Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Unlocking Personal Transformation with Steve Chua
In today's episode, I’m joined by executive life coach, Steve Chua.
Based out of Claremont, California, Steve has a deep passion for personal transformation on both an individual and societal level. He recently transitioned from his role as a counselor to that of an executive life coach in the marketplace.
I’m so honored he was able to join us today for a conversation on the podcast. I hope you enjoy it!
Purchase Steve’s book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Steve-Chua/author/B0C7FGHBMM?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_4&sr=8-4&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Learn more about Steve on his website: https://www.stevechua.net/
Follow Steve on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/www.steve.chua.net?fref=ts
Follow Steve on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stevechuaintl/
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
Follow Leanne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrLeanneGoff
Follow Leanne on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leannegoffministries/
You can also sign up HERE for Transformation Nation and receive your free copy of A Journey To Your Identity.
Get ready to be transformed Transformed in your spirit, soul, body, finances, in all areas of your life. As a catalyst, Leanne is passionate about helping you step into your potential and fulfill your deep-seated dreams. If you desire your optimal kingdom upgraded, then this podcast is for you. So grab a notebook and welcome to the Transformational Coach with your host, Leanne Goff.
Speaker 2:Hey friend, welcome to today's podcast. Leanne Goff here, the Transformational Coach, your transformational coach. I'm so excited to be with you today. Again, I got an amazing, amazing, amazing guest. I'm just getting to know him, but I know you're gonna be incredibly blessed by him.
Speaker 2:But first, if you have not gotten my new book, missionary Millionaire, you wanna get it. Yeah, missionary Millionaire, it's a really cool title, but really it's a subtitle. That really is the message to the book Transforming Cultures as Precinct Kings that we have the heart of a priest that's a lamb, but we think with the mind of a king, and that's the lion. The gems are on the heart of the priests, but the gems are in the crown of the king. And so get it.
Speaker 2:Kendall, it's on Amazon. Kendall, it is also on Audible. I did it myself. It's my voice. So, yep, you gotta be able to hear my voice. But you can get all three on Amazon. And, trust me, people who are reading it, they're reading it 24, 48 hours and they're being naturally impacted by it. So make sure you go to Amazon to get the book. So all right, guys. So again, I'm super excited to introduce my special guest today, steve Tua, and I am so excited to have you with us here today. Steve, how is your day going on the other side of the nation, over there on the West Coast?
Speaker 3:We're having a tremendous time actually. I just got back from a cruise, so I'm doing really, really well, but it's so great to be on the show with you, leigh-ann, Thanks for the invitation.
Speaker 2:Well, it's my honor, my pleasure and, for you that are watching or listening, we've had a couple of curve balls trying to get this together. So because of that, I know it's gonna be an amazing podcast. Lean your heart in, lean your ear in, and I know Steve's gonna have some really amazing kingdom nuggets to drop into your life. So see, let's just start off. You just recently wrote a book Free to Be Me and you can actually show the cover if you want, if you have a copy of the book right there.
Speaker 3:There you go everybody.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I love it. I love it, and so I want you to start and tell us about I'm sure you can give us some of your light in that book as you talk about the book, but tell us about the book and what's really the message of it.
Speaker 3:Well, people ask me, how long did it take me to write the book? And I said about 50 years, simply because it's been this journey into discovering the joy of who I am. And what I've discovered is that so much of our theology has actually caused us to feel like we're less than we're always feeling, that we're not measuring up to the standards or expectations that God has and we're totally not experiencing the love that really undergirds who we're supposed to be. And so when we're made in the image and likeness of God, what does that actually look like? Many of us know that as information, but when you're actually allowed to soak in, there is some incredible transformation, not just in terms of how you see yourself but how you do life.
