Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
Are you ready for a transformation in all areas of your life?
Host Leanne Goff will impact you with the spiritual and practical steps to experience the upgrade you desire!
Learn how to bring a Kingdom transformation to your personal life, your church, your community, and your finances.
Leanne has the experience in establishing an upgrade in all these areas!
Your Transformational Coach with Dr. Leanne Goff
From the Boardroom to the Pulpit with Neil Smith
Neil Smith is the International Director of Planetshakers. He is recognized internationally for having a strong leadership gift. Having been in ministry for almost 30 years, Neil is passionate about building the local church but believes that ministry must extend beyond the four walls of the church. He has a vision for cultural transformation across communities, cities and nations.
Neil is a dynamic communicator with a powerful faith gift and the ability to inspire people to embrace their God-given Destiny. His background in building, high-rise development and project management has also equipped him to oversee many local church building projects all around the world. His unique combination of corporate skills and ministry experience and insight has led to his inclusion on various boards and advisory committees in many churches and organizations.
During the pandemic, Neil wrote a book titled, Think Like A King, a book that encapsulates a lifetime of Neil’s experiences, work and most importantly, relationships. Over the last decade, Neil has also worked on community development projects, focusing on building government relationships and corporate partnerships.
Neil's work as the CEO of Empower Australia expanded the charity's food relief efforts in the pandemic of 2020 - going from one site to five sites and giving out over 1 million meals that year. His ability to bring a diverse range of stakeholders to the table and facilitate synergistic partnerships continues to bring impact on both a local and global level.
Visit Neil’s website: https://www.planetshakers.com/blog/authors/neil-smith/
Follow Neil on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neilsmith70/
Purchase Neil’s latest book: https://www.planetshakers.com/books/think-like-a-king-neil-smith/
Thanks for joining us today!
You can learn more about Leanne Goff Ministries by visiting our website: https://leannegoffministries.org/
Leanne’s latest book is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Missionary-Millionaire-Transforming-Cultures-Priests/dp/195536213
You can also find her book on Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Missionary-Millionaire-Audiobook/B0C9VYD6V6
Follow Leanne on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrLeanneGoff
Follow Leanne on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leannegoffministries/
You can also sign up HERE for Transformation Nation and receive your free copy of A Journey To Your Identity.
Get ready to be transformed Transformed in your spirit, soul, body, finances, in all areas of your life. As a catalyst, Leanne is passionate about helping you step into your potential and fulfill your deep-seated dreams. If you desire your optimal kingdom upgraded, then this podcast is for you. So grab a notebook and welcome to the Transformational Coach with your host, Leanne Goff.
Speaker 2:Well, hello, friend Leanne Goff, here, your transformational coach, the transformational coach with your transformational coach, and I am super excited to be with you today and I have an incredible, incredible speaker all the way on the other side of the planet and it kind of kind of you'll see why I'm saying planet that's with me today. But first, I know a lot of you have already gotten my book, missionary Millionaire Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings, and yes, it is an amazing title, of course, but really the message of the book is the subtitle Transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings. And so go to Amazon and get it there. It is an Audible and it also is in Kendall. And, yes, I did the Audible, my voice is there, and so go there and get it and leave a review. Please relieve a review.
Speaker 2:So anyway, this right here, transforming Cultures as Priests and Kings is one of the main reasons I have my guest on today and his name is Neil Smith, and some of you might go Neil Smith. Who's Neil Smith? That rings a bell, but who is Neil Smith? Well, maybe you know Planet Shakers over in Australia and he is the International Director for Planet Shakers in Alzyland over there. I have been to Australia and I love Australia. Hope to go back one day very soon, but, neil, it is so great to have you with us here this morning. How are you doing? What time of the day is it for you over there?
Speaker 3:Well, it's just in the morning, it's 9 am and look, leanne, it's a great privilege and pleasure to be with you. Our mutual friend has put us together and I'm excited not just to do something for all your listeners, but really to get to know you better, because I've heard such great things. So great to be with you.
