Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
What Happens When God Gives You A Plan For the Nation with Jenny Donnelly
Prepare yourself for an enlightening journey as we dive into the power of faith, prayer, and grassroots activism to transform a nation.
This episode features the remarkable Jenny Donnelly and her divine assignment to establish prayer hubs across the United States with a goal of gathering a million women in Washington D.C. in 2024.
- Follow Jenny on Instagram @jennyldonnelly
- Learn more about her Her Voice Mvmt: https://www.hervoicemvmt.com
- Check out her podcast: https://tetelestaiministries.podbean.com/
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
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Get ready to be transformed Transformed in your spirit, soul, body, finances, in all areas of your life. As a catalyst, leanne is passionate about helping you step into your potential and fulfill your deep-seated dreams. If you desire your optimal kingdom upgraded, then this podcast is for you. So grab a notebook and welcome to the Transformational Coach with your host, Leanne Goff. Hey, friend.
Speaker 2:Leanne Goff here, the Transformational Coach, your Transformational Coach, spirit, soul, body and Finances, and I'm so thankful you tuned in today to hear the podcast. I tell you what I've got an extraordinary, extraordinary, extraordinary person on here with me today and actually I didn't know her up until about two and a half months ago. And then, whoop, our two worlds collided and God just did a well, he really tricked me into this movement that she has been assigned to. And here I am and I am honored, honored, honored, honored to have Jenny Donnelly on as my special guest today on the Transformational Coach. And, jenny, thank you for jumping in here today, basically last minute.
Speaker 3:Yeah, thank you. I'm so happy to be here with you, Leanne.
Speaker 2:Well, like I said, I did not know Jenny. Well, I knew of her a few months ago, but I had never really met her until around August. The 14th is when we kind of really connected. And then, just within a couple of weeks, we were at an event out in California and we spent some time together. In our heart and our spirits just got knitted together for the King of God.
Speaker 2:And the reason, guys, I have Jenny on here today is because God has given Jenny a very, very special assignment for our nation, for our families, for our children, and I just get the opportunity to be a very small part of it and I'm thankful and honored to do it. And I want Jenny to share with you because there is quite a few events coming up between now and October 2024. And I want her to kind of lay that out to you and please give ear to what she's going to be sharing and if you're watching this, please let's lean your heart in, lean your eyes in and listen and watch what she's going to be talking about. But we want to invite you into an incredible kingdom movement that is taking place and so I'm going to let Jenny take it away and I know she's going to give you some incredible information. Again, listen here and join us in this movement. So, jenny, why don't you go ahead and just take it away? Just share what's going on and what your assignment is.
Speaker 3:Sure, okay, thank you so much, and if I say anything that you need to pop in and interrupt, please do so. I know, leanne, you're saying that this snuck up on you. I'm pretty sure God snuck up on me too, and never in a million years would I think wow, I think I should gather a million women. You know, let's start here I don't know a million women, right? So what happened was in 2020, I was minding my own business, making my bed, doing something really boring, you know, at home and the Holy Spirit said to me just, I mean, it was like hit me with that arrow. You know when the Holy Spirit speaks and you just go, whoa, what was that? And he said, jenny, I want you to gather a million women Now, initially he didn't say why.
Speaker 3:So I'm kind of a why person. I'm thinking, okay, but why? And then I go to how? Right? So these are two unanswered questions at this point why are we doing that and how in the world is that going to happen? So I wouldn't say that I was excited about it, leanne, because I didn't understand it and so, but I know the voice of my shepherd and so I just put it in my pocket and thought, well, that's interesting.
Speaker 3:And then I got in some prophetic rooms over COVID. You know, those of us that, just you know, went anyway, we went into the rooms, we met and some prophetic people started prophesying Jenny, there's a million women that are going to meet on the lawn at the mall, the national mall in DC. And that's when the cat came out of the bag. That's when I went well, okay, this thing's getting real really fast Now that everybody knows right. So it was decreed, it's out there.
