Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Our Calling is Priests and Kings - from Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings
Hey Friends! Join me this week for a little something special as I share one of my favorite chapters from my audiobook, Missionary and Millionaire: Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings.
I wrote this book to explore the question of what if financial blessing and faithful discipleship aren’t mutually exclusive? I, myself, held the mindset that you couldn’t be both a missionary and a millionaire, but God showed me that we are meant to be both priests and kings.
I hope you enjoy this special episode, and if you would like to purchase the entire book, you can find the link to it on my website at LeanneGoffMinistries.org or find it directly on Amazon by searching Missionary and Millionaire.
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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You can also sign up HERE for Transformation Nation and receive your free copy of A Journey To Your Identity.
Hey friends, this week we are doing a little something special on my podcast. I'm giving you a sneak peek of one of my favorite chapters from my audiobook Missionary, a Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priest and Kings. I wrote this book to explore the question what if financial blessing and faithful discipleship aren't mutually exclusive? I myself held the mindset that you couldn't be both a missionary and a millionaire, a pastor that prospers, or an executive pastor and entrepreneur. But guides show me that we are meant to not just be priests, but kings as well. The title of this chapter is called Are Calling as Priest and Kings. I hope by taking a listen you will gain insight into these dual roles as children of God. Let's dive in Chapter 5, are Calling as Priest and Kings.
Speaker 1:Wrestling matches with God always involve turning points in our lives. Every time we wrestle with God, he wins, just like he did with Jacob, and we end up with a limp. But each time we wrestle with God and win, we are also raised up to a new level, like Jacob. When I wrestled with God on the floor in Toronto for two and a half hours, I got up with a limp, but my limp indicated I was being transformed. I didn't just get a touch or a zap from God. It was life transforming. There's a difference between a touch and a transformation. Too many people in the body of Christ are looking for a touch from Him and he gives it to them. But a touch can go away quickly. When you're transformed, you're changed for life. For example, if I stick a paper clip into a wall outlet, I'll get touched, I'll feel the shock and the ends of my fingers might get charred. But if I climb up a utility pole and wrap my arms around the transformer at the top of that pole, I would be transformed. I would not be the same anymore. I wouldn't walk the same, talk the same, think the same or live the same. Most of the church is looking for a touch when God really wants to transform us, and that's what literally happened to me on that floor in 2003. I got up with a limp and did not walk, talk, live or think the same way anymore. So I'm always after a transformation, not just a touch.
Speaker 1:I had another wrestling experience with God about this idea of functioning as a king rather than just as a priest. I wasn't opposed to it. I love the implications of it in terms of kingdom impact, but I had a lot going on. How would I balance business and ministry? It was foreign enough to me that I had to tell God. I wasn't sure how to do it all. I didn't know how to transition into it. We would need a business coach, a business attorney and a financial advisor. How could I make all that work in light of everything else I was doing? Unlike my baptismal love, this was not a matter of shifting my heart. I already had a heart for reaching kings and communities. I wasn't opposed at all to what God was doing, but I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I needed a mental transformation.
Speaker 1:Entering the world of kings, we don't know how to be millionaires. We told the business coach in Utah we had just onboarded. We told him how our business had kept growing and how we had gotten to a point of realizing we needed help and not from the sources we'd always relied on. So many things in our lives were changing and we knew we weren't prepared to navigate all the changes on our own. In the priest-king roles we found ourselves in, we wanted to know more about the kingside of things, the world of the marketplace. That's a common problem with believers in general, not just with us. We understand the priestly role ministry, prayer, worship, evangelism, fasting, having a quiet time and all the things we think of as spiritual but we don't really know how to function in a kingly role or among people with that kind of calling or an orny. We don't always know how to manage people, finances, governments and businesses. So we gathered a team around us our business coach, a financial advisor and then a business attorney and also got a ton of counseling from life. We listened to people in business and learned whatever we could and still do.
Speaker 1:We've read just about all the books by Robert Kiyosaki and his team, beginning with Rich Dad Poor Dad, as well as many other people with expertise in this area, like Gary Cassie's books Fixing the Money Thing, money Mysteries from the Master and more. This whole body of expertise was like a revelation to us. We told our son about Rich Dad Poor Dad and he said Mom, I have that. It's packed away. A day or two later he dug it out and lent it to us, even though I had already ordered my own copy. This is amazing, I said. Why didn't I ever know about this stuff? I took a photo of the cover and texted it to Leif and said have you ever read this book? Yes, he said. All my kids had to read it. Excuse me, I laughed. You had me read book after book about living out the priestly calling, but you never gave me this book. I was hooked. Leif knew there were a lot of other areas I needed to work on before I could begin to read books about kingdom, wealth and abundance. Now we read every book we can get our hands on with this kind of teaching.
