Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Will Hart - A Witness: Fresh Out Of Israel
Meet my dear friend, the remarkable Will Hart, who brings with him tales of unimaginable experiences and insights into global missions. In this riveting conversation, we traverse across continents, from the inspiring work Iris Global is doing in Mozambique, initiated by Heidi and Roland Baker, to the harrowing journey of taking a Harvest School to conflict-ridden Israel.
Will shares his firsthand experience of war erupting mid-journey during his mission in Israel. His team's response - an unwavering faith manifested through worship and prayer, their resilience amidst the adversity, and the safe navigation out of Israel is a testament to the power of love and leadership. Moreover, we dive into the intricate dynamics between the Jewish and the Christian communities, illuminating their shared resilience and complex relationship. This is an episode you don't want to miss!
Learn more about Iris Global: https://www.irisglobal.org/
IG: @irisglobal
Will Hart's IG: @willhartmin
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hello friend, welcome back to another time with Leanne Goff, the transformational coach, your transformational coach spirit, soul, body and finances. And I'm so, so blessed that you have tuned in today to hear this podcast. And I have an incredible, incredible, incredible speaker with me today. Friend, longtime friend Actually. He was a part of really trusting me into my assignment I'm benotes to him, but we just talked about it into the nation of Cuba. Now, 19 years and 64 trips later.
Speaker 1:But I do want to recommend, if you've not gotten my recent book, missionary and Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Precinct Kings, please, please, please, go to Amazon and get the book. People are telling me it is really flipping their mindset right side up when it comes to the kingdom and kingdom finances and that we are not just called to be under the anointing as priests, but we are called to actually function in the anointing as kings as well. It's not just about the heart, where the, the, the high priest, had the, the, the stones on their, the stones of Israel on their iPod, but it was also. The kings have the stones in their crown and so we have to feel with the heart, but we have to think with the wisdom of the king. So go to Amazon, get Missionary Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Precinct Kings. And it is on Kindle and Audible and it is my voice, so you get me with that, that audible recording.
Speaker 1:So, all right, and I am super excited to have Will Hart with us today. If you don't know, will, will's been with a wow. He's been with Randy Clark, will Awakening, for many, many years, but he's also been with Heidi Baker and Irish ministries for many years. I've had the opportunity to be in Mozambique several times, preaching a bush bush with Heidi many years ago and being able to teach in the school and in Pimbo, mozambique. So, will, thank you for coming on here today. I am so super excited.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much, leanne. It's good to good to be here with you guys, and forgive me if I look down over so often because I can see you there. I'll try to keep my eyes up on the camera, but I'm really really really great to be here.
Speaker 1:Well, I'm so honored that you would just take a few minutes out of your busy, busy schedule and life to jump in here and to bless our listeners and our viewers, and I would. Will and I were talking about before he got on here. I was scheduled in 2006, it was around January, february 2006 to go to Cuba with Global Awakening. And I'd already been one time, a few months before with another ministry out of Monterey, mexico, and so I saw where Global Awakening was going and I was actually one of the first. I was the first part of the first group Blake Petland and myself credentialed with. With back there was Tango and then they changed it to Anga for really for personal reasons and I won't go into that here, but it was a good call and so you guys were going to Cuba. I'm like I'm going to Global Awakening in Cuba. And so I signed up, I put my money down and then God showed me Global Awakening is going to cancel that trip.
Speaker 1:And about a week later I get a call from you and you said hey, leanne, this is Will Harding. Hey, will, how you doing. And you're like doing great, listen, I need to let you know we're canceling the Cuba trip. And I'm like, oh yeah, I know. And you're like, how did you know? And I said, well, god told me last week. And you're like, why didn't you tell us? But you said you can, we can give your money back or you can take it. We have some other trips going up and coming up and you guys were going to China and I said I want the China trip and I went I think it was June 2006, something like that I went to China and on that trip I did not know a man named Leif Hetland, but on that trip I was introduced through Time Jones about Leif Hetland.
Speaker 1:And then, a few months later, at the Boyce Apostles Harrisburg, pennsylvania, october 2006, I met a man named Leif Hetland and that was 16 years ago and it literally transformed my life 16, 17 years ago. Do it now. And so now, fast forward. Here we are. Leif has been my spiritual father all these years and I I work for his personal assistant and you know Leif very well. But thank you for coming on here today. It's full circle now and what I want to do first, will, is kind of give us an update of what is going on with Iris Ministries globally. I mean, it's a global ministry. It's impacting so many nations. So tell our listeners, our viewers, what's going on with Iris Ministries.