Speaker 2:Well, thank you so much. It's actually a little after 6 o'clock pm over here in Florida, florida, and our mutual friend is the amazing Leigh Petland, my spiritual father for 16 years. Actually, leigh did the preface on my book, but I'm just super excited to connect with you, neil, and hear your story. So your recent book is Think Like a King. Guys, you want to get the book. I've got the book, I've read the book. It's amazing and, by the way, neil is the international director. I may have said that of Planet Shakers, but your book Think Like a King, it so comes in alignment with my book. It's almost like the two bookends of the message that we're hearing today, one of the main messages we're hearing today. So what I want? My well, so OK.
Speaker 2:So for me, neil, I was in ministry for many, many, many years and then, six and a half years ago, god brought a business into my husband, my life and actually blew it up. There's so much oil and breath on it it's crazy, left our heads spinning, and so then we had to learn how to, how do we do this business stuff which we call business tree, ministry, business, business tree? But you were in business for 10 years and then Codd called you, said hey, I want you to step into ministry, and it's not really the typical ministry we think about. It's like, ok, I give up business and I stand behind a pulpit all week long. So tell us what happened to you going from that 10 years of business and now in ministry? But now for many, many years you've been doing both. So talk to us.
Speaker 3:Well, look, what happened was like so many things For me. I was a youth pastor in my own church and were involved in the building industry and for me, actually, both things blew up. Both things were going so well and it came to the point where my natural was to be honest, I enjoyed wealth creation, I enjoyed nice things, I enjoyed. And then ministry came, and my whole definition of ministry to that point is well, you've got to give it all up and have nothing. And really, my father taught me or you'll see it in the book in the first chapter. He was my source of inspiration. He was totally committed to his local church, totally committed to doing ministry, but he was a very, very successful businessman.
Speaker 3:I, on the other hand, was in project management, commercial development, and I literally was running the youth group and God just spoke to me that I needed to put more time into the ministry aspect. So, to go back to what you were saying today, I'm sort of caught between the two, a bit like you, really using my skill set, one to build churches, to help different ministries build things nation development. But for me the key issue was responding to the call of God, and the book really is about living your life according to ministry, and ministry is far much more than just showing up and being a church pastor. Ministry is ministry in the marketplace, which could mean the health profession, could mean a business, could be. But we've got to break away from this paradigm that ministry is working for a church, getting paid for a faith-based organization. Ministry is what Paul showed us, which is whatever is required to get the job done for God's purpose on the earth.
Speaker 2:Wow, I love it. Ok, so your book is Think Like a King and I love it because so many of us, we have the heart of a priest but we do not think with the mind of a king, and so I was just reading something today. I have to think of the quote I read, but it was absolutely oh, a king doesn't wake up. Maybe it's on the back of your book here. I think a king doesn't wake up and and think I'm going to be a king today. A king just wakes up and he's a king. So tell us about where you think like a king. Tell us more about that in like, because the churches we've got to kings hang out with kings. They don't hang out with priests. You know kings, I've never seen a poor king. So talk to us about that.
Speaker 3:Well, look, I think the premise is exactly what you say. The king doesn't wake up and go. I wonder whether this will be mine one day. The king wakes up and he's born as a king. So they're either living as a king and waiting, or a king ruling. You know, if we look at the United Kingdom, king Charles just became the king, but for what is it? 67 years he's waiting, become the king, but no less was he the king before he became the king in his heart and spirit.
Speaker 3:I think for a lot of people, they live with this mentality of when will I become a king? When will God use me? But actually we're born. We should have a revelation that we are kings and queens on earth and we're therefore called to rule, to have a reign over the earth. And so for me, I think, understanding that we've got to recognise that kings actually have a realm. You know I'm not talking over.
Speaker 3:We so often get caught up on the natural, which is a realm over you know how much money we make or whatever. No, a king has a realm that's gifted to them and their primary objective is how do they best serve their subjects? And so if you've got a business you've got to break away from the traditional mentality of you know, you employ all these people and then you do something with your wealth for the kingdom. No, no, you are in that place that is your realm to reach people at whatever level, and in my paradigm I'm connected to a local church. I think that's paramount, but that church releases me to go into the marketplace.
