go ahead and share with our audience, and especially me today, about that.
Speaker 2:Wow, well, that's kind of story I would say. I came out of the womb kicking fear. My mom would say I was quite adventurous, I was always jumping and very playful as a child and I don't ever remember not having a connection to God. It was, it was very. It was like out of the womb. My parents got saved when I was about two years old, radically saved and really transformed. Our whole family, like over 50 family members, were saved in the early 80s, and so I was raised up in a Christian home and so. But at two and a half years old I broke my leg. So I was this little adventurous girl and it broke my leg and from that time I spent a month in the hospital as a little girl. From that time the spirit of trepidation and intimidation came into my life and fear took a root into my life from a very young age. So here, as a young girl, I was very intuitive. I you know I was adventurous, but then my parents were always afraid that I was going to get hurt, and then I was followed by having three siblings after me I'm the first born so I got saved at five years old, was, you know, raised up in this Christian home and in and in high school I was really called to go preach the gospel to the nations and I was went to master's commission. I was like going to go all after, you know, doing these big things for God. But then I married a businessman. I married Doug. I kind of took a step. I really felt like that was what the Lord wanted me to do. So I moved from my, my small town of Iowa, followed him out to Portland, oregon, and where I thought it would be this ministry girl, I became a wife of a businessman, which looked very different than what I thought the plan would be.
Speaker 2:And so my 20s, most of my 20s, I was kind of I felt like I was this, I was in this space where I wanted to break out, but I just didn't know how. We and I just I had it from a young age. I, you know fear had come in, and so really what started happening to me is fear of what people thought of me and fear of success started to take massive root in my life and all I can tell you is it was like my, my spirit was like just dying. But yet I really felt the Lord continued us to tug at my heart and early on in my journey towards my transformational story. When you talk about trans, your transformational coach, I started on this journey, honestly, to lose some weight.
Speaker 2:I it was an area of my my life that had really held me back. Even from high school I can look back in my journals and my physical weight was always holding me back to really stepping into my fullest potential. So I lost over a short amount of time. I was able to lose about 40 pounds and I started coming out of my shell. I started waking up and where I had spent a lot of my 20s.
Speaker 2:I'm 29 years old at this point and I started waking up and I really felt there was something that that the Lord deposited in my spirit and he literally was like Tia. It's time to kick fear in the face and I'm like God. It's scary. I had to go back to that two year old girl and tell her we're going to be fine, we're going to do this, we're going to go, do big things for God and take back with.
Speaker 2:The enemy had started to take root early on in my childhood, then in my early teen years and be thinking I was going to go impact the nation, and then I married this businessman, like all these areas that the enemy had come in to take root, and the Lord just said Tia, it's time to kick fear in the face. So I partnered with God and I started to do some things that were really freaked me out and scared me and put myself in rooms. That bit. You know that I felt very intimidated by, but I was like the Lord said Tia, I'm gonna do this with you, I won't do this with you. And so that was kind of the start. So I would say, yes, it was in me.
Speaker 2:From a young age I was a fear-kicker, but the enemy tried to come in and steal that, that truth and that identity that was truly in Christ. And so Now, today, I do, I rise up every day, even if my emotions say Different things, because our minds can get the best of us. I choose every day to say with God I'm a fear-kicker and what are you? What it? What are we gonna be about today, god, what's?
Speaker 1:what's on the?
Speaker 2:agenda.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that is so beautiful and so awesome, and it's just like you know so many of us, the enemy comes in and as we're moving on in our assignment and our destiny, our purpose, he comes in and just something crazy happens and then all of a sudden I call it the pigeons start speaking to us all. This Leaves a lot of mess and a lot of junk in our life and then really derails us so many times. So it's interesting, though, that you said you know you had a fear of man. You know intimidation of man, but the fear of success, you know, I think we all, like it to some degree, would say, yeah, we all have some kind of fear of man, but not often do we talk about fear of success, but we run into so many pastors and ministers and believers every single day that really are bound by fear of success.
Speaker 1:Well, and then that's the fear of man that's tied with it. Well, what if I, if I prosper, if I preach and prosper, is that wrong? If I'm an entrepreneur and, you know, evangelist, is that wrong? If I'm, you know, a missionary and a millionaire, is that wrong? And so I think that's one of the greatest things that holds us back and is holding us back from completing the Great Commission. Talk to us about that.