Speaker 2:Wow. Well, thank you so much for having me. It's an honor, and love Leif dearly. He's a friend, he is just someone I look up to dearly and actually I don't know if you know this, but Leif is on our board, is on the board of Iris Global. So, yeah, well, I'll try to give it to you in a nutshell for those of you who don't know Iris Global.
Speaker 2:Iris Global started over 25, almost 30 years ago by Heidi, dr Heidi and Roland Baker. Their missionaries sent out to Mozambique and really were on the edge of burnout and then all of a sudden had this incredible encounter with the Lord in 1994. And it was the timing of the Lord and incredible love, passion and zeal for the Lord stir up in their hearts and then fast forward all these years. I'm cutting over a lot of really important, amazing part of the story, but fast forward all these years. Iris Global is now a mission's movement in gosh, 28 nations, almost 80 locations, over 500 missionaries globally, and we do everything from. I mean most importantly we plant churches and preach the gospel. We're not an aid organization, but we do the work of Jesus. So we are there to preach this glorious gospel and, as we do, serve those who are around us, and so we have schools, we drill wells, we feed.
Speaker 2:I've heard anywhere from 15,000 to 40,000 people a day, it doesn't matter, we'll just say 15, the Lord knows but a lot of people every day. We're building, currently, a university in northern Mozambique. Yeah, we're growing at a breakneck pace. Right now we're a tribe that has five core values and people always ask what makes us different than YWAM or anyone else, and there isn't a lot, except I would say our five core values are really what define us. And very, very, very focused on his presence. Nobody wants an angry missionary and we can do nothing outside of him or his presence. So we stay on our faces and try our best to serve him as we do that in that place of rest and that place of peace and that place of loving him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. And we've seen just revival in the nations Thousands of church, over 5,000 churches planted already.
Speaker 1:Wow. And what is your responsibility with Iris Will?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'll tell you my title, even though I don't I titles are important, but I consider myself a missionary with the rest of our team. My official title is CEO Um, but I just consider myself a missionary. Um, I'm just the one that takes the blame if things go wrong.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so there has to be a title so somebody knows who to go to. It's time to.
Speaker 2:I love it, I've learned a lot about leadership. Uh, in this season and and leadership is take the blame when things go wrong and the team gets the praise when things go right.
Speaker 1:Wow, wow, wow. So you know, I've, over the years, have had the opportunity to be in Maputo. I remember going there I think it was sent sometime in 2006, um 2005, 2006, my first time and um I was in Maputo and at that time they were feeding at that one particular center 500 children a day and I got it to be a part of that and then blew up after about four days up to Pemba. I've been able to uh speak in the school there, the pastor school in Pemba, uh preaching the bush bush with Heidi. I mean, this is years ago. I've been several times but it's been quite a while.
Speaker 1:But I tell you I I think one of the most impacting moments for me is being in the bush bush and um, some of our team members had brought bottles of bubbles and they took them out and and the the. It was so bush, bush that people started running because they never are. You take out your camera that's how long ago this was cameras took out the cameras and the lights, the flashes would start going off and they'd run because they thought you were stealing their spirit. And so you know, heidi and Iris Ministries has gone into the deep of the deep, of the deep of the deep, and and and Iris also has um ministry schools or mission schools. Can you tell us a little bit about that?
Speaker 2:Yeah, uh, we have missions training schools around the globe. We have an online training course, um, which isn't a full school, but it's like, really, if you want to get the heartbeat and DNA, you can. That's our online missions uh training, and then, separate from that, we do schools all around the world. Uh, one, the main one that we have, is called harvest school, and we do that twice a year, but then all spread out throughout the globe. We have different locations that host schools as well, and really, the heartbeat is get trained on the field, amongst the poor, the sick, the needy and the broken, and so many places get trained in a classroom.