Speaker 3:And so this book, free to Be Me it actually is a self-help book I started back in 1991 doing under healing and deliverance and just in those days when people thought that was crazy. But as we journeyed along and I've, over the years, ministered to hundreds thousands of people, I've discovered a similar theme. People seem to wrestle with the same problems over and over again, and they keep coming for prayer over and over again, even though they've had deliverance and they got set free for a while, or they got some inner healing, they forgave and things like that, and it seemed to work for a while. But the fundamental issues don't change and having spent hours and hours with people, I realized it was the one thing. Until we can align with who God created us to be, okay, we will never know the freedom I often say. Freedom is when you're finally comfortable in the skin that God created you in.
Speaker 2:Wow, that's good.
Speaker 3:You know, and so at that point the enemy can't take all of you, because now you are totally aligned with heaven, because before the foundation of the world he chose you to be blameless, holy. You're his workmanship, and so everything he does he doesn't make mistakes. You are actually perfect. Everything you need for destiny is already there, and so this book is really about helping you deal with the obstacles, the things that have kept you from seeing who you really are. Okay, and then discovering the joy and embracing and loving the person that God created you to be, and then, if you're like, launching yourself from that into destiny and purpose, and so that you become. You know, I often say if you're insecure going into the world, then you need the world to secure you, but if you are secure in who you are, then you become dangerous, because then the world has to conform to you and that's when you begin to bring transformation. That's what this book is about, and it's my journey. You know, for 32 years I didn't know.
Speaker 3:My dad loved me. My natural dad and I had two brilliant brothers, and I always compared myself to them Oxford Cambridge University graduates, and they were straight A, c, d, u, and so I was a C student. I just got C's all the time and I come from an A. I'm Asian, so they were Asians and I was a Cian. Okay, so it was. And so I always thought I was never good enough for my father. But that was a perception, a lie, a deceit that would fundamentally undermine my identity. So, rather than knowing my value, knowing who I was and knowing my value, I had to start looking for it. Rather than knowing that I was loved, I had to start looking for it. I often say this if you know your value, you add value. If you don't know your value, you're gonna spend the rest of your life looking for it, which will take you away from your destiny and your purpose.
Speaker 2:Wow, wow. You know I was doing a women's conference in Houston a couple of weeks ago and towards the end the gal that was speaking, she was talking about the spirit of intimidation and I was sitting on the back row with one of the other speakers and the gal asked that was speaking, if you deal? And these women at this event were on their own businesses, they have their own ministries. I mean, these are women that you would look at and go, wow, they're successful. And so the gal speaking said if you struggle with this spirit of intimidation, stand up. I wanna break it off of you. 95% of the room stood up and I was like. The other speaker was like we looked at each other, go, oh, there's a problem here and we find a lot. And if we are looking through the wrong lenses, I know for me I look through the lenses at God, through the lenses of my biological father, because I never knew my earthly father.
Speaker 2:And until those lenses change and you look through the lenses of the son S-O-N. The sunglasses and you see God through his perspective, then everything will change.
Speaker 3:Absolutely, because everything really is about the mind and perception. We don't actually see through our eyes. We see through the interpretation of our brain, through what we see, and our experiences do that. I often say your identity is formed in six areas your parents, your generation line, authority figures in your life, significant relationships, your spouse, siblings or whatever. Your culture that's a huge one. And then your life experiences, and all those six things are speaking into who you are. Okay, and if at the foundation it's been distorted, then you will start interpreting everything with half glass empty rather than having hope and being filled with that. And so I totally get that and that's part of the intimidation, that fear.
Speaker 3:I remember being in Taiwan a number of years ago. I was speaking at a conference, probably at 3,000, 4,000 people, and I asked them this question because we know that perfect love drives out fear, right? And I said how many of you in this room have ever heard your father say I love you? Okay, just put your hand up. I would say, out of 3, 4,000 people, six hands went up. Okay, no, all right. And I said well, how many of you in this room have ever had a meaningful hug from your father? It was the same six hands and, if you don't mind me saying, all of them were actually a Caucasian.
