Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Claudia DiMartino: Turning Life’s Greatest Challenges into Opportunities
What if you had the power to transform your life and health, all with the help of faith and determination? Well, Claudia DiMartino did just that. Join us as we journey through Claudia's inspiring transformation from a corporate marketer to a successful actress. She shares her life experiences, like the fateful day on 9/11 and her spiritual encounter at the Garden of Gethsemane, as they have played significant roles in shaping her path. Hear her recount her debut on Law and Order, and all about her memoir, "My Wall is Red" which is a testament to personal healing and transformation. Her story symbolizes hope and inspiration for anyone seeking healing and transformation.
Today, as a health coach, Claudia finds joy in helping others achieve their health and wellness goals, a testament to the fact that with readiness to change and faith in God, transformation is possible for everyone. Don't miss Claudia's compelling tale of transformation, perseverance, and how she's impacting lives, one health journey at a time. Claudia's journey is proof that with faith, determination, and the right guidance, it's never too late to transform your life.
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Hey friend, I'm Leanne Goff, your transformational coach. Every week, I'm here to help you make radical progress in your spirit, in your mind, in your body and in your finances. Let's dive in. Hey friend, leanne Goff, here the transformational coach, your transformational coach, and I am super excited to have you with me today. And whether you're listening to this or you're watching it live or listening to the recording, whatever it is, we're just super excited that you're here with us today.
Speaker 1:And you know what God is on the move. He's doing incredible things. I don't know about your life, but he's doing amazing things in my life. In fact, I think he's doing it all over the world because I live from heaven to earth. I do not live from earth to heaven. I pray from heaven to earth. I do not pray from earth to heaven. I see from heaven to earth, not earth to heaven, because I am seated in Christ in heavenly places and whenever Jesus gets to see whatever my father sees, that's what I get to see, and things look a lot different from his perspective up there than it is down here.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, super excited to have a special guest with me today. And we just met, really in April, and it was a supernatural connection. It was like wires crossed and it was you know, and so I. She is actually out in California. She is an actress out there, and my husband, ray, and I have gotten to know her over the last few months and I tell you what. Our lives are so much greater, so much more blessed because of God putting this incredible, beautiful woman into our lives. So I've just heard some of her story. I've heard more about her recent story We'll talk about that here in a few minutes but her overall story I'm just getting to know. And so I want to introduce my special guest, claudia DiMartino, out in California. Hey, claudia, it's great to have you with me today.
Speaker 2:Hey, Leanne, thank you so much. What a privilege it is to be on this podcast with you. I'm so excited.
Speaker 1:Yes, I know, we got two fiery gals here. We're going to go on. Yes, we are Like I said I met Claudia in April, and so where I want to start today is, claudia, kind of give everybody, all of our viewers and our listeners, give them kind of an overall view of the Claudia DiMartino, before we go into what's happened over the last few months in your life, but kind of give us a snapshot of your life from well whenever you want to start to just.
Speaker 2:Well, I was born and now. I'm originally from Brooklyn, New York. I grew up in an Italian American household and it was about my family coming to America. I'm a first generation American. It's all about the American dream and work, work, work, the whole work ethic, the whole nine yards, and that's how I got my personality of the Taipei and do, do, do and stuff like that. And since I was about four years old, my family always called me the little actress, because I would always do characters. I would just pretend, I'd make up stories and act them out and all that kind of stuff, and I loved it.
Speaker 2:But when it came down to choosing a career and a life, I wanted to go into the college on the fine arts and my parents said absolutely not do something responsible with your life. So I didn't know what I wanted to do. So I went up being an admin for a few years and then I decided to go back to college. I made it into marketing and I thought I'd get into marketing. But no, I needed to get my MBA in order to do that. So I was working around the clock, full time and going to school at night to get my MBA and I had no life for like three years. And after that I took the trip of a lifetime. I went to Greece and then I cruise the Mediterranean and one of the stops was Israel and the Lord actually met me at the Garden of Gethsemane and my life changed at that point.