Speaker 3:And in the marketplace, you know, there's another principle, I believe. You've got to run in packs, you know. You look at the great banking families, you look at the great media families and they don't actually see each other as competitors. They work together and they have this place, whereas it's in church. We've gone on, there's this brand and there's this thing. We've got to learn to run in packs. How do we work together in our sphere to reach the earth with the mandate that God's given us? And the book really starts with how to influence our win-house cities, and we've got to do that together.
Speaker 3:So kings have got to stand together, know their territory, know their patch, but not do it in isolation.
Speaker 2:And that's so good. I talk to people all the time and say that entrepreneurs know how to network and pastors don't. Pastors are like you have your denomination, will have ours. You do your worship will have ours. You do your thing will do our thing, and let's see how that works out. In over 2,000 years it hasn't. But entrepreneurs are like oh my gosh, who's your market brand? You know, where did you get your sign made? Who does your creative? I mean, who does so? They're networking because they're seeing things work for them over here. And so then we wonder why, as pastors, as churches, as ministers, we have not completed the Great Commission, we have not shifted in transformed cultures because we don't know how to network. Talk to us about that.
Speaker 3:Well, I think it's interesting, but the networking concept is something that I love in the principle of what networking is. I like to call it a relational network, and why I say that is because networking instantly says what do I get from who I connect to, Whereas relationships says what do I give to who I connect to? And the Bible says really, we have received so freely we should give. In other words, our dependence is on the Lord, not on our ability to do what we do. And so what I've learnt is that I cannot reach the earth on my own, I cannot reach my suburb on my own, I cannot build a business on my own, so I need other people. So, inherently, if I meet the right people, they're actually going to position me to actually become who I'm purpose to be.
Speaker 3:And then, if you take one step further, the book of James I love this talks about a double-minded man who's unstable in all his ways. So, in essence, we've got to be singular, We've got to be committed to our purpose. As far as I'm concerned, we are committed to our purpose. Rate everybody else's competitors, I think it says in the Philippines. It's the Message Bible, and the Message Bible says that we reduce our friends to becoming our competitors, and it's a great thought that so often in society we're actually thinking to climb the ladder. We've got to take somebody else In the Kingdom to climb the ladder. We've got to connect with somebody else and I really feel that if we can understand who we're purpose to be, then we can actually rise in that and step into what God has purpose for us.
Speaker 3:So, my thing is I don't think how am I going to do something on my own? I think, who am I going to find? Who's going to help me to do what they're purpose to do? I do what I'm uniquely gifted to do, but I've got to release other people into what they're uniquely gifted to do and in the Kingdom there's enough space for all of us to do what God's purpose does for us.
Speaker 2:So do you feel that, in order for the Church to really do what they're called to do I'm talking about the pastors and ministers, evangelists, prophets, about whatever that we really need to come to that place of? How can I come in and partner with others? I mean, how are we going to shift and turn this around, neil?
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, I think a big part of it is again what I've said in the book. The book starts with chapter 1 is winning cities, but chapter 2 is understanding who I am, which is identity, whereas a lot of work what we end up doing is we end up doing, and so our university system sets us up to do. So I go to and I do this course four years and then I do this. The problem with that is so often we're not doing what we were purpose to do. We're doing what we were trained to do, and then, when we're trained to do something, we must legitimise that training. But actually, if we know who we are, our being in Christ, then we think correctly. There's the next part and then we do it. Doing is a byproduct. So then we get to church.
Speaker 3:The big issue and I talk about it is called partnering with your pastor. The business person who reads it in the book goes well, I know, here we go, we've got to come under the pastor. That's what they always say. But the pastor who reads the book goes oh, this is good. This means that the business person will learn how to submit. But actually what I challenge in the book is that we all have a place, we all have a sense of being, and our pastor is there to accentuate our gift, to release us, and our business person is there to make sure that they don't become an island unto themselves and together they join. If a pastor can do that with a business person, then they can walk across the street to someone in another stream and go man, you know what? We're building the kingdom. We're not building my kingdom. And really we've got to have a shift. If we're going to win cities, whether it be churches, whether it be health practitioners, whether it be sports people, we've got to understand that we all need each other.