Speaker 3:And so one of the first things I did was ask God, because I was trying to figure out how do I put my feet to this? I'm hearing God say this. Surely he wants me to do something right. So I'm asking God for some instruction. The instruction he gives me first, which felt really good to have an action plan, was to establish what he called prayer hubs all over the nation. And I was kind of thinking like women's aglow, like chapters, like okay, these are chapters. And he kind of used women's aglow. Somebody prophesied women's aglow, wait, you know years before. So it all kind of started coming together and I thought, okay, let's do that. And he just gave this really simple template. He said one hour once a month, and I just want this Matthew 18, 19 and 20, the Ecclesia, the two or three around the kitchen table, around the living room setting, and where they come together and agree there, I'm in the midst of them and I will do things for them, I will move heaven to earth for them. And so we started establishing those and right now I think we have somewhere between 2000 and 2100 and they're all over the US.
Speaker 3:A prophet, a very good, trusted prophet of mine, actually called me the other day, and I haven't had a chance to tell you this, and he said it's 300,000. You need to set your sight on 300,000 of these prayer hubs. And the other thing that struck us and it was actually through a dream, one of those dreams that you dream all night long. You wake up, you go back and you wake up and you're just dreaming it and it's almost like you're being chased down by this dream. Well, the dream was I saw children praying and they were coloring on color sheets, and I saw color sheets just bombarding me.
Speaker 3:So my daughter's an artist.
Speaker 3:I had her start uploading five color sheets every single month to the app that we do these prayer hubs in, and then I had one of our intercessors that works with the kids.
Speaker 3:I had her take our 30 points because we pray 30 prayers during these prayer hubs and she wrote it for children seven and under seven to 11. And so we started looking at, wait a minute, teaching children to pray is not an accessory, it's not like a sideline idea, it's the main target of God. Because I'm going to back up now and I'm going to talk about the part where God got my attention in such a way that I was gripped emotionally for this movement. So I think God works like this with me. He kind of gets me in action because I'm a strategic person, I like action once he tells me something, and so we planted these prayer hubs. However, I'm gonna tell you what happened in my heart that really made me understand this is this is incredibly important that we do this. So, basically, what happened was this is we plant these prayer hubs? We're actually coming out of COVID at the time, but during that time, living in Portland Oregon.
Speaker 2:Okay, so you've had the prayer hubs going for about three years. Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 3:We have. We've had the prayer hubs going for almost two years now, but he had told me to plant them and then we've had them going for about two years, so it took a little bit of time to put the structure in and seek counsel and all this stuff. Right so, but it all kind of dumped at the same time, where it was 2020, 2021, right in there. He's talking to us about the prayer hubs we haven't planted them yet, but he's talking to us about them, but in that same time, there is mayhem happening right In Portland and it's nuts 180 days straight, actually more than that, but I think we stopped counting at 180. And Tifa was meeting at a central location every night at five o'clock. They would have some type of organized communication system to be able to meet and then they would tear down a building, whatever. But there was a plan that was executed and, as a Christian, I felt so incredibly disempowered. I've never felt this disempowered in my entire life. I thought, wow, well, I guess we just have to sit here and wait for evil to give up, which, how many of you know? That's not how this works. Evil doesn't like get tired If evil will consume the space that we who know God, choose not to fill. And that's where the confrontation happened with me, leanne, is. I looked at Genesis 128 and it said to fill the earth and govern it. And in my footnotes I couldn't see a spot that said except in Portland, after five o'clock because it's too dangerous. So I knew at that point man, this is aggravating, we are on the wrong side of this equation Because really, portland looked like a disaster in the center, at the core, and then benched, was the church. So I said, okay, god, I either need to leave this state and go somewhere where I can fight, because I can't do this bench thing, this is driving me crazy or put me in the fight Now.
