Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Divine Entrepreneurship: Shayna Rattler's 'God Shift' Journey
Have you ever thought about merging spiritual wisdom with entrepreneurial success? Step into the spiritual and entrepreneurial world with us as we engage with the multifaceted Shayna Rattler, an entrepreneur and ordained prophet. Discover how her transformative 'God Shift' moment reshaped her journey and illuminated the path to aligning business and ministry successfully. Join us as we explore her enlightening book, 'A God Shift: A Divine Move from Disruption to Destiny.' Get ready to drive change in your life and the world at large!
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You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Well, hello friends. My name is Leanne Goff. I think you know who I am. I am the transformational coach, your transformational coach, and I'm so excited to be with you again. And I have an incredible, incredible special guest. I cannot tell you how insanely excited I am to have her on my podcast, the Transformational Coach. But before we do that and I introduce her and you will want to stick around, you want to watch, you want to listen, because what she's going to share with you, I promise you it's going to bring an impact to your life.
Speaker 1:But first, most of you know, I just released a new book a few months ago and I just did the Audible about a month ago. It just came out on Amazon. You can go right there, amazon, get the Book and the Audible. Let me tell you, doing an Audible book is not. It's a little grueling, but guess what people say Did you actually do it, leanne? I'm like, yes, I actually did the Audible. I sat in some sound booth for about 40 hours and I can tell you I was so glad when that was done. But it's good, it is good. It's good.
Speaker 1:But my new book is Missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings. Yeah, great title. Right, it's a catchy title. People go, oh, you can't be a missionary and a millionaire and I'm like, where's that? Say that in the Bible? Okay, I don't see that anywhere in the Bible. And you know, but we can be pastors and prostrate. Did you know that? We can be executive pastors and entrepreneurs, you know.
Speaker 1:But the real the subtitle is the real key to this book Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings that we have the heart of a priest but we have the mind of a king. The priests have where did the priest in the Old Testament? Where did they in the New Testament? To where did they wear the gems they wore on their Epid? Right here, next to their heart. Where's the king? Where the gems in his crown? This is the heart, this is the mind. Okay, priests pray, kings make decrees. All right, kings are the ones that shift cultures, not priests, all right. So we have to function with the heart of a priest and the mind of a king. And I tell you what we will impact and transform communities and cultures in nations. I mean, yes, we're transforming a nation right now over in Cuba.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, guys, get my book, I promise you. I promise you you will not regret it. And then just I have people say, hey, I bought five or passed one of my friends and I know people's lives are being majorly impacted by this. Again, you can get it on Amazon, podcast I'm sorry Audible, or the book itself. So, all right, guys, I am again super, super excited for my guests on this podcast, just kind of getting to know her, and I am so already impressed and blessed by her story, by her history, and she's absolutely, absolutely amazing. I feel like we already have kindred hearts, even though we're just getting to know each other. But she's got a lot to share with you. So I want to welcome my special guest tonight and that's Shayna Rattler. And Shayna, it's so good to have you with us tonight. Come up and just just greet the listeners and the viewers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, you've got me excited, like you were so excited to be here, that it's got me even more excited to be here. So, thank you, thank you, thank you for having me and hello everyone. I hope you got some pen and paper, because I'm going to give you some writer downers.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. And you know, when I was looking at everything you've done, shayna, over the years, again I'm so impressed by your story and your history and you know we kind of have similar things but it's kind of flipped on on it. You were in business for many, many years. You started in 2007, entrepreneur businesses I mean you were like impacting corporations and then just about 2019, you kind of in my world, you hit a wall. We're going to talk about that. You actually had a shift but hit a wall and God brought an upgrade into your life and I love that and we're going to talk about that. And then now it's like you got the ministry going to. It's just not the business and entrepreneur stuff, but you got the ministry going. I call that business tree in my world, but anyway.
Speaker 1:But for me I've been a full time ministry since 2000,. Since sorry, what did I go? 1984? Yeah, my husband I went to. Why women? 1984 it went to the nations. And then it was just six years ago.