Speaker 3:And in the book I can talk about lanes. And when you run a race I used to do running when I was younger If you stepped in someone else's lane you were disqualified for a prize. Well, in Corinthians it says running such a way as to get the prize. So why would we run in someone else's lane? Why don't we understand who we are and accentuate the person? And look the truth is? Not everybody at this point in time, as you're aware, gets this revelation, but as a pastor and a leader of a church, I get it. We're releasing.
Speaker 3:I was just at an event last night. We've got a course now that we do online and we put the book into online so that church ministries can speak to their people. But what we encourage, don't just send your business people to it, pastor, you go to it, be the leader and rather than have business ministries that are silo off to the side, they're an integral part of how the church extends and grows. And so, look, I don't have a simple answer because it's something that we're unfurling, but I wrote the book because I am desperately believing we need to release the latent potential in the church, which is the business community, the influences, the marketplace and business, and I think there's something spiritually that needs to be released by pastors. But they got to break away from their own insecurity that the business person's going to control them, but together they can change the world.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I love it. I love it. You know, I don't know if you know, but we have 400,000 orphanages in America. We call churches and we have a lot of orphans, raising up orphans and shepherding orphans. And so we definitely need a breakthrough, and it does come. When we know who we are and whose we are, then we know what we're called to do. And that's like our mutual friend Leigh Petlin says it's alignment for the assignment. And so if some of you are not in alignment with our identity, so our assignment is really, really all over the place and our assignment ultimately is representing his kingdom here on earth in both realms. So all right. So I want to ask you another question. So my book, one of the main scriptures, lots of scriptures, obviously, but one of the main scriptures is Deuteronomy 18. That's what the book is really built on, that God has given us the power to cultivate wealth. Break that down for us in your mind. What do you think of that?
Speaker 3:Well, look, I really believe that you know that that scripture I was talking about in James. I didn't really finish it off, but Now we're double-minded in all our ways. So the opposite of that is singular. And if you break that down one step further, if we actually run in our lane and we're singular, then what actually happens is that singular, the same root word from double-minded is actually the opposite is polarity.
Speaker 3:Polarity is where we get in our modern vernacular, the word magnetism. So think about this If we become singular, if we focus on what we're purpose to do rather than chase stuff, stuff comes to us. Let me help you with it this way. When I was at school, we did this science experiment and we got an iron filing and we put it inside a cup.
Speaker 3:Sorry iron filings in the cup. We put a big iron bar in, we pull it out, nothing happens. But then you get a magnet and you rub it the same way five or six times along that bar. You don't go up and down, you rub it the same direction. Then the molecular structure of the bar changes, where all the elements inside the bar face in the same direction. So weirdly they're all facing the same direction. You put the bar back in. You can't see it, but then suddenly all the iron filing stick to it and what has happened is that it's come to you. What we're trying to do is we're trying to build things ourselves. I'm a self-made man or woman. I'm committed to this. But actually in the Kingdom, if we do what we're purpose to do, stuff sticks to us, stuff's attracted to us. We have magnetism. So if we can just find who we are, then, whether it be business, ministry or anything else, it's coming to us. And you know what Life is tough when you make it happen.
Speaker 3:But when you're in God's purpose and it comes to you. It's almost a shock to you. And the other thing is you don't take yourself too seriously. And for me I don't know what other people do I look up at God sometimes I go God, you've got me here, you've got to get me out of here. And over and over again it comes through because it's his magnetism that draws it in. It's his purpose to lie on here and if I can walk in my purpose, I'll be taken care of in every way and in the area of wealth creation.