Speaker 3:For me personally, leanne, some people are called to leave their state. They're assigned. It's just a new assignment, it's a new season assignment. For me it felt like it would be. The kitchen is on fire, so I'm gonna run to the bedroom. That's what it felt like for me. It's just a matter of time before God is gonna have me do something and face this thing, except for it's just me. I have five kids. I mean, I'm nobody. I don't have some kind of superpower besides the authority of God, which is a superpower. I don't have anything in enough myself that could do this.
Speaker 3:So that led me to the next question, which was God, you must be bringing the church together. There must be an assembly of an army, like dry bones, coming together, and obviously we've been praying for revival. But, god, what's it gonna take for the church to unite and say enough is enough? Because right now, we're not even doing that. When our town is being burnt to the ground, we're not even doing that. When we're sending our kids to school with masks on their face, we're not even doing that. Strip clubs are open, liquor stores are open, the church is closed and somehow we're tolerating it.
Speaker 3:So in my mind, leanne, I'm like what kind of crisis is actually gonna have to happen for the church to say and that's the last straw? I was super curious about that. His answer to me hit like a lead weight in my gut and it actually took my breath away, almost made me sick, and he said this to me Jenny, the church will stand up and fight together when they take your kids. I was not expecting that answer. I was thinking of something else. But I wasn't thinking of that, and so at that point I said what do you mean by take? Who are they? What do you mean they? Who is take? And so that's when I said, wow, this is serious. And so that prompted us to get these prayer hubs established.
Speaker 2:So it was kind of all like and Jenny that was somewhere at least two and a half three years ago when all that happened. Oh yeah, oh yeah. And so much has changed from that time to this time, and actually we're seeing them come after our kids now. Okay, keep going.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, that's just it, Leanne is. I didn't know what he meant come after your kids when they take your kids. He didn't say when they bully your kids, when they taunt your kids, when they indoctrinate your kids. He said take. And so I thought, okay, I've heard of stories in other countries where kids get taken, like, could this actually happen in America? Now, after getting to know you and talking to you and where you've been around the globe, I'm now aware that we are at a tipping point. We're a tipping point in America, so okay. So we established these prayer hubs. We've had almost two years of these going. We've just been trying to be diligent about this.
Speaker 3:Well, in this time, the Lord also said to decree the one million. Just start declaring it Just at your meetings to say, hey, there's a million women that are gonna go to the mall with no date. I had no, in fact, I had nothing in me that knew of a date, did not have that clarity. I don't think that that was something that God even was giving me at all. And so what happened from there was somebody came along and said one a good friend of mine said Jenny, did you know that I was at a conference in Florida and Lou Ingle actually prophesied he's carrying a movement of women to go to the mall in DC. That's when I went, praise God, I had so much relief. I was like, okay, thank you, cause for a little bit you were like, am I crazy? You know, I know the voice of God, but it's like so big A million is a lot of people and so we were divinely connected.
Speaker 3:Months after she told me that and that was a divine connection, him and I start talking. We did a Passover event together. We just start praying. Turns out that there's been a lot of conversation around this. He has spiritual sons and daughters that have been praying about this. There's other people that I've been meeting that have had dreams of a million women on the mall. So now I'm so encouraged.
Speaker 3:Right, it's funny how God will give you a vision before and it's like a ghost. Him, right, it's just you and God, and you're in that moment having to say yes, with no proof that it's actually gonna work. But that's what's called faith, right? Yeah, ultimate obedience. That's right, that's right. And so that's what he wanted. Now, you know, looking back at hindsight, right, looking back is like this massive advantage of seeing how this thing goes. But he didn't tell me. Jenny, it's okay, lou Engle's gonna come along and help, it's okay. Christy Johnston had a dream about a million on the lawn. It's okay.
Speaker 3:You know, that would have been made. That would have made it very easy to say yes to. It would have been like great, let's get going right. But I know that other people listening to this right now just be encouraged that God will often ask you to do things without proof, not because he's trying to be mean. But what I found out later, leanne, is when I wanted to fold it up, when I wanted to throw in the towel, you know when I got overwhelmed, when I thought, oh, is this actually gonna work right? Like we all get mashed into our flesh for a moment and just think like God, are you sure right, he would bring me back to that moment when I was making my bed. That's what he did and it was like I didn't say yes to Lew Engel, I didn't say yes to all the people who had the dreams.