Speaker 2:Wow, is it holding us back? It is and it was holding me back. Leanne and I had to really partner with my future self and really begin to see and Not just wish and hope. Right, I think, in in our upbringing we're like always hope filled and we hope for the future. But to really partner with that future, like living in abundance and really Making the impact.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm from a young age, leanne. I have seen stadiums filled and I don't know if it's because I was raised in the Billy Graham Crusades and the movement. I was at Carmen concerts. I saw the move of God right from a young age and so I, my spirit, connected with that. I was partnered with that and I Realized that I wanted to step into that. But the fear of man, the fear of actually what, I have the words I'm not Carmen, I'm not Billy Graham, I'm just, you would right. But when I really began to partner with the father and partner with my future self, that was standing in the middle of those stadiums. I'm not doing that yet, leanne, but I believe we are. We are gonna see the next, yes, the greatest revival. I am believing for that, not in just a spiritual side, but physically, mentally, financially. The children are God of God, are rising up and I had to partner with that Leanne and not Hold back from oh, I hope that could happen, like literally I, every day, I wake up and I begin. I partner with that successful Tia wood that is standing in those stadiums when thousands upon thousands of people are encountering the love of God. They're encountering how to lead themselves every day, not just a Emotional high, but how do they go home and actually learn how to, you know, put into practice making their bed, drinking the water, fueling their body properly.
Speaker 2:That I just realized, if I didn't step into that, that success and that um partnership with the future, and pull it into the now that I was holding and this was the vision that the Lord gave me and I, I, I went to Doug and I said, if we don't break through in this area of success, that we somehow. I had seen success in my life. I'd seen my grandparents have success, I had seen Doug's parents have success, but it wasn't sustainable. Life had came at them. And so I, I, somehow, I think I partnered with not stepping into success because of maybe not seeing that sustainability, but what in the world, why am I letting that hold me back like the enemy is such a liar. Yeah, this is me off, and so I just decided to partner with that future self, that future Tia that is standing in those stadiums. As, with you, I'm going to be standing in those stadiums. Yes, I believe that.
Speaker 2:Yes, um, because it's important. It's important. And why are we holding back? From the fear of what if we don't have it? And it's like I hate the enemy. He pisses me off, and so I choose every day to rise up about above the noise and Live my days, use my voice, like I am today, even though I'm shaking both, you know, my knees are shaking below me I feel like my voice is needed, your voice is needed, and the people on the other end of Listening to this podcast today, listening to this on YouTube, wherever you're hearing it from, your voice is so important. Yes, and you, partnering with your future self is so important, and that's what I've done every day. I just choose to rise up above the noise and partner with that success, because God didn't, um, god didn't give me a spirit of fear, but of love and power and of sound mind and self-discipline.
Speaker 1:I love it. I love it and I do agree that we will be in the stadium with like thousands and thousands. You know, I've had, tia, actually the opportunity to be in Pakistan and be in front of a hundred thousand people in Pakistan. Like a place, buriwala, where the gospel has never been preached. They have never heard the name of Jesus before. But I want to see that happen in the United States.
Speaker 1:Not that we're in a place where nobody knows who Jesus is in the United States, that's not the point but that we are still preaching the gospel of the kingdom here in the United States because our country needs it just as much as any other country right now. I mean, we're in such a place and, seriously, over the last year and a half, so many people have been crippled by fear, whether it's a pandemic or possibly losing, you know, a loved one, or losing their job, or what's the future going to look like? You know, can we get toilet paper again or whatever it is. You know how did? How did you guys navigate through the last year and a half of choosing to stay above the line in fear and not allowing again that pigeon, but listening to the voice of the dove and not the voice of the pigeon coming to just tell you all kind of crap. How did you guys do that?
Speaker 2:Wow. Well, we definitely watched who we surround ourselves with. So we surrounded ourselves with forward thinking, god fearing, bold, courageous men and women. We have been consciously. We watch, we put ourselves around and so, from the beginning, when all of this came out and the news started freaking us out and COVID, real, it's real. We, we just chose who we began to, who we, who we surrounded ourselves with and who we were listening to.
Speaker 2:And we, honestly, we don't listen to the. I don't listen to the news. Doug listens is enough enough of what he can to keep us informed. But we, we keep our narrative pretty, pretty tight in what we listen to and we make sure that we're in our word every day.
Speaker 2:Like I am reading my Bible, I am listening to positive podcasts, I'm put in. My first worship song that I put on currently, right now, is by voice. It's give me Jesus and I start my days with that. I start my days with spirit breakout. I put on worship music. I set the atmosphere in my home.
Speaker 2:I like scandals because in the beginning of all of this, we had to choose. Are we going to let the world's come in? Are we going to continue to stand true and who we know God made us to be, and not that the world isn't still happening and we're not. You know we're not naive to that Right. We know that God has plucked us out, he has called us out, he has promised that he will be that strong tower of refuge and strength in all, in all seasons of life, whatever the world throws at us, that as children of God, we are protected. Now we are going to be hard pressed on every slide, but God has also given us discernment to.