Speaker 3:Ok, and so at that moment I realized there was a huge love deficit in this culture. Ok, and so when you begin to realize the enemy has done everything he can to keep you from knowing how to be loved because when you know that you're loved and you can be loved, everything changes. Ok, love is the most powerful force. So that's why I wrote this book, because I realized that this next generation can't be functionally driven. It has to be love driven, but that love has to be coming from your identity. One of my mentors, dr Ed Silvoso. He says if you are aligned to your identity, you have 100% return. Wow, and that's really what it is. If you align with who you are in heaven, heaven flows through you, heaven comes to earth, and this is what this book is about. This is about helping you discover exactly who God created you to be. Get yourself positioned, and so you can begin to see the very things that you've always dreamed about.
Speaker 2:Wow, I call that alignment for your assignment, identity, for your destiny. When you're like, you're saying, when you're in alignment, I mean it's done and you've got your assignment and your destiny put out before you. So I love all of that. I love it. So, friend, make sure you go and get. They can get it on Amazon.
Speaker 3:You can get it on Amazon. Hopefully the link will make the book give you the link to get there. But yeah, it's all on Amazon, yeah.
Speaker 2:OK, Perfect, so you can go and get Steve's new book when you To Be Me. So, all right, let's kind of flip it here. Flip the script a little bit. And you were in ministry for many, many, many years and then all of a sudden, like me, six years ago, but yours was quite a few years back got through into the marketplace and you are coaching very, very high-profile people now and you were sharing with me before we got on the podcast, what God is doing. So what is it like now to be in the marketplace and what I call it? I call it business stream. Then we have the ministry and the business. So we call it business stream and marry the two together. So talk to us about that as well. What is it like to be in that marketplace, that arena of the marketplace, in that sphere mountain, whatever.
Speaker 3:Well, you know, we've been in a movement that has talked about, quote unquote, the seven mountains or the seven spheres, and I have my own church, so I was preaching that from the pulpit, and it's safe to preach it from a pulpit because you have your safety zone. I know how to do ministry. And then I was at a conference in Pasadena at Cheyenne's Church, and Bishop Bill Hammond, who's a prophet, was speaking. Now I haven't received. It was interesting.
Speaker 3:I had not received a major prophetic word from a major prophet in 20 years. The first word I had was 1993, with Graham Cook, and he prophesied eight pages straight over me, which has been the blueprint of my life. And then in 2012, 13, I get picked out four times in one day, and Bishop Bill Hammond was the first one and he said to me you don't know whether to be a preacher or a businessman. And then he starts prophesying all this stuff about miracles in the marketplace and up to this point I've never done anything in business. And so I was thinking he was a false prophet. I thought he was a false prophet and I'm thinking this guy's crazy. And then he says at the end of June you're going to be released, and I had just recently come to California.
Speaker 3:I was working for a ministry and they had offered me a salary, actually, that they couldn't afford, and so it was in the midst of the economic tsunami, and so they were struggling, and I found out I was earning 60% more than anybody else, and I was like I didn't know how that happened.
Speaker 3:And so at the end of June, my boss came to me and he just said, steve, we've got a problem. And then I realized this is what Bishop Bill was speaking about, and so we arranged a transition. I realized the Lord was saying, ok, it's time to move from a six-figure salary to zero. But the very first group that I ministered to I went to Hong Kong was to 80 business people, and in that group there was somebody who was the paparazzi poster boy for LGBTQ and he had just got saved, but he still was dealing with all the issues that he was running with, and I spoke on identity and the father's love, and he cried for 48 hours through the whole thing, and at the end of that moment he asked if he could have a session with me and we ended up together, and I'm not interested in whether he's gay or not gay or whatever.
Speaker 3:I'm just interested in who he is and I just asked him how did you get into fashion? He was Asia's top fashion designer at the time and he basically told the story of how, at the age of seven, he was trying to put clothes together because his helpers at the house were showing him how to sew and he just loved it and he loved textures, colors and everything. He started making clothes for his GI Joe, clothes for his sisters, barbie dolls and then he then made this beautiful ball ground that he put on a Barbie doll to give to his mom for his birthday. And he was so excited to do that that he went into his dad's office to say look what I've made. And his dad looked at it, ripped the dress off, shredded it and say no, son of mine is going to do a girly thing like that.