Speaker 2:But what happened was, after that I went back to working around the clock. I was going to get into marketing. I was always career, career, career. That was my mantra, career. I really didn't know the Lord all that well, I wasn't being mentored or really searching him out. But fast forward a bit. I worked up the corporate ladder, I became a director of marketing, I ran a $300 million business in the beauty industry and I was working in Manhattan on 9-11. And um, yeah, yeah, and it was, you know, those defining moments in life. That was one of my defining moments because I realized life was too short but I didn't know where to go from there. And a month later I wound up being rushed to the emergency room thinking I was having a heart attack because the stress level was so high between working around the clock um 9-11, the aftermath of that. Thankfully it was a panic attack, but a month later I walked out of corporate America and never looked back.
Speaker 1:I didn't know where.
Speaker 2:I was going, I didn't know what I was doing. And this is when you later, later, you look back and say boy did God have a plan for my life. I didn't know where I was going, I was, I was given some time and all of a sudden I started taking acting classes, commercial classes. God just led me in that. I took a class of fun on commercials for real people and I said I'm a real people. And one thing led to another, talk about God's hand guiding a person. So I took a class and then I moved to scene study classes and before I knew it I did a workshop and there was an agent in the audience and he called me. We connected, he took me on as a client. He sent me out of my very first audition for law and order and I booked it and I got my sad card first shot out of the barrel, which is unheard of it's really it's hard, I don't understand the union card.
Speaker 2:I mean, people could be working for years to get their screen actors guild card. I got it right away. And then the Lord inspired me to move to California because all the work was really a California at that point in time and I was like I don't want to go to California. I used to come out here all the time on business to issue commercials and stuff and I had to say please forgive me. Okay, so I packed up everything and he just guided the whole journey from New York to California and it's been a roller coaster ride. It really has.
Speaker 2:But I have booked TV and film shows and one of the things I never knew I was was a writer and I wrote, produced and performed in a one woman show. Well, that's only lipstick. It was critically acclaimed Wow, yeah, I don't know if I've ever done that. I don't know I could do this. No. And out of that I had such a response from the audience.
Speaker 2:I started a blog based on the show and the whole premise of the show was it's never too late to go after your dreams. Because whoever heard of a mature woman leaving everything behind family, friends I didn't know a soul in California picking up everything to pursue. I think of all things at a mature age. That's not heard of. It's craziness. But you know, god doesn't think like we do, right, because God has crazy thoughts. Okay, exactly, he does, and I was one of the crazies that followed him and went. I don't know what I'm doing, but okay, and I've met the most amazing people. He's had me on a journey both in faith and in just life, and I love what I do. But from the show came my blog and then from my blog I started. I wrote a book.
Speaker 1:Yeah, tell us about that. It's my wall, is red, my wall is red.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's, my wall is red. A memoir of discovery and the whole premise of the book. It picks up on going after your dreams but understanding who we are. In my journey with the Lord, I've really discovered I'm an encourager. I want people to come into their destiny. I want them to fulfill what God has planned for them in their lives. So my wall is red. It represents victory, and I want to. I meant to inspire people to discover who they were born to be, because I had to discover who I really am.
Speaker 2:I force fit myself the years and years trying to be what everybody else said I should be, and I was miserable. I had success, I, I I've crosed the corporate. I did. I was. It was horrible. I was sick all the time. I was just miserable physically, emotionally, spiritually. And so I wrote this book and I I chronicle my life and the title is a little weird, but I'm so happy God led me to this website that I found this book that just had this road and it looks like a wall and my wall is red.
Speaker 2:But when my niece was 19, you know, when people are 19, they're trying to find themselves, and she had her own apartment and I went to visit and I noticed that all her walls were painted sage green, except for one wall which was red. And we started talking about life and I wanted to get her perspective on life and I said to her I said you know, honey, you're not like anybody else. Your wall is red and you stand out, you are unique. And then the Lord put it in my heart that my book title was my Wall is Red. And he gave that to me over 20 years ago and it took 20 years to get this book written and it was guided by him and my whole heart is to just. You know me, I get emotional. My whole heart is to inspire people, encourage people, and that's what I do in every avenue of my life. And if I could use my life as a guidepost and inspiration and if I had to go through something for one person, it was worth it.