Speaker 1:God brought a business into my life. I was pastoring and this business came into my life and so here you've had the business all this time and then the ministry kind of became that's that priest thing. You've been doing the king thing for years and all said, oh, here's the priest thing. And now you're doing the rhythm of priest and king and I did the priest thing for all these years and all of a sudden God brings a business and I'm like, whoa, how do I do this rhythm of business and ministry business tree? So in 2000, you're an anointed a, an ordained profit. You've had your own businesses, you have the business. You have Shayna Rattler TV show, your own podcast. You just wrote a book in 2021 called the the God shift, and so you hit a wall in 2019, and that's where I want to start. What happened to you in 2019.?
Speaker 2:Well, that's what I had my very first God shift moment. And I think it's important that we define what is a God shift, because if you're watching the video, you see that my T-shirt says a God shift, all of my platforms are called a God shift, and so my definition of that, leanne, is the moment a disruption in your life collides with God's purpose, but then that's what moves you into greater possibility, because once the Lord has our attention and I think he uses disruptions, unexpected circumstances, to get our attention because then, and only then, does he really have the ability to be able to invite us into what he has planned for us. And so, to your point, I'd been a business girl since 2007.
Speaker 2:And around the middle, towards the end of 2018, was when everything around me began to dry up. All of those hundreds of thousands of dollars that I was used to making, I was not making it. All of the speaking engagements, I wasn't getting them. Like everything was drying up personally and professionally, and that's because, with God being our father, he's just like those of us who are parents that have children. We know exactly what it's gonna take to get our children's attention, and if he would have allowed business as usual in my business, I would have never paid attention to the fact that he was calling me to ministry.
Speaker 2:And so, yeah, that's what happened to me. Everything dried up very long story short. I then had to start looking around like Lord, what are you doing? What do you want me to learn? What do you want me to go next? And what he was saying to me was is all of those gifts and skills and abilities and talents that you've been using all these years to build the marketplace. I now want you to take everything that I've put in you and help me build the kingdom.
Speaker 1:Golly, golly. And so that God's shift is like. I mean, I kind of see it as like you just have an encounter. It's like almost you know Saul on his donkey or horse or whatever you know he was on, you know in the book of Acts, and all of a sudden he had a God encounter. It was a God shift in his life and of course we could go Mary, she had a God shift and angel shows up to her. You're going to give birth to God. You know all these God shifts that take place in life. I've had my own. But can you unpack that for us a little bit more?
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. It's important to recognize that the trigger event may be what happened in the moment, but a God shift is really a journey. It starts with the disruption. What is God using in your life in order to get your attention? And sometimes, if you're wondering, like how do I know if I'm in the middle of a God shift or if I'm at the beginning of one, like perhaps that you have just been that thing that you were pursuing, that you're pursuing that once used to be so passionate about. Now it feels like a chore. Now you feel overwhelmed. Now you feel burned out. Now you feel like you're at a crossroads. Do I stay on this path? Do I go in a different direction? Or, for some of us, when God is asking us to shift, we've accomplished everything that we've set out to do, but we just feel like there's something more for us, not more stuff, but more significance. There's another level of success with our name on it, and so that's where the God shift starts is with what it is that God uses in your life to be able to get your attention.
Speaker 2:The question becomes how do you respond to that? Because I think disruptions are divine invitations, but unfortunately in church and I'm a preacher so I can talk bad about us a little bit. I think that oftentimes in church we're not really equipped to learn how to respond when God allows things to happen in our lives. We spend a lot of time teaching people how great God is and how powerful he is and he is both of those things. I don't take anything away from him but we don't do enough to help believers recognize. You have a role to play in God's will for your life. So stop just relying on prayer, stop just sitting back waiting idly on God to just do whatever it is that he's going to do. God actually wants to co-create with you.
Speaker 2:So when you find yourself in that God shift moment, you have to think about okay, Lord, here's all the things that you're gonna do that I can't do, but what are all the things that I can do that you won't do? And so that's where I think it's a great way for you to think about. Like, what do I do when I find myself in a minute, in the middle of a moment, where I'm like I don't know what the heck is going on, but something's got to change? You can't just look to God, because obviously God knew it was coming. He planned it, he allowed it and he's gonna do his part. But how are you going to respond? Are you gonna do a few things right in order to make sure that you really Get where it is that God is taking you, that you see what it is that he wants you to see, that you learn what it is that he wants you to learn?
Speaker 1:Exactly I in my world. You know, I call that like I pray, like it's up to God and I work like it's up to me Correct, beautiful, beautiful partnership.
