Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Weathering Life's Trials: Tiffany Howard's Story of Endurance and Love
Prepare yourself for an emotional rollercoaster as we sit down with Tiffany Howard, a woman of extraordinary resilience and strength. Tiffany is the embodiment of the power of endurance. She has weathered the storms of dyslexia, bullying, and severe weight gain and her captivating story will leave you awe-struck and inspired.
Tiffany's tale is not just about overcoming personal battles, it's also about navigating life's losses and tragedies. Her journey through a 20-year marriage, the heart-wrenching diagnosis of her first child, Peyton, with severe cerebral palsy, and the devastation of losing her mother, paints a picture of a remarkable woman who has turned her struggles into sources of strength.
Through it all, Tiffany's unshakeable faith and unwavering love for her family give her the courage to keep going. Also, in the midst of stormy seas, Tiffany found a ray of hope and resilience through her faith.
Her incredible story of conceiving twins after experiencing a miscarriage and her triumphant battle to shed almost 200 pounds are a testament to her perseverance. But perhaps the most striking aspect of Tiffany's journey is her ability to channel her deep faith into a wellspring of love for others.
As you listen to her story, you will find yourself moved by her spirit, inspired by her resilience, and reminded of the power of endurance.
Plus, join us next time as we continue Tiffany's extraordinary story!
Thanks for joining us today!
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Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your Transformational Coach. Every week, I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hello everyone, leanne Goff here, the Transformational Coach, and I am super excited to join you. Hope you've been having a great week this week and I have an incredibly special guest with me today. I just love this gal and, because of the business that we're in, ray and I were actually introduced to her an amazing husband, andy about four years ago, and I tell you I can't even imagine not having these people in our life Absolutely incredible, incredible couple in so many ways, in so many dynamics, and so she is my incredible friend, tiffany Howard. Hey, tiffany, how are you doing?
Speaker 2:Wonderful. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share with you today, leanne Well.
Speaker 1:I'm glad to have you on here, and when I was thinking about you and having you come on my podcast, the Transformational Coach, I just thought about the spirit of endurance that you have, tiffany, like probably no one that I know, and your story, your journey, not just in the last few years of being a health coach, but also just in your entire life, just from the time you were born to. I mean, it's just incredible. So, friends, what I'm gonna do is we just recently, about four or five weeks ago, we had our annual convention in Atlanta and Tiffany shared her story in front of 13,000 people and not including those to virtual and it just wrecked everybody, absolutely wrecked everybody, and I thought no one that I know I know a lot of people, but no one has the spirit of perseverance like Tiffany Howard does. And so, tiffany, I just want you to kind of what you did at convention four or five weeks ago, can you just do for our listeners here today? Just share your story in your heart. You're amazing.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're so sweet. Well, thank you. It was an honor to get to share and I will tell you that as a journey through my story, I never in a million years thought that God would use it in the way that he has. And I'm just so thankful for Jesus because if it wasn't for him I would not have endured through all of the things that I have. And it's funny when people ask me to share my story because to me it's just normal, it's my story, right, so I don't see the power and the weight in it the way other people do, but that I'm honored to share.
Speaker 2:But just a little bit kind of starting early in my life. I had wonderful parents and I had a mom and daddy love me very, very much and my childhood started off very bright and cheery and happy. I grew up on a farm and we had 16 acres of land and we just had a great childhood. But it was around the age of eight I started gaining a lot of weight and food became my comfort. I actually had severe dyslexia and it wasn't until third grade that I was actually diagnosed. But I remember always struggling in school, being bullied for my weight and my ability to read. I was always terrified that they would ask me to read in class, constantly failing, and I felt like I had to study 10 times harder than any other kid just to pass with a C. And that was early on in third grade. And when I was diagnosed with dyslexia. It did help me in the sense that I finally understood why I was struggling, but it didn't make it better or go away, and so I actually started being tutored. Every single day after school, most kids were playing with their friends. I wasn't tutoring, I didn't get to do the extracurricular activities, and I even went to a hospital that specialized in dyslexia twice a week, and so around that time my weight continued to skyrocket because I really used food for comfort.