Speaker 3:I said yes to God and that has anchored me to this moment in time. It has made my yes a yes, even though sometimes you know I'm doing it with fear and trembling, honestly. So all that to say is now we know, just like you said, leanne, there is a taking of our kids, and I believe that we are facing something coming that we can turn around in prayer, and I'll share that in just a minute. It's actually Christy Johnston, who's a very reliable and credible prophet her and Nate, her husband. I'm gonna share a dream that she had, but one of the ways that we know our kids are being taken from the family is through this gender ideology, and I just think about Jeremiah 9 that says death has climbed through our windows, the windows of our school, the windows of our home. There are many Christian families that are losing their kids identity to same-sex attraction, to LGBTQ, to the transgender ideology. Okay, and it is on a massive level and it is a spirit.
Speaker 3:I was able to see Jonathan Kahn in person last night and preach on this, on bail, molluck and ishtar, and it explains everything that's happening, and so the answer is that light us, that housed Jesus in our temples. When we come into dark places, darkness has to give way. When we pray, darkness gives way. So please, nobody on here be thinking that we're without a magnificent victory in front of us. We have a victory in front of us, but God, for some reason, wants to use you to do it. He wants to use Leanne, he wants to use me, he wants to use us as his temple to go into dark spaces and to light the world up. But we cannot have any longer. Yeah, go ahead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and you know, jenny, just you saying that and most people that are gonna watch us and listen to this know my history and being in those 34 nations and the majority of them are communist, socialists or Islamic nations and we have watched when we walk into places that are as whether it's communism or Islam, and it is so dark. It is so, and I was raised in New Orleans. I'm used to walking down Bourbon Street at two o'clock in the morning, witnessing and stuff, and it's just like putrid, I mean, you could feel the walls crushing in on you as you walk down Bourbon Street, even as a teenager. I did that because I was raised right outside of New Orleans.
Speaker 2:But the point you made, which is so, so true, in the midst, whether it's Bourbon Street, whether it's a communist nation, whether it's an Islamic nation, light always dispels the darkness. Darkness never overcomes light. Light always comes, overcomes darkness. So, friend, if you're listening and you're like whoa, that's an intense assignment, or I have an intense assignment on my life and I'm not sure how to do that or what. A always know the light of God is in you and shines through you. Just let it shine as bright as you can and it will overcome and dispel every ounce of darkness that's around you. Okay, sorry girl, go for it.
Speaker 3:No, that's beautiful, that's amazing. I'm actually reminded of the Sunday school songs that we teach our children. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. I mean, god is almost like this with me right now, leanne. He's like let's go back to the basics, fill the earth and subdue it. The word subdue means to bring under bondage. I always thought the enemy was the master of bondage and he said no, jenny, when the earth acts up, I need you to bring it under bondage to the kingdom of heaven. That's called parenting, by the way. Yeah, when the little two-year-old, three-year-old, you, just for a second, you're like are you in control or am I in control? And we can look at this evil and wonder does it have more authority than me? And the answer is no, it doesn't. We have more authority. It's just a lot of talk, a lot of bark, and we have to know that when we go into these spaces and we choose to make our, we are the church. It's not the nine or the 11 am service on Sunday, that's the church assembling, that's the body assembling. But we are now being called to even assemble outside the church, which I'm gonna talk about. So back to the basics. We are the light of the world. Okay, jesus is the light of the world. He lives in us, which makes us his houses, the light. We are the flashlight right. So I wanna tell everybody, I'm gonna tell the dream about Christie that Christie had in just a minute.
