Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Building An Invincible Spirit with Scott Whitener
Prepare yourselves for an inspiring conversation with Scott Whitener, a gospel singer, pastor, and health coach who embodies the power of transformation. Scott's journey is a testament to the resounding impact of solidifying one's health goals.
You’ll walk away from this interview with a clearer understanding of how to overcome life’s obstacles and become the best you that you can be!
Scott’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scott.whitener.73
Scott’s Email: cowboypastor1955@gmail.com
Scott’s Phone Number: 704-678-1683
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
Follow Leanne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrLeanneGoff
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You can also sign up HERE for Transformation Nation and receive your free copy of A Journey To Your Identity.
Get ready to be transformed Transformed in your spirit, soul, body, finances, in all areas of your life. As a catalyst, Leigh-Anne is passionate about helping you step into your potential and fulfill your deep-seated dreams. If you desire your optimal kingdom upgraded, then this podcast is for you. So grab a notebook and welcome to the Transformational Coach with your host, Leigh-Anne Goff.
Speaker 2:Hey friend, leigh-anne Goff here, the Transformational Coach, your Transformational Coach, and I am super excited to be here with you. On another podcast, the Transformational Coach with Leigh-Anne Goff, I've got an extraordinary guest here today. Didn't know this guy about a year and a half ago but came into our lives through our health program and through the business and we'll talk about that here in about 15 or 20 minutes. But I'm super excited to have him and I know you're going to be blessed by him as well. But first, before we get going in this particular podcast, just want to. I know a lot of you already know, but if you're new to this, I want you to know about my new recent book right there, missionary Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings. The title is incredible, but let me tell you the subtitle Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings is really the message of the book. Like, we can have the heart of a priest, but we need to have the mind of a king. And most believers out there Christians, they know how to feel with the heart Let me fast, let me pray, let me evangelize, let me but they don't know how to shift cultures with the mind of a king. And so get my book and go to Amazon. It actually is in Kendall and it actually is on Audible.
Speaker 2:I personally spent about 40 hours in a sound booth in a recording studio doing it. And I tell you what I don't know. I've got other books I've written. I don't know that I do another Audible myself, but it is in. Audible is in Kendall. Go to amazoncom and you can find it there. So, all right, guys, I am super excited to introduce my guest today. Oh, my gosh. So this is Scott Weitner and you may some of you may go. Oh, scott Weitner, that name sounds familiar. I know that name, I've seen him before, but I did not know him a year and a half ago, okay, but came into our business, came into our health program, and I tell you what I've fallen in love with him and Judy, and so I want to turn it over to Scott Scott. Welcome, welcome, welcome to my podcast today.
Speaker 3:Oh, it's a pleasure to be with you, leigh Ann Bless, you, you are something else.
Speaker 2:You're so funny. Well, thank you, and Scott, I'm coming from Sarasota, florida. Where are you coming from?
Speaker 3:I'm coming from a little small town USA called Lattimore, North Carolina. It's a little bedroom community about 40 miles west of Charlotte and we have one white line on the road and one stop sign.
Speaker 2:You're on your way out there, but you got that southern accent too. That goes right there. North Carolina and Charlotte.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, I'm a local, that's for sure.
Speaker 2:Well, scott, again, like I said, I didn't know you a year and a half ago and we are Ray and I are so much more rich in our lives and blessed because of getting to know you and Judy, we're still getting to know each other. But when I heard about you I went look, I'm like this guy is like a coach in our organization, like in our business. Like who is this Scott Whitener that is just helping all kind of people get healthy? We'll talk about that in a little bit. But when I started looking and Googling you online, I'm like, oh my gosh, this guy is like he's been gospel singer for like billions of years. Like, so you are a gospel singer, you're a pastor, but you're a gospel singer and you've been doing this for a long time. Can you just take us back to when? Why did you become a gospel singer? How did that happen and what have you been doing over this last many years?
Speaker 3:No well, thanks for asking. We. I fell in love with the sound of four-part male harmony as a young boy. We had one of the old black and white TVs there and high shows North Carolina another you know what they call that bedroom community is addressed up name for hole in the wall. So it's this little hole in the wall and I'm proud of that little town. But we're there and I miss young kid and I'm in front of the TV on Sunday morning and the blackwood brothers are introducing their bass singer, jd Sumner, the world's lowest bass singer, and I'm listening to this harmony and I'm mesmerized by that particular sound.