Speaker 2:You know, when you're a young child, you turn to your parents and to food for me, and my weight just really got out of hand, and so I was bullied all the time as a young child and it just hurt. You know, when you're a kid, I'm a mom now. I know Lee, and you're a mom and a grandma, and you know when your kids are hurting. It's just the worst thing ever and I really yeah, I get it now because I have kids but I was hurting and I was in pain and so I was eating, and I was so much larger than every other kid In fact, I went to a private school where they had to wear uniforms, and back then chunky kids it wasn't normal, and so they didn't even have uniforms in my size and my mom had to have hands sewn my uniform and it was so embarrassed because it looked different than everyone else.
Speaker 2:And so when I was probably in early junior high, my mom pulled me out of school to homeschool me, hoping that the bullying would stop and that her working one-on-one with me would actually help my dyslexia. But honestly, it made it worse because my mom just didn't really know how to handle me and my dyslexia. And so by the time I was 14, I'd actually dropped out of high school, and to this day I've still never graduated. But God has used, you know, used everything, and now I'm not very worried about that. But it was around that age when I really started to realize that my weight was Well, it was a big deal and I needed to figure it out. And so at 14 years old, I'd really done, at that point, every diet known to man. I had done pills, I'd seen therapists. I you know most kids my age are reading. Babysitter's club was really popular back then, but I was reading the latest diet book and I tried everything that I could to get the weight off and so right around that age of 14.
Speaker 1:I actually lost my first 100 pounds and you know what did you weigh at that time, before you lost those hundred pounds?
Speaker 2:You know I was. I was 14, so it's really hard to remember, but I know that the scale was well over 200, probably 220 would be my guess 230 somewhere in there, because I remember just trying to get it under 200 even at the age of 14. And so I lost that weight and it was right around that time that we started to have some more life hit my only sister her name was Kim and I loved her so much. She was 16 years older than me. In my entire childhood she battled a lung disease called cystic bioprosis and back then there was no real treatment for that. In fact, the doctors told my parents that she would only live to be 12 years old. But she lived to be in her 30s.
Speaker 2:But when I was 14 she actually had had a double lung transplant that had failed. And when I was 14 we had to take her off life support and she passed away. And that was just a real blow to me. I was so young and I didn't know how to process that and it was just really hard, and so I turned back to food. So, although I just lost the weight, I started rapidly putting it on. And to add to that, one thing I didn't share was right around that time actually it was probably about six months, maybe three months, before my sister passed away actually met my husband now husband, your knight in shining armor and he literally is he is he.
Speaker 2:I mean truly I don't know where I'd be without him. God brought him to me. Now I say all the time I would never want my children to meet. They're not in shiny armor at 14 years old, but I'm so thankful that God sent him to me when he did, because I actually contribute my Salvation, knowing Jesus, to Andy because that was one of the things that attracted me to him was most boys that age were not, you know, shouting their salvation from the rooftop right there trying to fit in. But Andy, actually the way we met with him Telling me like what are you listening to? What are you doing? You know, you say you're a Christian, you're not living it out, which I thought was very bold.
Speaker 1:Thank you, andy.
Speaker 2:Yes, thank you, andy. The next day I actually went to the altar and re-dedicated my life to Jesus after meeting him, and so I'm so thankful for Andy. But he was there when I lost my sister and just walked a lot of hard things with me. But I started gaining all my weight back because now it's happy and you know when you're in love. You know I was eating because I ate for every emotion. If I was happy, sad, mad, all the things, and so I quickly put that hundred pounds back on. It told me all the time. So thankful to Andy because he met me skinny, I just lost that hundred pounds, but when he married me I was actually 300 pounds. I'm so thankful that he didn't ever give up on me.
Speaker 1:I've seen Tiffany's wedding pictures and and trust me, wow, he really loved you.