Speaker 3:But what happened was Lou and I start working closer together on April 14th, which I want you to take note is 414. He's at Cheyenne's Global Summit. On the way there, on the airplane, god tells him Lou, you don't have a tomorrow, america is on its last stand. We're in the last stand. You must send the women to Washington now. It was like pull the trigger. So he gets on that stage. 414,. You were there, leanne. He pushes go, and it's like he pulled the trapdoor of heaven and this dream of God spilled out on the earth and there was an eruption. It was only something that heaven can explain honestly, and ever since then it's been a sense of urgency Like I've never known in my life personally, and so we're like okay, let's go. He announced that day, Leanne, because I remember I wanted to fall out of my chair is. He said he's asking God for October 12th 2024. Now, at the time of this recording, we are waiting for the Parks and Rec to say here you go, it's your day, this is the day of atonement, and if it's not this day, god has a perfect day Very, very soon, very close to that date. But what we know is that we're in a last stand and the question for everybody watching and listening is will you stand? Will you stand? We know you're praying, fasting. That's not the fun part, but it shortens the battle, it pierces the spiritual atmosphere and now we're asking people to stand. And so fast forward.
Speaker 3:Lou and I end up on we're on several zooms at this point, but we end up on a zoom with a gentleman named Christian Rosas and he's telling us what happened in Peru. This is where Leanne I got like the puzzle piece that I felt was missing showed up. Ah, there it is, and it snapped into place. And here's what he told us In 2016, him and his sister pastors, kids I mean, they're probably late 20s at this time married, starting their families and all that.
Speaker 3:But the laws in Peru were closing in quickly. One of them was, if you called somebody, their biological pronoun and they wanted a different pronoun, like nope, I don't want to be a girl, I'm a boy. You have to call me sir, but you call them ma'am or her or whatever. Prison, no question, arrested prison, that person could call and you're getting arrested. And they said that they decided to pull together churches, believers, unbelievers, all religions, all denominations, and anybody that loved the family, anybody that loved the family was welcome. And basically what they decided across the board and their nation is they were gonna set a date on the calendar, just like we're doing. They made a flag it's blue on the left, pink on the right, which is God made male, god made female. And what they did is they decided to set the date. They had a prayer strategy and then they filled the streets.
Speaker 3:But here's what happened the culture closed in quickly before the date. People started basically going into the streets sooner than what was set on the calendar. They had a groundswell of millions and millions of people. And what happens in those types of scenarios, when the streets are full of people and they're marching and they're saying we're not doing this anymore, we have a truth and it is God made male, god made female, and we're not doing all this stuff anymore, we're not doing the pronouns anymore. We're saying no. That's what they basically said and some people understand this is spiritual and a lot of people don't, because that's just not the history that they understand. But either way, people started finding their voice.
Speaker 3:It spilled out to the surrounding countries and what was able to happen in Peru was they were able to oust the prime minister. Oust the education minister. That's a big deal. And because new people rotated into seats of government education. I mean, you got to think about this. When people come publicly, they stand in the streets, they start finding their voice, they start going. Wait a minute, maybe I'm supposed to run for school board, maybe I'm supposed to run for mayor, maybe I'm supposed to run for city council, maybe I'm supposed to run for sheriff.
Speaker 3:What happens and I'm using US terms, but basically what happens is people start going to the tops of the spheres of culture, which is where the gates of hell are. That's where George Soros's money goes, right to the top, to the decision makers. Well, you know what? George Soros pulled out all of his funding because his money hit a dead end, because people on the decision seat said no, because they had the fear of the Lord and money couldn't buy them. A spirit of mammon couldn't turn this thing for evil. So now they have a Christian nation, leanne, they turn their nation back to God. That is the whole point. So, on the Zoom, they're saying hey, america, you guys are headed in a very concerning direction and it will not stop until you stop it. That's basically what they said. And they said how far are you willing to let this go? Because we want to encourage you with our story. Now we're on a Zoom with literally five people.
Speaker 3:This wasn't like you know, and so I feel very accountable. You know, I'm hearing this. We are accountable to the information that we hear, that we know, and so at that point I thought okay, what did you guys do? They have a grassroots movement. They call it Don't Mess With Our Kids Hashtag. It was a hashtag. It was not even an entity, it wasn't an organization. It went viral. It took on a grassroots type of structure which meant everybody started saying it. It wasn't just this guy and everybody clapped as he was heroic.
