Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Strengthening the Family for the Future with Danny Silk
Today's guest is acclaimed author and minister, Danny Silk.
Danny is the author of numerous books, including Culture of Honor and Keep Your Love On. He is also the President and Co-Founder of Loving on Purpose, a ministry to families and communities worldwide.
Today's conversation is focused on the family and what parents can do to build connection between themselves and their children. Danny's insights on relationships and community are a beacon of hope for those seeking to strengthen their families for the coming days.
I'm honored Danny was able to join us for today's episode and I pray this interview brings revelation into your life.
Visit Loving On Purpose here: https://www.lovingonpurpose.com/
Follow Loving On Purpose here: https://www.instagram.com/dannylovingonpurpose/?hl=en
Purchase Brittney Serpell's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Imperfect-Parenting-Connection-Over-Perfection/dp/1952421349
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
Follow Leanne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrLeanneGoff
Follow Leanne on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leannegoffministries/
You can also sign up HERE for Transformation Nation and receive your free copy of A Journey To Your Identity.
Get ready to be transformed Transformed in your spirit, soul, body, finances, in all areas of your life. As a catalyst, Leigh-Anne is passionate about helping you step into your potential and fulfill your deep-seated dreams. If you desire your optimal kingdom upgraded, then this podcast is for you. So grab a notebook and welcome to the Transformational Coach with your host, Leigh-Anne Goff.
Speaker 2:Hey friend, it's great to have you here today, leigh-anne Goff, the Transformational Coach. I am your Transformational Coach spirit, soul, body and finances and I'm so thankful that you're tuning in to listen to this podcast. You're watching it or you're listening to it, because I have a really, really incredible special guest today. I'm so honored and thankful that he said yes, I'll come on your podcast, leigh-anne, but before I introduce him and he's gonna we're just gonna dialogue and lean hearts here for the kingdom.
Speaker 2:If you don't know I think a lot of you do know I just released a new book right there Missionary Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings. I have people constantly telling me they've read it in 24 hours. I had a pastor in Ohio reach out to me the other day. I just finished your book. It has wrecked me. It's shifting my mindset right side up instead of upside down, and you can get it right there on Amazon. It is an Audible and Kindle as well and would really like you to share it with your friends and even you get a copy. I promise you it will impact your life. It will definitely test some thinking. It's not just about the heart, but the mind too.
Speaker 2:So, anyway, let's move on here and I want to introduce a really honored special guest here. Haven't connected with him in several years, but we do know each other, and so I have today with me the Danny Silk out from the West Coast. I'm in Florida, he's over in California. So, danny, good afternoon, good morning, I mean it's morning where you're at. Good morning, good morning.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's great to have you here. Yeah, super, super great to see you again. You look great.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, thank you so much I appreciate that Getting healthy six years ago, a little over six years ago, and taking back my health and reselling my metabolism, giving 35 pounds off of me, et cetera, et cetera, really changed a lot of things for me. So I don't know you and Sherry have done the same thing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, sherry, she's loving life. I mean, we have a challenging health crisis at the moment. Just a bit of a setback, but at the same time, it's an opportunity to come back even stronger, and she's doing great, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I know we are praying for her and, man, she's a warrior, she's a fighter, and I just so appreciate that she is, and I always say in heaven there's no disease, there's no sickness, there's no cancer, there's no tumors, there's no MS, and it's illegal to be in our body. So that's just what we speak over Over her as well, so.
Speaker 3:Amen, amen, yeah, for sure. Well, what I'd?
Speaker 2:like to do is start off today. You know, danny, you wrote a book. I mean, you've written a lot of books and they're absolutely amazing. They have impacted my life over the years. But several years ago you wrote a book, the Culture of Honor, and it just like blew my mind and you are so much powerful and in vain of honor and having a powerful voice. And then you also wrote the book Powerful and Free. It's about women having a voice. And I tell you what it was a freeing book for a lot of us women, those that read it and I'm sure a lot of them, thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of women read it.
Speaker 2:But you know, in that season, several years ago, when I was reading the Culture of Honor and I was reading Powerful and Free, I was really going through a challenge of like. Okay, how do you find that rhythm of like? You know, staying in honor, making sure, because the Bible says to honor all men. We do not have the opportunity to choose who we're gonna honor and who we don't honor. So, you know, staying in that vein of honor we're gonna honor, but yet having that powerful voice when there's people we don't necessarily agree with and we, some of them, we could just thump on or whatever. So can you break that down for us? How do you do that rhythm of like I'm gonna honor, but yet I have a powerful voice, and how do I be powerful without dishonor? Can you share that with us?