Speaker 2:Um, we don't believe in that. Yes, you can, but we believe in going and serving the poor, the sick, the needy and the broken. There isn't a better place to learn how to serve than when you are stretched uh to your capacity, and we, and, and we find that God does the most in those places. So we, we, uh, we have one in Portugal, we have one in Brazil, we have one that's about to start in Nepal, we have one that's about to start in Japan. Um, different, different locations run different schools. You can go on. You can go onto our website and find the different courses or um um mission schools globally. Uh that are that, are that are running, and we just got back from the Israel portion of one of our schools, like a week and a half ago.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're going to talk about that here in just a moment. And but where do they go? What website? If they're interested in one of the schools, where do they go to?
Speaker 2:Yeah, irisglobalorg. Um, I R I S G L O B A L Dot org. And you can also follow us on Instagram where irisglobal. Make sure that you pick the irisglobal one. It's a blue, uh, like a blue image with a white dove in there. Why? Because we have like a lot of iris bases that have their own and and they there's a lot. You type in iris and you'll find a lot, uh, and you can also follow me. Will heart men at will heart men M I N H A R T. Will H A R T M I N. I said that the most confusing way possible, um, and I'll post stuff about uh upcoming schools as well.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so will heart M I N, and is it Uh dot orgcom?
Speaker 2:That's my Instagram at will heart.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:I don't have a website anymore. I mean, there's one up there but I haven't looked at it. My whole life is is serving into iris, so, um, yeah, yeah, I know the iris, irisglobalorg.
Speaker 1:And you know you're talking about the leadership. The best leadership training is actually on the field. You know. You know that I worked for late for five and a half years and been in ministry past, or that, uh, and people ask me all the time did you go to Bible school? Did you go to, you know um seminary? I'm like no, I went to training for reigning with a man named Lake Petland and that was enough. But our family and um 1984, we started on the mission, field and youth with a mission. And why? Well, and so our kids. We called our kids at that time we whamers. They're 43 and 45 today, but they were just little kids. But I tell you what you want to build leadership skills, you take a, you join iris ministries that, you join youth with a mission.
Speaker 1:I tell you what it was on we were in the war zones of central America, held up in the deserts of Mexico with guns. I mean it was like. It was like really on the field training and it really uh it either it either woke you or it broke you. So, um, thankfully, I think it uh, it almost broke me sometimes, but it woke me. So, all right. So you just mentioned that, uh, you got back from Israel. Uh, about a week and a half ago I was following you and Heidi on Instagram and you were in Israel when the attacks, the bombing started and all of this stuff began to happen. What was it like there? Well, I've seen some of the videos um lives. What was it like there for you guys during that time?
Speaker 2:So, um, we had so, uh, for harvest school. Um, be we, uh, there's a lot Okay. So our normal school has been in northern Mozambique harvest school. We bring people there for training. You said you, you had spoken at that as well. So you know, we had the school that was running on a northern northern Mozambique, but about five years ago, uh, isis basically started coming into northern Mozambique, killing our pastors, killing our leaders, and we could no longer hold our school there safely. So so, uh, we started hopping the school around different places.
Speaker 2:Next thing, you know, we really felt like the letter was having us started in Israel. So we've done a few schools where we start two weeks in Israel and our students get a passion for the land, a passion for walking in the scriptures, right, like, like put walking where Jesus walked, and really it's like a missing piece. Somebody described Israel to me once as the fifth gospel and I thought it was a great explanation. It's like it brings such a depth to the word and our walk, and so we've been doing our first two weeks of the school there. So we had a harvest school which I think had about 56, 60 students. We also had some guests with us as well. So we were a team of about 70 in Israel.
Speaker 2:Uh, when things broke out, we had just come down from the Galilee and we were in Jerusalem. And the night before, surprise, sid Tolle, who's one of our leaders. He's an amazing man, an amazing revivalist. What I love about surprise one of the things I love about surprise is that he speaks 14 languages, 12 of which he got supernaturally, wow, and maybe it's 15 now because he's learning Hebrew. And so he was in Israel separate. We didn't even know this as we were there. So he's in Israel. The day before the war broke out, we were together in a prayer room in Jerusalem and he gets up and he begins to share a word and he said the clock Israel is the world's clock. He shared this word the day before Israel is the timeline, and he shared a few other things which I can't share, but some stuff that the Lord had shown him and it was really powerful.