Speaker 3:No, it went out of the mouths of the people of Peru. They even went as far, Leanne, as setting the date for the nation to come together that it would shut down. No businesses open. They made a unanimous decision. See, they got really serious. But I do want to say this. Other nations around Peru, some of them succeeded at this and some did not, and I think it was just unity, it was okay, we better do this, or, yeah, you guys do that, and if it looks like it's working, maybe we'll join. You See, there wasn't a unanimous force, but Peru did it, and I believe that we are in a position right now that each of us have to decide am I going to sit back and hope that somebody heroic comes along and changes this, or am I going to step in the fight?
Speaker 3:Little ol' me, that's how I felt, little ol' me. But listen, the God of the universe lives inside of you. If you've given your life to Christ, he lives inside of you, and so we have some things that you can do. Now I'm gonna give you some marching orders. Okay, give you some action steps. First and foremost. This is where we get to say and I'm gonna say this Leanne, I've shared these action steps numerous times now over the last couple of months and almost every meeting I have somebody come up to me afterwards and they're so emotionally charged, they're so in. They say I have to be in this movement. What do I do? And I go back to the steps I just gave. So for some people, when I give the action steps, they kind of feel like, maybe that's not for me, maybe I'm gonna get involved a different way. So I want everybody right now to listen, because I'm actually telling you how you join forces in a unified way, and maybe some people think, well, I don't know if I can really make a difference in this way.
Speaker 3:Listen, this plan, this action plan, was not made for people who have a ginormous influence. Those people already have a voice. They can just get on their Instagram, they can just get on their microphone and start shouting it from the rooftops. This is actually made for people like me. I'm a mother, I love Jesus. I don't have a huge amount of influence. I'll use what I have, I'll use what God's given me. But this is made for people who maybe have very little influence. But you can make a difference. Every person listening you can make a difference. So here's what we're gonna ask you to do.
Speaker 3:Number one start a prayer hub. First and foremost, start a prayer hub. You might say but Jenny, I don't know because my friends I'm not sure Listen. Do you have a granddaughter, do you have a grandson? Do you have a niece or a nephew. Well, how about your spouse? How about you and your spouse try to prayer hub one hour, one some month.
Speaker 3:This is super simple. You can go to don'tmesswithourkidsus and when you go through that website, it's right there on the front. You'll go down where it says pray, click there. It'll get you right into the prayer hub structure and then what'll happen is you will get instructions to get into our app. It's all free for you, okay, yep, you just scroll all the way down. You can check out all that other stuff, but there it is pray fast and stand. Just scroll up, just a tiny bit Leanne. It says pray fast and stand. Right there and it says get in a small group of your choice. Click here for more info. Right there, okay, and you can actually leave this right here because this is good to show. So that is an incredible way for you to start turning the tides of America right now.
Speaker 3:Right now, get in a prayer hub. You don't have to have a perfect house, you don't have to have this ability, this eloquent way to pray In fact, what we did and when you get into the app, you get our resources, you get the coloring sheets and all that if you have the kids in the groups. But with adults, we have every prayer written out so somebody can read it, because what we found is a lot of adults have never prayed out loud. Now, with that being said, we want your group to be 10 or under, 10 people or under, not age 10, but 10 people or less, because we've got to get out of audience mode. When we get into about eight, nine, 10, we can accidentally realize that Molly never spoke up one time in the hour and everybody needs to use their mouth because it is out of the mouth. It is what's declared out in the voice, because the voice means light.
Speaker 3:So part of this is to equip the body, to equip people to make a difference by praying out loud, and they can, literally. We do that. I love to pray out loud. I'm not intimidated by that at all, just because of many years of doing it, but I read it word for word because you know what's as powerful. It's the word of God.