Speaker 3:Sure, I think you know the revelation that people get when they read the Culture of Honor or Keep your Love On, is that being a powerful person isn't being aggressive, it isn't angry, it isn't dominating, it's not manipulative. That most people equate powerful with getting your way, like arranging your environment to serve your interests. And I'm a powerful person Like well, really, that's not a biblical understanding of being powerful. When God gave us a spirit of power, it was to replace fear. It's the cast out fear. So we have a spirit of power, love and a sound, discipline, self-controlled mind. So a powerful person is a person that can tell themselves what to do and they'll do it.
Speaker 3:And that's the biggest struggle that we have in life is really getting ourselves to do what we know is priority to God, is priority in our family, priority in our character, managing ourselves in line with our integrity and with our commitments. That's being a powerful person. You don't control anybody else. You never did, you never will. If you have any questions about that, go borrow somebody's infant, take it home and boss it around. It just gets worse from there. They just get more out of your control from there, and so the idea of being a powerful person has to have clarity around. Oh, in being a control freak, I have to control my freak himself. That's where control freak starts is managing me to be Christ-like. So that's where the opening of a culture of honor really happens. Is I understand that being a powerful person is directing myself to honor all people.
Speaker 2:Wow, that is so cool, that is so good. And that's where I had to go into learning that it's like, okay, I can be honoring and then I can also be a powerful person and not run people over, but actually go in them and honor, no matter how they vote, what they choose, how they raise their kids or whatever, and honor them, because God's told me to honor all men but yet still have a voice. So in the time and season we're living in, especially in our country these days, danny, whether it's from Florida to California, from Arizona up to New York or whatever, there's a lot of voices that are out there. There's a lot of things going on and we could get Leigh Petland, my spiritual father, says all the time you can listen to the pigeon or you can follow the dove, and we've got to choose a lot of times almost every day, sometimes many times a day okay, I'm going to follow the dove and I'm not going to listen to the pigeon. But where we live in today and I know you are so much about the family unit, about children, and I am part of a movement that's being launched right now one million women it's basically her voice movement and one million women to be on the mall in Washington in October 2024.
Speaker 2:It's not just about women, it's the families too, because we're talking about families and the hashtag of that is hashtag do not mess with our kids. For me, hashtag don't mess with my grandkids. I have kids, but my grandkids are like wow, and my kids are good, but my grandkids are like my wow. And so talk to us about how you are so much about ministering to families. What is your perspective? Years ago in 85, winky Pratt and he wrote a book Devil, take the Youngest and I read it back then and I just pulled it out not too long ago, and so much about what he talked about is what we're seeing today. So if you were to speak to an audience of like okay, what you would be doing about our families, the voices that are out there that are trying to take our families, break down the family unit. What would you say to that?
Speaker 3:Get your house in order. I think that it really back to it starts as local as you can get. And that would be you like. Start with your own life, your own heart, your own character. Be believable. Be a leader in your home. Be lovingly connected in your marriage. Do a great job of leading and honoring your children. Create a safe place that people wanna be a part of. And then build community. Do a great job in your church community.
Speaker 3:That the pigeon you know the pigeons over here trying to scare everybody that the devil's winning. And so everybody kind of lives in the fear of powerlessness where, like, we're being destroyed, we're being taken over. And that is a very different mindset than I am building a legacy of godliness in my family. And so, you know, if I was, if I would just shift out of fear and living in reaction to losing and earn my attention to invest in what I actually can influence. And that is a pretty small area. And then we grow that from there.
Speaker 3:We get you know, like at Loving On Purpose, we have a weekly podcast called the Kylo Show Keep your Love On. And our ongoing hashtag is whole healthy families are gonna change the world. Whole healthy families is an investment. We've got to turn our attention to. This thing right here is just causing more havoc in our home. You know, we have a Trojan horse in our children's bedroom that is having more effect and influence on our families than anything a political party's doing or anything China's doing or anything you know.