Speaker 2:It's a partnership.
Speaker 1:You know I have a coaching, health coaching business and I tell our coaches many times I'm like, don't expect some. I just ring your, your phone or knock on your door and go hey, I want to do what you're doing. I want to get healthy, you know, and lose weight. No, no, like. No, you, you have to integrate, you have to engage with people and Go out and do like with people. So I love it.
Speaker 1:And in my life too, I look at things like I know, when the oil in the breath is off of something, for me, yes, like when the oil is off, it gets grinding. When the breath's off, it's dry, and that's how I live my life. It's like, okay, I've been doing this for three years, I've been doing this for eight years, but but you know what? It's dry and it's grinding. Now the oil and breath is off and I think we as believers, as ministers, we have to really pay attention that. But some of us keep grinding and we keep grinding and we get lower and we get lower, we get lower and then we just a worn out.
Speaker 2:So what else we do. Leigh Ann, sometimes God gives us a new vision, but we filter that new vision through old perspective. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, I did that and it was a grave mistake, but it's so easy to do. Here's what this looks like.
Speaker 2:I'm in Bali, indonesia, on a spiritual retreat spring of 2019, and by this point I already recognize that the Lord is calling me to ministry, but he hasn't really started to show me even a glimpse of what that is going to look like, because obviously it's not always just within the four walls of the church. Ministry can encompass so many different things. So I'm on this spiritual retreat in Bali, indonesia, and the Lord shows me very, very vividly what my ministry is going to consist of. I could literally see it like a split screen, almost like I see you and I on this broadcast. He said you will preach and teach in stadiums, you'll have a television show and you'll use your spiritual gifts to work with celebrities and politicians. Now I knew that he really could allow all those things to be waiting for me on my desk when I got back to Dallas, but I figured that probably was not going the way that he was be the way that he would just lay it in my lap. And so I thought to myself how did?
Speaker 2:I used to coach my clients when I was a business coach? I used to tell them the Lord will bless what you put your hands to, meaning that you have to be in some level of action. Well, here's the mistake I made. I went home and since I've been in a coaching business for so long, I took ministry and I created a coaching business out of it.
Speaker 2:And that's so easy to do, because if you've been in a career for a certain amount of time or you've done something a certain way, you just see everything through that lens. It's almost like a horse with blinders on. And so, even though he said stadiums, television shows, celebrities and politicians, I still came home and created a coaching business out of it. So I wasted probably a year and a half of time and money and effort and frustration, because I didn't even give God a version of the vision to bless. So when God gives you a new vision, you have to be very careful to make sure that you're not filtering it, filtering it through that old perspective, because sometimes what he's asking you to do is going to look nothing like anything that you've ever created before.
Speaker 1:I Love it. I love it. I know he's always giving me I probably kingdom lenses, you know. I mean it's like we can wear the lenses of the natural and when things get blurry and kind of like, you know, distorted, but when we put the lenses of the kingdom on, we see from God's perspective. Oh, that's what you want to father. That's, you know, because we are seated in Christ in heavenly places. So everything our father sees and Jesus sees, we get to see if we take that position at play.
Speaker 1:So, alright, shayna, so you went for many, many years of business, business, entrepreneur, you know. And then 2018, 2019, comes in We'll talk about your book here in a minute and this comes in and begins to shift everything, everything in your life, to bring you to that point of business and ministry. I call business tree. Now I want you to kind of talk to us, because I the part of my book is is about this, but talk to us about how I feel. You know, I pastor for several years as well, missionary, da-da-da, but I feel that we separated the church, the pulpit, from the CEO desk.
Speaker 1:Okay, and in the, you know, in the beginning, jesus chose 12 entrepreneurs to turn the world upside down. All right, he didn't go to the priest, he went to the businessman, because you know, businesses, businessmen network. Okay, priest, don't know, pastors, don't network. You got your church, we got ours, your denomination, ours, you got your worship, you know ours, you got show and you do your thing, will do ours, and let's see how it works out. And it really I'm not pastor too, so it didn't hasn't really worked out very well, but business people know how to network and so you know if we could learn. You know, we separated that pulpit from the, the CEO desk, and I believe, in this time and era that we're living in, the God is restoring. He's going to use net, net, the network, the entrepreneurs, the business people to turn the world right side up. I believe he's going to use the government mountain as well, but the business mountain is going to be one of the main ones. Can you speak into that?