Speaker 3:How funny is it that Mother Teresa who a lot of people look at as the lady who looked after orphans and people in the slums of India, but if you read her story, she had 20 million US in her bank account when she died Incredibly controversial why? The reason is because when she was about 10, 12 years before death, she won the Nobel Peace Prize Million-dollar check US dollars which in India was worth a fortune. She stuck it on a fridge. She didn't know what to do with the check. After a while she looked at it. She thought if I could raise a lot of money, I could help a lot more kids. So she went on the road for the next 10 years raised over 100 million US dollars for her charity by taking kids and giving their testimony.
Speaker 3:But here's the thing she had 20 million in her own account. Why did she siphon some money? No, people would give the charity money and they give her money. Guess what? She never withdrew from that account because they gave her 20 million in the next 10 years and she didn't know what to do with it because she never made money. How funny is that that we're trying to build wealth and future prosperity and a lady who lives in poverty? Never really, but she did what she was purpose to do Seek first the kingdom of God and these things will be added unto you Magnetism. And so I live a life where I'm not trying to make it happen, trying to look for opportunities and just doing what I'm purpose to do and God's bringing it to me.
Speaker 2:And that's what I've learned. I love it. I love it. You know, my life first is Matthew 633. And I just know every day if I just make him my priority and just do what he tells me to do. And a lot of people, neil, they're like you know seek first the kingdom and God will take care of everything. No, seek first the kingdom and his righteousness in my world. Do what he tells you to do, do what's right, and then he'll take care. He's got your back. He's got my back. My dad's got my back. In fact, I don't believe in tattoos. Okay, I do have a couple and they are specific ones, quite a few years old. But just this January I got one right here my wrist and it's a crown and it has Matthew 633.
Speaker 2:And the nations I go to? I go to some not very popular nations. I mean, they're popular on the news but outside of that they're not very popular destinations for people to travel to. They are not your vacation spots. And I know that if anything ever happened and I was without the word of God in written form or even audible form, then I know I always had the word of God print it right here on my wrist and I'll have to do is look at that and even today, when things are good, I look at it and go. We just seek his kingdom. Just seek him first, make him your priority, do what he tells you to do and he'll take care of everything. So this is amazing. This is amazing.
Speaker 2:Okay, one more scripture I want to ask you about, so I can be in a setting. I was in Pasadena with our good friend Cheyenne in an event in April, and so I was on a marketplace panel actually with Cheyenne and a couple of other guys and I asked this question all the time and there's 500 there, pastors and worship leaders and evangelists and apostles and prophets in the room. And I say, okay, I think it's, it's X, nine five. And I said you know, obviously, you know, david was king and priest, and Jesus was king and priest, and Paul was king and priest. I said, but Paul was sent to the Jews, to three sets of people the Jews, the Gentiles. And then I'll say and the, and nobody knows the answer, nobody knows the answer. And then I say the kings he was sent, the Jews, the Gentiles and the kings.
Speaker 2:But we forget the kings, we forget. And then we wonder why we are not impacting and transforming cultures, because the kings are the ones that make decrees. The kings are the one that shift cultures. They make things happen. Priests pray, kings go to war, priests enter sea, kings make decrees. So take that and that whole dynamic and I tell people that you know the priest had the 12 stones, the tribes of Israel on their, on their epaulets, on their, close to their heart, as a priest, functioning as a priest, the passion, the feeling of a priest but where did the king have his stones in his crown? And the wisdom that needs to come with that. So take it and just talk to us a minute about that, if you have anything you want to reply with that.
Speaker 3:Tatewell has so much to reply with, that I'll try to take to Tatewell. But David just saying no, you probably didn't know that he's my favorite character, and the reason is because David does something that I don't see anywhere else in the Bible or even in history, and that is that David's kingdom went on for 400 years after he died. And I'm I'm, you know, my last chapter in my book is legacy, and there's something in me that is so consumed with what about beyond me. I don't want to just live this life, but I want to do something, and of course, my adage for that is that it's not what we leave for people, but it's what we leave in people that makes a change.