Speaker 3:And in that moment that love deficit, that male love, that he and that identity got stripped from him. And so I took him back to that moment and I said would you just invite Jesus to come into that moment? And he starts laughing and I'm saying, well, why are you laughing? And he goes because I see Jesus and I say, yeah, but this is a difficult moment he was seeing himself with a broken toy and ripped up dresses and he said no, no, jesus has come with a host of angels playing trumpets like jazz, and there's confetti going on, fireworks going off, and I'm thinking this is crazy. I'm going OK. So I said could you ask Jesus, is this how he's introducing himself? And so he says Jesus, this is how you're introducing himself. And Jesus looks straight in the eye. He says no. He says I'm here to celebrate you.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 3:And in that moment he fell into my arms and bore like a baby for three hours.
Speaker 3:I mean, my shirt was covered in tears and snot. It's the most anointed shirt that I think I've ever had and literally he left the room with beaming from ear to ear and he, basically, a week later he types me. It's a Steve. This might sound crazy to you, but I've just fallen in love with a woman and we do the alpha group together and all this sort of stuff, and all of a sudden, I've never had a feeling for a woman before and there was this transformation that took place. Now they didn't end up being together I just want to be upfront with that because they weren't compatible ultimately. But he said when, a few years later I was talking to him, he said if you could ever imagine that I was looking to get married and have a wife and children, I would have thought you were crazy. But Jesus comes and changes the identity. But this business man opened the door to tons of opportunities. And then, about a year later, I met my first billionaire.
Speaker 3:I was in Singapore, I was speaking at a church and a friend of mine just invited me to have lunch with him afterwards and we were having street food. I don't know if you've been to Singapore, but they're famous for their street food. In fact, I was wearing flip-flops of shorts and a polo shirt and I had spilt some sauce on my shirt. And he gets a call and he looks at me and says I have a friend, would you mind praying for him? And I said sure, and he goes. He doesn't tell me he's a billionaire, so he takes me to I don't know if you've seen the movie Crazy Rich Asians, but he takes me to that whole place, 84th story of this skyscraper. Doors open. It's the most beautiful office I'd ever seen and I'm dressed the way I am and I'm thinking what am I doing here? These double doors open and there's this New Zealander who's in an Italian tailor-made suit and I'm thinking I'm so out of my depth at this moment and my friends said would you pray for a month? I'm looking at him and saying don't you ever do this to me again, right? And so I close my eyes and I immediately have a vision. I see a picture of a massive oil rig, 12 small oil rigs and little tank is leaving the oil rigs. And I look at them and I said this is what I think the Lord's trying to say to you you are this massive oil rig you were designed to make money and these 12 oil rigs are your champions and you're going to fuel these champions and they're going to fuel others to change the world. That's what I said. He looks at me and says thank you, and that was it. And next day I never see him again.
Speaker 3:A year later, I get a phone call from my friend. He said do you remember the guy you prayed for? I said yeah. He says he wants you to come and coach his entire executive team and I said well, I said I'm a counselor, I'm not a coach. He says he knows that, but he says you're wasted in the church, you're needed in the marketplace. You don't know the wisdom that you carry and that you are a. I'm a headhunter and I know talent when I see it. And I'm looking at him going I don't know what you're talking about here, because you know. And so he says he knows you would say this, so this is how much you would pay you. And he put this figure on the screen with the largest figure I've ever seen, and I went OK, I'm not going to pray about it, I'm just going to go.
Speaker 2:And he said I'm going to pray about it.