Speaker 2:I believe that is how we've been able to weather the storm and navigate the storm, thankful to social media and this virtual world of zoom. Thank you, zoom, who created zoom. It has been a powerful way that we've stayed connected virtually to a lot of people that I haven't been able to see Tangibly and give them a hug. But we've just we've stepped in and we've we've taken our power. You know, not in a sense taken our power back, we've just owned our power and walked in that and just know that God's on our side. And if God is for us, who can be against us?
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and it's same thing here we have in our home. We have audio piped in all through the house and we've got music going constantly. Even when we went on our trip you know that you talk a week or so ago we left with music still piped in and playing through our house. If I'm on a trip and I'm in a hotel room, I like to leave my laptop or music going even in my hotel, basically creating a cultivating an atmosphere where God's presence bring an invitation. And so if you're listening, you know, and you're just like filled with fear right now, or fear is knocking on your door, then I'd really encourage you to kind of, you know, do what he is suggesting.
Speaker 1:You know, instead of waking up to the news in the morning or going to bed to the news at night, put on music's first thing. We get up in the morning. If you go on a power walk, then put the head you know the air pods in and go on that walk and put some, really some soul feeling kingdom music at night. You know, my husband and I, many times we go to bed with music playing and it just creates that culture, that atmosphere. And we know this is the new we got TVs all over our house and we hardly turned them on. Like Ray watched the Titan games last night because Tennessee and stuff, but we don't you know. But we got apps on our phone. Like we got a couple of apps. If the other side of the world blows up, we're going to know about it.
Speaker 2:Okay, we're going to know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'm not going to fill my home in my, my spirit and everything with the bad news all the time. There's such good news for us to embrace and most people are really tapped into so much bad news. And so you know, I want, in just a minute, for you to pray for our listeners and I'm going to ask you one more kind of put a spin on what we're doing here. But you know, if you could give like and you already have, you know, but like maybe three or four pointers that really you've talked excuse me, you talked about, you know, putting the music on, you know in the word, every day. But but you know, if there's anything else you could add to stay in that place of being a fear kicker, like really, when fear is knocking on your door, you know it's crouching in your ear what do you do to, in that moment, to go, okay, this is what I need to do, because fear is trying to creep in.
Speaker 2:Yeah Well, first and foremost, remember that you are the daughter and the son of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords that rules and reigns and the government is on our Savior's shoulders. Like we don't have to hold that, and just remember that. Like the government is upon Jesus' shoulders and we get to. You know he has healing in his wings. And when I tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and tap into leaning into Jesus every day, what I found Leanne is it's not in my own strength that I make it through my days, it's that activation of the Spirit of the living God lives inside of me and lives inside of you. And that same power that raised my Savior, raised Jesus from the dead, lives in me. And when I walk in that and when fear comes in because it tries to come in really sneaky, I am so grateful. And that's where I really want to encourage you as parents. Get the word of God in your kids, get them into Awana's, get them listening to. You know, I mean I grew up with Salty, the singing praise song guy and all. I mean like I cannot tell you how much the last two years, the well that was put in me from a young age that my parents put me in environments. I'm so grateful they still have residue there. No, we are not perfect. I am not a perfect parent, but what you can do as a parent is put your children in an atmosphere where they learn the word of God, because it is a well that will spring up and that is what's helped me is the word of God. It is my weapon. When I feel like fear is coming at me, I just say no. No weapon formed against me will prosper. I am a child of the living God and I just remind the enemy. I put my foot down. I'm like no, like this is. This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it and I will partner with the King of Kings today and and go find who do I need to impact today, who do I need to send flowers to, who do I need to send a card to, who needs a text message, who needs a video message from me? And, most importantly, my children. Like today, it was literally. It was a 15 minutes. This morning, leanne was everything my daughter needed. I drove her to Starbucks, we played worship music, we drove back home. But our kids. If there's anything that I can impart to you as a mama that I am realizing is finding out what my kids need for me today, and and it literally a lot of time. It's not a lot of time, it's 15, 20 minutes of time. It's running a Starbucks to my daughter, who's 17, and working at this little coffee shop.
Speaker 2:It's, it's the little things. And so sometimes, when the Lord asked you to do some small things like does it really matter if I send that card in the mail today, or send those flowers, or pick up the phone and make that phone call to that person, that's on your, your heart you're like does that really matter to the future? And I'm telling you it so matters. So when I'm faithful with the little things, leanne and I'm invited to come be on crazy podcasts like this where it's like who knows who this is going to go impact. But be faithful with the little things. That's where it started for me as a fear kicker is it was being faithful in the little. And when I've been faithful with those little, little things that God asked me to do, now the door opens where I had I I'm able to do more because I was faithful in the little. So that's what I would encourage. All the fear kickers out there is, just do it.