Speaker 3:And so that's a whole other, that's a whole other thing, and I think the key thing is I think kings are are like gatekeepers of spacious place. So if we don't actually reach and support kings then we won't actually move into space place. So in our nation building stuff called believe, which is like the mission on site of what planet shakers does, and why we call it believe? For two reasons I call it believe one I got that download about Ligestown on the lock sent the pharaoh away and he prayed and he said there's a heavy rain coming in the dry and weary hand but but so and he believed as he prayed, seven out of seven times cloud size of man's hand. But. But the interesting part about that is that that that that he actually sent the king away, but he obviously had enough relationship to tell the king, but he recognised that he couldn't break into that nation.
Speaker 3:So first thing I did when we decided to disciple nations I went, I wrote to the leader of Papua New Guinea. I didn't write to a pastor, I didn't write to a church, I didn't connect with a network. I wrote to the Prime Minister of the country of Papua New Guinea, 14 million obscure nation, like you were saying. By the way, obscure nations are on the heart of God and when you go there it's amazing how funding comes from everywhere. I mean our bank account in Papua New Guinea more than anywhere else. So sometimes think, why am I working in the western world? God's got his hand in favour and this but but. But when I went, I now have curriculum in schools, I have a national television program. I have you know what we call community hubs that are being launched. They're getting his land all over the country.
Speaker 3:Who does that? The gatekeeper, the king. So even if we look in a natural or supernatural resources, we must understand that they are the gatekeeper for a spacious place. How does the Bible start? Genesis? What is Genesis? You will have here. You have life, you have the ability to procreate and now you have land. Go and do it. So God gave us but.
Speaker 3:But the truth is we can't do anything in the space that we don't have for King. So it's two risks One, if we're going to do something great in nations, we've got to actually be connected to the king. But two, the king has the ability to define the atmosphere over that place. I believe that in a supernatural I am a king, so I carry an atmosphere in the realm that I'm given. But I also recognise that countries can be locked up for 30 years because of their rulership. But if I can become a friend and I can help them to understand the principles of God, then I can change the atmosphere, both commercially, whether it be in schools, whether it be you know how women are treated in these countries, all those sort of things. But what we tend to do is we stand at a church and pray, which is good. We need to do that. But we need to make sure that we're actually standing alongside kings, because they will be the ones that open the door of opportunity.
Speaker 2:That is so good and that just hits a core in me, neil, because, as I mentioned to you, I've been going to Cuba for 19 years and I have lots of favour even with the Communist government there, and so I didn't go in there as a priest to fight the kings in that nation. I went in there like an extra Daniel Joseph to win the hearts of Pharaoh's rulers and kings, and then we can begin to change the way they think. And so this is just absolutely amazing. I love it, love it, love it. Any closing words we're going to close up here in a minute, but any closing thoughts or anything you want to share.
Speaker 3:Yes, sure, look, legacy. I want to talk about that. I touched on it and this is a passion. So in Covent I wrote the nine chapters in my book over like 15 years and I just put it together. The tenth chapter is legacy.
Speaker 3:God started to speak to me about how do we actually leave something beyond. So, with my kids, I could leave the millions of dollars, but if I don't teach my kids how to handle that millions of dollars, then they could lose it in a week. They could go to the casino and lose the whole lot. So, what's more important and if you look at even secular people like Warren Buffett, they're not leaving much to their kids because they've taught them over a lifetime of how to create wealth. But we've got to look at that over everything that we do. How do we actually leave in people?
Speaker 3:But some of us are so busy what I realised was so busy, which, by the way, I think busyness is the enemy's greatest plan for the church Get everybody busy and we're busy on building the church, so we actually don't do anything to effect. You know the people outside of the church with a lot of program that we're not changing. I don't know the story again, but the truth of legacy is you've got to create space to leave something in other people. So what we think and this is why I believe magnetism is so important we think we've got to step forward and grab things all the time. But actually where does the source of most wealth come from? It comes from ideas. You create the computer, you will make money. You create how to relieve poverty, you will make money. It comes to you when you're actually in the source of the idea. So busyness is the stealer of the idea. So legacy is us stepping back and getting a greater view of what God is doing and creating space for God to gift us what His purpose does to do, whereas every communication that I see is what are we going to grab? But actually God gifts it to you. If you understand, thinking like a king, he gifts it to you. You don't have to work for it. It's overrated working.