Speaker 3:yes, and he said and, by the way, he wants you to wear a suit. So it was. So, anyway, I turn up there and I'm in this room with all these executives you know, like a dozen executives in this beautiful boardroom, and the billionaire walks in and he says a year ago, I told you about this guy who gave me two minutes of insight, ok. And he says the next day I changed the entire policy of the company based on those two minutes, and you've seen the results. And I'm like I don't even know what happened. And so what had happened was he had been worth $5 billion, ok, and he was a Christian and he wanted to change his end systemic poverty, health care, education issues, and he was poor on all his money. But he was losing it all. And within three years I think it was he was worth $2 billion instead of $5 billion. And then, while he was away, all his people in the company were taking advantage of his money, all sorts of stuff. So when I met him, he hated his own company, ok, and so when I gave him the word, he suddenly realized he had disaligned out his identity. He was trying to be the 12 champions, ok, and as a result, he realized he needs to get back to who he was, and so he then, as a result, changed everything, got back to who he needed to be, reshifted and reinvented his company. And then he brought me in and he said now I need you to align my executives with heaven. Okay, basically, and so over the next, for the next two years, we were working. We just saw major transformation. So he created two funds one was secular and one was kingdom and the secular fund two million people in Bolivia got water that they never had before from one champion. Another champion was a micro banker who he funded in Myanmar for farmers in Myanmar, and within one year, all those farmers made a hundred percent increase in income. And so that champion there, who's also a believer, then got asked to be part of the advisory board of the Myanmar government of economics.
Speaker 3:Okay, on the Christian side, he had found champions where 2.9 million people had heard the gospel, 6.9 million people had heard the gospel, 2.6 million people got saved, 150 pastors had been traded in Africa and 58,000 churches have been planted just by finding these champions. And that was in two years. Okay, and what it was was just aligning into identity, coming to his destiny, realizing he didn't have to do all the hard work that he was doing things he wasn't called to. And when he was able to find that, it just kind of everything just began to take off and he just put the first passenger plane in the air with that fuel. Okay, through magnetic energy last year. And that was another prophetic word that I haven't got a prophetic story to tell you, but I won't get into it right now and it's just, I mean, I don't know how many billions he's worth now.
Speaker 3:Okay, but that was my start.
Speaker 3:He gave me five years with him to ex and the Lord said this is a five year laboratory for you to discover how the kingdom works in the marketplace. And I had to detox myself from Christian language. I had to detox myself and realize that most people are really you know, it says in Romans the whole of creation is waiting in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. They just want to find the real Jesus. They don't want religion, they don't want all the jargon, they don't want to. They don't want to go somewhere to get Jesus, they want Jesus to become to them. Okay, and so I've had to rediscover and reinvent who I am In fact, from doing 99% of the stuff in the ministry in the church 90, but 98% of what I do now is in the marketplace and I have over 30 clients around the world, all high net worth clients. And now I've started my own coaching company for organizational leadership with 15 coaches, called Insight Out, and all that came from just that little story. Anyway, I'm rambling on a little bit, leah.
Speaker 2:No, this is like I'm just like, and ah, like just hearing you. It's like like you know, see, there's so many people I just want you to talk up to this there's so many people out there that are hearing your story, getting to hear your story, and say I feel called to do this outside of the church. Now, of course, again, I call it ministry, but they, you know, they feel like they're called to more than just pastoring and I don't mean to diminish pastoring, that's that or evangelism, or worship, lead or whatever, a prophet or whatever. And they're so confused because of the way we've been raised or the way the churches operated for many, many years, of separating the pulpit from the CEO desk, you know, or the pulpit from the city council chambers, and they're in such confusion. Can you talk into that real quick?
Speaker 3:Oh, absolutely, and this is where my relationship with Dr Edsel Vosso has helped me, because he wrote this book Anointed for Business, and what he basically helped me understand is that actually the people in the marketplace are your congregation, so in other words, you're the pastor of your sphere. They may not know you're their pastor, but you know that you are, and so you minister to them, you meet, you bless them, you meet their felt needs, you prophesy to them. You know, by with edification, exhortation, comfort, all these things that you do and they were, because people respond to love. You know when I talk about identity, right, identity is understanding your value, worth and significance, and the orphan spirit is always looking value, worth and significance. And 99% of the world is operating with an orphan spirit because of what happened before. And so when you start speaking, if you can imagine every conversation you have you leave somebody feeling that their value and their worth and significance has been spoken into. Okay, it leaves them with hope, faith and love and in that place, whether they believe or not believe, they can't get enough of it, because we've been conditioned, we've been created for love, and so what happens?