Speaker 2:I say I would time to him. I'm like honey, we really need to re-dedicate our vowels because we're new on, because we look way better today and you will? Yes, I hope so. But um, we, you know, we journeyed a lot through that. We, we started dating and we dated for four years. Then we got married and it was probably we were married about five years and we decided to try to get pregnant very quickly. We got pregnant with our sweet and precious Peyton.
Speaker 2:At the time we were actually pastors, so Andy and I were in full-time ministry for about 20 years. Youth pastor we get it all. I mean, you know, if any of you have listened or been in a small town America church, you know we were the youth pastors, the kids pastors, the marriage pastors who worked in the office. I cleaned the church. You know, andy worked three full-time jobs outside of the church, which tonight by now is so crazy Literally seven days a week and he was going from one job to the next. But we decided, you know, when we'd been married five years, we would try to have our first baby. And so we got pregnant with our Peyton and and I remember going to share the news with my dad my dad was my very best friend. I mean, I spent every night in the kitchen with my dad cooking. He was the one I went to with every sadness or problem. He was my biggest support and cheerleader and so I was so excited to share the news with him and my mom. And when we went to the restaurant To share that news with him, my dad opened a bib. I had wrapped a bib that said world's greatest grandpa, and I remember him opening it a smile, he was so excited and then all of a sudden, tears rolled up in his eyes and it was at that restaurant. He told me that he had just been diagnosed with brain cancer and he had three months to live and he would never meet his Grandbaby. And that's what happened. Three years, or three months later, he actually passed away of brain cancer as I held his hand in the ICU room and it was very, very hard because he was my best friend and I was so excited for him to be a grandpa. And so he passed away and actually named Peyton her middle name is Lynn, which was my dad's middle name. I named her after him and it was six months later that we had our sweet Peyton and it was the happiest day of our life.
Speaker 2:But that happiness quickly turned to fear as right after she was born they rushed her away and we knew something was wrong. And over the next nine months we journeyed to figure out kind of what was the cause. And she basically. We went to every doctor. She lived most of those nine months in an ICU room just fighting for her life. She, at nine months old, had been diagnosed with failure to thrive and even at nine months she was still six pounds and she was legally blind. We knew those diagnosis but they had done so much testing.
Speaker 2:And then at nine months, we found out that she had severe cerebral palsy. And I will never forget when the chief of neurology at Children's Hospital in Dallas came into the room with the box of Kleenex and we knew it wasn't going to be good and he told us that she would never walk, she would never talk or roll over and that they did not know how long she would live. But however long she lived, she would live as a newborn baby. And that was devastating. You know every you know. As a parent, you have all these dreams and hopes for your children's future. I mean you imagine their wedding day and their graduation day, and you know, all of those dreams were literally killed in an instant, and it was. It was very hard to accept. I'm thankful for my relationship with Jesus because I know without him I would have no hope.
Speaker 2:But Andy and I walked away from that hospital visit and we were determined we would be her advocates and we would fight for her. And that's what we did. And so literally for the next 10 years, I mean, we just went to war for her and we stayed with her. We were her only caretakers at the time. We had no help, no family alive at that point. And well, I say that for the first three years of her life my mom was there. My mom actually moved in to help us. She was a nurse and so she really helped take care of her.
Speaker 2:But when Peyton was three years old, I'd went into her room and, just like I did every morning, I laid in her bed. I snuggled her, just prayed with her, talked to her and I got up to go into her bathroom, where I'd always go get her feeding tube so I could start her morning feed. And when I went in there I found my mom dead in the bathroom floor and it was that really became the hardest day of my life, because by that day, everyone in my family was gone my only sibling, my mom and my dad and I will tell you, I felt so alone and that next year of my life was extreme depression. I tell people all the time if it wasn't for Jesus and my relationship with him and having Andy and Peyton truly God used her disability for my good, because she needed me literally for every breath she took, and so because of that, it's what kept me fighting for life, because I don't know that I would be here today if it wasn't for that. I really don't.