Speaker 1:Wow, this is your story is absolutely, absolutely amazing. So, before we move on, thank you for all of that. Before we move on, where can they get your book? My Wall is Red.
Speaker 2:Okay, my wall is red. A memoir of discovery is on amazoncom. And you know, when you never knew you could do something, and it was prophesied over me that I had books in me and I went, yeah, yeah, sure, right, okay, fine. But God knows what he's doing, and he put a friend in my life who mentored me to write the book and he said to me anybody can write a book, Not everybody's an artist. And he pushed me and pushed me and there was a lot of healing that happened as I was writing this book and it was God's put me on a journey again to be delivered of stuff, to get come into that place of who I am now. And I'm still in this journey. I know there's still more transformation coming, but it's all about God transforms us If we let him. We have to partner with the Lord and that's what this is and it's all about victory, because God was the best for us, even though we don't even know what it is or accept what it is.
Speaker 1:I love it, I love it, I love it, and just the inspiration of dreaming and destiny is so important and so valuable these days, because so many people have lost their way and believe. You know I run into him. I'm sure you do too as well, claudia, but people that have been in the church 15, 20, 25 years and they get up and they're like I don't know what God has for my life, what he wants me to do, and I'm like, oh my gosh, if you don't know, what are the people out there, what are they going through? You know, and so I love, love, love your story. So let's fast forward now to April 2023. Okay, and you? You heard about me. I was out in California. You heard me I think it was speak and you reached out to me and you were in your health, physically and in your health. You were not in a good spot at all and you reached out to me and since then, your life is being transformed. Tell our audience about that.
Speaker 2:Well, I talk about. I talk about how, you know, I like to be an inspiration to people and follow God's lead. The one area in my life where I lost hope was my health. Years ago, almost 30 years ago, I was living in a city in the country that had very poor air quality. I didn't know it when I moved there. Nobody put that on the job description, you know and I wound up getting a lot of allergy reactions to everything to. I was getting sinus infections. I went to an allergist. He said you're the most allergic person I've ever met. So what do you do? You take meds. Well, I did not know.
Speaker 2:The meds I was on for four years was steroid and they wreaked havoc with my body. I almost went blind. One of the side effects of steroids is glaucoma and I wound up with glaucoma in both eyes. I needed emergency laser surgery in both eyes. I ripped tendons and ligaments. It affected my metabolism, my thyroid. Every part of my body was affected. I was in an accident where I ripped my knee apart and it wasn't healing. I was in such dire straits and so much pain and I had to go on disability from work and then I went to a healing crusade and God healed me supernaturally and Grace got on that. But as I continued to go through, I now became organic in my eating. I wouldn't take any meds at all. I refused. I drive doctors crazy because I do not take meds for obvious reasons and I would do every program imaginable to try to lose weight. I did the healthy eating, I did exercising when I could because of the physical challenges that I suffered because of accidents, and it got to the point I was crying out to God for almost 30 years Help me, because I always cared about the way I looked, always. I worked in the beauty and fashion industry and I felt like a blimp because I blew up so much. So fast.
Speaker 2:Forward to April of this year, the Lord prompted me to go to the Global Alliance Summit at Harvest Rock Church and I sensed to go to a marketplace panel. And ta-da, you are on the panel with Pastor Cheyenne and I'm listening to you. You're talking about your story and how you had adrenal failure and crash and you almost died and how your life story and how this program helped you. And you're out there talking to people and because I had lost my hope in this area, I was like, yeah, yeah, sure, right, I've heard it all before.
Speaker 2:But the Holy Spirit did not let go of me and he pushed me to contact you. He said you will contact Lianne, god, okay. So I'm the obedient one and I was like wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I had a bad attitude and I got to say God bless you, lianne. You talked me off the cliff, you know, and it's like you listened to my tale of whoa. You tolerated my bad attitude. And then you said to me give me a month. And it was like and the Holy Spirit's doing this, do it, do it, do it Okay. So I said, okay, fine, I started the program on May 22nd.