Speaker 3:Whoever you're scared of right now, it's pay attention to this stuff, this stuff right here. What are you doing to replace this? Because this has consumed hours a day of what once was families engaging and participating and communicating and working together and showing interest in each other. We've delegated that to other forces, including schools. Schools have just been handed the keys to our kids' minds and our kids' character, and we have absolutely lost control in our own communities of the people that we've said here. I trust the bulk of my child's time with your influence and then look up and they're all crazy, crazy. They're just lost their minds and now they're leading our children to be consistent with this garbage and I'm not anti-internet, but I am definitely anti delegating responsibility as a parent and so we've lost control in our homes and then we've lost control in our communities, which is what reinforces the momentum that we've lost control of everything.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So talking about this right here, okay, you have a couple before you. They're in their late 30s, they have a couple of kids and everything, and they come to you and say, danny, we're losing our 13 year old. What do we do? What do we do? What would you tell them?
Speaker 3:Well, you might want to take a look at why. You know, because we're losing our 13 year old is a rhythm of dysfunction. Okay, so where's the source? What happened and I'll tell you what happened is you got disconnected. You got disconnected from their heart, and they are now more connected somewhere else than you. They care much more about another relationship than they care about yours, and so that's the place of repentance is getting this back, and probably step one is this thing goes in a vault somewhere, and we're not even talking about your access to information and influence. That you cannot handle.
Speaker 3:I mean, this is you know, we're just living the. You can do whatever you want in the garden. Don't do this one thing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Don't eat of it. Don't do this. Oh my gosh, you're going to hell in a hand basket, right? I told you not to do that, right? And I think that's what parents are gonna have to. They're gonna have to repent and they're gonna have to say, okay, I, I'm the one that gave them this and I gave them really no leadership in it. I just all their friends wanted it. They complained. I just I just wanted to not have to fight with my kids, so I just gave it to them. You know like, okay, well, that's, that's a mistake.
Speaker 3:And now, on the heels of the disconnect and the influence pouring into your child's life through TikTok or whatever it is, it's, it's a battle. It's a battle to get your connection back with your child. So you're gonna have to spend time with them, you're gonna have to listen to them, you're gonna have to learn who they are, you're gonna have to speak their love language. You're gonna, you're, and that's your top priority. Your top priority is getting that connection back. This connection, or this conversation and this conversation are two totally different conversations. This one is way reduced anxiety and we will. We will behave in a way that we're protecting and building something. This conversation leads to one of us turning our love off and defending ourselves and making it impossible to connect.
Speaker 3:So you're, it's your house on fire your house on fire. You know how worried are you about what's in the microwave when your house is on fire. You know how how worried are you about anything when your house is on fire. Now you've got one priority, and when you got your 13 year old in big trouble, your house is on fire. So you got one focus and that is get your connection back with your child and then function in a rhythm of connection throughout adolescence. This isn't just a time to go. Oh wow, we'll see you in your 20s.
Speaker 2:That is so good. It is so, so good. You know, there's a couple I just reminded of this. I saw it about four weeks ago and it's the couple that's on HGTV. Her name is Erin. I cannot remember his name, but it's our hometown and they're in Mississippi and they flip houses and they have two very young kids and I saw just a bleep about three or four weeks ago where they are starting a movement of asking parents to join them, of taking cell phones away from the children until they hit a certain age. And I mean they're on this because they're like our kids will not have these things. It's kind of the bittersweet. They're really great. Hey, if you're out and you're getting home from work and you're 16 years old, make sure you call us when you're getting off at 10 o'clock at night. So we know that. So there's a point to that. But I do believe it's become such a controlling factor. So if anybody's out there, parents are like, hey, I want to be a part of that movement, cannot remember their names, but it's hometown, on HGTV and they're starting this movement.
Speaker 2:It's social media is the bottom line. It's not that these are the wicked thing, it's the social media that's out there and how they get listening to the pigeon, get caught up in the wrong rooms. And I've seen, especially through COVID, I've seen so many, even pastors, children, ministers, children that got sucked in and COVID, because they were shut down and so this was their friend. Social media not the phone, necessarily, but the social media was a computer or phone was their friend, that became their companion. And now they're just lost. And you probably have too, story after story after story.
Speaker 2:I was sitting with a young man just a few months ago. My husband and I said what happened? You used to be a worship of God, you'd spent hours in your basement, you're on the worship team and this and that what happened? And they said, covid, covid happened. And I'm like, but praise God, just praying for that young man.