Speaker 2:We go to Shabbat dinner at a friend's house. I go to bed at the hotel where all of our students and all of our team is, and my wife was with me as well, because a year ago, two days before, we were supposed to go to Israel. A year ago she got diagnosed with cancer. We found out that cancer had come back, so she's now in full remission. So this was like a redemption trip. Yeah, this is our redemption trip.
Speaker 2:So 9am I wake up, or 8.30, something like that. I wake up to sirens going off. And okay, liam, I've been in war zones before. I've been in the Congo, I've lived in the Congo, I've been in Mozambique during the middle of the war there. I've also been in some other sketchy places guns, poldonis, knives, poldonis and when you go in with the foreknowledge that that's where you're going into, there's a certain readiness that you have.
Speaker 2:But this is my third trip to Israel in 12 months, and when the sirens were going off, that was the first time I had heard them and the first thing that went through my head was oh, it's a fire alarm or something like that. And then off in the distance, you can hear these explosions. And then all of a sudden, on our text thread that we had with the school, hey, this is the bomb, get to the shelter. And by the time I woke up because I'm pretty calm anyway I'm like whatever, you know, it sounds like it's in a distance. You know, my wife's a little bit more tense than I am.
Speaker 2:By the time we actually made it out, there was a guy walking through the hall. He says, like it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. So we head down to breakfast and we're sitting there like that was crazy man. I've always heard that this stuff was happening. And then people are on their phones and a flood of information is starting to come in. So we're about maybe 20 minutes into breakfast and the sirens go off.
Speaker 2:And this time the sirens were close, and so I'm still kind of like the brave, you know, like whatever. You know. You know, I've been to war zones and I saw shifted when I saw like locals that were there running and moms like with their kids, their little children, like running full steam down into a shelter. And so I'm, you know, I'm doing whatever I can to get everybody in front of me, right, send my wife in, send the women and children down. First. There's a set of stairs that went into the first bomb shelter, those right where we were near, and all of a sudden boom right over our heads, massive explosion, and you could feel it shook the building. You know you, and all of a sudden this thing becomes real.
Speaker 2:Not that it wasn't for other people, but just for me.
Speaker 2:It was like, oh okay, we're actually in the middle of this, we go into the bomb shelter and we're comforting families and we're comforting kids and I'm trying to comfort my wife and and we're figuring on them and we're on our phones and we're realizing what is actually taking place.
Speaker 2:So this is a full scale invasion from Gaza and real time. And so, because we had all of these people that were coming off of this holiday, you had travelers and visitors from all over the world in the hotel that we were at. So we were about 25 minutes, 30 minutes outside of Jerusalem, on a little peninsula, maybe about I don't remember. I heard it was like a 40 minute drive to Gaza, not not far, but it, but Israel is pretty small. So for that whole first day, we're going in and out of the bomb shelter and we do what we do best, right, as a team we worship, we pray, and and then for me, I started developing and it's an exit strategy in case we needed to get out, and this went on for the next three days in and out of bomb shelters. The second do you want me to keep talking, or yeah?
Speaker 1:I'm enthralled, I'm just like no no.
Speaker 2:So the second day, the first day, so war was going around. I mean it was hitting Gaza, there was missiles everywhere and man, I want to pause and say this for all of you who are listening. It's hard to impress me after all these years, like I've seen a lot of Ben around a lot, but the Iron Dome is a modern day miracle. Like, if it wasn't for the Iron Dome, I don't know if we would be here. I don't know right, because it's it's intercepting the stuff before it even hits. So you don't really know. But the few that landed very close to us and there were some that landed very close the Iron Dome is miraculous on a level that I've never experienced. So it was going off. It would go off all day, all day around.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I saw in the news last week, I think like it. Just in one segment there were like 3000 that you know missiles and stuff that it took out in just like one day.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, yeah, it was, I think the first day. They said around 3000 to 5000. But over this entire time it's taken out. I think the numbers that I heard this morning are close to 7500 rockets that have been shot 7500. And then it knows, it's so intelligent, it knows when they're close, right when they're going to hit, like a forest or the ocean, but like that was, oh man, oh, I'm sorry, wrong camera. Yeah, I don't know, that's like. That's one that went off not too far from us. And then as we came out of the bomb shelter I'm sorry this isn't the best, but these are what's over our head and you could tell. But these are the missiles. These aren't the ones that went off over us. These are just like near us, the ones that were over us. We were in the bomb shelter on our way running, so I didn't stop to take pictures.