Speaker 2:Within a month, actually my first week, I lost 6.4 pounds. I couldn't lose two pounds in a year, let alone 6.4 pounds in one week, and I'm like what is going on here? And then it was 10 pounds. And then I went to a school in met in June. I was on the program a month and people started noticing I was losing weight, I was looking different, but there was a difference in my face. It was like my face had come down in size. I was glowing. There was this transformation that was happening physically in my overall look and I don't see it.
Speaker 2:Other people had to tell me and by the time we finished with that weekend, people wanted to know what I was doing and I was so happy. I just said I've got to tell people. I've got to tell people this works. I've never seen anything like this. And then you started talking to me about well, if you want to tell people, you should think about becoming a coach. And it's like well, I didn't think about being a coach, I just want to tell people. Well, that's what you do. So I just get to be myself, I'm just talking and I guess you can tell I'm not shy, I just talk, talk, talk. I tell my story. I always cry when I tell my story, but now it's a point of so much gratitude what God has done that he's spiritually connected us. This was a God ordained connection with us and I see it, you see it, and I am now coaching people, just carrying that call on my life to be an inspiration, to encourage people, and I am using my God given gifts by doing this in a way I never thought I would Health, weight loss me. I think God has a sense of humor. I never thought this was possible. But now I have clients, that people it was literally people were coming to me and saying I got to do what you're doing, I just have to. So you as my guide, you as my teacher, as my mentor, were helping me to help others and I am seeing the most amazing results because I'm loving people and I'm just sharing the joy, sharing the news, sharing my story. And they are getting off insulin, they're getting off diabetic, there's blood pressures coming down, weight is just coming off and they are beyond happy and I'm enjoying them in this and it is.
Speaker 2:If I could do cartwheels, I would, but I'm now at the place. I've lost 35 pounds in four months. I've lost 28 and a half inches. Wow, I am exercising like a little fiend for me. I do Pilates three times a week. I used to be years ago. Before all of this happened, I used to be a competitive pro-am ballroom and latin dancer. So I have a video, a DVD, that I do my little latin dancing twice a week, sometimes three, where I'm doing warm-ups, morange, samba and rumba and I'm having a blast, because exercise has to be fun for me. Then I incorporate some other stuff in there, but I'm doing it and I couldn't do this because of the injuries I sustained, but because I'm losing the weight, because I'm freeing my body up my knees I've had three knee surgeries and because the weight is coming off, the pressure on my knees has been alleviated. So I'm out there being able to do all this stuff. And my clothes I'm giving my clothes away now because they are so huge that I cannot wear them anymore. Just so, I'm just. I can't go and laugh, I cry. I'm the happiest person on the planet and my hope has been restored. My joy has been restored.
Speaker 2:I posted a picture on Facebook the other day, side by side when I first started, with my face and now and people. I had over 80 responses to that post because it was so dramatic and I got more, more comments that you're radiating. You are, you look phenomenal. Oh my gosh, the weight loss. You look tremendous, you look terrific and it's like and I just say I am blessed because I found the answer After 30 years and so I saw conversations with people and see what that leads. But I don't pressure anybody, it's like we have. I feel like I had to be ready. People have to be ready.
Speaker 2:You know because you know, are you ready to finally say I've had enough and I've got to do something that works?
Speaker 1:And that's where I was, july 2017. I would have eaten dog food because results I got losing 35 pounds and keeping it out. Now, six years, thankfully, I didn't have to eat dog food. Our program it has amazing, amazing food, but you know, we have a saying in our company, our health company. The only downside to our health program is you got to buy new clothes. That's the only downside to it. So let me ask you this, claudia. So there's people out there that are like, okay, this woman's story is so inspirational, so amazing. I have to know more. I have to do what she's doing. So for someone to get in touch with you and say, claudia, help me, I want to do what you've done. And hey, friends, by the way, you're just not going to get Claudia as your coach. You're going to get Ray and I as your coach as well. Claudia, how do they get in touch with you so that they can learn?