Speaker 2:Yeah you know, listen, whatever the Holy Spirit's putting inside you go, do it. Don't stand back, do it, afraid yeah.
Speaker 1:I love it. And when anybody says, do it I think of the Nike, you know, emblem it's just just do it. Just, you know, I love it, I love it. I'm going to ask you another question, but first.
Speaker 1:You know, tia, there's a lot of people that are listening to this podcast and we're so glad you joined us so much. But would you just take a minute? They're probably thinking, well, that's easier said than done, or you don't know what's kicking out my door right now. I've got a loved one on, you know, intubated in the hospital and they don't know that they'll. I mean, there's just we're hearing so many. We just have a friend of ours that you know, a guy we know, that he just died of COVID and left five young kids. You know, and I mean, these are things are surrounding us constantly. You don't even need to have the news on, you're just getting through text messages or whatever on Facebook. You're seeing it. But would you take a moment and just pray for all of those out there? Right now, that fear is just really. It's kicking them. It's at least trying to kick them and just pray for them. Then I'm going to ask you one more question before we close.
Speaker 2:Thank you, god, that we get to come to you and we don't have to beg. We just get to come to your door and knock and say, god, we need you, we need more of you. This world doesn't make sense. Fear is trying to take us out, the agendas of the world are trying to take us out. But, god, today we raise up a standard against what the world is saying and I just pray for my brothers and sisters today that are walking through times that we never even planned for. We didn't even see it coming. But, god, you saw it and you have a plan that is beyond what we can see. And this isn't the end. There is an eternity, there is a heaven. There is so much more that we can't even grasp, we can't even comprehend. So today I just pray that you would meet my brothers and sisters and be their source of peace, and I just pray your armor upon them today, with the breastplate of righteousness that you are making things right. We're right now in the natural. Things seem out of order and seem confusing and perplexing and painful and hard, but you make things right and you are righteous, god.
Speaker 2:God, I pray for the sword of the spirit, the spirit of the living God to rise in my brothers and sisters today, that they would not look to the left or the right. They would keep their eyes fixed upon you, the author and the perfecter of their faith. That you would keep them with the shoes of the readiness of the gospel of peace. That your peace is with them, is behind them, is all around them. It is supernatural, it's not something we can tangibly touch, but we can feel it, and that they would feel your presence right now, your peace that surpasses all understanding, comes to guard our hearts and guard our minds, god, and I pray that you would belt them with the truth of your word that they would not go to the world, they would not go to the drama triangle, that they would go to your word, where there's truth that will bring forth life in them, that a new spring of life would well up within their soul.
Speaker 2:Today, in God, I pray for their hominus salvation. And if anything on this side of eternity, I know God, my heart and my passion is that more would come to know you and know your love that abounds, that has no limit. So today, when family members are going through pain and dying from this crazy virus, god, we just cast our cares upon you because you care for us and your salvation, your grace is bigger than we can even comprehend. So we hold on to that today and I, just I stand with my brothers and sisters, I stand in a gap for them today and I trust that you are making all things work together. You're making it all work together, god. We trust you, we love you, we honor you with our life and we're just grateful. God be with my brothers and sisters today in Jesus's name Amen.
Speaker 1:Amen, wow, thank you so much. Thank you, I felt that really big time and, friend, I hope you did too, the you that are listening. Tia, one more thing before I let you. I know you are one busy gal, but one more thing that my husband, ray, and I got a chance to hear you guys again three years ago, next month first time, and then over the last couple of years we've connected, but especially a year ago when we were all in Utah at what we call Sundance and we stood in your, your cabin and just connect it right there and appreciate it so much and and then we've connected more and more.
Speaker 1:But one of the things that I just adore about you and I told Doug, and almost a year ago actually, I said, man, one of the things about your bride is how when somebody is with Tia, they're the most important person on the planet. Like there could be a hundred people, a thousand people in a room, but Tia is focused on that one individual. And that struck me a year ago. I mean so profoundly, because in your cabin there was a lot of people in there, we were almost shoulder to shoulder, but you stood there in the kitchen and you connected authentically with me and that blew me away.