Speaker 2:And so the next year I just fought. Every day I felt like I was in a hole and I was just fighting to stay alive and to keep going, and I was working on myself. I sought some therapy, some counsel, but we were pastors and for those of you listening that maybe even in ministry you want to sometimes try to act like you got it all together and that you're there to support other people struggling. The reality was I was struggling and I felt like I was dying on the inside, and it took about a year for me to crawl my way out of that. But I did, and just you know, we were still taking care of Peyton, staying up all night with her. She needed a medication, a treatment every couple of hours. I mean, we couldn't leave her room, and so we were just always with her. And then, a couple years later, I don't know what we were thinking. I'm just kidding. I'm actually very, very thankful.
Speaker 1:Yes, you are, they're amazing.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'm so, I'm so thankful. But we, you know, we had been really contemplating having more children and I will tell you, doctors told us, we, literally I remember setting a crossword doctor and him saying you would be an idiot to try again.
Speaker 2:He said because you could, even though we knew Peyton's disability came through the birth process. He said you know, we can't guarantee that, even though everybody believed that they can't guarantee that. And so he said what if you get pregnant and have another child just like her? And please hear me when I say it wasn't fear of having a special child. She was the absolute best thing that's ever happened to our family, but at the same time I already could barely take care of her.
Speaker 2:How in the world could I do it again and have the fear of them all passing away? Or how would I take care of them all? I mean, I wasn't sleeping as it was and Amy was working three full-time jobs just to provide for us. So and we were still even at that point and we were on food stamps, we were on government assistance, even though we were doing everything we could to stay afloat. So we thought how in the world could we have more children if they would be special? And I was devastated because you know, as a mom, you want more kids.
Speaker 2:But I remember I was driving home from a doctor, the doctor who told me that I would literally be an idiot. I was driving home from that doctor's appointment and it was an hour and a half drive and I just remember feeling the Holy Spirit like banging me on the head Like I really do. You know, god has to like really knock me around for me to really listen, and so I remember Me too girl, Me too girl, yeah, you know, some people just hear the small, still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker 2:No, he got like hit me over the head with an amble. So that's pretty much what I felt like happened. And I just clearly remember feeling him saying to me you know, are you going to trust me, are you going to trust man? And I called Andy and I said you know.
Speaker 2:Andy already he was trusting the Lord. See, andy is way more spiritual than me, apparently. I mean, the thief is trusting Jesus. And so when I told him, I said let's try again, he's like, yes, let's do it, I told you. And so we did. And we actually got pregnant that very month.
Speaker 2:And then we found out we went to the doctor to hear the heartbeat and a couple of months later I found out that we had miscarried. And I was just so devastated and I remember like asking God, like questioning him, like I thought you said you had this, like what's happening. And actually that Sunday at church they sang the song you give and take away. You give and take away. Then my heart will choose to say.
Speaker 2:And it was so hard for me in that moment because I felt like everything was falling apart. And so we went and had a DNC and I just remember like praying and just seeking God and a couple of months later I said let's try again, like this cannot be the end of my story, I'm not going to just lay down and die, like I believe God made me a promise. And so we got pregnant again and we went to that same doctor in that same room where we miscarried and found out that we were pregnant with twins. And I just you know and here's what's funny, leanne, I didn't say this, but on our honeymoon, driving to our honeymoon, andy told me one day we'll have twins, and I thought you're out of your mind. So I joke all the time that Jesus must love him more than he loves me, because he got what he said. Now I am beyond thankful. The twins, as you know, leanne, they're healthy and my greatest joy is that they love their big sister so much.
Speaker 2:And it is such a joy to see them pushing her wheelchair around and then hook her feed into when they just love her, and that was always my dream, because I felt like we didn't have any family left. But now God has provided so much family for us and anyway, we, you know we had the twins, and I know part of my story that we relate to is after having the twins and through that whole journey of all the, all the hardships and the trials, my weight was all over the place. I actually, when I was 18, had a gastric bypass that I didn't even share. I was 317 pounds and the heaviest and I felt like I was going to die.
Speaker 1:And Tiffany, you're not like five foot, you know 11.