Speaker 3:So you're gonna start a prayer hub. That's the first thing. Go to don'tmesswithourkidsus, click on that, super easy. You'll get into an app and you can put prayer requests out. You can start your own hub in there. We will be connected to you. We will put different prayers from the central location so that you can get prayer. You can also get in your state chat group. We really want you to do that.
Speaker 3:Get in your state so that you can hear about things like different bills that you can pray about. You can, hey, call this number. This bill is gonna go through, make sure you oppose it or whatever, okay, so that's really a way to be connected. That's number one prayer hub. Number two is we have something that we're calling the freedom tour. So what I want you to think about is Washington DC. God willing, that's about a year from now, and what we knew is we had to build momentum up to that day and, trust me, what happens after that day is gonna be glorious. I think that there's a whole new plan that God's gonna unveil. This is a movement. This isn't an event.
Speaker 2:This is a movement and in Washington, jenny, just to clarify for those listening it is not just women, guys, it is families, it's the esters, the mordecai and the children. It's just not women we're calling for, it's anybody and everybody. And the Bible says there's strength in numbers and as we come together, we will see a massive, massive, massive shift in our nation because of that one day. Well, what we're leading up to, but that one day Look at that, wow.
Speaker 3:So this I keep on my desk because I wanna keep the vision in front of me, especially when the devil tells me it's not gonna work. The enemy is so committed to making sure that we quit. But you know what, if we just don't quit and we just keep putting one foot in front of the other but this is 1997, 1.4 million men. And the reason I grabbed this, leanne, is because I had. It was a great friend that sent this to me in the mail Bob. My husband ended up putting a frame and putting it up in front of me because he knew I was gonna need this.
Speaker 3:But I'm gonna say this my daughter, one of my daughters I have four daughters, but the youngest one, her name is Mercy and she's seven. But when she was six I was telling her honey, I'm on a Zoom and this is what mom's doing. And I like to tell them what I'm doing instead of just, hey, get out of here and you quiet. I like to bring them into the vision, right, so they don't resent what's happening. And so I shared this and I showed her this picture and I said God is calling a million women to stand here and she goes. But mama, I'm a woman and I said you want her where do you wanna stand?
Speaker 3:Where do you think you're gonna stand? And I said no, our whole family is gonna be there. It gave me an opportunity to share with my kids the story of Mordecai and how Esther saved her nation. But she really didn't wanna do it and she gave some excuses. But Mordecai came along because he loved her, he loved his nation and he believed in Esther more than Esther believed in herself. He believed in her and he came along and I said and that's why all seven of us are gonna go, because there's seven in my family, so I am one of the one million, but I represent seven. We can see how that long long's gonna get filled up. It's gonna be incredible.
Speaker 2:So we've got that coming in one year from this month. Not sure of the date yet. We're hoping October 12th and then April 13th, because I want you to pray for everybody here and just a moment as we get ready to close. But April 13th we're all gathering at all the capitals in our nation. Talk about that for a moment.
Speaker 3:Yep. So we have the date here and I kinda wanna think of a timeline, just like Leanne said. Here's the Washington DC. We back it up to April 13th. April 13th, 413.
Speaker 3:This is all 50 states in their capitals, praying, communion, repenting and reformation strategies. We're gonna talk about all the things that we need to to turn things around and that's kind of like a. It's like a local Washington DC. A lot will happen on the local level. This is so important.
Speaker 3:This is like no one's getting married that day. There's no family reunions. Just scratch it off, open it up, get as many people as God is giving you influence with to that. Then you back it up and that's the freedom tour, which we will be in four cities Houston, la, des Moines and Naples, florida. So you can look at all of that at hervoismovementcom. Just go ahead and go to that website. You can see that and stay in touch with Leanne, because she's gonna be sharing all of these things, of course. The other thing, and then I wanna pray whenever you're ready.