Speaker 1:Kiyosaki's approach is based on growing a cash flow from four quadrants. E is for being an employee. S is for being self-employed, in which you may still have a brick and mortar building to go to and some financing to fund it, but you don't have any time because you have to run the business, although it usually ends up running. You B is for being a business owner, which is a step further but still very time consuming, and I is for investor. In the course of five years, we had gone through every quadrant and we were now in a position to invest the I Quadrant.
Speaker 1:We had our business coach and financial advisors in place and we wanted to invest in a property that could serve as a home away from home. We came close to buying a property in Orange Beach, alabama, but three days from closing that fell through. We looked at Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic, but during the height of COVID we wondered if we would always be able to get there when we wanted. We ended up buying a place there more recently. Then we looked at Sarasota, florida. We previously had two coaching events there and liked that area of Florida. Maybe that would be the spot.
Speaker 1:As it turned out, there were a lot of reasons for us to move to Florida, not just to buy a vacation home there. For one thing, florida is one of the few states without a state income tax. That was very appealing. But we also started thinking about business taxes. Tennessee's was 6.5%, which cost us about $15,000 our last year for just part of the year and Alabama's was the same, but in Florida it's 5.5% and if you have an LLC you're tax exempt. That was a game changer for Ray and me. We didn't want to leave our son and his family in Tennessee, but we also saw a lot of advantages to being in Florida the beaches, the lack of taxes and being much closer to Cuba, among others. So we said to our son we can give the money to the government, or we can leave it for you. We can stay in Tennessee and keep living around the corner from you or give you and your sister a greater inheritance. It wasn't that difficult a choice for any of us, so we moved and it wasn't too long before we got back to our original plan and invested in a property that could be our home away from home. By the way, our son and his family visit us often in Florida and they love it.
Speaker 1:An Unexpected Turn For people who have never had a retirement plan. Being able to invest was a great position to be in. It was also vital for managing unexpected expenses. In 2019, our term life insurance was expiring. We had gotten the policy as missionaries some 40 years earlier and it came to term. Of course, they wanted us to pay around $700 per month to retain it. The rates go up drastically with the passage of time greater age, more health issues and increased cost of living. Insurance policies don't cost what they did in our 20s. We wish we had understood more about life insurance in our early years. We would have done things much differently, but back then, and likely today, most missionaries, pastors, evangelists and ministers in general knew little to nothing about life insurance, investing or managing any sort of wealth. I so wish we had had someone like Leif in our lives many years ago to give us wise, godly counsel. That's one of the reasons for this book. We figured we could do something else with the amount the insurance company was now expecting us to pay to keep our plan, like investing in rental property. We had learned a lot about stewarding our finances for the kingdom and investing it in our family member's future and in the nation's. As we saw our income increasing, we still wanted insurance, so our financial advisor found a plan that was so much better than a term policy.
Speaker 1:A time was set up for the nurse to come to our house and do all the testing blood work, urine test, blood pressure and the whole routine. I passed with flying colors. Ray didn't. Your heart is kind of skipping. She said You'll have to go in for a physical. It took a couple of months for us to get him in for a stress test due to the COVID pandemic. He went in on a Thursday while I had a scheduled video call with a coach. In the middle of my call I got a call from Ray. That was strange. He knew I had an appointment. I didn't answer, ray immediately sent me a text asking me to call him right away, which of course I did. He told me he had to go to the hospital and couldn't drive himself. The doctor wouldn't let him. Either I needed to go get him and take him to the hospital or he would have to go in an ambulance. I contacted Sonia, our son and our daughter. As I drove out of the community where we lived.