Speaker 3:Just going back to your question, sorry, I guess getting sidetracked a little bit. That pulpit, the pulpit and the marketplace need to be together. Okay, I mean, if you think we talk about billion soul revival harvest, they're not gonna fit in the local church. Okay, I mean, think about it. You can't build buildings big enough for that. They have to be done very organically in.
Speaker 3:Again, just read a book called Ecclesia by Itzalo Voso and it just I really believe that revival is gonna be in the marketplace.
Speaker 3:You're gonna have clumps of people being saved in that place and you think you're an ordinary person. No, you're gonna do extraordinary things because, next thing you know, you can actually have congregations bigger than your own local church because of what you're doing in the marketplace, because people see the anointing, the favor, the blessing that's on you, but the way that you, the culture of heaven that's flowing through you, the alignment of heaven, is gonna change their lives. And so for those of you listening, just realize, try and understand that God's trying to break you out of your box, okay, where we think everything has to happen within a building, and realize you are the building, okay, yes, yes, you are the one who creates the environment for people to come into that. And I often say what is your life speaking? Because your life is speaking is your culture, and if the culture that's coming from you is heaven, it's gonna be infectious, it's gonna be dynamite, it's gonna transform everything.
Speaker 2:Wow, wow. You know we were talking before we jumped on a recording here that Jesus used 12 entrepreneurs at the beginning to turn the world upside down.
Speaker 2:He did not go to the priest. He did not go to the church because he knew that they weren't gonna get the job done, so he went to business people. Because I say all the time that pastors don't know how to network you have your denomination, I have mine. You have your worship, I have mine. You have your programs, I have mine. You do your thing, I'll do mine. Let's see how that goes. And it hasn't okay, it hasn't worked out at all.
Speaker 2:But people in marketplace, not a network who got your website, man, it's really cool. And where do you do your advertise? I mean, they will come in network, but pastors won't. And so, like you said, I really believe in the end times that God is using the marketplace ministry to turn the world right side up, cause everybody's going into a business, everybody's using people are not going to churches, but they'll walk into businesses all the time. That and the government mountain I really believe that's the two mountains, the two spheres. These are really gonna use to turn things right side up, and we need it at both big time. So in our last few minutes we have here what does that look like? And this may be repetitive, but what does that look like in this time that God is gonna use the marketplace to really impact people's lives.
Speaker 3:I think if we look at what's happened in the world, I mean with the pandemic and the economic tsunamis that we've had, and just the shaking, I mean we see inflation at a ridiculous rate, we're having supply chain issues, we have unemployment issues, all these different things, labor things. What's happening in the marketplace? It's being shaken. When you're not secure and who you are, if you're being shaken, you become more insecure. Okay, and I believe God is shaking all things up, okay, for a reason because it's going to expose the systems of this world and that the greed of this world, the self-interest of this world, and it's actually we have the opportunity to come in and I believe, when I talk about the marketplace, I want to see the transformation of the marketplace with a new culture, opposing the self-interest greed issues to the place where it's taking, to the place where we're giving, where we're serving, where we're actually using our wealth to transform the world, as opposed to just make ourselves wealthy and happy and luxurious. Okay, and I believe that there is a commandant that God is calling kingdom entrepreneurs right across the board right now, to begin to move from just being there, I said, from being kingdom companies to kings companies, and what I mean by that? Wow, I like that. Okay, because. So my coaching company is what I call a king's company. A kingdom company is where there's a believer who says I'm a Christian and I want to live this business with kingdom principles and everything else. That's great, but you still own the business. A kingdom king's company is where 51% of the profits belong to Jesus. Okay, and so in our company, 51% immediately is going into the kingdom. Okay, because Jesus, this is your company, first and foremost. And if you could imagine, if you had 100,000, 500,000 companies that would do that, and the amount of wealth that is channeled in the right places, what it could do, wow. And when people see the transformation, it will break the systems of this world and create something that the world will become jealous of. And we are, as kingdom people, we're sitting on a gold mine and we've got to shake ourselves from conforming to the patterns of this world and start thinking about what would look like if heaven invaded the marketplace, heaven invaded government. Okay, because I mean, look at America right now with the politics and everything that's going on. It's horrible, okay. And yet we need the Josephs and the Daniels to start coming into these places and saying what would heaven look like if it came into this place right now? And I've just seen heaven invade so many secular situations.