Speaker 3:My dad was a singer and evangelist and pastor most of my life but he would come and get me because he wasn't particularly fond of the stylings of what we know as professional gospel music back then and he would pick me up or he would turn the channel and say you know, don't watch that. Or he'd pick me up and say get to your room and get ready for church or whatever it is, I don't want you watching that. And man, it wouldn't be but a little bit of sneak back in there and turn the TV back to the channel three and I would be watching that and I would hear those low notes and I'd hear that tenor hit that high Mouse is mesmerized by it. So as it would be.
Speaker 3:As a young man in high school I played in a little band. That wasn't very good, it's kind of a garage band. We got a few gigs to play a few armories and a few things like that American Legion halls and things of that nature back in the day, and it was just doing top 40 and that kind of stuff, what people danced to and that kind of thing. But in 1978, I surrendered my heart and life to Jesus Christ and just a few months later the opportunity came for me to join a gospel group and the fellow who ran the group was so good to me and quite a mentor. His name was Mary Inlandford and just this. The guys who are not the greatest at what they do are sometimes the best coaches.
Speaker 3:Yeah yeah, and sometimes the best managers and mentors because they know what to do. They just maybe weren't an all-star, so to speak, at their position. And so Marion was that guy. He was a baritone in an old quartet from years back but he had his family group together and they had this bus look like the Partridge family's bus. It was painted up with all these pastel colors. Anyway, I get on that bus and name of the group is the Golden Chords and we played the weekends, we were weekend wars, we worked during the week and we sang on the weekends and I got my taste of it there. And then I helped start another group called the Regals. That really was a dominating force in gospel music for a few years. And then I went on to the what was the number one rated quartet and all the land in 1986, the Singing Americans, and that's probably some of the videos that you sing when you started searching out there. And so it was a great ride, it was a great life. The Lord used us. He's still using us as years have gone by.
Speaker 3:I've been a part of other groups. I've sung some solo things. I now sing with a group called Caroline of the Band that is a more of an Oak Ridge Boys style country gospel kind of group. It's my favorite stuff of all time and they're my heroes and and so we're getting to do that kind of things. A matter of fact, we just played yesterday and one of our major cities here in North Carolina, winston Salem, north Carolina, at the Carolina Classic Fair. Wow, we did, we did a one of four and a seven o'clock show there and and so getting to be on the, to be on the streets and to be able to take that that positive message and be able to share a phase out there through through country and gospel music has just been great and you know, god is blessed.
Speaker 3:All that started in 1978 and I look back on it. I'm the kid who was a late bloomer. I was sick when I was a kid, when I was five. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid rheumatic fever and you know I took the great big penicillin pills for a year and was always kind of behind everybody else and finally at 12 years old I broke out of of that of that kind of quagmire and my health and got a clean bill of health. But there have been challenges through the years with rheumatoid arthritis and things of that nature that come from that room, but also being kind of behind all the time, you know you get the ridicule of you're never going to mount anything. You're, you're, you know you're just. You're just not good enough. You're just this, you're just that.
Speaker 3:And so, overcoming all those obstacles, with the help of the Holy Spirit in my life and with, with, with people who were mentors and spoke into my life Be careful who you surround yourself with. You know, and I know, that you're you're great with that too, but we were able to do that. Honestly, my dad was. I know my dad loved me. I love my dad.
Speaker 3:I would do anything to win his praise, but I was one of those kids that I was 33 years old before I heard my dad tell me he was proud of me and and so the the mindset to achieve, to do something that's worthwhile, was always there but was pushed back for all of these years until I was able to finally release myself from those things and say I'm who God made me to be. I'm going to be free in that. I know I'm going to make some mistakes. I'm not going to try to make mistakes, but I know I'm going to make some. But you know, judy and I are going to make our own decisions and we're going to, we're going to seek out, you know, lord's guidance and the Holy Spirit's guidance in our lives in order to be the best that we can be, to serve and live with excellence.