Speaker 1:You're beautiful in so many ways, but that hit me more than anything, and so I really been trying to integrate that more into my life, to make sure that when I'm with somebody, my phone is down, like it's not flashing notifications, it's not up, it's down, it's my purse or something to make. Whoever I'm with the most important person in the moment, whether it's Ray, one of my grandkids, whether it's one of our coaches, whatever I'm at, you know, so can you? Has that always been an incredible quality character, if yours, or how did you? If it was, how did you, you know, you know really fine tune it as life went on? Talk to us a bit about that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I do feel like it's my natural gifting. I am more of a two on the enneagram, so I'm the helper, and also I'm definitely more of an empath, so I can feel the atmosphere, I feel people, and so it's a natural gifting.
Speaker 2:It's how God has designed me, so there is no other Leanne or no other Tia in the world and that's what I've learned.
Speaker 2:I don't go try out to go find the same me.
Speaker 2:I just go try to find and connect with that soul and connect with their spirit really and call forth that greatness within them.
Speaker 2:And so, leanne, when I meet people like you or anyone, I've always and Helen Erwin talked about this of like I'm in the room, like be where you are, and I do feel like Leanne, as I've gotten more inner healing and more congruent in my life, in my health.
Speaker 2:When I'm focusing on my nutrition and I'm in my physical fitness and I'm feeling good in that realm, I'm able to be more present and I think we get I mean, obviously everybody's personality is different, but when you're more congruent in yourself, you're able to be more present with that person in front of you. So I am grateful that I got a little selfish over 15, 12, 15 years ago and decided to take some personal responsibility in my own life. I went through some sozo inner healing. I went through a process of hiring a health coach and getting you know, getting my body in congruency, and really have worked with some parenting coaches and some different things that have really helped, I think, set the trajectory of my life and able to be more present when I encounter each human being that I'm able to encounter for that day. To be more present because I'm more present.
Speaker 2:And so it is important. I do believe, leanne, that we get a little selfish in our own journey of getting congruent there, because I think, as especially as Christians, you're like oh you know, I'll focus on that later it's like stop brushing that to the side. So I think it is a natural gift thing for me as well, as it's been something that I've practiced and gotten committed my life to being here, being right now in this present and serving the person in front of me.
Speaker 1:I love it. I love it and I'm not I'm an eight on the enneagram, and so it's like squirrels and I know we're going to probably have a blast on the podcast before you do that, but you know, but I've done well over the last few years. My spiritual father, leigh Fetland, actually began to teach me how to be present in the moment, but you are the epitome of it. Like you brought it to a whole new level to me a year ago, and so I have to actually be intentional about not allowing a squirrel to go in. Like it's almost like I need blinders, like a horse, so I can stay focused. But I'm learning and I just hope that others out there, like people, want to be valued. They want to know that they are special, like they are the most important one in the room when you're with them, and I really, like you know I should have had you. Like last week we were together, lay hands on me and passed that anointing on to me when we were there.
Speaker 2:Thank you Well, honor, I own my zone, you own your zone because we all need it right, absolutely, absolutely, but we can all work to be better in the zones that.
Speaker 1:It's kind of like the five love languages. Well, mine's access service Well, you know I need to be work on you know just touch and gifts and you know all of them that it can become more in the, in the character of Jesus, every single day. So, anyway, I've loved this. This is wonderful and, tia, thank you for joining us. Friend, I do want to let you know Tia has an incredible website, kickfierinthefacecom. Incredible resources on there, all kind of information, and you will want to go and visit kickfierinthefacecom and, girl, I just so appreciate you taking the few minutes out of your day to join us here. I know people are blessed to hear what you have to say Because, again, there's one, tia, yeah, people like what I have to say, but you know people are going to love what you have to say, and so thank you for honoring me, honoring the Transmation of the Coach, and joining me here today. It has been a pure delight, one of the podcast that will definitely treasure. So for, in any way, thank you, tia. Any closing words? Tia, before I sign off.
Speaker 2:Oh well, stay plugged in here because I want to go where Leigh Ann's going. That's so that's. You know. That's exciting for me. This was an honor to get to be part of this podcast. I'm excited for what is happening in the kingdom of God here on earth, and you want to stay plugged into the Transmation of the Coach here at the end because God's going to do some big things here and I'm excited to be part of it.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you, I'm so excited to have you part of it and and friend. If you've liked what you've heard today, please go and subscribe to the podcast. Share with a friend. You know, make sure that they get blessed. You know, put it out. They really appreciate it. You know, rate it. Just give us some feedback. I really appreciate that. So you know, thank you again for joining us. Tia, thank you for being here.
Speaker 1:Kickfearinthefacecom is Tia's website, and Leigh Ann Goff the Transformation of the Coach. Until next time, guys, we love you and we believe in you. We're praying for you. Bye. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as Priest and Kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings at Amazon or at leighangoffministriesorg.