Speaker 3:I'm not saying be lazy, don't mean you're wrong, I would have caught. But I'm always trying to go. What can I let go of? Because, again, sometimes I'm holding onto something that is somebody else's. And I'll put it like this to close Taylor Swift is probably one of the biggest artists in the world right now. But if she's playing in a karaoke bar, in a bouncing ball, and there's a half-drunk guy singing her song, nobody's there. But if she's playing down the road, people will pay thousands of dollars for her ticket.
Speaker 3:So what we've got to understand is we've got to be the original, the God purpose that starts to be the understanding of who we are and then, like people would pay to go to Taylor Swift, people will be drawn to our cause because we're in the centre of who we are. It doesn't mean we have to work hard. We just have to get our thinking right, not be so busy and position ourselves God to speak, and then we do what His purpose does to do. So legacy for me is stepping into the next season of my life, not being consumed with what I do, but remembering who I am and walking in it and watching God bless me in every way.
Speaker 2:Well, I love it. I wrote a 30-day devotional about 11 years ago, a journey to your identity, so that we could fulfill our destiny. And I'm so much because I was an orphan for so many years. I was, you know, missionary leader, top leader of a Teen Challenge Center, I mean so many things, but I was an orphan, I was just like. I had such an orphan mentality until God got a hold of my life in October 2003 and just really transformed it in a big way through His love. So, neil, this is amazing. I want to ask you if you would be willing just to close out whatever's on your heart and pray for our viewer and listener and just that, just, and that they will just, guys, as Neil declares, as he prays, as he releases over you, that you'll just stop a moment and receive everything that the Spirit's going to give, through Neil, to you. So, neil, would you be willing to do that for us?
Speaker 3:Sure, totally. Lord. We thank you for this great opportunity, this great privilege. Lord, for every person who is either hearing or seeing and hearing today, I pray that they would understand that it's not what they do that makes them who they are. You have already made them great kings and queens to rule on the earth. They've already been born with a purpose. So, god, I pray that the discovery of that purpose would be at the forefoot of their heart and mind Today. They would take time out to say do I know who I am? Do I know which lane I'm running in? Do I build towards legacy or do I build towards what I can be in control of?
Speaker 3:Lord, I pray that today people would release that sense of control. I can even sense your Spirit is here right now. I can sense that your anointing is here for people to receive and I pray as they listen right now. Holy Spirit, would you just touch them where they are and help them to understand that you've already gone before them. You're already going to add these things unto them. So, lord, I pray that they will discover who they are, their sense of being, and they would allow their sense of magnetism to come.
Speaker 3:I pray contracts open up. I pray opportunities. I pray business models that have never been thought of. I pray experiments of things that are released. I pray that there would be even the discovery of new cures to people's bodies and minds. God, I pray that it would come as they recognise that in that place where you are, you're going to grant them the desires of your heart. So, god, I thank you for that, and I pray that today wouldn't just be a talk fest, but it would be an impartation environment where they would leave knowing they've had an encounter with you. Thank you for each one of them, lord. I pray God, speak for them in everything they do in Jesus' name Amen, amen.
Speaker 2:Wow, that was so good and I felt it. I just received that and, friend, I hope that you receive it as well and take it in. Just lean your heart in and receive everything the Spirit just spoke. Until next time, lee and Goff, here, the Transmation Coach, your Transmation Coach, have an awesome, awesome day.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to the Transformational Coach with Leanne Goff. You can find out more about Leanne and her resources on her website, leanngovministriesorg, as well as her Instagram at Leanne Goff Ministries. If you've enjoyed this podcast, share it with your friends and don't forget to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts and subscribe wherever you listen.