Speaker 1:The rest of the day was a blur. I picked Ray up and drove him immediately to the hospital. When we got there I wasn't allowed to go in because COVID was just getting started Without any information to go on. I was wondering if he was going to have to have heart surgery or some other crisis intervention. I was completely in the dark, but they just told me to go home and wait for someone to call. After a few hours I received word that I could go pick him up. They ran some tests at the hospital and he left with three prescriptions, one that came with a coupon. When we went to get them filled at the pharmacy, they told us it was good that we had that coupon, otherwise that prescription would have cost $500. That didn't really affect us because of how far we had come financially, but it left us wondering what people are supposed to do with something like that if they don't have insurance or that much out-of-pocket money which is how we pay for it. It was a huge awakening to the financial stresses of American healthcare, something we had generally been able to avoid to that point in our lives.
Speaker 1:We had a Zoom call with raised cardiologists the following Monday. The cardiologist told us he had a heart rate of 170 when he went in for the physical, which is on the verge of a stroke. That's why he wasn't allowed to drive himself to the hospital. The cardiologist also told us that Ray would have to have a cardiac ablation to prevent irregular electrical signals. That would help his heart rate get back to normal and stay there. But the ablation got postponed several times, first when the doctor had an emergency and had to postpone it, then because Ray had COVID and wound up in the emergency room for that. And then because we went out of the country and were told upon return that he would have to wait. Finally, they were able to do the ablation on December 30, 2020, and it was a success. Thank you, jesus.
Speaker 1:Still that question of how people manage these kinds of crises and those kinds of expenses, if they aren't in the position we were in, is a big one. I'm convinced God wants to bless his people, but not many are positioning themselves for that kind of blessing. If Leif had not been fathering us, training us and speaking into our lives all those years, I don't know how we would have handled it. I wouldn't have been ready. We must change the way we think about our relationships, our finances and our health.
Speaker 1:The problem usually isn't primarily with our bank account or our heart, stomach or lungs. The deeper issue is what's going on in our minds. I recently saw a video of a 400-pound guy working out. He had had gastric sleeve surgery, which has become fairly common. I know several people who have done that, even a couple of times, but because their minds weren't in a healthy state, they gained most or all the weight back, and sometimes more. 83% of Americans are overweight or obese. This is a health epidemic we must address, and our health program is doing just that.
Speaker 1:We've prayed for many people over the years and seen God miraculously heal them, but if they just go back to the same habits that made them unhealthy to begin with, their healing might not last very long. Matt Sorgher has experienced the same thing. I can pray for them at the altar, he says. But if they don't change the way they eat, if they aren't changing their nutrition, their health problems are just going to persist. The issue is not in our stomachs, it's in our minds. It's the same with finances.
Speaker 1:Sometimes people come into a lot of money, whether through an upturn in business, an inheritance or even a lottery. But if their mindset about money and their spinning habits don't change, they often find themselves in debt or bankruptcy and once again, trying to make ends meet, they get rich and then poor again. But there's a difference between getting rich and acquiring wealth. Believe it or not, most people who win the lottery file bankruptcy within three years. Statistics show that 70% of lottery winners end up broke and a third go on to declare bankruptcy. In a way, spending, toxic investments and poor accounting can burn through a lucrative windfall in next to no time. From relative rags to riches, then back to rags again. We'll see more breakthrough, healing and wholeness when we minister to spirit, soul, body and finances to holistically transform lifestyles, as well as lives.
Speaker 1:Desiring wealth and learning how to steward it is a principle of the Kingdom of God. We must let God shift our perspective on the principle of Kingdom wealth before he can bless us the way he desires to. Much of our work over the last few years has therefore involved educating ourselves about finances and wealth and then onboarding people into our coaching business and helping them understand finances and wealth as well. We believe this is key to what God is doing in our time massively blessing His sons and daughters so we can fulfill the Great Commission. He wants to bless His people, but he also wants us to have the wisdom and mindset to be able to handle the blessing and to multiply it in the lives of others. He wants us to build Kingdom wealth for carrying out His purposes. It's an invitation that His people need to prepare for and receive. He loves how we pursue priestly things. Now he is raising up many to navigate the spheres of influence and societies of kings too, the keys of the kingdom.
Speaker 1:Before Cuba opened up our spiritual sons and daughters in Cuba, the leaders of our ministry were not allowed into tourist hotels. They couldn't even go in the front door. If we wanted to have a meal with them, it couldn't have been at the hotel restaurant. They would have had to wait for us outside. After the passing of Fidel Raul, castro changed the law so Cubans were allowed to visit tourist hotels and to stay in them.