Speaker 3:And when I said that to my dad, it wasn't, it wasn't too many weeks after that that he told me that he was proud of me for the first time. Well, you know, the shackles fall off when that happens and so, man, you just kind of go a little bit crazy, I guess, but it seemed like if the sky was a limit. I was already in the stratosphere at that at that moment. So, you know, we've tackled some. We've been able with, with the help of others, you know, to tackle some great things and see some great things and see the Lord move in our lives. And and we sung to gosh hundreds of thousands of people through the years, you know I've sung to crowds as big as 44,000. And but you know you do the same thing that you do if it's 44 people. So, whether it's 44 or 44,000, you do the same thing because it's what you do, it's what you've been given to do. Do it well.
Speaker 2:And so I didn't know my dad, you know, and so I had, you know, a lot of I carry, I talk about. I had a lot of junk in my trunk, you know, and thankfully I've just got maybe a couple fragments left there at 67 years young, but went through things over the years and we're the same age, by the way.
Speaker 2:I know, I know, I know and so you know, you know I had to overcome a lot of that stuff in my head and one of the things that I did is Psalm 139, 13 and 14, where it says I will give thanks unto the Lord, for I am fearfully wonderfully made wonderful of his works, and my soul knows it very well, because I had the pigeon speaking in my ear like so much that I didn't know how to file a dove, and so this pigeon talk would just have. So I had to learn to listen to the voice of the dove and of course God speaks through his word. Okay, his dove speaks through the word. So I would take and pin those scriptures on the mirror and this has been many years ago, like 1984 and 85. And I would speak to myself.
Speaker 2:I had to re, like, reverse the negative stuff there, that the pigeon would speak to me and I would speak to myself in the mirror. I would look at myself in the mirror and say you will give thanks unto the Lord, you are fearfully wonderfully made wonderful of his works, and your soul knows it very well. Until I got that cycle going in the right direction. So I love what you said. I wanna talk about this couple of minutes. You said make sure the people you're hanging around with, or the group you're hanging around with, or hanging around with, the right people, unpack that for our audience real quick.
Speaker 3:Okay, sure, well, yeah, life is full of obstacles. Overcoming obstacles is life. There are always gonna be obstacles, because there is an evil one at work, but greater is he that's in us than he that's in the world. And so I'll get real biblical and real spiritual here for just a moment, in that Everybody faces obstacles. Obstacles are movable. Yes, obstacles are not monuments, they're not walls, they are movable things. So we can't allow the obstacles to trip us up, no matter what those things are. And you know, I've come to realize in my life that they're all obstacles. Truly, you know, if we believe enough the Bible tells us if we have faith enough, we can say speak to that mountain, you move over there and it will. And so it's that we have this Holy Spirit power in us, with us and in us. And so, you know, surrounding yourself with the people who help elevate you.
Speaker 3:One of the great things that I heard years ago came out of country music, and I mean, you know I'm a big country music fan the musical, the musical layering of classic country music, is still what I consider to be some of the greatest stuff in the world, the sounds that come from it. Plus, they tell life stories. Yeah, yeah, country music tells life stories, you know. But in 2005, brad Paisley won Entertainer of the Year and he's a personal friend. But I remember his acceptance speech that night he came walking out and you could tell he was humbled by it and he said hopefully, I just came to Nashville to play some sessions and play a few fairs and try to make a living and I could have been really satisfied with that. And my papa all gave me this guitar when I was six years old and he said, son, if you'll be good to that thing, it'll be good to you later on in life.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 3:But he said the best piece of advice I've ever gotten came from Little Jimmy Dickens, my first night at the opera. He said I was so scared I was standing backstage. Little Jimmy was on and when he came walking off and I stepped up to the curtain getting ready to be introduced, jimmy turned to me and said young man, I'll give you a piece of advice if you will be wise enough to take it. And he said yes, sir. He said if you ever see a turtle up on a fence post, you'd better know he didn't get there by himself. And he said tonight I feel like a turtle on a fence post and I wanna thank the people who have helped to elevate my life.
Speaker 3:That's it. That's it Is that we don't get anywhere by ourselves. Not there, not in living the abundant life, not in living the life that God designed for us to live. That's why there's more people on earth than me Is that we are all in this thing together. If we could just really realize that. Wow, and it's going to take a mountain of people to get you to the mountain.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm going to borrow that. I'm going to use that. I love that. You see a turtle on a fence post. You know it didn't get there by itself. That is it. That's right.