Speaker 2:I will. I will say that I'm grateful you talked about. We have a parallel life, but flip-flopped. I'm actually grateful that I started in the marketplace and then went into ministry, because when you think about all of the things that you have to learn in the marketplace, when it comes to, you know establishing who you, who your brand is, you know being visible, getting people to say yes to what it is that you're doing, like there's four components of a business there's finance, there's operations, there's sales and there's marketing. Right, and there's everything falls within those four categories.
Speaker 2:That stuff is drilled into you if you're in business, right, but oftentimes many of the people that I see that have always just been in ministry and now they're trying to do the business thing and I don't mean this in a bad way, but sometimes all they know is the said, the Lord, and so it's a lot more difficult because they don't really know the mechanisms of like, how do I get seen? You know, how do I get visibility, how do I make sure that my messaging is clear? And, yes, don't, don't over spiritualize this y'all and be like, oh, but it, but with God breeze on it. Yes, absolutely, if God breeze on it, you can have accidental success, but we're talking about if you really want to be strategic about the way that you're building things, there's a few core things that you have to know. So what I would say is is that, even if you are in ministry, if you don't have a business background, get some business background. Learn. How do you establish a presence in the, in the marketplace? Because the reality is that everywhere we step is our marketplace.
Speaker 2:If I'm stepping into it as a business owner, if I'm stepping into it as a pastor, all of that is my individual marketplace, right, and so you want to be able to learn, like how do I establish who it is that I am to the people that I'm trying to speak to? Right? And then, where are the people that I'm looking to speak to and what is it the problem that they have that they recognize, because too often, whether we're in ministry or whether we're in business, we speak to our audience based on what it is that we know they need, based on the expert, but oftentimes we're not speaking to that in a way that they recognize, like, the things that we're saying are not the things that are keeping them up at night. The language that we use is not the language that they use, which is why my my publisher is like I love the word destiny and I recognize that what you're having is a destiny conversation, but no one is sitting on their couch thinking about their destiny. It's just not language that they use.
Speaker 2:And so I said Listen, I don't care what you don't care what you call it, as long as you give me this contract and cut this check. Call it what you want to call it, but to their point, the only way that I can sell books is if I'm using language that my potential readers use. And so that's what I would say if you're looking to blend business and marketplace, you've got to have the right things from the right area. So, in business, you've got to have the right ministry things. In ministry, you've got to have the right business things, and they've got to blend together. Well, and if you're like I don't have any idea what she's talking about, hire a coach, hire a mentor, and just let them tell you what to do. Let their, let their losses be your lessons, because, trust me, if you try to do it your own and just figure it out, you're going to do what I did and waste 18 months.
Speaker 1:I love that. So, yeah, I love that. Now, again, I agree with you. I wish I would have had business before, even ministry, you know, and it just didn't happen that way and that's okay. But God got a hold of me and it was almost like you know, you know, when Jacob wrestled with God it's like six years ago to God wrestling me to the ground, I'm going to put your hip out of joint and I'm going to, you're going to get up with a limp and I'm going to bless you with this help program and this business and you're just going to get it. And thankfully, I surrendered. I said, yes, I got up and I won, and he did too.
Speaker 1:But you know, just thinking about that whole dynamic and you know, I talked to people who, would you know, I offer them hey, we're looking for more coaches, love to have you on our team, and they're like well, you know, let me let me pray about and I get it praying about it. Okay, I know, but I'm like I can help you prosper. Okay, I can help you prosper and you can earn some very good money. Well, let me pray about it. And I know, I know Shayna, if I went up to him, said I'd like to give you $10,000. They wouldn't say let me pray about it. They'd say cash or you know it wouldn't be, let me pray about it. And so sometimes that whole spiritual dynamic just gets in the way and it's like come on, people. That's you know, there's you know. My book is based on the scripture, due to my me at 18, that God has given us the ability to cultivate.