Speaker 3:Okay, have you got time for a quick story? Yeah, I was just recently with a businessman who got majorly betrayed by his previous partners and things like that, and not a believer, and you could see the bitterness, the anger, the resentment, the hatreds rooting into him what we would call a bitter root judgment, you know, in the kingdom. And so I was helping him understand that this bitter root that he was holding on to was the only person that was really affected was him. Okay, and then, if you didn't let it go, it would be difficult. Now we would say the word forgiveness. I just said I want to teach you how to let it go. Okay, and as I explained, he suddenly began to get this revelation Holy Spirit was good, just how he was actually destroying himself through this, okay, and so I took him through this exercise and said I want you to see the people that have hurt you, okay, betrayed you in front of you and you could see them all.
Speaker 3:I said, okay, tell me the first feeling that you have. And he goes I feel absolute rage. I said, okay, can you feel the rage? He said, yeah, I want to take all of it, put in a trash bag. And so, until it's all gone, until you've got all the rage in there, so he started putting it in. He says there's not enough room for the trash bag, so get another one. So we ended up with three trash bags. And so what else do you feel? I feel so rejected. I said, okay, feel that rejection put in a trash bag. By the time we finished with all these different things, from anger to rage, to rejection, to hatred, to disappointment, all these things. He had about 26 trash bags in front of these people. Okay, and I just said, okay, would you invite the fire? Okay, to light that trash bag up and see it go, because you don't want it anymore. I don't want it anymore.
Speaker 3:So he said fire lighted up, okay so he immediately in his mind could see all these trash bags light up. And then I said would you just say to the people that you said I'm no longer going to give you the joy of getting under my skin and I'm going to let you go and I release you? Okay, yeah, and so he does that. And then I said would you just do one last thing for me? And he said sure, I said there's probably a lot of residue still on you. Would you just ask that same fire just to consume anything that's left in you, so that you can be at peace? As he says okay, fire, would you just consume it? And immediately this guy is shaking on Zoom. I'm on the Zoom, no, shaking, wow, he pulls, he literally pulls off his chair. Okay, no, and there's tears going down his eyes. He's shaking, and this is going on for about seven, eight minutes, okay, and I'm watching this and all I can see is his hands on the top of the screen just going like this, and then, at the end of the seven minutes, you can see it dissipating. He pulls himself up. He looks at me at the screen and he said what the beep was that? Okay, and he just had, literally just, encountered the Holy Spirit and he said I feel so free, I feel like I feel so light.
Speaker 3:Okay, and in the coming conversations, the sessions that we had, he just kept referring to it and he said what was that? And I said that was a God moment. Okay, he knew that I was a person of faith. I thought that may as a God moment for you and maybe you need to investigate that a bit more. And he said, maybe I need to. I'll do that at some point, but I'm seeing heaven wants to come in, he wants to invade, he wants to encounter people even before they know him. Okay, you know, after this, for God so loved the world. It wasn't for God so loved the church. Okay, he loved the world. He loves the world and its fallenness and its brokenness. Not that he loves the brokenness and fallenness, but he loves the people in there and we have to love them the same way that God loves them.