Speaker 3:And it was great. And that comes from someone that we've laughed at because he's a midget, a little Jimmy Dickens. He was a country music royalty and it was more of a gimmick than anything else because he was so small and he wore a little size 2 boot, but his wisdom was off the chain.
Speaker 2:Wow, wow.
Speaker 3:And that's what it really comes back down to again was our relationships. You're surrounding yourself with the people who will sharpen you as you sharpen them and you elevate them, and they elevate you and we get where we're going with the leadership of the Holy Spirit. That way, because that's the way God designed this life to work.
Speaker 2:And that whole statement of who you hang around with is who you become.
Speaker 3:It is, it's true Mom used to say you are who you run with.
Speaker 2:Absolutely, absolutely. This is so cool. I love that. I am going to borrow that statement, man, I love that. That is so good when I get my biggest award that I might ever get. I don't know what that would look like. I'm going to use that Like OK, this whole turtle thing, I love it. Yeah, that's cool and it's.
Speaker 3:Oh.
Speaker 2:Scott. So we're going gospel singer and actually you're now probably an entrepreneur before, but you're in a whole new realm of entrepreneur but about a year and a half ago, you've had health challenges throughout your life, even since you were a little boy. But about a year and a half ago you were at another massive health challenge and then this incredible health program found you. That's why I say it. It found me six and a half years, almost six and a half years ago. It found me Like I was like let's put forth something. It found me and it transformed my life. So you were about a year and a half ago, masa Maynus, there, and you were not in good health and this program found you. Tell us where you were at before. This program found you in. What's happened since?
Speaker 3:Well, you know over the years you, being a stage performer and a high profile, you're constantly aware of how you look and how you're presenting yourself and you're a part of a team that's counting on you when you sing in a group as opposed to being a soloist, and so it's on your mind, even though it may not be first and foremost. Well, too many times we focus more on that than we do on what's on the inside, and I think I probably was there. I was as good at anybody else as covering it up and smearing a little stuff here and there and wearing clothes that would flatter me instead of expose the potbelly and those things. But more than that, it was the lifeless feeling. Some up and downs tried everything to keep weight down because I come from a long line of people who were obsessed with food. My dad literally ate himself to death. There's no other way for me to say that, even in a heart of love for my dad, who was the greatest singer I ever heard, but he literally ate himself to death. He was a food addict and I had gotten into such bad habits. And I mean, isn't that what we do? We change bad habits into good habits, and I was in such bad habits with church life and with stage life and riding the entertainer coach because there's not a health food kitchen on an entertainer coach but there's plenty of junk food and every truck stop has plenty more of it. And I had just gotten to the place to where I'd eaten myself into really bad health. My numbers were astronomical high blood pressure, high cholesterol, acid reflux so bad that, honestly, I could drink a glass of water and 20 minutes later it would come back Water.
Speaker 3:I was in such foul shape. I was taking some serious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis drugs. I was sleeping on a foam wedge propped up in the bed so that the acid reflux wouldn't stall my vocal cords or that I wouldn't choke and suffocate during the night when it came up. There have been some near misses of that through the year, so I was in just foul shape. I was in a foul frame of mind. It was starting to affect everything in my life. Well, let me be really frank, it was affecting everything in my life Our marriage, church life, stage life, life on the bus, all of those things.
Speaker 3:I just wasn't the guy to be around and I just hit a wall and one Wednesday night I couldn't hardly get through the day. I spent most of the afternoon laying on my desk in my office, but I was able to get up and we went through a rehearsal and then I led worship and preached a sermon and I got in the car to head home and I cranked up the car but I honestly felt at that moment like I couldn't pull it in gear. I felt like I was just going to die, sitting right there in that car. I've never felt that low. I literally felt like my heart was going to stop. And I remember just saying I didn't close my eyes or anything I said God, you've got to help me get this car home. And so we were able to make it home.