Speaker 2:We're starting to see God, he's starting to come back around and you're absolutely right, that connection factor with love and honoring them too, like we're not against you, we're for you, and coming with that spirit of honor and love, is so, so, very important. All right, any closings thoughts you have, danny, and then I'm gonna ask you to just pray for our audience because there's I know it's like you know I'm around a lot of parents, a lot of people, and I was just in Houston this last weekend and one mom in Oklahoma was like our daughter, she's 17 and we don't know what's happened. She's suicidal now, you know, and it's just. Parents are just gripped with fear all over, but especially they're losing their kids. So anything that you'd wanna tag on and add to that as encouragement or word.
Speaker 3:I would just wanna add to this that my daughter has written a book called Imperfect Parenting and you know it's really a legacy piece for our family and that you know now she's taken the mantle of teaching and training parents and my first book was Loving Our Kids On Purpose, and she has now taken it to the next level. Her and her husband have a podcast called Imperfect Parenting and it's I would encourage people to plug into that, because there's a lot of right now parenting conversations, support, advice, wisdom, really great stuff. So Brittany Ben and Brittany Sturple S-E-R-P-E-L-L is her name and then, like I said, we have the Kylo Show podcast, which is you know, it's our contribution to the now conversations around how do we protect this, how do we build and protect this? This is everything that nobody's laying in their deathbed wishing they made more money, you know, or they're really hoping to be surrounded by the people that they're connected to, and this is their greatest regret.
Speaker 3:So I think that how do we practice a culture of honor in our marriages, in our families, in our communities, in our churches, and how do we be that light, that city on a hill, how do we be the city on a hill that people are attracted to in this great darkness? Well, it's gonna be because we learned how to love each other, and so that's my pitch everywhere. I go all day long, and thank you, leanne, for having me on your show. Oh, thank you.
Speaker 2:And I'm gonna ask you to pray here in a minute for families and those parents out there that are struggling and just are beside themselves. But you gave really, really great directional resources your daughter's book and then just your podcast Kylo podcast and you know, it's just we're such a time, you know, but I know that God's got this. I think, if we turn our hearts to Him first and foremost and honor to Him, god's got this and we're gonna stand and we're gonna pray fast and stand with a spirit of honor, but with a powerful voice, because we are powerful. So, danny, thank you so so much and would you be willing just to pray a blessing, a declaration over to those that are gonna be listening and watching. That will give them some hope and really just penetrate their heart and their mind in the season they're living in.
Speaker 3:Yes, absolutely Well, father, thank you for the gift of mercy, of mercy, the gift of forgiveness, the gift of hope that you saturate in our character, in our daily awareness of who you are, in our lives.
Speaker 3:Lord, help us to be leaders of the spirit that you have put within us, or the spirit that breaks prisons open, the spirit that multiplies the fishes and loaves, the spirit that casts out demons, the spirit that heals incurable disease.
Speaker 3:Lord, help us to be leaders in our home, in our communities, in our churches, of being ambassadors of your kingdom. Lord, we pray that your kingdom come and your will be done in our own hearts, in our own families, in our own communities, as it's being done in heaven. Lord, we do pray that there would be such a revelation throughout our land, that revival, the revival of families, the revival of love and marriage, the revival of men and women finding each other in covenant, that there would be such a outpouring of family revival that whole, healthy families will in fact save this country and save us in this time of peril. Well, we pray that you turn up the light in our families, that darkness has no place to hide, cannot get anywhere near our children and, lord, that you would be glorified in all the world, because when people see us loving each other so well, they can't help but think those people know Jesus. For your glory in Jesus' name, we pray, amen.
Speaker 2:Amen, amen. Thank you so much, danny. And, friend, go to Amazon, look up Danny's resources incredible, incredible books that he has written and then look up his daughter, brittany Serpel. Look up in perfect parenting. If you're really struggling with that right now, because we can all be really discouraged and go, oh my, I'm a horrible parent. I blew that. I looked. None of us are perfect. I mean, I know that in 45 years of parenting, we, ray and I have definitely we could have done some things different, you know. But at the end of the day, god's got this, he's got you, he's got your back, he's got your family. Turn your heart towards him, cry out to him and he's gonna come through. So go to Amazon, look up Brittany's Sparrow's book and then Danny's resources, and so, friend, thank you. Thank you for joining us here today and if this podcast has blessed you, it's impacted you. Please share with a friend, a family member, a coworker and, until next time, leanne Goff here, the Transformation Coach, your Transformation Coach. Have an awesome, awesome day.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Transformation Coach with Leanne Goff. You can find out more about Leanne and her resources on her website, leanngovministriesorg, as well as her Instagram at Leanne Goff Ministries. If you've enjoyed this podcast, share it with your friends and don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.