Speaker 2:No, no, I wish I was. I'm six, so I'm not super tall, but I was 317 pounds and actually at the time I was a size 28, which is the largest size in the women's department. Maybe not now, it's been a long time ago. Back then it was, and there was one store I could shop at and that was it, and I just I remember being 18 and actually walking up some stairs where I worked and having to sit down because I thought I was having a heart attack.
Speaker 2:And I was 18 years old and I had battled my weight my whole life up and down up and down I mean, I don't think there was a time I wasn't on a diet, and so when it got to that point, I just felt hopelessly in like what am I going to do? And so I had a gastric bypass. I lost a bunch of weight and then I put it all back on, and when the twins were three, I had gained 90 pounds in my pregnancy. And by taking care of Peyton 24 hours a day. Now having twins, how in the world was I going to do another diet? I mean, I just felt so hopeless. And then I found this amazing program that helped me and I ended up losing almost 200 pounds and to this day I've kept that off.
Speaker 1:And it was ended up being a five and a half years now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, five and a half years ago. It was five and a half years ago when I started that program, and now I've kept it off. And I mean now I know you know, leanne, I run half marathons I'm just a whole different person because I found this amazing program that helped me in every area of my life.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, you know, you know some people are going to be listening to your story, Tiffany, they're going to go. Oh, poor thing. Bless her heart. You know Southern charm, bless her little heart.
Speaker 1:But I really feel like Tiffany, you love people so well. I stand back and I watch you at events and you know I reign. I're blessed to be mentored by Andy and Tiffany and our business and I watch you love people, like like I don't know how people love the way you do and how you love the way I don't. You just love amazing. How do you feel that? You know it's not pity that anybody should have you, but how has the circumstances through your life, especially with Peyton she's so beautiful how has that caused you to basically upgrade your element of love? Because you, I have to feel my Holy Spirit, that that has been a part, not that you didn't love people before or love well before, but what has that done to your life that most people would take pity on you, but, boy, it's been absolute purity of what it's done for you and your love.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, I'm so thankful, you know, and I would never want anyone to pity me, because the reality is we all face things right, like every. We all have different challenges, but we all have challenges just the same. And I'm so thankful. Why don't ever want to go back and relive all of those painful moments, like, let me not have to do that again, lord, I'm so thankful for that because it has. It has done so much for me. It is, it's created a grit in me that I will fight for what I want, that I don't give up. It has caused me to grow so much closer to Jesus, because without him I would have never made it through.
Speaker 2:And you know, when you go through those hardships, the Lord is refining you right, and that's what he's done for me as he's taken me through these fires. But it has it's given me empathy for others. So I think anytime we go through something, you know, when we see people going through stuff, like sometimes we feel sorry for them, but unless you've actually went through it, you don't have that empathy of that real understanding of what they're going through, and so every time I face a challenge, even now, it gives me empathy. So when I see people who are dealing with those same circumstances, I can say, hey, I've been there too and here's what has helped me and I can love them on a deeper level. And it has, you know, having patent with disabilities has created a love for families with disabilities that I never had before.
Speaker 2:Now, don't get me wrong, I would love and support and encourage them, but it was not the level. It is now. Because I see them, I know what they're going through, and so God has given me a love for all of them and just to love first people, you know, it's just. Everyone is hurting, everyone has gone through something, and that's, you know, where to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And that's what I want to be to those people, because if I've come through it, I want to help other people come through it.
Speaker 1:Wow, that is so tremendous and I'm going to ask you to pray here in just a minute, just for anybody that's listening that they're going, especially the season we're living in, tiffany, we know there's a lot of people that are losing loved ones, family members. I did a call, a zoom call, this past Friday with a pastor in Atlanta and right before we got on the call he found out about three hours earlier that his cousin, going to be 50 next month, had died of COVID. They didn't even know she was in the hospital and you know he was just trying to navigate, working with her two sons and you know we're just hearing these reports every day and it's you know he did say wasn't healthy. You know this and that that's a whole nother story. But everybody's being faced, whether it's in relationships, whether it's in their health, whether it's finances.