Speaker 1:I was back in Havana and brought my spiritual son, josue, to stay with our team at the hotel. It was his first experience at a tourist hotel, even though he had lived in Cuba all his life. When I took him to the desk to check in, he was very nervous. He wasn't quite sure it was okay for him to be in there. I handed him his room key, a plastic card, and we headed to the elevator. I suggested we meet in the restaurant for dinner at five. He got off on his floor and I pointed to his room before the elevator took me up to my floor.
Speaker 1:About five minutes later I heard a knock on my door. It was Josue. Mom, I don't know how to use this. He said Mind you, josue is a very sharp guy, come with me. I replied I'll show you how to use the key, son. So I went down to his room with him. See this metallic strip. You just slide it through this slot and wham. The little light turns green, the door unlocks and you can open it. Josue was amazed, but I only had to show him once. Once he was in that hotel room he stayed there almost the whole time. He wanted to enjoy the air conditioning, the shower and the TV. The key gave him access to everything he wanted in that room.
Speaker 1:Everyone has a junk drawer for things they don't know what to do with Pins, trinkets, keys. Whatever doesn't go somewhere else ends up in that drawer. We have keys in our junk drawers that probably fit doors from several houses ago or padlocks. No one remembers. I'll ask Ray sweetie, do you know what this key goes to? And most of the time he responds I have no idea. Keys become useless if we don't know what they belong to or where to use them.
Speaker 1:Many in the church seem to have the same challenge. They know there are keys to the kingdom and they know the keys are not meant just to hang on the wall or sit in a drawer. Those keys unlock authority to loose and to bind and to access the resources of heaven. But they don't know what doors to put them in or how to use them. And, by the way, this is plural. Jesus said I will give you the keys of the kingdom. We have access to many kingdom keys, not just one. If we're going to step into our calling as priests and kings, we will have to learn what the keys of the kingdom are for and how to use them. I recently preached this in a conference in Cuba to about 175 women and took keys to give to all of them to emphasize the point that we need to know how to utilize the keys we've been given. And we need to know that not just any key fits into any door. There are different keys that are created for different purposes. Two of the most important are the key of honor and the key of favor. I've learned from experience that if we know how to use both of those keys, then many opportunities and blessings will open up for us.
Speaker 1:The key of honor unlocks the door of favor. When you demonstrate honor, whether to a government leader, a mentor or teacher or anyone else, you unlock the door to their heart. That's not why you do it. You honor people for the sake of honor. It's part of the character of God's kingdom. When you do that from a pure heart, acceleration takes place in your life and in everything you touch. Honoring life as my spiritual father has opened up many opportunities for me and connected me with many people I could serve and who were important to my destiny and assignment for the kingdom of God. Again, I didn't honor so I could get something from life or anyone else. I did it because that's what kingdom-minded folks do Not to get something, but to give. Giving honor and creating a culture of honor in your life will open the door of favor, since becoming kingdom-minded, not just salvation-minded I've witnessed this more times than I can count Favor is a key too. It unlocks the door to our destiny. This is what my second book, a Journey to your Identity, is about.
Speaker 1:As we've seen several times, the honor given by Joseph, daniel and Esther to the rulers in their lives gave them favor and led to culture shifting kingdom, transforming situations and events. Joseph became the vice ruler of a nation. Daniel turned the heart of the king and secured promotions for himself and his friends and protection for his people. Esther exposed a plot against her people and prompted the king to turn it around completely in favor of the Jews. They all knew how to honor without a hook and, as result, they won the hearts of nations and culture leaders and obtained favor. The key of favor unlocked their destiny.
Speaker 1:There are many keys of the kingdom, not just two, but these are the ones I have seen open many doors in my life again and again. In Cuba, I have gained tremendous favor with governmental leaders, as I've honored late who's known as the ambassador of love. In Pakistan, I've gained much honor in that nation. We can win the hearts of kings, rulers and pharaohs without compromise. Esther, joseph and Daniel did, and they transformed some of the most wicked hard coordinations on the planet.
Speaker 1:I've learned a lot about the keys of the kingdom, not only from Laith, but also from Pat and Karen Schatzlein, founders of remnant ministries and friends and colleagues of mine. Their story speaks powerfully into this calling as both kings and priests, and I'll let Pat tell it in his own words. For many years, we traveled more than three million miles to many nations as leaders of remnant ministries and we saw over two million people come to Christ. But over the years, we began to feel stirred in our hearts. Something had to shift inside of us. We got tired of an honorarium on Sunday determining our dream on Monday, while we were on the beach in 2015,.