Speaker 2:So over the next day we're pretty much on edge. The first day we're trying to just gain information. The second day we continue to do school, right, and we meet near the bomb shelters and we're praying because this, this is the deal, and like Love looks like something. It doesn't matter where you are If you're a tourist carrying Jesus and they're saying shelter in place. Love looks like serving the people that are there. Loving on the hotel staff. Serving the Jewish people that are there they're there for their holy day. That don't like Christians serving them, asking if they need help with their kids, like offering water. It looks like something. And when we didn't have those opportunities love on people it looked like us praying and crying out and worshipping in the midst of it. And so that was day two. That's what we did. The whole time. I'm talking with some team and gaining the best information on if we do need to make a run for the board, because we saw that it was ramping up and up and up. And then day three, three comes and we had kind of solidified or I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:Day two, heidi and I and two friends, we went into Jerusalem and did some interviews. There was a bunch of people. So day two, we're doing interviews in Jerusalem and, liam, one of the weirdest things, if I can tell you this, as we drove into Jerusalem, this is day two and the worst is coming out, like the worst news is coming out of Gaza. There's rockets going off all day long as we're driving into Jerusalem.
Speaker 2:Jerusalem was really calm and there was like moms with their kids and strollers and kids playing in the park and it shocked me because my first thought was, oh, it's not as dangerous as it is. And then it hit me like no, these people are actually used to living in this and they refuse to let this shape their life. I think it was very, very quiet in Jerusalem, but it's. I think, a lot of us in the West we get really comfortable what it is to live in relative security and, yeah, it's shocking. It's shocking how normal living in that sort of chaos can be, but also how beautiful people are at coping. Being like this thing won't control me. We're going to still go on to the park.
Speaker 1:And saying that you know, I noticed over the last couple of weeks a resilience amongst the Jewish people that I'm like, dang man, they have resilience we don't have. Like there was a what do you call them? It's not the priest, it's the what do you call the rabbis? And they were interviewing a rabbi about a week and a half ago and he said we got with other rabbis and we said, okay, shabbat, we can either just mourn and throw sackcloth and dust on us and blah, blah, blah, blah, or we can dance and we can rejoice and later on will mourn. And he says we all decided we're going to rejoice and we're going to dance and the mist, this was like a lesson a week into all of this. And I'm like, oh my gosh, these people like, and you're right, they are used to living and you never know what's going to happen any day. We're not there.
Speaker 2:And not just in Israel. And this is first of all Leanne. I just want to put this up because I know there's a lot of tension around this discussion. Maybe, and I'm sure, anything I say or missay can or will offend somebody. I want to just say like I'm not a professional with any of this. I found myself there on my third trip, but so I don't know all the ins and outs, but what I, what I will say is this like as I have been reading and studying, the Jewish community is incredibly resilient because of what they've faced.
Speaker 2:I read a book by Dr Michael Brown called Our Hands Are Stained With Blood and it was an aspect in all my trips going back and forth. It was a view on Christians. It was Dr Michael Brown presenting how most Jews perceive Christians, and I had never heard this before, because a lot of that anti-Semitic rhetoric was actually proposed by the Christian church. Like many of the some of the greatest theologians in Christendom, including Luther, believe even Calvin they all had at times very anti-Semitic things in their teaching, and so Christians are not looked at as like, oh, full of love and we're close, like Christians are looked at as the ones that propagate anti-Semitism, and I never understood this. So there's this this whole thing's multifaceted and multi layered. I don't know why I'm saying I don't remember why I was saying that, but the point was I'm not a professional, but I'm learning, and I would encourage all of you that are watching this go on your own journey and learn and don't just listen to all of the garbage that's out there right now. There's so much junk where we're picking sides and and just learn. Try to learn the history, try to study up on on what's taking place there. And so, as I go in to Jerusalem, we're meeting with people, we're doing some interviews and we're starting to hear, and I'm starting to see the resilience of what happens when a community gets pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed for years. What rises up inside of them. It is very, very, very beautiful. And I think, just just to be fair, I think some of the arguments I hear from the other side, the Palestinian side, are the same thing. Right, they're pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed, which I don't fully understand it. I'm not a professional, I'm staying my lane, but you hear this from both sides, this resilience and this also, this desire to rise up, right, Rise up. We're not having this anymore, and so I'm learning this.