Speaker 3:Leanne, we have something that God kind of strung this all together like a string of pearls, and one of the things he recently asked us to do is start something called the Esther Network. This is really, really simple and it's simplest form right now. It is six audio activations a week and it is an opportunity for the first installment of women to pray for the next year. Just like Esther went in for a year of beauty treatments, we're gonna go in and pray. It happens to be on Instagram. If you follow me, jenny L Donnelly, go in, hit the subscription. All of the proceeds $9.99 a month. The proceeds are going to Washington DC. So now we're praying, we're tipping the bowls of heaven you're sewing into the event and when we get to DC, people are gonna be full of God that have been praying with us. So that's the gist of it and that is how you can make a huge difference and we can see the tides of America change.
Speaker 2:Yeah, ginny, I'm gonna have you back down the road because I want you to give us an update as we move forward in this assignment. And again, guys, there's strength in numbers. It's time for us to come together as a nation and just really see God move. Trust me, ginny, we have established our goal is to establish on every corner in Cuba Lighthouse of Love, because light always dispels the darkness. So we're working on putting a Lighthouse of Love on every single corner in Cuba to dispel the darkness. And so that's what these prayer hubs they're lighthouses of love and intercession across our nation as we prepare for October 2024. So we're gonna have you back, ginny, but as we close here, can you just take a moment and could you just pray for the hearers and those that'll be watching? I appreciate it?
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely, father. God, I pray right now that there would be a complete unveiling, for every one of us to come into total revelation and awareness of the authority you've given us. God, I think we don't totally operate in our authority when we don't really grasp what you've allowed us to issue on the earth. So, god, I ask you, in the name of Jesus, that there would be a click, there would be a threshold that is passed through. The veil has been torn. You have given us authority over the earth. You've said to fill it, subdue it, govern it.
Speaker 3:And so, god, we ask you to give us that enlightenment that we are totally aware of the authority that we have, and we will look at nothing that the enemy is doing and say that's bigger than me. No, no, because the God of the universe lives inside of me. So that thing must be subdued. We subdue it in prayer, we subdue it by showing up, we subdue it by the gatherings and we thank you, god. We thank you, god, for the victory, the victory that you have for America, and we don't wanna miss our opportunity to be a part of it. So we thank you for doing it. In Jesus mighty name.
Speaker 2:Jesus, amen, amen. Ginny, before we leave here, you mentioned three websites. Can you mention all three of those again?
Speaker 3:Absolutely so. We have Don't Mess With Our Kids, dot US. In fact, you can see this whole vision every Monday at 10 am Pacific time, which would be 1 pm central. Just go to that. Click on vision. It'll open you up to that zoom or you can watch the replay. Then you can also go to hervoicemovementcom hervoicemvmtcom and you can see the freedom tours there. And then also the Instagram location for the Esther network is Jenny L Donnelly on Instagram and that's it, awesome, perfect.
Speaker 2:And yeah, friends, I want you to encourage you to tune in on every Monday. That is at 10 o'clock Pacific time, and it actually is one o'clock Eastern time on Mondays because I'm in Eastern time, ginny's on the other side of the nation and Pacific time, and so I am on there every Monday because I just want to stay so connected to this and the assignment. Ginny, you're amazing lady, you're a great friend, you're an incredible mom and wife and I am just like you've made my life so much better over the last two and a half months of getting to know you. So thank you so much for coming on here today. We will have you back because we need updates as we move forward over the next year to Washington and so, friend, thank you for jumping on here today.
Speaker 2:We hope this has inspired you and blessed you and, if it did, would you please share it with a friend or family member, coworker, a neighbor, somebody. Let's rally, let's bring this together and get it out there. Just share it, share it, share it away with anybody and everybody that comes to mind. So thank you for joining us today. As always, leigh Ann Goff, the Transcendential Coach, and I'm your Transcendential Coach, god bless.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Transcendential Coach with Leigh Ann Goff. You can find out more about Leigh Ann and her resources on her website, leighanngovministriesorg, as well as her Instagram at Leigh Ann Goff Ministries. If you've enjoyed this podcast, share it with your friends and don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.