Speaker 2:Wow, I am just so blown away. This has just been amazing, steve. So let's do this Again. You that are listening or watching, please go get Steve's book Free to Be Me, research him, listen to his podcast. I mean, get more of this, because I'm taking it in. I'll tell a quick story and then I'm going to, then we'll I'm going to have you pray for our listeners and our viewers.
Speaker 2:But I was on my way to Sri Lanka I don't know, a few years ago, probably about six or seven years ago I had a team with me and we had gone into Doa and then we had four hours left before Doa into Colombo, sri Lanka. And then I knew when I hit the ground, it was in the morning, we were landing and they had a full day of ministry ready for me. Well, I thought, well, I'm sitting in business class and I'm just going to kind of close my eyes for four hours and I want to talk to anybody, just want to be there. And so I sit down and soon enough we were taking off and the guy next to me says we just start the conversation. He's like so what do you do? I wasn't going to tell him it's a pastor.
Speaker 2:I was a pastor at the time, because I knew you know, and I said, well, actually I work for my dad. He says you do, and I said, yeah, I work for my dad. I said, man, he's amazing, I love working for my dad. And I just began to brag on my dad, god, and we talked for like three hours and he was from Holland and he did banking business in Sri Lanka and and he told me he just thought if he was a good person then he would just that's what he needed to be on our earth. And whatever happened never happened. But after three hours of talking he said I have never, ever, ever met anybody that talks about God the way you do Never. And I just think that you know learning those different things and, as you're working with all of these people and coaching them, you know learning a different language and not turn a burn or get right or get left or whatever. You know, that's what I was raised on.
Speaker 3:It's a good old Baptist years ago you know, I know where you've been coming from.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and and just really because they'll know your mommy, because you love, not because you're judging, not because you're telling them you're going to burn, you know, if they don't turn, but to really win, like Esther, daniel and Joseph win their heart, and I feel like if you win their heart and you can do that, then you can begin to change the way they think. So many of us go after the mind instead of the heart, and Jesus went after the heart. So this is amazing. I love it. I love it. So let's do this. Can you just pray whatever the Holy Spirit puts on your heart to pray for our listeners and our viewers?
Speaker 3:before we close up here, yeah, I'd love to do that. Thank you, leigh Ann. Father, we thank you that, before the foundation of the world, you chose us, you created it, you molded us. Everything that we needed to fulfill our destiny was placed in us. We are not mistakes, we are not absent of anything, because you have everything already in there, and all you want us to do is to come into alignment and partner with you.
Speaker 3:And so, father, I pray for all those listening right now that they would come into the alignment and the joy of their destiny. They would learn how to embrace and love who they are rather than fight what they think they are. And, lord Jesus, I ask for your breakthrough, your freedom, so that we can be comfortable and aligned in the skin that you created us to be. Because, lord Jesus, the moment we do that, our vessel is open and the Spirit of God can fill us. And so, holy Spirit, fill us with insight, fill us with power, fill us with vision and I speak to those right entrepreneurs right now. I just speak courage not to be conformed to the patterns of this world, but allow your minds to be transformed and renewed, to begin to think like heaven, breathe like heaven, act like heaven and operate with heaven's bank account, and so that you would begin to see the favor and the joy and the transformation that God can do in and through you, for your family, for your community and the sphere of your influence. In Jesus' name, amen.
Speaker 2:Oh, that was amazing. Thank you so much, steve and friend, please go get his book Breed of being Me on Amazon and I hope you have enjoyed this or you have been impacted. It's blessed you, it's ministered to you and if it has, please share it with a friend, our family member, and then go research Steve Tua and watch everything he's doing. I mean, I did, I love it, I love it, I love it. So, all right, signing off for now. Thank you, steve. Leigh Ann Goff, the Transformation Coach, your Transformation Coach. We'll catch you soon.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Transformation Coach with Leigh Ann Goff. You can find out more about Leigh Ann and her resources on her website, leighanngovministriesorg, as well as her Instagram at Leigh Ann Goff Ministries. If you've enjoyed this podcast, share it with your friends and don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.