Speaker 2:Well, but the church never talks about that. They just almost wore my t shirt tonight that had that on. It says millionaire the making and it has that scripture under it.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, I want to know where you got that from, because I want one. Okay, seriously. But okay, this is so cool, I love it and that's you know. I believe we we separated the pulpit from the CEO desk and the pulpit from the city council chambers. Okay, that's just a whole nother story in that area. But it's time for this to come back together and learn that rhythm of business and ministry. So let me ask you another question real quick how are you doing that rhythm of business and ministry?
Speaker 2:Well, for me now, they're all kind of one and one in the same. You know what I mean. Like my ministry consists of yes, I preach and teach in church. I mean, that's just comes with my particular territory. But everything, most of the stuff that I do under the umbrella of a God shift is in the form of media. So it's in the form of my books, it's in the form of my podcast, it's informed in the form of my television show, and all of those things have to be marketed.
Speaker 2:So for me, I run my ministry like a business. Hope you guys heard me. I run my ministry like a business. So the reason why I have a ministry is because I want to have impact and I want to save souls and I want to drive people to Christ. But if I don't run that ministry like a business, I'm going to be left with only what God breeze on. And again, it's a partnership. Things are going to be more successful if I do the right things right.
Speaker 2:Let me just debunk of a myth, myth right here. It's not about being consistent. So many people will tell you that success lies in consistency, and that's only partially true. And here's why because I can be doing the wrong things and doing them right and do that consistently and I'm not going to get great traction. You have to do the right things correctly and do that consistently. That's how you're going to get traction. Because it just bothers me, leanne, the people like, oh, you just have to be consistent. Well, some people are just pushing through, pushing through, pushing through repeating the wrong thing over and over again or repeating what they're doing in the wrong way over and over again, and then they're just saying, oh well, I guess I missed God. No, you just weren't doing the right things in the correct way.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, wow, that is so true. I'm glad you're saying that, because I see that so much that, no, just be consistent, be consistent. It's like, yeah, but they're heading downhill in their consistency, it's not going up, it's not going the wrong way fast, absolutely, absolutely.
Speaker 1:This is so good. Shane is so so good. All right, so let's see where we're at. We got a few more minutes here because I want you to talk about your book. We'll go ahead and talk about your book. You wrote it. What is 2021? God shift and where can people get it?
Speaker 2:I did so at the end of 2020, at the end of my 18 months of me going off and creating what it is that I thought I should create. I sat down at the end of December was a couple of days before New Year's Eve and I did what any good business girl does. I said what needs to shift? Well, you know, is it the audience, is it the messaging? And if you could look around my house, you would see nothing but bald up yellow pieces of legal path, because everything I was writing sounded exactly like what I had created In the last 18, 18 months, and I didn't like any of that anymore than I liked what I'd created. I have a little bit more of eloquent speech for it now, but I was looking for something that could be a movement. I wasn't looking for a tagline, I wasn't looking for a program. I was looking for something that could be a movement, and I wasn't coming up with that. So I called on two of my best business accountability partners and I said I know you guys are gearing up for New Year's Eve, but can we please hop on a zoom for 15 or 20 minutes? I need some help figuring this out. Well, an hour and a half into the 15 or 20 minute zoom that I requested. I said to them what I just said to you. And one of the girls said to me well, what did God show you? And I said, well, he showed me a stadium and this. That the other thing. She goes. Well, then, why are you not trying to create some of that? And I said, well, I keep saying, if you're going to get on the other side of what you're going through, a God shift is required. She goes wait, stop, shut up, don't say anything else, that's it, it's a God shift. And so then she started saying to me like, if you know, god told you to have a television show, then have you thought about, like, putting something on YouTube and see who finds that and see who can bless that? Again, that was that whole. I didn't even give him a version of the vision to bless. And so when I started thinking about the television show being created, a lot of the other things that I knew a God shift would consist of I knew that a book was a quick way to mobilize that because, number one, I can write a book in three days.
Speaker 2:I don't care how long it is, I can write a book in three days. I've done it four times. I thought to myself okay, well, starting tomorrow, I'm going to write a book called a God shift. I'm going to make it short. It's going to be like 75 pages long, because then, once I market the book, I can then start to talk about the TV show.