Speaker 2:more. Well, I have my email, which is CDIMARTINO91 at gmailcom. Also, because I am a coach can go on to the OptaVIA website and search for me as a coach, claudia D Martino, and ask specifically for me to look for a particular coach. Also, I am on Facebook under Claudia D Martino. I am on Instagram under Claudia D Martino, so I'm all over the place so you can reach out to me. I make myself available and I am so thrilled to be able to touch base with anyone who's interested in getting healthy, as I am.
Speaker 1:I love it. I love it, girl. Okay, I'm going to have you pray for our friends out there here in just a moment. But, guys, if this podcast has blessed you, it has touched your life, would you please, please, please, share it with someone else. Somebody that stopped dreaming, somebody that would love to get healthy, somebody that would, it feels called to act but doesn't know what to do, or lost hope in that or into being in the marketplace or CEO, or beauty products or whatever. Please share this with them, please, please, please.
Speaker 1:And before I have Claudia pray for you guys, I think most of you know that I just released a new book right there, missionary millionaire. It is right here, but the main title is transforming cultures as priests and kings. How do we win the hearts of kings so that, as priests, so that we can transform our cities, our communities, our family nations, and so really want to encourage you to get that Amazoncom. You can get. It is also in Kindle and it is an audible as well, and yes, it is my voice that did the recording of that painstakingly, took about 40 hours in the studio doing that. You know I am not an actress. That's not my deal to go in there. Record all this stuff, like Claudia, but it is there. So go to Amazoncom, get my book missionary millionaire of transforming cultures as priests and kings. So, claudia, it has been wonderful to have you with me.
Speaker 2:So good.
Speaker 1:And so, as we close up here, would you just pray for our listeners. Whatever on your heart, whatever Holy Spirit gives you, would you just bless them and release it over them.
Speaker 2:Thank you, thank you, yes, oh, father God, I just thank you that you have a plan and a purpose for every person, a plan to prosper everyone, to give them a future and a hope, even where they may have lost hope. You say that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and, father God, as I have partnered with you to be able to do this program, I asked that people dig deep and come into that place of Red, knowing that you are their hope, you are their source, you are there everything and that, lord, you want us healthy. You want us to be able to prosper in all things. Your word says my beloved, I pray that you prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers. And, father God, we give this to you. I give everyone to you who is hungering, who is Isn't a desperate place, as I was in a desperate place, but you answer prayers, lord God, you answer prayers. Your word says ask anything in my name and it shall be given unto you.
Speaker 2:And I ask, lord God, to Rekindle that hope, to birth that fire by the Holy Spirit in every person who has been crying out to you to come into that place of Health, to come into that place of losing weight, to let their bodies truly be the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you make their Spirit not only a spirit willing, but the body willing as well. Thank Lord. God, you promise us health. You say that I will restore health unto thee. I will heal the of thy wounds, say. At the Lord and Father, god, we give you all honor and glory, and I thank you, lord, for everyone who says yes to this, everyone who says yes to you to follow your lead and to be encouraged and inspired that all things are possible in your name. Dear Jesus Christ, amen and amen.
Speaker 1:Wow, amen. Thank you so much, claudia. This has been such a delight to have you. Your story is so inspiring and, again, ray, my life is so much richer because God brought you Into our lives in April. So, friend, thank you for tuning in today. I hope this has been a blessing. Again, share with somebody if this has impacted you, touched your life, and so until next time we ain't got the transformational coach, I am your transformational coach. Have you received your copy of my book missionary a millionaire Transforming cultures as priests and kings? I wrote this book to help believers, god's sons and daughters, understand that he has given us, as Deuteronomy 818 says, the ability to generate wealth so that we can impact and transform cultures, communities, cities and nations. Jesus was priests and king, and I truly believe God intends for all of us to live out our assignments as priests and kings as well. Grab a copy of my book missionary millionaire Transforming cultures as priests and kings at Amazon or at liangothministriesorg.