Speaker 1:I mean, you know, just look at what's going on around the world. You know, if we're not listening to the spirit of God and we're listening to what I call the pigeon, we're going to really get distracted and go into depression and disappointment and distraction. And all those other include the word diet, all those other bad D words. Okay there, and so you know, I just appreciate your story so much and that's one reason I wanted to have you on, because you're right, you have so much grit, you, and you learn the grit like not saying, oh, poor me, but you know, oh God, help me, help me, be with me, and you just stuck with it and I so appreciate that you know about you and any last word that you would leave with our audience today and then if you would just pray for those that are listening that are really going through some really hard, challenging times for them, I really appreciate that.
Speaker 2:Well, I 100% agree with you, leanne, and I know that everyone listening to this is facing something right. We are. We're living in a hard world, a sad world right now and I think that you know, we know, you know as believers in reading the Word, that these things we know are signs and we know that they're going to happen. But, man, I don't know about you, but I know you do. I'm just thankful for the hope of Jesus and I just want to be encouragement to anyone listening today that Jesus knows and he's there, and you know I was actually reading in my Bible and my devotions today about you know, when Lazarus died and it said Jesus wept and that really like hit me so hard because I just want you listeners to know like Jesus weeps for you, like he loves you, that deeply, he cares about you so much.
Speaker 2:And it's not his desire, this was not his plan, this is not, you know, what he wanted in the world. But sin, sin came in. But we have a savior, we have hope. I just want to encourage you as you go through these things. Just know that Jesus loves you and his Holy Spirit is surrounding and comforting you and just grow closer to Jesus at this time, because that I will say through everything I've faced, my relationship with Jesus is so much sweeter because I can depend and trust on him. So I would love to pray, if that's okay.
Speaker 1:Thank you, yes.
Speaker 2:Father, god, I just thank you, lord, for every single person listening to this.
Speaker 2:God, I do not believe it's an accident that they found this podcast or they're listening today. Lord, wherever they're listening, whether it be in their car as they're getting ready in the morning, maybe some of these mama's washing dishes after dinner God, wherever it is, lord, I pray that, in the name of Jesus, your Holy Spirit will just rest on them right now, god, whatever they're going through. God, you said to exchange our yoke or your yoke and your burden are easy. It's light. Lord, we can exchange all of the troubles of the world, all the things that are resting on our shoulder, for your yoke, for your light burdens. God, that you love us that much. God, you said that you will give us a peace that passes all understanding. Lord, and I know that right now, all the troubles of the world got it so easy for us to focus our eyes. The enemy wants us to focus our eyes on all of our problems, but in the name of Jesus, I pray that you will give each person listening a peace.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:A peace that doesn't make sense. That's what that scripture means A peace that passes understanding doesn't even make sense where it would come from. In the midst of this, god, I pray that other people around everyone listening today, will be like what do you have? All the world's falling apart, you're going through all this, but, man, you are so joyful, you are so happy. What is this, jesus, that you have? God, I pray that you will just make ways where there seems to be no ways. God, open the right doors for these people. God, close the wrong ones. Lord, I just thank you for your provision and your hope. The hope of glory, lord, in Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 1:Amen, amen. Thank you so much, tiffany and friend. You've been listening to Tiffany Howard, my incredible friend, and Ray and my mentoring coach, as she's been talking about the spirit of perseverance. So say tune, because she's going to be back with me next Wednesday and we're going to be talking about the reward of well, we're talking about the spirit of endurance, but she's going to be talking next Wednesday about the spirit of perseverance. Sorry, I've got that so messed up. She's going to be talking about the reward of perseverance there, and so we're going to have her back next week. You're going to want to hear the rest of her story and, tiffany, thank you so much.
Speaker 1:So, friend, signing off for right now, lee and Goff, the Translational Coach, I'll see you next week. Have you received your copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priest and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as Priests and Kings as well. Grab a copy of my book Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings at Amazon or at liangoffministriesorg.