Speaker 2:Day two, day two things, calm down. We didn't have any rockets going off over our heads exactly where we were. They were going off all over the place, but not over our hotel. So day three, actually I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:Day two, I got my wife out. I miraculously found a ticket it was like four grand. I bought it last minute one way, and she was like six hours in the airport. Got out, the airport is now overflowing with people. You'd have to go six, seven, eight hours early just to get on a flight and then you didn't even know if your flight was going to canceled. We had a team of 70 that was had now dwindled down to about 60.
Speaker 2:And we're trying to figure out if this thing is going to increase and they're going to keep flooding in. Are we going to have to run for our lives? We're going to have to make a run for the border, and then you know navigating, parents and their kids, and phone calls and and all this and there isn't a correct answer. And so love, love for us looked like like serving, praying and worship. Love for me looked like being a dad, with knowing that there's 56 kids there, not kids, but you know, students, some more adults, some students, and, like man, if that was my kid, how would I want somebody to respond? So sent my wife home and I stayed, and we're going to get. We're going to get everybody out of this thing.
Speaker 2:And what I learned in the middle of all this was everybody had to play their role right, everybody had to play their spot. This wasn't a one person decision, and one person, you know, gets to claim that they, that they accomplished this thing. It was hundreds of people, literally hundreds of people, including our team, all thousands, including the people that were praying and people reaching out, getting connections, trying to get the best information. And on day it was the 10th, we made our early run for the border and and, late through the day, got out. But day three I remember this and Lee and I'm just I'll end with this because I could talk for a long time and I don't know how much time we have but day three things were getting worse. You know, we saw this wasn't escalating and I so here was that, here was the decision that we had to make. Right, do we wait and see if we get our flights out on the 12th, so three days from now. Or do we make a run for the border and it costs us a ton of money to buy, tick all new tickets and bus everybody out and we could get. You know, the roads can get shelled as we're driving. We have everybody in a bus. Or do we just wait and maybe our flights will be there and maybe the airport will still be open? What I loved so beautifully was just knowing that everybody was praying for us, falling on our faces in front of the Lord, leading in worship, leading in service. Man. The Lord just gave us peace, heidi myself, the team gave us peace.
Speaker 2:On day four we made a run, but the last thing and I will say this, the night before we left I hadn't told anyone what we were doing, because I didn't want to go on social media and I didn't want parents to know and then get disappointed because the whole thing was we will only go if it is safe. The night before it was like 10.30 at night. I'm like guys first thing in the morning we're making a run for the border and we're praying that it's open, but during the day our team is sitting. They're not sitting around. We're worshiping, we're having meetings, but we go. What can we do? We feel helpless. We know you called us here, god. What can we do? And when Heidi was in Jerusalem, she was on CBN or TBN doing an interview and earlier that day one of us said hey, maybe we can give blood.
Speaker 2:We hear that there's a need for blood One of our tour guides. So Heidi heard this and Heidi's on CBN and she goes we're our team's going to give blood. And we're like I'm sitting there going, uh, there's a war going on, we want to give blood. But she announces it we're going to give blood. And so we go back and I'm like, okay, we are going to find a way to go give blood. We said it, we want to do it anyway. We said it. So our team loaded up a bus in the middle of a war zone and drove to the Jerusalem hospital and waited in line for like seven, eight, nine hours and they said, no, you can't. And then someone else I know you can't, someone else come out, you can't. They waited in line. Finally, at the end, somebody said yep, we'll let you give blood, and 50, 45 of our team that was able to though other ones couldn't for some reason or another gave blood and this is my third trip to Israel.
Speaker 2:I saw more open doors, I saw more hearts just bear Like, and I was, and I and I was like man. I read Dr Brown's book. Our hands are staying with blood, and then I see the Christians who are normally rejected or not, you know, not celebrated pouring out their blood. Because what does love look like? And I just want to encourage all of your listeners you know it's easy to hunker down, it's easy to protect yourself, but in the midst of the chaos, right, what's your role? What's God calling you to? And what, practically, does modeling Christ look like For us?