Speaker 2:And so I wrote the book. It's called a God shift. It's called it's the subtitle is a divine move from disruption to destiny. And so it's what is all of that stuff that you do in the middle? Okay, you've got your what the heck is going on moment. You recognize that you're in the, that you're that you're in a God shift, and you know that ultimately, there's got to be more that God has for you. What do you do in the middle? And that's what the book is going to do. It's going to take you through a three part framework. There's no fluff. I hope you can tell I don't really care as much about you being motivated, inspired, as I do about you being transformed, and the only way that I can do that is if I give you tangible steps. And so that's exactly what you can expect in those 70 or 80 pages is exactly what to do and what not to do in the middle of your disruption and your destiny and everything is at a God shiftcom.
Speaker 1:Wow, I love it, I love it, I love it. So this is so good and, yeah, it's that whole place of a conversion that goes from, you know, one side to the next side. And, of course, the Word of God is full of God shifts. My life is full of God shifts at my young age of 67. And just all these God shifts that takes place in our life and you know, some people call it baptismal spirit. For some people, if you've been raised in the nomination that didn't believe in that, I received in 2003 a baptism of love. That was a total God shift in my life up in Canada. So let's do this, shayna, Would you be willing to pray for our viewers and our listeners and just that they would recognize when that, that point or that season of a God shift is coming for them that they don't pass up. You know that, that opportunity and that blessing of God shifting the total different.
Speaker 1:I have a message I preach years ago what happens when you're minding your own business yeah, she's so many examples in the Bible. Again, mary was probably baking bread or picking flowers or something. When you're going to give a burnt angel, you know, and getting was beating out the sheets and the wine press when the angel appears to him. You're going to deliver Israel and, you know, solve a sling for his dad's lost sheep. You're going to be the king of Israel.
Speaker 1:I mean all this kind of crazy stuff Elijah, piling it, feels when he's going to, you know, walk in the shadow of his spiritual father, elijah, and then do double the miracles. I mean all these different things that happen, and I think that that's exactly what you're talking about. It's when God sets us up for something that totally shifts and redirects the course of our life and then it brings an upgrade on. I mean, girl, you were doing good but you went to an upgrade for sure, 100%. So if you'd be willing just to pray for our viewers and our listeners, just that they would be sensitive to the spirit of God and recognize when that breath is coming, that fresh oil and breath is coming on them, to make sure they take that moment and capture it for their shift, for their upgrade, for the King of God, would you do that for us?
Speaker 2:Absolutely so. Father, we first want to start by giving you thanks. I thank you for this opportunity. I pray that I have said something that is a blessing to your people, father, every single person that is listening to the sound of my voice. Help us to accept and recognize that everything that is happening in our lives, everything that has happened in our lives, is happening for us. It's not happening to us, and it's also happening for other people as well. So allow us to stop blaming ourselves. Allow us to stop blaming you and other people, and accept that everything that we have encountered is exactly what it is that we should have encountered. God, help us to be open to discovering what it is that you want us to see, what it is that you need us to learn and, father, for many of us, where it is that you need us to go. Next, god, help us to be open.
Speaker 2:I come against any form of doubt. I come against any form of distraction that would keep your people from your destiny, god. I come against anything that would discourage them and get them off the path. God, bring our eyes back to you. Help us to continue to take steps. Father, you tell us in Psalms 119-105 that your word will be a lamp into our feet and a light into our path. God, help us not to get stuck because we don't know the how. Help us not to get stuck because we cannot see into the distance. God, give us courage to take those steps into every path. That it is that you have had set for us, god, even if those steps are laced with uncertainty. And, father, I just thank you today for everything that it is that you are doing in the life of every single listener. We will be careful to follow you, god. We will be careful to give you all the praise, all the glory and all the honor that is due your matchless name In Jesus' name. Amen, amen, wow.
Speaker 1:I just felt all over that. That was so good. I tell you what friends. I don't know if you were taking it in, but I was taking it in 100%. So, shayna, thank you so much. This has been a pure delight. I'm so thankful that we got to connect and thank you for pouring into our listeners and our viewers and I'm just really super, super honored. Thank you so much. It's my pleasure. Thank you, you're welcome. Well, so, friend, thank you for tuning in and listening to the podcast today, your Transmation Coach, and I hope you are blessed and honored. And if this podcast has blessed you, please, please, please, share it with a friend, our family member or co-worker and let them get on the blessings as well and let them experience a God shift in their life too. So until next time, lee-anne Gauth. Transmation Coach.