Speaker 1:As we were getting ready to do 27 conferences in the coming months, god said I'm going to change you. I'm going to give you the keys of the kingdom. I thought of Matthew 1619, where Jesus promises the keys of the kingdom to his followers, in Isaiah 2222, where God promises the key of David to his servant, but I didn't know exactly what he meant. He said, son, I want to release something new inside of you. I'm going to give you the anointing of the priest and of the king. We're told in 1 Peter 2, 9 that we are a royal priesthood or, in the original translation, a kingdom of priest. He began to stir that in my heart and said you're going to get my anointed healthy and wealthy, but let's start with you first. God told me to take back my health. I found a health plan and lost 72 pounds, and Karen lost 24 pounds, but not long into it we decided we needed to pay it forward.
Speaker 1:Something shifted in us. We began to realize we could rescue people and stretch the timeline on their tombstone. But something else also changed inside of us. We began to realize that we had a CEO anointing to raise up and transform lives, not only in the church world but also in the public square. We began to realize that we could awaken people to dream. One thing God spoke to our hearts was that he didn't ask us to die for the church. He already did that. He said he wanted us to go and release the anointing and minister to people, to awaken both the priest and the king in them and walk side by side with them.
Speaker 1:David is identified as both a prophet and a king Cax 230. And God began to stir in our hearts that it's time for people to step into their destiny as both. He showed us that it's okay to be both priests and kings. That's not what we were taught growing up. It had to be one or the other and if you're not careful that can lead to an orphan spirit and a poverty mindset. But God showed me that it's okay to walk in the blessing. He takes joy in our prosperity, he gives the ability to create wealth and he began to stir in me what we could do for the kingdom when we break that poverty mindset and orphan spirit. We're children of the king and the kingdom is so much bigger than we think. He began to show me that there's a moment when you shift your destiny and begin to pass on generational blessings to your children. God promises to bless those who walk in righteousness and it's okay to live our dreams and walk in peace. God spoke to Karen one day and said her business was not a spiritual gift. We had to realize that it's okay to rest and have fun again.
Speaker 1:You have no idea what God has in store for you when you begin to step into that priest and king anointing, that entrepreneurial anointing, and you begin to realize that he can use you. He's going to give you ideas, dreams and visions. I've learned that frustration and agitation are the mother of intercession. If God is frustrating you, it's because he is stirring you to get up and do something different. There's a moment when you realize that you want to get to heaven with nothing left to do. When we step into that priest and king anointing, miracles begin to happen. We begin to live like we have never lived before. The Bible says that hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life, see Proverbs 13-12. When you remove the lid that you put on yourself and learn what the Father has for you, he will begin to release and launch you into fulfillment of the things he has put in your heart. Since we made that decision, our whole family has been released into a different anointing. We've been launched into real estate politics and CEO anointings in the marketplace. Our stories shifted when we began to realize that God will give His people the keys of the kingdom to launch their destiny.
Speaker 1:Representing God, the core of our calling as priests is to represent God to all humanity. That's what priests do. They also stand before God to represent human beings and bring their needs to Him. It's a mediating, interceding position that goes both ways. This has huge implications for our calling as kings, too.
Speaker 1:On my way to Sri Lanka a few years ago, I knew our schedule would be packed as soon as we hit the ground, so I was focused on sitting in business class during our last leg of the trip and getting some sleep over the remaining four hours. As soon as I got on the plane, I sat next to the window in my row. As it turns out, I wasn't going to get any sleep. A man soon came in and sat down next to me and started up a conversation. What do you do, he asked. I learned a long time ago not to start off telling people I'm a pastor, because I know how that can kill a conversation. I didn't even want to tell him I was a Christian because of the reaction that gets sometimes like putting in their earbuds and tuning out. So I tried a different approach. I work for my dad. I told him you do, yes, it's amazing, I love working for him. He's the best dad in the world. So incredible. And I just kept bragging on God as my dad Over the next three and a half hours. I found out my conversation partner was a banker from Holland doing business in Sri Lanka. By the end of the trip he told me I've never heard anyone talk about God like you do. He thought doing good while he was on earth would be enough. I definitely left him with a lot to think about after that flight and I knew God would send the next kingdom-minded son or daughter to pick up where I left off.