Speaker 2:We couldn't do anything more than what we were doing and we could give blood, and that I don't know who that blood's going to. It doesn't matter. It could be going to Palestinians, it could be going to the IDF, it could be going to a grandmother who's in the hospital already, it doesn't matter. But what I love is that our team was like we love, we love serving, we love Israel, we love what God's doing and we know that God's going to take this and put it to best use. But we saw. I saw border agents as we were crossing the border wearing that we gave blood stickers, like our team that was able to break down, melt and cry in our arms. I still talked to them. They still text me. Why would you do this? Why would you do this? And we're like, we love.
Speaker 2:We love you, guys, and love looks like something and we know Christians haven't always done the best, but we're here now and I just, and then next morning we took off and went into the Jordan where some of our good friends have took care of us, took us in and hosted us for a couple of days. So everybody got out.
Speaker 1:Wow, you know I think we're talking, will, and I'm going to have you pray in a minute. Not normally I have my guest speaker pray to the people who were listening or watching, but I want you to lead us in prayer for a specific group of people here in a moment. But as you're talking, you know that whole of you know life is known as the ambassador of love in Pakistan. Okay, I've been in Pakistan many times with them and I remember it was either 2009, 2010, and we were doing a huge crusade, a three night crusade in Pakistan. And we do the first night and there's thousands of people there. And we get up the next morning at our hotel and we're all at breakfast, you know, before the day starts, and go to our second night of the crusade and we're all sitting there at the table and one of our guys says did you guys hear about the blondes that are going off? And we're like, no, what are you talking about?
Speaker 1:And the Taliban had taken over the, the Masjidun police academy, about 400 police officers. They had taken over buildings, they had killed people and they were just in people. We were in a five star safe hotel, but in, you know, in Pakistan, there's nothing that's really safe. But the business leaders, our businessmen, were coming into our hotel from others for safety and so I mean it just became a mess, and so late came to me and he said he says, let's ask every team member see if they want to get out of here. And so I gathered everybody in my hotel room and I said we want to make a way we're going to try to get you out of here. Now the point is just like when you were in Israel, people back home were hearing reports before we were hearing them, and so our families were getting the information before we were getting the information. We were almost getting it second hand. And so I said the whole team, I said do you will try our best to get you out of here if you ready? And we were only halfway through our trip and all of them said no, we're staying, no, we're staying.
Speaker 1:And I remember we went into prayer and we went into soaking and you know it's okay, it's not just being still in God's presence. Well, we eventually called it sloky because, just because we got so peaceful in God's presence that we fell asleep, we were on the floor, we were just anywhere, we just all fell asleep. And you know, I thought about that scripture that says you know, when you can sleep in the midst of a storm you know Jesus in the storm, when you can rest in the midst of storm and Jesus even slept and he had a pillow under his head, which one of the gospel says like that's really knocked out, okay, but when you can rest in the midst of the storm, you have authority to stand up and call this piece to the storm. And so we all stay. But you know, what the beauty was is that, because we decided to stay, one of the top moms of Pakistan came to Lape and said I'm going to stay with you in your hotel room, I'm going to make sure that you're safe. And he has.
Speaker 1:Because of that moment, even though two nights at Crusade was canceled we couldn't do it and there was a something out all over the news for us and stuff, especially late. But because of that, his favor in the nation went way up, his, the barometer of favor for him just went way, way up, because people were like, wow, you'd stay here, like you're not trying to rush out of here, and so so actions speak louder than words, okay, and those actions of love are profound and they're there. They can win the hearts. That was a Esther, daniel and Joseph. Because of their actions, they won the hearts of Kings, rulers and Pharaoh, daniel three Kings, and then they were able to start touching their minds. So, oh my gosh, you've just got me so enthralled in what you're sharing and what I'd like to do is we conclude here, will, and thank you so much again.
Speaker 1:But the who I'd like me to pray for again? We normally are. You're praying for, the people are listening, watching, but I want us to take time today and, because this is that you just come out in the very mist of all of this, I want you to lead us, and everybody is listening, watching. I want you to lead us in praying for the major decision makers in our country, in Israel, the alliance, alliance companies, countries that we're with, and pray that they will have a baptism of wisdom and the mist of all of this, and that God's will, god's came, will prevail in all of this. So, brother, you just take it and lead us in prayer. We're going to join you in that prayer.