Speaker 3:Well, what did I do? I get here and I hit the love seat for a few moments and then I get up and go to the pantry and get a big bag of cattle cooked potato chips and a carton of this rotisserie chicken salad and I come back in here and sit down and I ate it all. I ate a full. What is that? 5 and 1 half ounce bag of potato chips, which is a lot of potato chips, and that whole half pound carton of chicken salad? It was about two o'clock, I went to bed.
Speaker 3:I woke up at noon the next day and I felt like I had died. I felt like I'd just been run over by a truck. So I finally got out of the bed and I made it to the bathroom and I used the bathroom and then I turned around and saw this inflamed, huffed up, pot belly person. It scared me the way I looked and the way I felt, and I've told John and Jennifer RuPaul this many times. They literally saved my life. But I screamed out Boy, what in the world are you doing to yourself? And it was at that moment that I remembered seeing John's and Jennifer's posts and I'd even in time saying proud of you guys, you know, because he's been a brother and he does some of the same thing I do Proud of you guys. And I thought RuPaul, man, I'm calling him to see what he's doing. So I went and got my coffee and came back and sat down and I called Hello. I said, ru, I don't care what you're doing, I don't care what it's called, I don't care what it costs, I don't care if you tell me I got to eat a can of dog food every time. Man, I am done with me. I'm done with defiling myself. I am done with this underside of life. I am done with this. Sign me up. And he said well, man, let me tell you about it a little bit. I said do whatever you need to do, so over the next 30 minutes, you know he's telling me all about the plan and I'm absorbing it. And he says what do you think? And I said I told you 30 minutes ago, man, sign me up. Well, they just been incredible coaches and friends and they poured their lives into us. I lost 41 pounds in nine and a half weeks. Julie lost 43 in 16 weeks. We've been maintaining all of these months.
Speaker 3:Two weeks after we started on plan, john said you know, brother, you got quite a sphere of influence. You could help and be a blessing to a lot of people. And I said I don't have time. He said just think about it. I said okay, I promise you I will do this, I will pray about it and I will think about it tonight and I will sleep on it, and tomorrow I will give you a firm answer, because I'm one of those guys that would rather have a firm no than a flimsy yes. And I said I will give you that and he said that's fair enough. Well, when we did I talked to. Julie was sitting there with me, so she heard it. We prayed about it, we slept on it.
Speaker 3:We got up next morning and before I could say anything to her, she grabbed me by both shoulders and said we have to do this. There's too much at stake. If we don't do this, we have a church full of unhealthy people and you've seen two scores of unhealthy people. We have to do this. For us it wasn't about the money and it still isn't. I still don't even know how that thing works. I honestly have never taken the time to sit through it. I don't even know what the next level is that we're supposed to hit. It's integrated something. But I never look at that because for me, it's never been about the money. We're grateful for it. We've doubled our household income over the past year, but it has just been so incredible. We started on the plan. We got healthy. We've been maintaining we're healthy.
Speaker 3:I went Tuesday and had life screenings. You write everything in sign in. The guy says I'm 68. He said so you're going to be 68 next month. I said yeah. He said that's good. He's doing all these tests and he's getting these readouts. He's going huh, I'm thinking uh-oh. He pulls that sticker, all that thing, puts it on there and hands that to me. He said I just handed you the numbers of a 25-year-old.
Speaker 2:Wow, I love that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, the good and the bad, all those blood pressure, what else did I say? All those things, all those things, the numbers of a 25-year-old. The rest of stuff is coming to me because it was part of a more extensive blood work. That stuff will be coming back. The guy could not believe it. He said what are you doing? I said I'm glad you asked. Honestly, bro, you got to be serious about this stuff. If you really want to do what we've done, if you really want to succeed with this, you got to do what successful people do. If you're serious enough, I would love to talk with you about it. He's supposed to call me today and finish our conversation and get signed in. He called me yesterday and because we were on stage I couldn't get to him. We made a pact to get into it today. That's the kind of thing that has taken place over this time. I know that's kind of a long story.
Speaker 2:No, it's wonderful. It's wonderful, Scott, for those that are hearing your story, your testimony, and going okay, dude, how did you do what you did? How do I get in touch with you? I need help. My numbers are skyrocketing, or, man, I feel like my life's coming to an end if I don't do so. I mean all these kind of things. How do people get in touch Now? Of course, when we launch this podcast and it comes out, we will have information. But tell people right now how can they get in touch with Scott Weitner?