Speaker 1:I wonder how often we really represent God, or better, represent Him as an amazingly good Father who really desires to bless us. We wouldn't withhold blessings from our own children and we don't want to give them heavier loads than they can handle. So if God is an amazingly good Father with far greater desires than even our best intentions for our kids, doesn't that mean he wants to give us out of His abundance and protect us from overwhelming need? Of course it does, and that's what we need to be demonstrating for people. We need to be presenting Him as the extravagantly generous Father that he is. I don't talk to people about God making them rich, but I do talk to them about gaining wealth and using it to expand God's kingdom and bless their family and anyone else he wants them to bless. This banker from Holland was blown away by that concept because he had never heard a Christian talk about God as the giver of life-transforming, kingdom-expanding wealth before A sad fact, but nonetheless true.
Speaker 1:I do the same thing when I'm getting my nails done or talking with a neighbor. I start bragging on God, my dad, and by the end of the conversation they are asking me to pray for them. It opens up a doorway into their heart so it's easy to pray and release the kingdom over their lives. It's a much more holistic and encouraging picture of who God is and it draws people into a relationship with Him better than most preaching does. I've known people who grew up in the church and maybe even were involved in ministry come to discover that God is not who they thought he is. He was presented to them one way early in their life and it took an entirely different demonstration of His goodness, to discover who he really is. A pastor's kid who came to us in Teen Challenge told me after a few weeks I never knew this God you're teaching me about. A lot of Christians could say the same thing. That's the power of representing Him as he really is Good, delighted with His children and overflowing with generosity. A Royal Priesthood Together.
Speaker 1:Our dual calling as Priest and Kings also requires connection. It is not a solo adventure. We need strategic partners. Teamwork is essential in any kingdom work. That begins with family and community Partners linking arms to accomplish more together than as separate individuals. In our business, we look for coaches who are relational, teachable and hungry, because that's the kind of people we need to fulfill the mission. We know that's not everybody's makeup, but it's what will help us fulfill our assignment. The same is true in any kingdom work. It is vital to link up with those who can help you leverage your gifts and for whom you can help leverage theirs for maximum impact.
Speaker 1:The last time I was in Cuba, I knew I would be preaching in churches that's part of the mission but my primary goal was to meet with people who are positioned to be culture shifters on the mountains of society. It's fine to expand the Kingdom of God by addition, it's even better to expand it through multiplication, and you need strategic partners to be able to do that. In fact, that has been a big shift in my assignment in Cuba in recent years. I still preach in churches and help with new church plants, partly because it's important, but also out of the relationships I built there. People get saved and it's always glorious. Seeing someone get saved and go home living differently with their family is wonderful and that can multiply, though it's usually a slow multiplication. But if I can get 200 Kingdom leaders from across the island in a room and help mobilize, equip and empower them and then they go out and multiply from their positions of leadership, that's leverage. When people are not just stepping into the Kingdom and figuring it out, but are already Kingdom minded, that launches a powerful multiplication process.
Speaker 1:I am all about getting people to heaven, but my assignment also includes getting heaven into people. That's what Laith does in Pakistan and all over the world. He talks to groups of pastors and ministry leaders A strategically important thing to do. That will always be part of his assignment. But when he speaks to the powerful and well positioned leaders in mosque and wins their hearts. He suddenly becomes a Joseph, speaking to thousands of pharaohs. That's ramped up multiplication.
Speaker 1:We have two responsibilities as Kingdom advanceers. One is touching the beggars on the street corners and ministering to the people in the pews, and the other is going after the hearts of kings. The majority of priests know how to do the first and have been working on that front for ages. You know how to do the second, which explains why we are not shifting cultures, environments, businesses and nations very quickly. We've just been hanging out with other priests, but what if we had conferences with kings? That drastically expands our influence and our reach.
Speaker 1:These are the vital components of a priest king calling. This is how a holy nation and royal priesthood functions. We enter a new and greater realm of influence in learning how to be ministers of wealth and stewards of heaven's resources, growing in our understanding of the keys of the kingdom and learning how to use them as God intends them to be used, representing God truthfully and beautifully as priesthood home in the world of kings, and leveraging strategic partnerships to advance God's kingdom. It's different from what we've always done and that's a good thing. It promises to bring different and greater harvest of multiplied fruitfulness and blessing. Hey friend, thanks so much for listening to this chapter from my audiobook. If you'd like to purchase the entire book, you can find the link to it on my website at liangocministriesorg, or find it directly on Amazon by searching Missionary and Millionaire.