Speaker 2:Can I just share one very, very quick thing. So I landed from Israel, I had two days at home and then I went to voice the apostles in Virginia and after after being there for three days with life, life was there I went to DC to speak at a church and I ended up with a couple of friends being invited into the Senate and we got a tour from somebody that works, one of the one of the head head policy writers I'm not going to go into too many detail and so so it was like Israel then like revival meetings, and then the government and I met with I. Actually, along that route, I met with somebody incredibly high up I can't go into too many details but mind bogglingly high up in the government and in somebody that moves, in, shakes and here's as you were sharing. I felt like I want to pray for those Spirit-filled believers, and all of them were Spirit-filled like and they're there and like the. There was a Y whammer that reached out to me, former Y whammers, that man I can't uncover so I can't tell you where but like in this whole thing, in this whole story from Israel To hear, like the amount of people that God has instilled like, has installed in the government, in higher places of leadership, former Wywammers, former yeah, spirit-filled believers that all they want is God. I Want to pray that, the Lord. I just want to pray for them and because here's what I want you all to know, I think we all need to realize this In the midst of the chaos.
Speaker 2:Right, and the first time I went to Israel I get hit. It wasn't with this overwhelming love for Israel, even though I did. When I left Israel the first time, I was overwhelmed with his sovereignty, and what I mean with that is, from the days Of adam and eve up until today, god has been unveiling a story Of his move On in the globe, and right now we are seeing a precipice, like a pinnacle of salvation globally. And so, even though you might have all this chaos and there's war here and I'm not saying it's not important, it's, it's so important, know that that there's a narrative that God is in control. I don't fully understand it, but as I stood in Israel and I had the word in front of me, he, I would is it like 85 of the prophecies in the old old New Testament have already come to pass? Like, like he's, he's doing Something in the midst of all this, but let's pray for the right now, because, just as much as he has his master plan, he stops for the one and he cares about the child. He cares about the son that's on the front lines, he cares about the daughter that's in a hospital right now with no electricity and no running water, and, uh, and that's the beauty of her god, his big vision and his individual, all at the same time. So, father, in the name of Jesus, lord, so many might be feeling really overwhelmed right now, and rightfully so, rightfully so. It looks like everything's chaos, chaos.
Speaker 2:But, jesus, I asked God that you would come and bring your peace, the peace that Liam was talking about, peace in the middle of the storm, and that you would. It would speak to the leaders, god, of these nations, of these movements, of of Hamas, lord, all of them. Just speak to them, lord. And if you won't speak to the leaders, lord, speak to the people that are serving lord, speak to the people that are giving themselves lord. I asked that your voice would come and and shout into each and every one who has ears to hear god, and I asked that you would move, lord, that you would move, lord, as everything is coming together, lord, even in the next few years, the elections in the states, all of that, lord, lord, I asked that you would speak.
Speaker 2:Lord, we trust you. King jesus, we trust you, whether we get it or not, understand it or not, we trust you. And, lord, I do pray for those who you have put in place, who you have ordained to put in place, lord, who you have from the time they were chilled and raised them up with a skill set in a gift mix. God, I asked you would call them to stand up and cry out For peace and justice to reign, yeah, in jesus mighty, mighty name, and over everyone watching. Lord, I asked that you would, prince of peace, walk into their house, walk into their car, walk into their room tonight and meet with them in jesus mighty name. Amen wow.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you will so much. Oh my gosh, guys, if this is really blessed, you Please, please, please, share this with a friend, a family member, a neighbor, co-worker, just get it out there and I tell you what my life has just been so impacted over the last 30 minutes or so, and so will thank you so, so, so much for jumping in here. Bless you, and muzie and iris and High-end roller, that, everyone that is on the front lines doing what you're doing, and this has just been such an honor. I really appreciate it. So, thank you, friends, for jumping in here. Remember lean and golf, the transformational coach, your transformational coach, and Until next time, god bless you guys, we'll talk to you soon.
Speaker 1:Have you received your copy of my book, missionary a millionaire transforming cultures as priests and kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as due to run me a, 18 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact in, transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priests and king and I truly believe god intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. Grab a copy of my book missionary a millionaire, transforming cultures as priests and kings at amazon or at liangothministriesorg.