Speaker 3:The easiest thing is social media, and it's just Scott Weitner, weitner, w-h-i-t-e-n-e-r. You'll see me on there. I'm the guy with the ponytail and the microphone and my autograph is across my chest, and so you won't miss that if you go there. That's the easiest thing. You can email me at cowboypastor1955 at gmailcom and I don't know it doesn't make any difference to me. Do we give out phone numbers here?
Speaker 2:That's totally up to you if you want to give yourself.
Speaker 3:That's okay with me. Everybody has my phone number. You can call me directly at 704-678-1683. If you're ready to change bad habits into good habits, we're here to help. And boy, I got to tell you, Leigh Ann, I thank the Lord for the, for Dr A, for the, for the risks that he took walking away from traditional medicine, for all of the people all the way down in the organization, the convention. Honestly, we're still floating high coming all convention, because I felt like Brad Paisley in that crowd. There were all those people of elevation that were, that were there, just sharpening each other and taking the whole room to another level. It was I use this term just casually but it was magical. It just really was just amazing.
Speaker 2:So grateful. No, we're guys. If you are wanting to know, okay, what he's doing giving him a call go to his Facebook page. Social media, go to cowboy pastor1955 at gmailcom. I'm sure that's when you were born is 1955. That's where I'm getting that, that's right. And getting touched with Scott and Scott. This has been absolutely, absolutely amazing. Now, one of the things I wanted to close with is that, you know, would you just pray for our viewers, our listeners and those that are just like you know, because it is a community. You know, because it is a commitment to do this, and for those that I'm at the end of my rope. You know I need help, I need Holy Spirit to help me, I need a coach to help me, I need a community and we have a phenomenal community. Would you close this out by praying for those that are listening in and watching that they will just have the grace to reach out and go? Okay, I'm ready, I need help. Would you do that for us?
Speaker 3:Certainly. Let's do that now. Father God, as we step into your presence, we are grateful for this time together with Leigh Ann, and we thank you for her and Ray and for the genuine care that they shower on everybody they meet. We give you thanks for that. Now, for those out there who are contemplating change, I'm reminded that change is inevitable. It's just too many times we don't pull the trigger to enact good change and so bad change takes its place.
Speaker 3:For those who are ready to pull the trigger, for those who are saying enough of what isn't working, and I'm ready for something that will work, we just ask you to give them a measure of assurance and to give them the ability to be able to take a step forward, to mentally and emotionally and prayerfully consider once before them and to be able to take the plunge to pull the trigger to say yes to a new way of living, a new way of life, a new way of fueling our bodies, where that we optimize our effectiveness. I know, I can feel it and I'm grateful for it and for the many, many hundreds of thousands of people who are on this journey with us, who are making those changes. We give you thanks for that and Lord, I pray you're richest over Leanne. Her comings and goings continue to expand her territory and we just give you thanks for the special moment, and we'll never be quiet like this again. So we thank you for this special moment and we give you praise in Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 2:Amen, amen. Thank you so much, scott and guys, if this podcast has really blessed you, it's impacting, it's spoken to you and you've got a friend that's I don't know, they just need to hear it, like the gospel singer, scott Weitner, like, oh my gosh should talk about him. Or they were just like you got somebody, you or somebody else that, like you, know what his story is, incredible when it comes to his transformation, his health. Please, please, share this with a friend, a coworker, a family member. And then remember, go to Amazon my book right there, missionary, Millionaire, transforming Cultures as Precinct Kings and get that book. I have weekly, weekly people messaging me, letting me know, sending me emails like, oh my gosh, I just read your book and it is so impacting me. It will definitely turn your thinking right side up when it comes to kingdom finances. So, friend, thank you so much. Leanne, goff, the transformational coach, you're a transformational coach. And Scott, thank you also for joining me. This has been a delight, a pure pleasure, having you here.
Speaker 3:My pleasure and honor, Leanne.
Speaker 2:Okay, friend, god bless, we'll talk to you soon.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Transformational Coach with Leanne Goff. You can find out more about Leanne and her resources on her website, leannegoffministriesorg, as well as her Instagram at Leanne Goff Ministries. If you've enjoyed this podcast, share it with your friends and don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.